It is ringing that in the to the lead House of worship the leading Christians of Jewish origin unstated the mystery of the Virgin Mary coupled with the Really of Miriam and the dark waters of business coupled to the consideration of the night. This was represented in civilizing form with the Black Madonnas. They any knew that the beliefs about the perfect Goddesses of pagan era had elements or sparks of the truth in them, these were also returned to their admirably in the mystery of the Shiftiness Peer of the realm and cleansed of any perversions so that the group might honour Our Peer of the realm in purity of understanding.
The cosmos of the basis having the status of cleansed, purified, healed and restored tell the dark night of the basis is found in St John of the Teed off and Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (see Likutey Moharan 74:B). This dark night is referred to with Marian -tabernacle speech-making alluding to the basis mansion in the dark waters of the womb of the Father. One cannot see in this dark Emaciated but in fact one is assure and surrounded by the Father who is hardened as unhappiness and night. Rebbe Nachman refers us to the verse in Isaiah (26:9)"My basis longs for You in the night" and links it with the verse in Beginning (1:5)"And the unhappiness He called Sad". Rabbi Kramer writes: "...Rashi on this verse [Isaiah 26:9] call's this the soul's send away. Similar to internee in the "dark night of the nefesh [basis]", healing comes tell seeking God and hurting for his depth. Hence in the context of our lesson, the verse reads: "My nefesh longs for You[in spite of my having the status of]in the night[of judgement and despair]."
This unhappiness is any correlated by Rebbe Nachman with the cover eyes of Isaac who in the Jewish mystical tradition is correlated with din (judgement). Din is correlated with the female and Rebbe Nachman alludes to Isaac's mother Sarah. Sarah is seen as the Father or Shekhinah in her parcel of awkward judgements. In the Jewish fidelity of the Superhuman Cover up the eyes are correlated with the Sefirot of Din (judgement/ impartiality) and Chesed (lovingkindness/ beautify). Rabbi Kramer writes: "...In his cutting edge years, Yitzach [Isaac]was cover. He is consequently understood to be enveloped in unhappiness...On kind of his blindness, Yitzach, the aspect of judgements, is correlated with unhappiness. This verse which Rebbe Nachman cites from Beginning [1:5 "the unhappiness He called Sad"] shows that unhappiness is equivalent with "night", after one's visualize is bordered and it is knotty for him to see his way. Darkness/ night/ Yitzach/ judgements are consequently correlated with awkward consciousness, in which it is as well knotty to see one's spiritual way..."
Hence the unhappiness that envelops Isaac is the dark Phantom or waters of the protective Womb of the Father (Shekhinah/ Woman). This dark light is called "Zohar". In Jewish tradition Zohar is any several name for Miriam. The unhappiness that enveloped Golgotha and the earth at the crucifixion was this maternal love and ghost of Our Peer of the realm (manifesting from Eternity)holding her son in her spiritual womb in this darkest intention of muscular mystical night. In Catholic tradition and art the binding and sacrifice of Isaac is any seen as a type of the crucifixion and the sacrifice of the Gather.
Pope Benedict XVI any correlated the sacrifice of Isaac and the crucifixion with the divine take the part of or laughter (see Panorama the Mutton). Rebbe Nachman any alludes to the laughter (TzChoK) of Isaac (Yitzach) and its attachment with the unhappiness and the night of judgements and despair. The mystery of the use of the Superhuman Award Elohim in the Akeidah (Bind up of Isaac)is correlated with the laughter. Rebbe Nachman teaches in Likutey Moharan :"...YiTzChaK corresponds to judgement,the aspect of Elohim, as it is in black and white (Beginning 21:6) "Elohim has brought me TzChoK (laughter)." For Yitzach was innate to Sarah, who corresponds to Malkhut (Land)as Rashi explains: She was named SaRaH sheh'SaRah (seeing that she ruled) done with the concluded world (Beginning 17:5 based on Berakhot 13a). And Land is judgement, as in: The judgement of the Land is judgement(dina d'malkhuta dina)(Gittin10b)..."
Rebbe Nachman alludes to Sarah as Shekhinah (the female correlated Malkhut) in vogue as the Ark of the Pact Self-supporting of all the earth (Joshua 3:11) discussed in the Zohar as the Elleh (Elah/Goddess). The mystery of the unhappiness any alludes to the unhappiness of the Transcendent of Holies persistent the Ark of the Pact and the unhappiness in the being of the Ark where on earth the middle box (arc)made of acacia weigh down is called Gulgalta (Control).
Similar to one studies the Kabbalah and the pagan religions in the light of the truths of Catholicism, it reveals how the whole of history was preparing for the experiment of the mysteries of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. One also elevates the sparks of truth unrevealed even in the pagan religions back to the edge of Emaciated.
Labels: breslov, jewish mysticism, magick