Monday, January 12, 2015

Question For Witchy Friends

question for witchy friends:


I'm not into witchcraft. At all. I am now and forever a ceremonial magician. I used to scoff at the idea of witchcraft but now I'm just puzzled.

I see all of these spells and recipes for powders, etc, and can't help but wonder: does that stuff actually work? I mean, you go out...

I can't find your original post DXM so I am bouncing off Abwatts.

5 ways of witchcraft, abridged and early in the morning.

SYMPATHETIC aka as above so below. Every aspect of the universe is represented in every other aspect. The true circle is your reach, the light of your fire, as far as you can see, the horison or as far as you can imagine. The jar becomes the target entity or situation and what you put in it (and other actions) change that event/entity.

ENERGY. Change is contagious, all energy causes change in all other energy and the ripples of change continue forever long after the original signal dies out. There are energies we can't yet measure and are unaware of, dimensions we don't have access to consciously. Oh yeah, vibrating names.

HEADOLOGY. Simplified this targets the self or those who know and accept/fear your witchcraft. Tell someone they are sick enough times and they will become sick, let someone know they have pissed a witch off and they create their own bad luck etc. How many changes can be made in a mundane manner by a person unconsciously working for your 'spell?'

THEISTIC. Witches work with entities, sometimes. Sometimes the entites get involved regardless of whether they have been called upon.

REALITY/AWARENESS. We create everything anyway, possibly we are alone and create others and possibly others are also playing this game. If there are others then there are rules. Perhaps witchcraft is a way around those rules, perhaps it is an access to the part of us that is organising this whole hooha. You can't prove that I am not locked in a cell dreaming this all, I just have to accept what I experience. I experience change when I stick things in a mason jar.
