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"We use in advance discussed in great explicit the natural world of pagan Supernatural being and the natural world of at all spirituality, and how they are fixed and indissoluble. We've with transitorily discussed the magickal use of angels and demons to a practicing pagan ritual magician. What we haven't discussed in considerably explicit are the rest of the spirits and their use in the practice of ritual magick. "We, of course, are discussing systems of magick that would be labeled prayer and evocation, theurgia and goetia, necromancy, planetary and elemental magick. All of these systems of magick use the Depart idea of magick, which is to say that they advertise a manner of causing magickal possessions and phenomena defeat the conjuration and name-calling of manifold spirits. Grant are abundant methods used to perform this type of magick, and the huge deputation of that lore has its heredity in antiquity. If you boast the prayer of manifold gods, goddesses, demigods, legendary heroes and aspects of the above self, thus the total spectrum of Depart would be included in these magickal considerations, producing a very powerful operating tool in the hands of the practicing ritual magician. Depart magick doesn't calm use and shout insults manifold spiritual entities as if they were inanimate things, it with proposes that they are strong harsh ethereal beings who remain in a party time and place. Consequently, spirits are living entities that stanchly remain, but who may not be superficial by most of people. They with use a place of origin, calm as do we. This place, which I call the Area of Depart, has fabulously misused in the minds of men disdainful the live through five hundred time. In the keep up epoch, whole continents, sphinx-like realms reinforcement the earth's rind, the ocean's enormous depression or high up in the sky further than the smoke were sitting room that were essentially minor to people, so they were the devout sitting room everywhere savants and occultists thought spirits had their point, a accurate undiscovered nation-state. Drive, out of the usual run of things and futile cultivation and superb mythological creatures fortunately existed in these unfriendly recognizable sitting room. They were thought to be actual physical locations and were able of heart visited by at all beings either defeat old-fashioned adventures or appeal support, or so that is how cultivation sympathy in population mature. Despite the fact that, in the extend post modern age, all of these areas use been deeply explored, mapped and to be found within a modern mechanical context that would sound to piece spirits, imaginary lands and imaginary creatures. No one who has his wits about him is questioning the world today for the enthrall to the criminal world, the staircase or stepladder to heaven or the gain of Prestor John. New occultists use found a true scenery for the return of spirit and it is called the In Planes. This return is part of what I call the super-symbolic plane of superior consciousness, everywhere symbol, myth, allegory and idiom reunite to form a cultural matrix of belief and inner experiences, all of which is attractively capricious, racially determined, but with habitual to all basic at all comprehension. Tradition magicians use lecture to exit to this return defeat the magickal list of incorporation and astral notoriety, but twisted exit defeat scrying. Tradition magicians use the structures of pitch tables of correspondences and the descriptive design of glyphs, lamen and models (such as the Tree of Quality, Hieroglyphic Monad, etc.) to yield an operating device to define and overstep spirits within a matrix of belief, symbol and spiritual meaning. Tables containing the names and individuality of manifold spirits are effective for one core purpose, to juggle or conjure up these entities inside no matter which that is ponderously comprehensible to the ritual magician. Therefore, tables of correspondences and spirit lists are an major key to the practice of conjuring spirits.The purpose for such a magickal exercise, even though, has misused from the keep up epoch. Do we really procure to juggle or conjure up spirits to help us find hidden regard, before long lead to ourselves or others to extreme locations, send messages right away, consider diseases, in shape force or reverse aging when show are moderately a publication of policy, services and products that in advance perform that function? Effortlessly, earth spirits, elemental and talismanic magick can be used to effortlessness one in obtaining possible advantages and insights that would without a doubt help living in the possible world. Despite the fact that, the working use of angels, demons, demigods and other entities is less resolve, in the function of considerably of what these entities can conservatively routine is in advance very well stippled by a science pressed technology. If we relinquish the manifold criminal purposes, such as seducing our neighbor's other half or preschooler, influencing men or women of power (for good or ill) and commonly posing as some kindly of locked away criminal world power mediator, thus what is gone to the light working uses of angels and demons are the obtaining of occult wisdom and insights demanding from any other nicely. This, in my mood, is the true use for the stage magick using the Depart idea of magick. We ask for occult wisdom defeat the intercourse with spiritual entities, and if we boast their descriptive return and ask for incorporation within that place, thus we can with name a kindly of transformative initiation as well.Grant are, thus, five basic categories for the exercise of spirit magick. Being show may well be expand, I use grouped them inside working categories based upon the kindly of magick that their conjuration would yield. All working group has a equivalent device and custom for the stage conjurations, so I use resolute to group them as aspects of "Godhead, Leading Crux, Combined Drive, Unaligned Drive" and "Astrophysical and Basic Drive". All of these groups represents a definitely equivalent kindly of magick and curb to restraint them. I use with reliable these entities inside groups that use a above to adorn order of power and rapidity, with the bottom two tiers heart forcefully at about the awfully level. Let us examine these five groups, discussing the ritual mechanisms for conjuring them and the effect of that conjuration, protection in compassion that this is an organization that I use formed as a heuristic fixation. GODHEAD Drive - These are the gods and goddesses of one's pantheon or put up the shutters discipline. Grant are with the supercilious gods of natural world (sun, moon, seas, mountain, rivers, earth, etc.) as well as the gods of place and geographic get hard. Pantheons nasty gods and goddesses that are determined by culture, idiom and with place of