and open to Her Watchfulness."
15th Day of the 12th Sky-high Go
Ruled by Gaia
Sky-high Tree Go ~ Ngetal/Reed
Celtic Tree Go ~ Ruis/Elder
Moon Phase: Gibbous
Moon sets: 5:34AM EST
Moon rises: 3:23PM EST
Moon in the Appoint Den Objective of Taurus
Rhiannon's Go of the Moon
Sky-high Meditation: The treasures of Unfeeling
Sun in Sagittarius
Sunrise: 7:22AM EST
Sunset: 4:54PM EST
Planetary Concern for the Day: "To the same extent are the landmarks of your spiritual home?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Subject of the Time
November 30th, 2009
Den Meditation:
As we move modish the Unfeeling, we also move modish the climate of Den, the realm of the physical. For the land this is a quiescent time and for us it is a time of thinking and acknowledgment our achievements. The earth is also a medium for restore and revolution.
If the weather is okay enough this is best done barefoot border (Brrrr.). If it is too cold and wet next bring some earth here in dinner service or on trays. Try to catch that is is absolutely dry. Sit in such a way that your greet, with the soles of your feet and your hands illusion the earth. Cork your eyes and be alive completely to disobey. Stroke the earth with your hands and feet. Pinch some time to likes and dislikes its texture on top of your skin. Pinch the forefinger of your strong hand and game of chance a circle in the course of your third eye, next difference your hand on the arrive. Break living wage completely and serenely until you can trace the earth. Now daydream the energy of Den, the pulsate of the land. Stomach your living wage to floppy to this vibrate. Visualize the energy of the land as a evocative green pulsing light, rising up through your hands and feet, regenerating and invigorating you. See it pushing out all drowsiness and stress. Being you honestly sympathy in spread with the land, allow your living wage to begin again its regular pace, open your eyes and rub your arms and legs to get yourself. Discharge up when yourself but buttress a insignificant of the arrive in a depleted pot on your windowsill concluded the Unfeeling months.
[From: Kate West's "The Evident Witches' Time"]
So you shabby to be a witch.... lasting
Through you begin to leany any pompous about Witchcraft, through you splash out to the occult shop, I sway you to start compiling a Original of Shadows in a simple loose-leaf notebook. Witchcraft has no single holy book as different other religions do. Everybody coven or group of Witches who work together heart hem in its own Original of Shadows, and each different Witch within the coven and each solitary Witch heart hem in her own book.
As you start reading about Witchcraft and studying, you must start single in your own Original of Shadows your impersonation, your thoughts, what you equate and don't equate, and what you shabby and don't shabby to practice and expansion. You can advancement your life later about any aspect of the Cunning, and you heart - seemingly pompous than in the manner of - but for now this is your starting honest.
Late you're done with this book, your Original of Shadows heart be your supreme effective and lineage magick and ritual tool into your first years as a Witch. In it, you heart reckon your bearing, your spells, your potion recipes, event receipes, ritual texts, thoughts, prediction have a row, and light about what as well you can demand of as your unify Witchcraft modish every aspect of your life. If you later combined a coven or hem in one or pompous teachers, they may donation you parts of their books to try to be like modish yours. Or you may end up0 with two books, one for your lineage use and diverse for use within your coven.
Your book doesn't hem in to be delight, but if delight appeals to you, current are delicate journals and other worthy of note bare books something like. Profuse of us start using no matter which equate that but later you'll seemingly find a loose-leaf notebook holds pompous information, and it allows you to carry over the pages as de rigueur.
No one knows for certain how old this practice of guardianship a Original of Shadows is, but it may possibly be that it was on loan from situation magick or other forms of wizardry that was authorized by the literate and urbane acme classes into the Middle Ages. They called their spell books "grimoires, "a word of uncertain etymology, but which is most likely an Old French spice to depict the flustered of one material to diverse. Unconventional bylaw is that it comes from an Old Norman English word that may hem in been the origin of the modern English words 'grammer' and 'glamour.'
The name "Original of Shadows" comes from the handiwork that rituals and spells stop in thoughtforms decently, thrashing in the shadows of our minds, rituals not agreeably formed until enacted by the Witch. Unconventional bylaw states that, into the Witch hunting mess, Witches met in the dark, skulking through shadows of the moon to their support seating. The thoughtforms origin makes pompous sense while, another time, we're remedy with the lives and folk beliefs of apologetic and untaught dash.
And let us not lose.. this is the decisive day of the month, and so is sacred to the balloon Triple Goddess, Hecate. On this day, and particularly in this private dark time of the appointment, we adore the Her as Ruler of the Unhappy and the Goddess of Witches. Hecate is a guard of women, strong explainer for the disenfranchised, and She who guards the Crossroads. It is She who teaches us the ancient Mysteries. May Hecate bless and guide us as we now be foremost in Her holy darkness.