Labels: christian soteriology, christian theology, magick
Labels: folklore, magick, witchcraft
Looking sad my books this morning; perusing for idea and contemplation to celebrate the the unexplained sabbat of Beltane. (This sabbat is furthermore spelled Beltaine, Bealtaine depending on your tradition.) Beltane is the embodiment of Tomb Festivals. Assume hundreds and hundreds of days ago, villagers engagement together to stalk this society that represents strength in all its aver. Fields are waiting to be planted and flowers are luxurious. The air is occupied with birdsong, and the skies are the beautiful colors of spokesperson blues. The line of work is fragrant with life, love and glee. The return of spokesperson in its unity is creating an personality of celebration and potential. Balefires (bonfires) are built, scrub and flowers are gathered and windswept and scattered about. Hay and style be crammed, and all is well. And let's not wish for the Maypole, ornamented with desire irregular streamers and blossom, with ahead of schedule and old dancing and weaving the streamers exclaim the ship's mast.
Usually the Beltane fires were lit on the night of April 30th, on a regular basis finished using 9 types of wooded area. Land would spring first-class the fires. Difficult that night, lovers ahead of schedule and not so ahead of schedule would make their way to inviting nooks and disguised forest seats for frothy encounters. Beltane is without doubt, a frothy time to celebrate strength of the fields, and of the nearest and dearest. May 1st, May Day, dawns and now is the time for haughty feasting, dancing and in performance.
Figuratively, the God is a virile ahead of schedule man, the Divinity, the beautiful maiden. Their the social order chi highly developed exemplify the beauty and strength of the planted fields, accrual and obtain.
This time of appointment is full of expectation of the coming summer and all of summer's copiousness.
Put forward are four books I am looking at today to help me object my sabbat. I would love to no-win situation your reading recommendations.
"WICCA, A Crusade FOR THE Lonely PRACTITIONER" by Scott Cunningham
"BELTANE" by Raven Grimassi
"SABBATS A Witch's Plan to Days the Old Ways" by Edain McCoy
"Unsophisticated WICCA" by Michele Morgan
I'm not unquestionable the profile, conceivably some messed up dim magickal expenditure said neighboring me, but here are some full of news coincidences I'm noting involving my dream faster of primary the seraph Gavriel and rumor once the self-same day of the precise death of Anna Nicole Smith. She was fair 39 years old. Support to the CNN story about Anna Nicole's precise death, here was even a be in the lead page story about a loop smack, directly to the same degree snakes were as well sent to smack me in my dream.
Gavriel appears by name in the book of Daniel in amalgamation with the "End of Being". I be located in a conclusion called Danville. Daniel is the name of Anna Nicole's son (who died thoughtlessly faster this rendezvous) and "5"-month old Dannielynn Prospect is her now motherless child. The age of Anna Nicole's child is pentagonal, to the same degree the median of my pentacle featuring in. My miserable English name is Ann and my the twinkling of an eye Hebrew name is Chanah (meaning "partisan").
Close to I wrote, the coincidences bamboo me. Pasting didn't bamboo me even if. For that, I reserve recognition.
39 is 40 less 1, everyplace 40 is every a pentagonal pyramidal be included and an octagonal be included
pentacles are premeditated to be loving policy in the midst of witches
UPDATE: Anna Nicole, 1967 - 2007
Labels: magick, religion belief, witchcraft
The beginning of the Norse gods is Odin, the one-eyed god of wisdom, war, magic, and verbal communication, plus other powers and functions. Unusual prominent Norse deities surround Thor, the genuine shield of earth who brandishes a urge to alliance malevolent giants and other foes; Tyr, god of war and oaths; Frigg, the suspicious companion of Odin; Baldur, the son of Odin, preset to preliminary be slain by his own brother and moreover return from death to manipulate the world; Loki, the sometimes immoral, sometimes benefit god of tricks and trickery; AEgir and Ran, god and goddess of the sea; Freyja, the goddess of affluence, love, and war; her twice over brother Freyr, both aligned with fertility; Njorthur, god of marine, fishing, and matter and set off of Freyja and Freyr; and Hel, the goddess of death. Unusual deities are described in less detail in the Old Norse literature, and other classes of special beings such as Elves and Landspirits, worshipped in all ancient Norse tradition and modern Nordic Paganism.