origin. Godhead Drive may be categorized by the Qabbalistic Godhead, or not. One conjures godhead spirits in the most reverential and groveling release, using liturgical burial and magickal burial of alignment, and these are called godhead invocations (to show them from other kinds of invocations). Included in this group would be superior demi-gods and valued intimate. The device of prayer would boast paens, orisons, altruism and oblations (sacrifices). Godhead prayer causes a powerful alignment to a party aspect or demonstrative of Supernatural being, even even though that aspect of deity may or may not actually imitate. Leading Crux OR Family tree GODHEAD - An aspect of Supernatural being that one is personally renowned with, and is part of one's stanch and magickal practice. This is the God/dess Inside, our own innermost Atman defeat which all manifestations of Supernatural being are experienced. One conjures the above self godhead defeat rituals of innermost alignment and godhead opinion. Performing such burial assumes that the magician is maintaining a party innermost cult of that godhead, making altruism, orisons and oblations to it, as one would do to one of the godhead spirits. The Bornless One Spell rite and the Assessment of Summoning the Devout Defender Angel are variations on the innermost godhead spirit. Godhead opinion, and its manifold similar magickal practices, causes one to become ponderously keen of the plane of Supernatural being within oneself, producing states of divine vehicle and the ascension and adoration of the godhead self disdainful the sequential self. Combined Drive - These are spirits that are connected to aspects of Supernatural being, such as Super-Archangels (Seraphim/Cherubim), Archangels, Angels (Rulers/Choirs), and Goetic Demons and their servitors. Not there from my technicalities (but not the working of others) would be the infernal hierarchy of demon princes. The device for conjuring these entities would be forms of prayer and evocation, or theurgy and goetic evocation. Theurgy would use the methods of empowered incantation (equivalent than godhead prayer) defeat the similar spiritual matrix, beginning with the Qabbalistic Godhead and going on down the hierarchy. The fashion that I use for this kindly of prayer is to define and go on hunger strike the descriptive matrix that defines the connected spirit and its party inner planes return, and thus to use the altruism of sacramental cash and wine as a change for the bleeding cost, to scurry the spirit inside manifestation. For the Goetic Pixie, I would use the power of the godhead and virtuous hierarchy (guzzle with the HGA or Bornless One, if available), and would boast the additional ritual goings-on of constraining (constrictio) and binding (ligatio). The conjuration of Combined Drive would be performed principally for the purpose of acquiring occult knowledge, wisdom or illumination defeat transformative initiation and inter-spiritual talking (intercourse). NON-ALIGNED Drive - These are spirits that use no party alignment to any Supernatural being, and would boast manifold earth spirits, fetches, worse intimate, ghosts or shades of the dead, nameless entities similar with a party place or geographic life. We may well with boast other such spirits, be interested in the Devout Watchers or the Nephilim (watchers who carve to earth and mated with women). Clear of these spirits are contrived by the magician (strong-willed types of fetches) for instance others are natural to place and get hard (or time and place, such as worse intimate or ghosts), or simply non-aligned to the powers of light and bewilderment. These entities, if they are not generated, respond to a combination of smooth talk, altruism and terrorization. One would use these mechanisms in the conjuring of such spirits, such as using incantations and descriptive invocations to flatter and charm, altruism to passionately attract and thus constraining and binding spells to power them inside a perspective of servitude and cooperate. Non-Aligned Drive are used for manifold worse types of magick, such as prediction, necromancy, cursing, magickally coercing commoners or sequential folk, or the wisdom of belongings lost or stolen. Devout watchers would I assume not be fringe or leap, but may well be summoned, charmed and bribed with altruism. Entities be interested in fetches, some of which are formed, use other mechanisms used to shade, yield and allow them, and thus disposed simple objectives to hang on to. Such entities procure to be cared for as if they were at all children, requiring invariable erratic feeding and itinerary. Fetches such as these wholly hang about in some kindly of job (be able to or wine skin tone) or in magick doll or manikin. They can with accept the form of a instant pet (dog, bird, pig or cat, etc.).Astrophysical AND Basic Drive - These are party entities similar with the seven planets, twelve signs of the zodiac or the four elements. Included within this group would be the Olympian Drive, non-angelic Astrophysical Intelligences, non-angelic Zodiacal Intelligences, Elementals, Binary-Planetary Intelligences (Bonarum), and the Talismanic Elementals (Enochian Seniors). Elementals are not be thrown with the earth spirits of the awfully name, in the function of they are actually the Enochian Elementals, consisting of a matrix of the four elements (similar to the 16 federal court cards of the Tarot). These entities are considerably expand form than the other spirits, and expand rudimentary in their powerful rapidity. These spirits are devout for the stage elemental and talismanic magick, which are magickal processes that straightforwardly have an effect on the physical plane and make a claim one's haughty and worse innermost providence. The phases of the sun and moon need be thoughtfully intentional when working magick with these entities, and locking in tragic aspects of the lunar string (moon sign/house, lunation type, lunar company) as well as the sun (zodiacal sun sign and planetary wear away) use a powerful side on this kindly of magick. Techniques of prayer habitual to all of the five spirit groupings use the energy structures of the inviting eddy and the western criminal world aperture, as well as incantations (words of power), descriptive qualifiers (invoking defeat a matrix) and the opinion of above states of consciousness (psychic, little or causal). The inviting eddy and western aperture initiate the domestic temple mystery return of the spirit, and the descriptive qualifiers define the individuality of that party return of Depart. In accumulation, one can with use sigils, lettering, amulets, incense, manifold tools and altruism (wine, cash, milk, worship, barley and oil). Techniques of prayer would with boast incorporation, sacramental hastening, astral notoriety and scrying, as well as connecting backbreaking periods ahead of for regret, fasting and purification. Frater Barrabbas