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One of the most common misconceptions reads: "Time constant everywhere." Meanwhile, scientists recorded: the most accurate clock "lie" in the Tunguska meteorite, in the testing of nuclear weapons around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other "godforsaken" place. More often than not there at late hours of a second per hour. But sometimes there is something strange, like "failure time", and then...DEVIL'S TRAPIn the XVIII century in Sicily, in the town of Taconite, lived artisan Alberto Gordon. May 3, 1753, he walked across the courtyard of the castle and suddenly "disappeared" in the eyes of his wife, Earl Zanetti and many other witnesses. Amazed people dug all around, but found no holes, where it would fail.Exactly 22 years later Gordonii appeared on the same spot where gone. Alberta himself claimed that he will not disappear, so he was placed in a home for the insane, where only seven years he was first asked about the incident doctor, father Mario. Craftsman continued to claim that he returned almost immediately after the "disappearance".Then, 29 years ago, he suddenly fell like a tunnel and walked along it to the "white and clear" light. The doctor was sure the craftsman does not lie, and so went with him to Tacon. There have not Alberto took a step and... disappeared again, this time for good! Father Mario, crossed himself, ordered a wall to protect this place, calling it a "trap the Devil."Go and do not come back!Researchers have long been studying the riddle of the mysterious island Barsakelmes, translated as "Will you - do not come back", located in the northwestern part of the Aral Sea. Locals say that in past centuries the fugitives, who was imprisoned on the island many years, returned to their elderly relatives later... decades. It disappeared without a trace families, disappeared and modern expeditions.These black spots are in Russia. In 90 years Moscow researcher Anatoly Kartashkin described the case when, during the operation in an abnormal area in the north-east of Moscow area girl from the expedition vanished in front of everyone and appeared in the same spot the next day. She has not been able to believe that the stories about her disappearance - no joke: the girl thought that was only a moment.In 1992, the Commission "Phenomenon" was investigating the disappearance of a man... two steps from the telecentre "Ostankino". He seemed sank into the ground and came to the same place after 28 hours. By the way, the old-timers always said: the bad place... built telegorodokUnder the wing FUTURE!But more often than "twist of time" happen in the air. So, in 1975, landing at Miami airport airliner with 127 passengers on board for 10 minutes suddenly disappeared from the radar screen and from radio. And then, having emerged from "nowhere", returned from oblivion the crew and passengers were late by 10 minutes for hours. This case is then described by journalists from the Swiss weekly "Veltvohe."Prior to this episode in the same area flight planes often flew ahead of time, but no one gave it value.Such cases are not clear to overcome time and space aircraft met before. During World War II Russian bomber, who was returning to the airport, got into a strange white cloud and lost contact with the ground. A half hour flight, he somehow overcame the "extra" a thousand miles, and emerged from a "strange cloud" already in the Urals!But there are accidents and even stranger. In 1934, Sir Victor Guddart suddenly collapsed along with the aircraft... into the future. During the flight, the pilot was in heavy cloud and suddenly noticed a piece of land, lit by the sun. Guddart considered blinding light filled the airfield, a strange-looking aircraft hangars and yellow next to them.Nothing like this in Scotland was not! Could not sit down, the aircraft again fell into a strange cloud and landed safely at its airport. Four years later Guddart again came to the same base. And I saw the planes near the new - exactly as he had seen from a height - hangars painted in yellow. According to Guddarta, who later became Marshal, he somehow spied future airport...Danish physicist KSIP Hoglund collected 274 cases of abnormal observations of Soviet and American pilots, similar observations Guddarta."... In 1976. Russian pilot Victor Orlov said that, flying the MiG-25 had seen fighting with cannons and muskets XIX century vorachivavshiesya time under the wing of his plane...1985. The pilot of the Air Force took off from a NATO base in the north of Europe and, according to him, was in prehistoric Africa, watching the grazing herd of dinosaurs...1988. Russian pilot Alexander Ustinov, performing a task, he suddenly found himself on ancient Egypt, he saw a pyramid built of the foundation and a few others, who swarmed around the mass of people.1994. U.S. pilot R. Whitman, flying over the state of Florida, suddenly discovered that he was a territory, reminiscent of medieval Europe: "I saw a huge fire, and beside him a pile of bodies." Perhaps he was in a time when the plague was raging in Europe. Another NATO pilot described his short but spectacular flight over the ancient Riyom when he saw the wagons in the streets and the Coliseum, which looked as if it had recently built.In all cases, pilots undergo a medical examination, and the doctors have confirmed that they are mentally healthy. Whether seen pilots optical illusion - as to the height to make out such details? - Or a valid certificate of time travel - and remains unclear.Where have on our planet "enchanted place"? And can we actually get into the funnel of time?Some researchers believe, yes, you can.According to their observations, time slows down, not only about the massive cosmic bodies, and when traveling at near light speed. Numerous experiments have confirmed the relationship between the speed of rotation of bodies and changing times near them: near the center of rotation clock is slow, on the periphery of a hurry.Almost all the places with abnormal over time on our planet are located where there are large masses of water flow in a circle. This giant whirlpools in Bermuda, and the turns of sea and underground streams, river