Correspondingly, so the House of worship is an worldly Paradise, as we supply demonstrated, it follows that, plaza as the Angels and the Saints stand in Paradise, so too requisite Christians stand in the House of worship of Christ. The Angels and the Saints stand in Paradise with point and trembling; Christians requisite stand in House of worship with point and nervous. The Angels and the Saints do not hope about any worldly or earthly thing in Heaven; so besides Christians requisite not hope about any worldly or earthly thing on one occasion they are in House of worship. The Angels and the Saints supply large peace in Heaven; such peace, of workforce and character, of the motive and the mind, requisite Christians supply on one occasion standing in House of worship. The Angels and the Saints supply love, unity, and concurrence with each other in Heaven; such love and unity requisite Christians supply on one occasion in House of worship. The Angels and the Saints in Paradise do not chat with each other, jeer, or expression heard and show, but consequence with large assiduousness and look up to simply at God Who is assemble past them. Accordingly does it behoove Christians, on one occasion in House of worship, not to chat with one diverse, jeer, or expression at home and there; they requisite consequence simply and perfectly in hypothesis of them and go to to the Divine Scriptures with assiduousness and look up to, balance mind that they are standing past God, the Lovely Emperor. "(On Christian Propriety, p. 485)"