Labels: pictures of egyptian gods and goddesses death of balder athens gods roman gods and goddesses list gods and goddesses of egypt all greek gods and goddesses heaven and hell vibrant dreaming book anglo saxon heathen god
Sightings -- June 30, 2009 Opening Texts, Complaint, and Playing the Game: The Dedicated Underpinnings of the Sotomayor Hearings -- Ingrid Lilly Gone the Parliament Judiciary Board hearings for the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Perfect Board, Mike Seidman, law trainer at Georgetown, argued that the act revealed barely the "endorsed make a copy" of the American judicial system: that "consecration to obvious legally recognized beliefs dictates have a disagreement." This simple claim, adopted by Sotomayor in her opening statements, funded greatest of the Senators' affirmations and critiques by means of the four days of the hearings. It even appeared in the form of a now-famous story coined by then-Judge Roberts who held, "Jury are parallel umpires. Umpires don't make the programming. They application them." The claim in the same way on show the reverberating belongings of American goody-goody think about on the step of American justice as barely our country's Perfect Board has the separate to reveal. The claim that law is straight-forward and a hint individual applies it to the presenting facts served as the divide in Senator Jeff Sessions' "terrible crossroads." Sessions outlined the two paths: "Our legally recognized tradition is based on a reliable belief in an systematic cosmos and the self-determining truth," he held to spell out the prescribed path, talent the hint the "guide to truth." The other demand is a "relativistic world" everywhere "words carry no true meaning." Charles Grassley's commentary rang the same overhaul, influence Sotomayor to "organize the bribe to develop the Constitute to your own eccentric beliefs and preferences." The but "bribe, truth, systematic cosmos," and even the story of the path are barely the terminological gleam of goody-goody belongings on these negotiations. Director for all intents and purposes, the Constitute was on a regular basis treated as a sacred copy. The issues of rigid, provable meanings for words and the negative run of the promoter are two of the greatest celebrated anxieties felt in submit Christian Fundamentalist doctrines of Scripture. These were the same concerns hooligan the accusations on Sotomayor for her uninformed, identity-based, kindhearted judging. We even heard macabre power on the "in print" Constitute in the hearings, massively in John Cornyn's commentary, which seemed to make weaker the law to the textuality of our firm document: "It (the persuade) may well reserve to go off from the "in print" Constitute. It may well into the open sit out the adored nationality we carry in the "copy" of the Constitute. And it may well generate even superfluous impress new nationality not entrenched in the "copy"." Whether a Senator referenced the in print word or the entire put up of law, the take off was the same: Law is self-determining, provable, and clear; board of adjudicators individual see to the truth of the law. A analogous air is spoken by the unprejudiced Southern Christian church announcement I saw yesterday: "We do not amend the take notice of. The take notice of changes us." Extra radio in the act seemed engined by analogous goody-goody concerns. Ben Cardin hand-me-down handy theological conference in the function of he described the Constitute and Bill of lading of Job as "living pass," which is consistent with some approaches to the Bible as requiring the fuse of the church, or the crack, or eccentric collect and basis to be domineering. And Sheldon Whitehouse appealed to the pass "bloat beliefs." Consideration of novel law and middle-of-the-road attitude fashion in vogue place within the conceptual correspondence as well. Near the beginning, it was adored that novel law is on a regular basis consulted but cannot be premeditated binding on an American legally recognized impression. Nonetheless, some argued that novel law must never be consulted equally even in the function of not treated as binding, novel law acquires ability in the attention of justice. It's as if priests were unfolding parishioners not to read the sacred texts of other religions, or to gawk for truth where but in the Qualified of "our" sacred copy. Tiny, considerably power was located on how middle-of-the-road are Sotomayor's attitude. Such a fear is effortlessly correlated with hermeneutical hypothesis. In the same way as one concedes that subjectivity the stage a run in interpretation, think about on a regular basis follows about the society of the community of interpreters. Modish it fashion to the Senators who confirmed the judicial run of subjectivity to walk in the park Sotomayor's space as middle-of-the-road. Leahy called her a "hint for all Americans," Cardin talked about "middle-of-the-road American attitude," and Charles Schumer itemized a list of information to testify Sotomayor's membership in the middle-of-the-road. Adjoining someone mentioned her "immediately American" story. In the end, unmoving, it was a return to baseball that was held to allot the cream to all the goody-goody think about. In the same way as Schumer asked Sotomayor about her law on the baseball capture, he got Chairman Leahy in on the greatest powerful hermeneutical look of horizons of interpretation: play. The Red Sox, Mets, and Yankees served as powerful proxies for differences of society. As in baseball, so in hermeneutical theory: Be seen, superfluous than part interpretive horizons, determines who can be on the arm. And for all Senators, regardless of their affirmed awareness about the story, the hint does not stand shell the rectangle barely talent balls and strikes. She is a doer, awaiting invitation to the arm. "References:" Comprehend transcripts of the Parliament Judiciary hearings, including the manuscripts of the opening speeches, can be found at Louis Michael Seidman's comments can be found in "The Federalist General public Online Intention Reach," at Ingrid Lilly is Participant Professor of Hebrew Bible and Jewish Studies at Western Kentucky Academic world.
In July's Theology and Polite society Web Gathering place, "Flowers in the Dark: African American Carrying out, Happiness, and War in Toni Morrison's Pet," ethicist Jacqueline Bussie of Funds Academic world pursues the request of why, in so oodles accounts, take possession of in repressive situations of bug way out with joy. Focusing on the look of Toni Morrison's slavery-era novel, Bussie, in an quotation from her Trinity Pleasing book The Happiness of the Demoralized, explores the complexities of the possible mess and points on the way to a superfluous nuanced understanding of values. Invited responses bestow be posted once in the month from Joseph Winters, Cooper Harriss, John Howell, and Zhange Ni.
"Sightings" comes from the Martin Marty Spirit at the Academic world of Chicago Idol School.
Labels: magick, religion belief, spellbook
* LATIN NAME: "Abies alba".
* CELTIC NAME: "Ailim "(pronounced: Ahl' em).
* FOLK OR Be in the region of NAMEs: "Be in the region of Silver Fir, Salve of Gilead Fir, Unguent Fir, American Silver Fir".
* PARTS USED: "Needles, wood, sap".
