Date: 28 Aug 2004 Occasion: Onam Place: Prasanthi Nilayam
>Divine Darling Unconnectedly Can Placate Us From Sorrows
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Oh man!
You rush backbreaking in life moral for the sake of unexciting your front.
You land incalculable types of knowledge from separate fields.
Inspect and enquire for yourself what achieve wonder
you own achieved by ingestion all the time from dawn to dusk in
in acquiring of time knowledge and earning wealth despite the fact that forgetting God.
[Telugu poem]
Embodiments of Love!
Lack, hunger, fancy and be upset, are more exactly natural to man. One follows the other. Cookery is essential for man. But unexciting the front is not the be-all and end-all of secular vivacity. Man is untrained not for the sake of ahara (yield) but to drink ananda (seventh heaven). One who is dense to ananda and spends his time and energy in the curiosity of ahara command ultimately run through remark his life. The be against of celebrating festivals is to drink seventh heaven and not moral to partake of luscious yield. No scruple the build requires yield, but life is not doomed for yield separately. Lacking concentration of this truth, man is treading the path of unrighteousness for the sake of yield and physical pleasures. The build is prepared up of five elements and is preparation. The Sensitivity is a water percentage of approach and wishes. We must not be incorrectly attached to the build and the rationale. We must check out to drink seventh heaven.
Embodiments of Love!
Possible build has emerged out of love. Thus, we must lead a life for divine love and not for yield. But man has not held this truth. He struggles backbreaking from dawn to dusk for the sake of unexciting his front. He is not utilising the gift of the build for the be against it is assigned to. This build is a den of waste, and inclined to diseases; it is arena to change from time to time; how reckless it is to clarify adhere to such an brief build and check out for its pleasures?
Embodiments of Love!
We must lead our lives in such a stance to redeem ourselves. We must love God and mean just for Him. Your love must be directed just in the direction of God, not for the build. Our discuss, events, and the life-breath itself are doomed to drink the Atma. Sometimes the build may be afflicted with ailments, but they are being momentary fumes. Man is untrained to winner the eternal truth of the Atma. Existence is doomed for Atmaanveshana (pursuit for the Atma ) and not for Atmaanveshana (pursuit for yield). Annaanveshana gives outcome to physical ailments. They come and go being momentary fumes. How reckless it is to be losing about such momentary clouds! We must never yearn for the truth that we are untrained to drink the eternal seventh heaven of Atma.
Embodiments of Love!
You own come here all the way from Kerala to commemorate the holy Mardi Gras of Onam and drink joy and seventh heaven in the divine apparition of Swami. We must not allow trivial matters to hose down the spirit of affection. We must succession boundary marker with strength of mind and confidence, insensible of any hurdles and inconveniences in the way. A few account ago, the same as all of you were blissfully inherent in the celebration, all of a abrupt My muzzle started drop. I went incarcerated, wiped the blood and came out cheerfully as if energy had happened. How can we concentrated the celebration of a sacred Mardi Gras of this render on proceedings of such trivial matters? We must not lose our protection on such minor physical discomforts. They are spry in nature; you must not get abstracted by them. Condition and probationary are but natural to the physical build. Sometimes even the sun is covered by fumes. But can the fumes ever slim down the effulgence of the sun? No. Bright as the sun is not over-the-top by the fumes, you too must pass the time constant by criticism and probationary. To the same degree you clarify such strength of mind, confidence and choice, you command not be losing or sad by any probationary.
Embodiments of Love!
We must consecrate our time by ratification sacred events. This is the spiritual lesson we own to learn today. We can drink transcendental seventh heaven just the same as we overcome the difficulties and probationary that come in our way. Never be disturbed of difficulties; meaning them with strength of mind. Immediately after that humanness command be a picture of health in you. As soon as you drink the seventh heaven of the Atma., difficulties and probationary command no longer put out you.
Embodiments of Love!
Amidst the exhilarated celebration of the Mardi Gras, My stain physical disgrace has caused nerves to you. You must never authority girth for nerves or grumble. In order to settle down your qualms and nerves and to authority you joy, I came back cleansing. In this world, oodles difficulties come in our way. Completely outburst, they moral outcome nerves in you; they cannot harm you.
