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For tons people, the word "voodoo" conjures up some rather odd images - curses concerning bones and pins stiff in dolls; secret societies making sacrifices to their demonic gods; and evil priests raising zombies from the sad. In uprightness, none of these prevalently misconceptions actually suppose true Vodou practice.Folklore IN VODOUMedia has produced a high-status but impossible view of the Vodoun religion. Except some of these are compassionately correctly (fee, animal bones and voodoo dolls, for prototype) they are but a down in the dumps part of the religion that is expert today.Best as in Wicca and tons other religions, the Vodoun make charms and create spells for money, health, and prosperity, together with other important. Except tons thanks the Vodoun are plainly in it for self-gain, that's not true. According to Vodou belief, magick shouldn't be employed for insensible terrain, extremely well if it would crunch into someone very.As in every religion, organize are a few who use it for ungrammatical or informal purposes. Except true priests and priestesses are qualified each one the good and the bad, they acquire an deposit upon initiation, vowing to evade causing harm to others.MAGICK IN VODOUJustifiable vodoun priests and priestesses can perform a large smear of services. This is primarily done for a fee, as they basic make a living as well.These services would include: * divination; * healing; * mixing herbal powders, teas and other recipes; * constructing charms, ounga, or pakets Kongo; * consulting on your spiritual life; * giving luck baths; * administering the lave te't ritual; * casting spells or making magickal potions; and * officiating over discrete ceremonies, such as marriage to the Lwa (spirits).BLACK MAGICK IN VODOUSometimes, people who use magick for the ungrammatical description are willful to be practicing 'black magick.' The same as this confinement isn't really correctly, it is one with which maximum people are end, and so give be recycled within.The Lwa maximum untreated to uphold in black magick are: Kalfou, Ezili Danto, Marinette, Bosou, Ti-jean-petio, Maman Brijit, Ge'de-Nibo, and Baron Krimine'l.Taking into account a priest/priestess begins to practice black magick, they are certain as a bo'ko. A bo'ko has no temple or devotees and performs all of his/her rituals in secret. Bo'ko are theoretical to party the Lwa with each one hands for instance they practice each one white and black magick.Such as a bo'ko buys the powers of one of the dark Lwa, he/she basic pay a high appraise, in general life-long service to the Lwa. This gathering connecting the Lwa and the bo'ko is called an angajan. An angajan is delicate a shortcut hypothetical to quickly strap the powerful forces of the Lwa. Soberly, it's supposed that a magnitude of the time, the bo'ko becomes the Lwa's slave and has to be at the beck and specify of the Lwa.Exhibit are four types of black magick spells: * An air spell (kou le) is the weakest of the black magick spells, in general causing a humble ailment or a even as bad luck; * A powder spell (kou poud) is a powerful magickal powder that causes utter ailment or death; * A creature spell (kou nanm) enables the sorcerer to take into custody the creature of a person; the bo'ko can thus use the creature for evil activities to the same degree the soulless tradition step by step dies; and * Providing the dead (voye lamo) is the bo'ko maximum powerful spell; he/she sends dead spirits to be in this world the mine, causing the mine to go insane or die extremely.Magick is an tomb component to Vodou practice, and want not be overlooked. Justifiable practitioners of this religion would never use their magick to progress harm to discrete, not considering the rumors that the media consistently spreads to the contrary.