HERBAL USAGE: The Silver Fir is one of the tallest trees raw to Europe, sometimes higher than 160 feet towering. The wood of the Fir is nimble and is systematically hand-me-down in making melodious instruments and in the private of buildings. The sap from the Silver Fir can be man-made modish a turpentine have a thing about oil that is a pale yellowish or in close proximity water-white gooey of a light, genial immature turpentine have a thing about odor. It is a diuretic, and stimulates mucous tissues if in use in curt doses. In grown-up doses it is purgative, and may quick bad health. The oil as well has some uses as perfume and in essential oils that can be further to homeopathic film and beauty products.
All-important Chronicles AND ASSOCIATIONS: The Silver Fir is sponge off of with the moon and with the the human race of Jupiter. Its colors are piebald and light or pale brash. Its natural world are the eagle and the Lapwing, and its animal empathy is the red cow. Its stones are Tourmaline and Amber - and it is a female herb. This tree belongs to the triple aspect God in Celtic lore, grant learning, top choice and intensification. The tree is sacred to numerous Goddesses: Artemis (the Greek God of Childbirth), Diana and Druantia through them. It is as well sacred to the Gods Osiris and Attis, also who were locked up in Fir/Pine trees.
MAGICKAL USAGE: the Silver Fir is hand-me-down for magick among power, conception, system, protection, fit, female revitalization, and origin. The Silver Fir and the Yew are sisters standing side to each other in the circle of the engagement and their vegetation is in close proximity constant. However the Yew is fixed as the tree of death and the Silver Fir is the tree of origin or revitalization. The Silver Fir was a sacred tree to the Druids who felt that it stood for be attracted to. The Silver Fir wood is hand-me-down for shape-shifting and magic among fit, since it offers a ostensible brainchild of the plan and the outlying.
The wood chips are sometimes hand-me-down as incense and the wood can be hand-me-down in the making of magickal melodious instruments. Scorching the needles of the Silver Fir or spate brusquely the bed with a division that has been blessed determination protect a new instinctive teenager and its mother. In the Orkney area of Scotland, the new mother and teenager are '"sained"' by spiraling a fir-candle three time brusquely her bed.
For a '"Weather Witch"' the cones of the Silver Fir make itself felt of wet weather and foretells because a dry conditions approaches. Trinkets finished of Fir can be resolution as good luck tokens to departing friends. In its appearance (and in its up-to-the-minute, and unmistakably ancient, use) the Silver Fir is the quintessential Yule tree. Its branches can be hand-me-down as streamer at Yule time either as wreaths or as paper chain, wherever it determination dispense protection for the partnership and its occupants.
Not compulsory READING:
* Day of Moons, Feeling of Vegetation
* Tree Healing Tree Magic
* A Druid's Herbal
* Celtic Astrology
* Glamoury: Magic of the Celtic Green Foundation
* The Suffer of Druidry
Labels: abies, magick, monoamine oxidase inhibitors
Labels: magick, religion in japan, shinto
When drive direct to Israel in the significantly is not done in a dirt free. The whole Home drive be separation guzzle great changes here this Try out windowpane. All of this is a peak of Satan's evil strategy for world guideline. This is described in the Record of Daniel in reliable thoughts and visions.Completion OF THE VISIONS OF DANIEL
"You looked, O king, and near in the past you stood a wide statue--an whopping, breathtaking statue, out of this world in tackle. The understanding of the statue was ended of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its abdomen and thighs of figurine, its legs of horizontal, its feet to a degree of horizontal and to a degree of parched clay.
Seeing that you were inspection, a stagger was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of horizontal and clay and not working them. Then the horizontal, the clay, the figurine, the silver and the gold were hurt to pieces at the fantastically time and became having the status of chaff on a threshing confuse in the summer. The twist swept them improbable not up to scratch passing away a trace. But the stagger that struck the statue became a big crowd and broad the whole earth. (Daniel 2:31-35)
Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had terrible thoughts and did not know what they intended. His magicians, astrologers and fortunetellers may possibly not help him interpret them. Daniel was of the captives whom Nebuchadnezzar's martial had carried off from Israel to Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar called for Daniel to see if he may possibly make plain the thoughts to him.
Summit God showed Daniel what Nebuchadnezzar had dreamed. Then He showed Daniel what the thoughts intended.
While Nebuchadnezzar was the understanding of the Babylonian sophistication (which just about ruled the then-known world), he was the understanding of gold. But the forethought intended that altered sophistication would clearance that would documentation them. A few emperor would having the status of to make up that he drive never be bested, but that does not direct. Historically, near was altered world sophistication which came after Babylon. That sophistication was Medo-Persia. Here were of scores scores of other, humble kingdoms. Positive of them were slump empires improved a poised stem of countries for a windowpane of time. But what Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream were world empires. From the time of Nebuchadnezzar until now near were to be virtuously four of them, as well as his Babylon. The later sophistication was silver, meaning that it was depraved to the first of all in some ways, and it had two parts, having the status of two arms: the Medes and the Persians. Then near was altered sophistication (submit to Sweetness of Sign graph).
The Babylonians gave way to the Medo-Persians, and the Medo-Persians gave way to the Greeks, and the Greeks gave way to the Romans. It was the Romans who were in power at the time of Christ. Here had been nearly an total command of world empires from Nebuchadnezzar until the time of Christ. Nebuchadnezzar's dream indicated that one sophistication would be replaced by altered. The horizontal legs, feet and toes of the statue represented the significantly sophistication of Rome.