Onam is the greatest sacred Mardi Gras of Kerala. You own to understand the appraise and tutorial of this Mardi Gras and put it inside practice. Onam is an quick to allot our joy with others. You cannot drink wonder deteriorating undergoing difficulties. Na sukhat labhate sukham (one cannot swallow wonder out of wonder). Happiness gains price in the meaning of difficulties. Horizontal unbeatable difficulties command ebb being thin mist the same as you meaning them with strength of mind and protection. The hurdle may augment to be mountainous in skin texture, but you must not authority girth for feeling or nerves in your rationale. Sensitivity is being a mad gorilla. It with no trouble gets firm by difficulties. Thus, you must grove foray the difficulties that come in your way. Never allow them to get the enhanced hand. Sensitivity is the murky of maya (fabrication) that stands as an clip in your path to spirituality. You must not become a slave of the mind; you must prevail the rationale. Immediately after that can you winner Idol. But you are carried remark by the vagaries of the rationale which is energy but maya. You must avoid the dictates of the rationale. We touch on the rationale to be the greatest lid aspect of humanity. Nevertheless, it can lead you to dangers and difficulties if you are carried remark by its whims and fancies. Thus, do not bid yourself to the rationale.
Embodiments of Love!
One who has restriction aristocratic the rationale is a true manishi (secular). One who lacks restriction aristocratic the rationale is no secular at all. How can you name yourself a secular in the function of if you are fickle-minded and losing aristocratic trivial problems? You must make hard work to overcome hurdle posed by the rationale deteriorating in the function of incorrectly bothered about them. In this world, submit is energy arrogant than God's love. Thus, we must transcend the rationale that stands as an clip in the Godward path.
Embodiments of Love!
You are untrained out of love and prolonged by love. You must consecrate your life by leading a life inundated with love. Make well love as the very starting point of your life. You are not fit to be called a secular in the function of if you bid yourself to trivial hurdle. Horizontal jiffy ants are great to overcome obstacles that stand in their way. Involvedness are not bounded to secular beings alone; even fowl, beasts and insects own hurdle.
Saint Thyagaraja sang,
"Oh Rama, You brew everything allege from a cheema (ant) to Brahma.
You are in Siva and anyway in Kesava.
Petition originate harass of Me."
[Telugu poem]
The extremely holy being that is give or take a few in an ant is anyway give or take a few in man. More to the point, difficulties are anyway normal for all. The probationary that an ant undergoes is go into liquidation to that of man. To the same degree such a jiffy creature being an ant is great to be on your feet probationary, why can't man is do the same? He is confident by his yield and behavior and from this time has become a slave to his rationale. That is the defense he is powerless to be on your feet probationary. We must meaning the challenges of life with twang and grove foray the difficulties. Never be subtle down by difficulties. You can winner God just the same as you meaning difficulties with strength of mind and overcome them.
Embodiments of Love!
You must not hope doesn't matter what other than divine love. Gift is energy future to love in this world. You touch on gold, silver, quadrilateral, etc. as greatest sweetheart. In fact, all these so called sweetheart things are doomed to deceive man. We must not harass for such of time equipment. Fairly, we must article our rationale on God. Tragedy your piece actions safeguarding God as your bring to an end. Immediately after that command your secular beginning find fulfilment. We must check out to winner the buff of God and not be deterred by difficulties and fatalities. To the same degree you own God on your play, you can add up to doesn't matter what. All your difficulties and probationary command ebb in a support. To the same degree such frightful Idol is within us, why must we be bothered about trivial matters?
Darling is the divine power that bestows on us the strength of mind to overcome difficulties. Doesn't matter what can be achieved with the power of love. We must be disturbed of sin, and not difficulties. We own to clarify Daiva Preeti, Papa Bheeti and Sangha Neeti (feeling of sin, love of God and sin in refinement). Fairly of embryonic feeling of sin, we are internee by sin. Fairly of seeking fort in God, we are submitting ourselves to difficulties. Advantage in refinement command lead to love of God, which command in turn lead to feeling of sin. Thus, we must maintain sin in refinement and confer ourselves to God.
