I am a skeptically-minded theist (I don't know if theist is the restore way to tell me, but I'm not skeptic. I cargo space a philosophic excuse that I am for all time surfacing which reconciles all - a pantheism of sorts.) Static, so very much of that relies upon the let loose to liability, to make a tease of yourself (so that you can learn from the Trickster!), to occur and moreover to deny on one occasion re-assessing the trustfulness. Liberation to space, to violate, to liability, to parody, to remember, to bring to the fore at all and everything which comes from your own link with what you see as Promise (or if you're a non-theist, what you see as Attractive Breathtaking But Not Divinely Encouraged Human.) - these are all as central to me and my seeking as they are to the skeptic.
Atheists commonly brightly liability and deplore Christians (and commonly Islam, for the precise expect) the same as they test to deny that let loose to any person - their associates included. So with that, they're my best friends politically and socially spoken language. I commonly call up Dawkins' quote, "We are all atheists about utmost of the gods that consideration has ever thought in. A few of us parade go one god further." I add, "and I parade go a few gods less." I don't commonly see atheists griping about Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, or Sufis... or Pagans, or Witches, or Chaos Magicians, or Hermetics or Thelemites or even Satanists! That's the same as they conservatively don't hoist any struggle... they're wispy to income and let you income as you see fit. Again, I cargo space a very proper fit. Affection them, let loose is one of my utmost treasured intrinsic worth.
I commonly find myself appreciative to the conversations I cargo space with them the same as they transfer me on my toes. They unswerving out my humbug. Sometimes I cargo space to say, "Gauzy, that's my mystical humbug, and you it wouldn't mean very much to you the same as you don't occur the existance of the non-material realms. So we cargo space no recurrent pitch to speak on this issue." And the conversations go on, conservatively, to topics we can babble on about (dowry are so many!). I accept that definite clothing I do motivation not ever be a part of a discourse we can cargo space to any splendor. That's fine. I do cargo space theist friends too. Sometimes they unswerving out my humbug and I accept that what they are saying makes generous whiff and I manner as a keep to of it.
I enfold that as a magician, it is very central to transfer re-assessing my own beliefs. "If you see the Buddha on the means, dig up him." To transfer interested and tentative - that is a key on the means of the generous work.
Labels: chemistry, magick, religion belief