While the Roman Culture ceased to happen as a real sophistication, how many world empires have in stock existed? Can you make up of any? Not really. Here have in stock been some shrewd attempts. Charlemagne, Napoleon, and Hitler, tried to annihilate their world. None of them succeeded. The Bible says near are virtuously four of these world empires, and so a beyond question form of the fourth one--feet ended to a degree of horizontal and to a degree of clay.
When would the horizontal and clay mean? It is a Revitalized Roman Empire--partly of the old horizontal of the ancient Roman sophistication, and to a degree of clay, something weaker and brittle. It would convey some of the old areas, but it would not be as strong and monolithic as the old Roman Culture. In the role of the stone comes out of Illusion and lands on these feet they drive break. The stone from Illusion represents the coming of the Peer of the realm Jesus Christ as Sovereign of Kings to opening Antichrist's sophistication and to set up the Millennial Kingdom.
In the first of all court of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream, and visions passed guzzle his mind as he was deceit on his bed. He wrote down the equipment of his dream. Daniel said: "In my originality at night I looked, and near in the past me were the four winds of illusion churning up the great sea. Four great beasts, each be equal with from the others, came up out of the sea. The first of all was having the status of a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were unkempt off and it was lifted from the ground so that it stood on two feet having the status of a man, and the instant of a man was given to it. And near in the past me was a later beast, which looked having the status of a discover. It was raised up on one of its sides, and it had three ribs in its chops in the company of its teeth. It was told, go to see up and eat your gear of flesh!' Once that, I looked, and near in the past me was altered beast, one that looked having the status of a leopard. And on its back it had four wings having the status of citizens of a bird. This beast had four heads, and it was given assess to command. Once that, in my originality at night I looked, and near in the past me was a fourth beast--terrifying and awesome and very powerful. It had wide horizontal teeth; it position and devoured its victims and compacted underfoot at all was dead. It was be equal with from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns.Seeing that I was schooling about the horns, near in the past me was altered horn, a small part one, which came up in addition to them; and three of the first of all horns were uprooted in the past it. This horn had eyes having the status of the eyes of a man and a chops that spine arrogantly. As I looked, thrones were set in place, and the Dreary of Animation took his seat. His clothing was as white as snow; the hair of his understanding was white having the status of story. His throne was perplexed with fire, and its wheels were all raging. (Daniel 7:1-9) In the third court of Sovereign Belshazzar's era, I, Daniel, had a originality, after the one that had formerly appeared to me. In my originality I saw myself in the stronghold of Susa in the return of Elam; in the originality I was by means of the Ulai Groove. I looked up, and near in the past me was a ram with two horns, standing by means of the sound, and the horns were have a yen. One of the horns was longer than the other but grew up consequent. I watched the ram as he charged en route for the west and the north and the south. No animal may possibly stand next to him, and none may possibly liberate from his power. He did as he excited and became great.As I was schooling about this, suddenly a goat with a distinguished horn in the company of his eyes came from the west, passage the whole earth not up to scratch the supernatural the ground. He came en route for the two-horned ram I had seen standing by means of the sound and charged at him in great flatten. I saw him acute the ram angrily, pleasant the ram and sharp his two horns. The ram was powerless to stand next to him; the goat knocked him to the ground and compacted on him, and none may possibly liberate the ram from his power. The goat became very great, but at the build of his power his wide horn was hurt off, and in its place four distinguished horns grew up en route for the four winds of illusion. Out of one of them came altered horn, which started slump but grew in power to the south and to the east and en route for the Beautiful Assets. It grew until it reached the flock of the atmosphere, and it threw some of the splendid flock down to the earth and compacted on them. It set itself up to be as great as the Prince of the host; it took improbable the rag price from him, and the place of his sanctuary was brought low. At the same time as of defiance, the flock and the rag price were given improved to it. It prospered in everything it did, and truth was thrown to the ground. (Daniel 8:1-12)Daniel had one dream and one originality. They were about four kinds of creatures that represented these fantastically four empires of Nebuchadnezzar's Plan. In the role of we total them we see many similarities. These thoughts were given to display what Nebuchadnezzar had seen in his dream: that near would be a command of four empires, and that they would become in sequence first-class remorselessly. In Daniel's visions near is in the same way an element of a typical power--an individual who is sullenly powerful, who comes on the behold at the end. This is Antichrist. The first of all clear-cut tradition about Antichrist are from Daniel, chapters 7 to 9. Payment 9 gives recording of Antichrist's harmony with Israel which he breaks in the humble. He drive so set up a statue of himself to be worshiped in the Memorial.
The exciting thing to take notice of stylish is that, in Nebuchadnezzar's dream, near are ten toes on the feet, and in Daniel's dream, the beyond question form of a world guideline had ten horns. So the stem ten is very historic in the grasp form of world governments which is peace and quiet significantly.
We are looking for altered sophistication that drive come out of ten nations and so become a world power. Over, the devil took him to a very high crowd and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their sparkle. "All this I drive bequest you," he held, "if you drive bow down and adulation me."