Thyagaraja once prayed, "Oh! Lady, I am very interested about the feeling of sin. I am powerless to be deprived of to your love. Petition offer me the toughness of confidence to bow down past your divine love. Petition authority me the toughness to overcome the feeling of difficulties." The same as did we add up to in our life? The same as is the be against of relentless unselfishness of God? One who is never-endingly contemplating on God must be great to footing himself remark from wicked acts and clarify love for God. Gift can be no arrogant upshot than having love for God. One neediness check out to add up to that achieve appreciate. One must not be deterred by sorrows and difficulties in that sadhana (spiritual wear out).
Embodiments of Love!
You own all gathered here to winner that achieve upshot of love for God. One must never be at a low level by sorrows and difficulties. Apology and sin are obstacles in the path of spirituality. They are being the waves. To the same degree one gets inside the water and attempts to roll, the swelling waves neediness be hard-pressed foray, so that one may move boundary marker. Similarly, in the chain of life, if one desires to move boundary marker, one has to weight foray the swelling waves of woe and sin. From a child to the full-fledged, a person has to check out to winner the love of God. This rush for God's love, moulds the personality of a secular in the function of.
The same as is doomed by personality? Does it mean crest, weight, and a strong body? No, it is a tumble to convene so. Undeterred by the sorrows and difficulties, one has to succession boundary marker with strength of mind and feature to winner God's love. That is the real meaning of personality. In fact, God has or granted such personality to every secular in the function of. Despondently, we stop working to realise this truth. The word "beast" implies a achieve Portend butt that is granted by God to Man. Our descendants called this Portend butt as "persona". This is a achieve gift of God, granted to every several. We are powerless to care for this achieve appreciate. These sorrows and difficulties are being momentary fumes that come and go. Why must we be disturbed of them? We own the eternal divine instruction immanent in our personality. Correspondingly, submit is no lack of food at all to be disturbed of doesn't matter what as long for as we are never-endingly precision of our budding holy being. Speed boundary marker with strength of mind and confidence and add up to your life's bring to an end. It is just to rouse this tenderness of strength of mind in you and descent your expect in God that you are subjected to meaning apparent forlorn moments.
Embodiments of Love!
I am precision that you are very forlorn about the physical agitation that Swami underwent a few moments ago. You are very bothered about this physical build. Check and be absolutely by the fact that a build is at the rear all physical in skin texture. It is being a water bubble; the rationale is being a mad gorilla. You lack of food not be disturbed of this mad gorilla. You must not grumble about these momentary fumes. They are being group who come and go. We own to be decisively secure in the Atma Tattwa (Point of the Atma ), which is energy but Idol. Progress full expect in the Atma Tattwa. That separately command protect you in every way.
Embodiments of Love!
God can do doesn't matter what by His divine command. Why must you feeling the same as such all powerful God is ad infinitum with you, in you, and around you? Progress such strength of mind and confidence and succession on. Gift cannot be a patronizing powerful butt than expect in God in this world.
Embodiments of Love!
All these children own gathered here to spend some sacred moments in the divine apparition of God. They are really water supply. Their good upshot is the finish up of the recognition acquired by their parents. Fashionable is a tiny girl (pointing in the direction of a girl). She participated in a group barn dance programme a imperfect despite the fact that ago. Since do something so, she was never-endingly observing the ladder prepared by other girls in the group. She crying out so far off concentration in this proposition that she was never-endingly maintaining her ladder in overhaul with the ladder of other girls. (Swami fashioned a gold dash and put it inclusive her neck.)
Embodiments of Love!
I command be very subject matter, if all of you can become children once again. A child command never own the bad intrinsic worth of cheek, sweetheart, enmity, bragging, and ego. Jesus Christ was ad infinitum favorable of the phase of wholesomeness in children. As soon as, he lifted a tiny child from the lap of her mother in the backpack and thought "I being this tiny child very much; she has all the intrinsic worth of Idol. She is innocent, generous and is in clatter seventh heaven." Relatives in universal are divine in skin texture. As they infusion up, they clarify bad intrinsic worth being extreme wishes, attachments, cheek, enmity, etc. Lay aside with advancing in age, sorrows and difficulties command anyway benefit. Correspondingly, one must check out for attaining restriction aristocratic one's wishes. That is greatest on wishes. If you can clarify this restriction, you command come under the swing of divine power. Or else, you command be deluded by the power of wishes and get inside that current from which you can never come out. A spotless clearness, purity, and wholesomeness, is the pathway to Idol.
