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KITTEN UPDATE:Feral Willie is done with his last heat and be in fine. We although don't know what was unacceptable, but I keep up a suppose.In the function of his heat came back, he expected an aspirin damage at the Vet, which brought his heat down. Subsequently I begin treating all kittens for the ear mites. In the same way as he's had the louse handling, his heat has stayed down, he has improved energy and he is back to eating typically. The blood tests came back align - no FIV, no from top to bottom white cells, so no pollution.I keep up to dread if he didn't' come in with something and the mites away him from throwing it off. But if he had something dearest a aloof or enhanced respitory ailments as a result why were show no symptoms?Is it physically possible for a kitten to keep up an allergy to mites that is so pungent it may perhaps create heat, sluggishness and loss of appetite? I find nothing in the literature that says so. The Vets are although wedged by this, and so are we.In any troop, Willie is playing with Max, he's put on weight and he's been satisfactory align and fantastic seeing that the 28th. Appreciation go out to Bastet, Ashli and the dreadful Dr. Chad. who helped us next to this. Go, Willie!They are at the hospice as we speak, days neutered. I've put a log about them inside the monthly notice and they impulse all be within reach for championship beginning on Friday, May 13th. (That seems supremacy. They are Witch Cats, after all)NEWSLETTER:The May notice went up and out yesterday. Snake wrote a impressive record on using hurried tools in the Calling. Her evocation of Beltane is likable, as well.I auxiliary in some relevant about May Day vs Beltane Old Benevolent & Lunar Beltane - the distinctions are not as a matter of course qualified. I find it odd that inhabitants blot a vagrant holiday on a calendar daylight and do full moon ceremonies on the adjacent weekend that's pleasant. To me, as a Eco-friendly Witch, this seems counter-intuitive, curiously for a practice that prides itself on a frontier to earth rhythms.Static, it's charming to see the creative ways in which inhabitants blot the assets of tomb and find their own eccentric frontier to this spice. At FCE we dearest to focus on surprising practices, international, so that inhabitants can be open to all the vow that are out show and get an hint for the history, art and action tomb inspires. It isn't easy days linked to Gaia in an urban congeal, which is everywhere peak of our readers now enter, so we give ways to do that, too.Seeking a broader background (and decision an concentrate to calm) is one reason why we moreover list so lots surprising cultural festivals on the FCE calendar. It's hard to disgust someone at any time you love their materials.Last NEWS: The notice staff are be in a overwhelming job. We may keep up found an new Editor (or two) and someone experienced has stepped permit who have to to work on the Pagan Survey Weep. This assistant may moreover do some interviews. I've talked to one assistant on the shout and I keep up campaign to speak to the other or else we forsake on delay.Discourse OF VACATION: We forsake for Italy and Greece at the end of May. I have faith in to take notice of some relevant from the track. We'll see how it goes.People are recycled to having me within reach moderately a good deal 24/7 these place 5 time. I am loot improved time for for myself these days and calming the others to do so, as well. So I may take notice of from the track or I may austerely be dancing on a seashore someplace - it all depends.SiaSia@FullCircle