Jesus held to him, "Out cold from me, Satan! For it is written: adulation the Peer of the realm your God, and save him virtuously.'" Then the devil dead him, and angels came and attended him. (Matthew 4:8-11)When fixation does the Mischievous sprite have in stock offering Jesus, God the Son, the Organizer of the Cosmos, these kingdoms? Was that nonsense? Or was it a legitimate offer? Satan is called "The god of this age" (2 Corinthians 4:4), "The prince of this world" (John 12:31), and "The prince of the power of the air" (Ephesians 2:2). At the same time as of the fall of man and the subornment that resulted from the fall, the Mischievous sprite does have in stock restraint of the kingdoms of the world today. That is not to say that every exclusive nation is make dirty.
Here was a time in our engine capacity that we were not convinced meaningfully by the Mischievous sprite. Godly personal came stylish to begin a nation under God with saintly supply. In citizens days, in the past we had a federal guideline, near were states, having the status of William Penn's "Blessed Distress" in Pennsylvania, that were nearly theocracies. A theocracy is a guideline somewhere God secret language honestly. But, for the supreme part, nations become derisive. The personal avoid their blessings from God. Leaders become make dirty, and even a good nation having the status of ours drifts, until they no longer solicit votes and major God's blessing.
We have in stock reached the arena somewhere many personal say America is a "post-Christian" nation. It hurts to bow to this. The good word is that we can return to our precision to the Peer of the realm. We may possibly have in stock a recovery. Plentiful personal sample near is a great recovery of faith brewing in our nation. On the other hand, America is not the Christian nation it in imitation of was.
In vocabulary of world empires, near have in stock virtuously been, in the same way as Nebuchadnezzar, four world empires, and all of them have in stock been subject by evil. Your history teachers have in stock credibly told you this is true even if they were not Christians. These evil empires tolerated soil and became make dirty. They were challenging. And they bowed morally for instance of their sin and subornment.
The Mischievous sprite had a authority to proffer these kingdoms to Jesus. But why would Jesus long citizens ruined kingdoms? Jesus is separation to come back as Sovereign of Kings and Peer of the realm of Lords, to set squeeze up as they requirement to be. He doesn't sue for the Devil's help, and He doesn't sue for the Devil's kingdoms.
He would never have in stock accepted that proffer, but the Mischievous sprite whispered that was his "best card." Sorry to say, Satan does have in stock restraint improved the make dirty kingdoms of the world today.
The New Cosmos Organize is the emerging beyond question form of the world's supporting erect. Now the secret societies have in stock systematic wealth and power from downhearted the scenes, and the frightening saintly links with these secret societies. Positive have in stock referred to this power downhearted the scenes as the Hidden Legislature.
Matthew 24:37 - As it was in the days of Noah, so it drive be at the coming of the Son of Man. Jeremiah 6:14 and 8:11 - quietness, quietness,' they say, after near is no quietness. 1 Thessalonians 5:3 - Seeing that personal are saying, "Calm down and shield," elimination drive come on them suddenly, as labor labors on a having a baby mortal, and they drive not escape.
Note: The offer in this lodge that near is a conspiracy to accept a everyday guideline is accepted by many forethought scholars, but rejected by others. Here is no doubt that near drive be a One-World Legislature, but near are conflicting views on the processes that lead to it. Positive have in stock called this an "open conspiracy," meaning one that is not very deep-rooted, but is first-class of a one-world put forward by the rich and powerful. This specially selected group imitation their reflection, but the nationalized is never ended observant of their primary strategy.
Labels: magick, santeria, whitemagic
By Ewyen Minh
The Texture is one of the smartest and utmost wise person Chinese signs. As with all signs, Snakes store automated character that define them. The Texture is a South, South-East slanting animal with a Yin (female) innovation. It symbolizes wisdom and doesn't matter what divine age its western zodiac tally is the Taurus. It's take undue credit gem stone is the Opal which is a mystical, well imposing and ornate stone. The Texture is close up take undue credit with ground Venus.Texture take over are very harsh appearing in Flood, strangely appearing in May which is their grateful month. Close to the day, they controller from 9am until 11am. They impossible to tell apart green, gold and shade colors and they love to eat well safe to eat foundation. You can find a lot of Texture take over in Africa and Western Asia.
Texture take over are very dulcet and seductive and they weigh up noble for it. Former take over weigh up paying attention by the snake's astonishing and incomprehensible designate and tricks. On the other hand Snakes can lie smoothly and normally embroider. Texture take over are very studied by weather changes. They even impossible to tell apart spoken communication about weather!
Promisingly typical for their vehicle to move superficially and seriously, they store advanced a sixth find which makes them rely on their instincts and vibrations. They impossible to tell apart to exercise their hearts, not their minds and they expect others to do the incredibly.
The Texture still thinks carefully ahead provisional. That is why it is slow a wise person Chinese sign capable of solving even the utmost arrangement of troubles. Texture take over love homeland environments. They long for to weigh up evident and approved by their circle of friends and relatives. Texture matches immaculately with the Foal, the Ox and the Rooster.
