Untouchable Futhark Runes and their meanings found on http://ayearandadaywicca.wordpress.com/2012/09/09/runes/
For instance ARE RUNES?
. Runic Alphabets are the ancient alphabets hand-me-down by the Germanic peoples of Europe in almost 150-1100 AD. The junk mail from the alphabets are certain as runes
. Runology is the study of runic alphabets, runic inscriptions, rune stones and their history.
. Runes were replaced by the Latin alphabet as Christianity thin nap Europe.
It is theoretical in the poem "Havamal," in the "Inspired Edda", that Odin hung upside down from Yggdrasil for night days and nights, and learned the secret of the Runes.
Introduce are three best certain types of Runes are
1. "Untouchable Futhark" (AD 150-800)
2. "Anglo-Saxon Futhorc" (AD400 - 1100)
3. "Younger Futhark"( AD 800 - 1100) - these runes are pronged fashionable want detach ("Danish"), mission detach ("R"ok") and staveless runes ("H"alsinge" or "Stavestyle"). From the Younger rune, the Marcomannic runes, Medieval runes (AD 110-1500) and Dalecarlian runes (AD 1500-1800) ready.
Younger Futhark Runes found on http://elric888.deviantart.com/art/Younger-Futhark-brush-Set-270750698
The quarrel they are called the Futhark Runes is in the function of the first 6 junk mail are F, u, th, a, r, k
. Runes were hand-me-down by Germanic peoples from 1st - 2nd Century AD.
. Introduce is no caliber in the permanent inscriptions involving want and mission vowels.
. The origin of the name Runes may come from the Gothic "runa" or base "run-" meaning "secret" or "rasp". The base "run-"in Baltic languages input testimony. In Finnish "runo" input "telephone" or "poem". Old English - "mystery"
. Were (and can be) hand-me-down as symbols of power - etched fashionable wands, talismans, amulets to invoke the power of their meaning in family tools.
. Hold tight been hand-me-down as in print vernacular for communication - you energy even see them now as ribbons, tattoos, signatures. It is predictable that here are kind using them as a form of communication, even conversely it's not government. By this I don't mean tribes of kind absorbed in forests and caves... but kind in groups, or covens, or even solitaries who use them in their own book of shadows or for spells and rituals.
. The use of Runes is what Buckland refers to as the power of the in print word - and here are tons scripts from the Theban Script (Witches Alphabet) to Egyptian hieroglyphs to Spiritual and Pictish alphabets.
. Runes are habitually hand-me-down as a forecast tool - knowingly intricate Tarot cards. One can dearth a single-handed rune and carry its meaning, or they can do spreads and interpret the combinations of Runes a mixture of ways.
Glowing Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runes
Glowing - Buckland's' Entirely Counterfeit of Witchcraft The God Runes :)
God Runes from Idea from http://www.owl-lady.com/em-runes/?S=D
Now these are the Runes I'm standard with - I hold to identifiable, these are the ones I hold been using for instance I was 15, not the Untouchable Futhark or other variants. So naturally I understand these expand than the other ones. But I am also taking part in to learn so we can all learn together!
Together with these runes, you cup them in your hands in the same way as contemplative of the subject. You next stomach out the inert runes and place the one on behalf of the questioner (you or the other individual, ) or the individual you are asking a subject about in front of you. For that reason you frisson the runs a bit patronizing and overstep them. Not actually throwing them of course! But you fundamentally open your hands and they energy fall almost the subject stone in several shapes and styles - the fun next is in reading and interpreting what you see. I love them. Alas I hold lost one of them by some means, and I do substance its' loss.. so haven't been skillful to do any rune readings - I command to go and find 16 stones in conception anywhere to make the set again.. or find a unreal stone
If you select to read patronizing about God Runes, next particularly get yourself a letters of "God
Runes" by P.M.H Atwater, 1996, Avon Books.
Labels: magick, runes, runic script