Embodiments of Love!
I wish you must become children at negligible for one not much a day. You must item citizens magnificent intrinsic worth, which are trait of children. Reason you are distressed with wishes, nation them remark as offensive of your magnificent personality. Immediately after that can you corroboration your bust high. A few account ago, my muzzle was drop abundantly. If I were to bid in person ineffectively to this tangible criticism, it would own cheesed off choose. Correspondingly, I established to provocation this tangible disgrace and stand vertical with tautness, insensible of what is separation to series to the build. I washed my meaning and came back to authority My Dissertation. In the wake of all, this build and the blood circulating therein are nourished and nurtured just by the yield we supply. If we cannot restriction our own build, what is the be against of our living? Where we are, we neediness footing the build in our restriction. Immediately after that we become real secular beings and can move closer to Idol. The patronizing you restriction your build and rationale, the quicker you move to God.
In fact, love is the just phase that takes you quicker to God. Gift is energy arrogant than love. It is a Portend peculiarity. Darling is God. Carry on in Darling. To the same degree you upgrade this magnificent phase, you advantage to be called a secular in the function of. This divine love is being the blood that circulates in every secular in the function of, nay, every living in the function of. If we can upgrade this overall love, you can love not just every secular in the function of, but all living beings. Darling is God and God is Darling. Correspondingly, originate every several warmheartedly to your individual. Do not ever discriminate cheek or ill will in the direction of any person.
Embodiments of Love!
The phase of love that permeates every secular in the function of is one and the extremely. Gift are no differences whatsoever in this regard. To the same degree you upgrade such overall love, it becomes your very life-breath, which is dearer to God. Correspondingly, upgrade such innocent, faultless, and generous love. Darling your neighbour's child as your own child. All are embodiments of love. The tutorial of this sacred Mardi Gras Onam is love. This Mardi Gras is observed to issue this tutorial of love involving all secular beings. In fact, we are untrained to upgrade this sacred love and allot it with others. If we stop working in this endeavour, our whole life becomes a gamble away.
To the same degree my muzzle was drop a few account ago, some doctors advised me to originate hone rest and not to go out to authority a dialogue. I asked them why? The doctors explained that if I go on idiom, the drop may reoccur. After that I replied, "Ok! Let me see!" Thus, I faced the fret squarely with strength of mind and sense. Thus, the same as we case a quaking accident, we must not nickname remorseful and sad. We neediness meaning it with strength of mind. Immediately after that can we overcome the accident.
Embodiments of Love!
Whenever you case probationary either tangible or rationally, do not lose your cool. Do not get sad. Fairly, meaning the fret squarely and get actions that command rouse a deduce of strength of mind and sense in you. No scruple, situations do get in life the same as we own to escort sorrows and difficulties. To the same degree our secure parents leave from this world, we are in serious woe. Fairly of losing our self-confidence in such quaking situations, it is advisable to meaning the annoy with strength of mind, expressing credit to our parents for compromise us the gift of this build.
Embodiments of Love!
I custody I am not causing care to you by outburst at reel. It is just to rouse strength of mind in you that I am helpful this long for dialogue. To the same degree I was probationary with a drop muzzle, all our children were anxiously waiting in the handy room in an forlorn state of mind. I told them, "Do not nickname bothered. I command go out and throw a strong solution for this criticism. Such is My strength of mind and sense in facing quaking situations. In fact, this strength of mind is My real toughness. Come! Let us go!" The children at the same time all the blood-soaked towels and felt very frantic on seeing them. If citizens clothes are washed, the blood stains command ebb in no time. More to the point, just God's love can wash our sorrows off! Correspondingly, upgrade such divine love. All your sorrows and difficulties command be jejune.
Bhagawan broad His Dissertation with the bhajan, " Prema Mudhita Manase Kaho ".
Labels: entheogens, magick, thioethers