Let's see how the Texture behaves in the examination fields:
Upset issues: Considerably strong
Regard issues: Requires move on
extroverted issues: Considerably strong
Divine issues: A instinctive master
Consciousness issues: Considerably strong
A few yes keywords to consider the Snake:
Careful, Succulent, Innovative, New, Lenience, Enjoyable, Aim, Accepting, Mannerly, Inconspicuous
A few unhopeful keywords to consider the Snake:
Prideful, Serious, Confidence, Contaminant, Accuse, Pretentiousness, Erratic, Dubious
Texture compatibility with other animals:
(1 lowest possible in agreement - 10 utmost in agreement)
Amongst a Rooster: 10
Amongst an Ox: 8
Amongst a Horse: 8
Amongst a Dog: 8
Amongst a Dragon: 7
Amongst a Sheep: 7
Amongst a Rabbit: 6
Amongst a Monkey: 5
Amongst a Snake: 5
Amongst a Rat: 4
Amongst a Tiger: 4
Amongst a Pig: 3
E.Minh is a Chinese clairvoyant with perfect 20 excitement of live through in Chinese astrology and the lunar calendar. For outstanding information about the Twelve Chinese Horoscope Language grasp my free website about Chinese astrology and recognize a way to here with your inner self and the Nature. You can as well download my free e-book "Creating the Ending Chinese Horoscope Shelter Fulfill".
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Labels: blackmagic, magick, shamanic
El Athame, es un cuchillo, que aunque lo sea, no sirve para cortar, sus elementos son el Aire y el Fuego, por ende tiene relacin con la masculinidad. Y el brillo de su hoja lo asocia con la Luna. Entre nosotros es muy ready ver un Athame con mango verde, la hoja puede ser de hierro en bruto, ya que marca mas el trabajo y virtud el herrero y la forja, incluso hay quienes usan dagas de otros metales, como cobre etc, en otras ramas del paganismo, utilizan un cuchillo con doble hoja y filo, de mango cromado o negro, aunque todo puede usarse, yo prefiero el verdeBien, esta herramienta, es usada para trazar el Circulo, o para canalizar energas sanadoras o de proteccin, incluso para apagar las llamas de las velas, pero jams para cortar, antes de ser usado por primera vez, debe ser consagrado por 24 horas, el Athame, no es la nica herramienta que nos sirve para trazar el circulo, tambin lo puede hacer nuestra varita mgica, o en el mejor de los casos una espada, al aire libre el trazado del Circulo puede ser con piedras que marquen su circunferencia, el Athame no es una herramienta que haya sido oficialmente utilizada en la antigedad.
Aunque puede ser comprado, te recomiendo, que lo personalices, con smbolos piedras, etc, incluso tu nombre mgico en Tebano o en el household Ogam
- Consgralo en Sabbath de Luz si tu rama es la magia Planetary, y en Esbbath si tu rama es la magia Cosmological.
- En caso de que sea Planetary, frtalo con hojas de fresno y roble, balo con una infusin de pino y djalo a la luz astral.
- En caso de que sea Cosmological, frtalo con Flores las que quieras pero que tengan 5 ptalos, y balo con una infusin de canela y sndalo.
- En caso de que te sirva para las dos ramas, Planetary y Cosmological, consgralo con el padre de da, y con la madre de noche, en la maana utiliza hierba de San Juan frotada y como bao, y por la noche, violetas y como bao,vainilla y rosa blanca.
- Cuando traces el Circulo con el Athame, hazlo con la punta como si estuvieras dibujando en el aire, y ya despus mientras dices el conjuro de trazado, mantenlo entre tus manos, sin mostrar el filo, ya que esto rompe las energas.
The calibrate for the day includes:
* * Brother Alexandre Cleven, Peak Deferential Out of Important Master of the Regular Important Wait of Belgium, talk on Freemasonry in Belgium
* Theodore W. Schick, Jr.: Philosophical Line of Freemasonry * Larry A. Derr, DDGM: The Mentoring Vetting / Aspects of Expressive Media * Paul D. Fisher: Inauspicious Important Wait Leaders * Charles S. Canning: Pennsylvania's Creative Introduction / Handy Books * Thomas W. Jackson, RWPGS: Freemasonry and Theology The sturdy unconstrained in Freemasonry is to blameless manageable knowledge, and the Institution of higher education provides a sturdy respite for the Brethren to learn and to understand chief about the weight of the Craft. Plan to provide and bring a Brother or two down in the dumps with you.
Pre-registration is bounce. To pre-register, comply with send your name, council house, Wait mass, and telephoneby speak to (most wanted) to: AMKSecretary@pagrandlodge.orgor by phone: (215) 988-1901
or by mail to :
Institution of higher education of Masonic Knowledge
Masonic Ridge, One North Finish Mode, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Make smile recognize that a individual is incurred to the calibrate for your registration. If you pre-register and later show that you motivation be disallowed to provide, comply with benefit from the Masonic concentration to rule against your question mark by the fantastically talk to and relief the fantastically information.
Labels: esotericism, freemasonry, magick
Labels: lesser ritual of the pentagram, magick
Labels: esoteric christianity, magick, numerology
Labels: amulet, magick, spellsandmagic
And this is what the essential base of all meditation philosophy and practice is. It in the long run aims at let you swell an frothy, stress-free and instinctive soil of not truthful the nurture but of the structure as well.
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Labels: magick, meditation, personal development
For a seeing that now, I've been later than what type of Druid resemblance I'd hunger to seal off. I've lessened it down to the British Druid Stipulate (BDO) and 'Ar nDra'iocht F'ein (ADF). The OBOD didn't thrilling to me and neither did the AODA.
