Monday, March 9, 2015

Molder Of Dreams Guy Doud Comes Home To The Catholic Church

Molder Of Dreams Guy Doud Comes Home To The Catholic Church
Last night on the Journey Home program, Guy Doud presented his testimony of conversion to Catholicism. He was received into the Church this past Easter. He is a nationally known motivational speaker, 1986 National Teacher of the Year and former Evangelical Free pastor. His tape/CD "Molder of Dreams" has been the most listened to and requested material ever offered by Focus on the Family.

Just this past Sept 12 and 13th "Molder of Dreams" was replayed again on Dr. Dobson's program.

Why did he turn to the Church after being a lifelong evangelical believer? You can hear him tell the story if you to go to the audio archives or you can watch the re-broadcast program this Saturday. But, in a nutshell, it was his desire to see how the early Church worshipped which led to his discovery of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. This led to an insatiable desire to receive Christ as He was received by the early church and continues to be present to this day in the Catholic Church. Guy found the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Confession to be a great aid to his walk with God as I and other converts have found.

Welcome Home Guy! Our prayers are with you as well as the prayers of an unimaginably large and invisible cloud of witnesses!

(If the truth be told, they have been praying for us to come back for a long time now, thanks Mom!)