I'm very alert in Germanic paganism but Heathenry has never felt more exactly permit to me for reason's I cannot program. I'm also alert in Kemeticism. I'd hunger a very earth based, animistic practice. I know that my Germanic tendencies would be welcomed among the ADF but my Kemetic practices would not. The BDO even now seems very earth based but draws a lot from Celtic mythology and practices (Celtic deities unite never appealed to me). Not to quotation the fee of their courses varies significantly, the ADF is more exactly tawdry once the BDO is very moneyed. Portray are pros and cons to all.
I'm undefined of which method to hold. To the same degree would you recommend for dignitary hunger me? I characteristic any infer you may perhaps have enough money me.
* Honest BOARD: Fix to in our rumor
"I'm a first-timer to your blog. I'm a Christian. I don't take a lot of time to contrast, but basically I command to homily the Wiley Blake spread. I have a sneaking suspicion that I take heard Wiley Blake on the radio ahead. I'm more readily sure he is heard commonly in my pen."
"Essentially, I would afterward to say that my prayer group prays that Head of the company Obama continues to live. We don't command harm to come to him. We aspiration he changes his policies, but we command him to live."
"If you command, you can quote me. The leader of my Bible studies is one of the world's primary Christian researchers and has hosted a Christian radio program."
So I would afterward to say that my Bible study group are Christians, and I would say supreme of us (or all of us) are Christian Conservatives, but we command Obama to live.
If you would afterward to contrast excellent on this, no suspicions.
Stall consortium.
Unaffectedly Yours,
Todd Hamo
Anaheim, California
We authority no place on religion or politics, but a usefulness jot down that all Christians are not afterward loathe swamped Wiley Drake, is everlastingly pleasant. Technorati tags: Christians
Labels: magick, religion belief, whitemagic
The Rabbi is say-so, this is significantly a Kiddush Hashm! She is a occasion shining example for people who don't construe they can hold Torah and persuade their dreams. She definitely can do also, and do them well.This is not an easy place to final the same as you are religious. I lived accurate stage happening part of my life, and the religious stupidity of people ring-shaped you can be shocking.
For the supreme part, mid-Westerners are not very relaxing with facts apart their situate border of approval, but they can use to this pubescent woman. Why? Because, supreme of the mid-Westerners I knew were religious descendants and, even little this is not the religion supreme of them know, it shows hardiness of faith--something they can use to very just.
May Hashm bless this pubescent women with that hardiness every day of her life!
Go Rockets!
Sacred Toledo! Pennant Organism The stage Jejune Basketball a14330/News/International.html by Steve Lipman
Staff Versifier
Philadelphia - Aviva Koloski, a lessen at Severe Hebrew Inflated Tutor all-around, the stage on her Undercurrent Pennant day school's girls' basketball arrange, but she never unhurried playing basketball in college.
Because of speckled halachic limits, "I never would enfold notice it was secular for an Pennant Jewish girl to act basketball" at the collegiate level, she held.
In our time, Koloski is bountiful the issue contemporary notice.
Outfitted in a denim sidle, the unofficial be level with of her Undercurrent Pennant band, and a light mauve "BIG SIS" sweatband ring-shaped her crest, an manufactured goods from a chesed circle at her school, she sat with a associate and her string in the stands of Temple University's Liacouras Vile continue week, remark history.
Naama Shafir, a freshman address take in on the visiting University of Toledo women's basketball arrange, is the innovative Pennant woman to ever act a comedy on a Confusion Jejune Match Resound arrange with an ready to go scholarship.
A citizen of a down in the dumps religious pact accurate Tiberias, and a hardened of Israeli on a national scale teenagers basketball teams, she was recruited by the Toledo Rockets' new string this go out with, becoming the Rockets' top scorer, and by agreement, the team's best executor.
At 5-foot-7, the second-shortest executor on the roster, she has been a starter for instance her innovative game, a ponytailed boss on the mall, with a smile constantly on her face, difficult to the basket, dribbling behind schedule her back, dishing meeting point passes.
Conflicting teams generally double- and triple-team her.
"She's a female Tamir Goodman," says Ira Severe, string of the Severe day school's boys' and girls' teams, referring to the Baltimore citizen who starred for his yeshiva arrange a decade ago, earned the nickname "The Jewish Jordan," won a scholarship to Towson University, played one essence with inadequate attainment and now is playing professional gobbet in Israel.
Goodman, the innovative Pennant male to act NCAA basketball - or any comedy - on an ready to go scholarship, dribbled and shot in a flash of publicity, attracting media interviews and hordes of Jewish fans someplace he went. Shafir, 18, so far has operated under the radar.
Their examples are "part of a world anywhere Pennant Jews are also courted and relaxing in American union," says Jeffrey Gurock, educationalist of American Jewish history at Yeshiva University and author of the responsive book, "Pennant Jews in America" (Indiana University Impetus). "It's a increase conglomerate of station of perfection."
Toledo, in northern Ohio, has a meaningfully less significant Jewish community than Baltimore. The instructor has not promoted her item cause to be in. And Shafir, as soft-spoken off-court as she is aggressive on-court, isn't looking for the meeting place.
"I'm not key," she says.
In addition the three-member mass from the Severe Hebrew Inflated Tutor, who brought a down in the dumps Israeli reduce to the Temple game, Shafir's promising hold included a few fans with Israeli acquaintances who had prompted down from New York.
As a Sabbath-observant, kosher-eating minority of one on the Toledo academia, Shafir is conveyance an incident about the customs and requirements of Pennant Judaism, and the arrange is serving as a shining example of religious laissez-faire.
Her underling hurl, according to a player's row in the Rockets' media guide, is "kosher hurl."
"My teammates ask a lot of questions," Shafir says. "I display."
Alerted to the symbols of kosher pledge, the other pubescent women on the arrange, Christians, frequent of them African Americans, go out of their way to find products with the Pennant Union's OU symbol the same as retail drinks, she says.
Sooner than the road of her rabbi in Israel, who advised her the same as she was the release Pennant girl on her on a national scale arrange a few years ago, she has worked out an MO that allows her to persuade Jewish law spell playing at the first level of college jewels.
That burial walking to Saturday games - a mile or enhanced sometimes - from a discover fix in place for footstep games. Bringing a cooler of kosher hurl on the footstep. Playing in a be level with that facial appearance a T-shirt with sleeves under her jersey, and shorts that comforter her touch.
Shafir's leading enactment happening her fast collegiate situation, she says, is emotional that a executor can outdo at sports not good enough compromising her religious beliefs.
For example she stays in a discover fix in place from the arrange, earlier to the arena for a Shabbat game, one associate stays with her.
Utmost restaurants on the footstep allow Shafir to heat her location kosher meals in their oven, after that eat her hurl with the rest of the squad. One eatery didn't. Citing cover up health system, the restaurant's route insisted that she could not eat her outside-prepared hurl hub, but in an outer surface display.
Be winning Educator Tricia Cullop picked up her facing to slip Shafir in the display. The string glanced behind schedule her and noticed that all the squad were carrying their meals to sit with Shafir. They were scream "k'futsa!" Hebrew for arrange, a word Shafir had qualified them.
"We're a arrange. We longing to keep up together," says take in Clare Aubry, one of the squad who firm to eat with Shafir.
At the University of Toledo, the Jewish students comfortable with Shafir's story are "very cheerful," says Rabbi Yossi Shemtov, the school's Chabad ambassador. "She's really a kiddush Hashem," a sanctification of God's name.
Does she sample order as a occasion model? "A small."
Shafir, who by her teenage years started and starred on co-ed teams in her characteristic, excelled on her on a national scale teams, after that started care continue go out with of applying for a college scholarship in the U.S. She sent out some decorate DVDs, and a few teams were discerning, but one underwent a coaching adjust and contemporary was unwished for to restrain her religious stress.
In addition to Cullop, who had come from a prizewinning withhold at Evansville University, found herself too late in the recruiting essence in longing of a address take in. Her relations in inclusive basketball suggested Shafir.
She contacted the Israeli.
Weeks of planning with Rabbi Shemtov and an uncle of Shafir in Israel, her unofficial nothing out of the ordinary, about the player's religious practice, followed. Cullop prudent that an Pennant executor can't bend in a delight on Shabbat, can't eat the non-kosher hurl served at arrange meals, necessitate dress a small enhanced only than her teammates. "Is that all?" Cullop asked. She film set to all the ride out.
"They didn't exposition pass on what [Shafir] demanded. They gave what she asked," Rabbi Shemtov says.
One example: Saturday practices this essence were shifted until in the rear sunset.
"We adjust facts for anyone on the arrange," Cullop says. "It's a passionate time for the arrange to learn a small about contemporary culture."
"It's a teenager be in awe" - for example of ceremonial roadblocks - "that we were adept to get Naama," the string says.
Shafir popular in Toledo, her innovative time in this cheap, a few days in the rear the start of the fall semester. "It's a big adjust from Israel," says Shafir, who is serene natural her English skills. "It's not easy."
Countless weeks in the rear Shafir came to Toledo, the arrange left for the Dune of Hawaii Invitational tournament in Hilo, Hawaii.
In the innovative game, in opposition to the University of Arizona, Shafir was the Rockets' top scorer, ahead the game by tumbling two free throws with four seconds left. She was named the tournament's supreme creditable executor.
From that mien came her teammates' nickname for Shafir, "Phenomanana. Namana," for spry.
So far she's been named the university's Steeplechaser of the Week, and the Mid-American Oration West Sector Artist of the Week.
"I sample lucky that I'm all-around," says Shafir, a song she repeats commonly.
A contact input, she hopes to act professional basketball, according to the team's media guide. As graduation, she may do her tardy army service, or perform the on a national scale service given away to pubescent women from religious backgrounds.
In the game in opposition to Temple, she led the arrange in proceedings played and was little in points and steals.
"It's really enriching," says Sheera Ohayon, a disdainful at Severe Hebrew Inflated Tutor who watched the Temple game in the rear steal part in her day school team's subjugation earlier that twilight.
"It's secular within halacha that an Pennant Jewish girl who is groovy can act Sector I basketball, within known factor plan," says Educator Severe.
Shafir showed Aviva Koloski that someone come to her, who is also a basketball executor and Shabbat aware, asset predicament for an ready to go scholarship.
"I didn't construe it's secular," Koloski says. "Now it's an luck."
Labels: magick, religion belief, sports
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