Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Orthodox Christian Family Bullied In Uzbekistan

Orthodox Christian Family Bullied In Uzbekistan
August 24, 2012UZNews.netTidy Christian Natalya Pleshakova, who is disabled from older, and her mother footing been sternly outdone up and tried in Tashkent.Pleshakova, 26, disabled from older, command forever bear in mind her day on 6 August.At about 4 o'clock in the crack of dawn the door of their persevere with on Ok Yul Manner in Tashkent was cracked and six strong men with sticks and clubs stormed into their sow.Natalya, who is on crutches, walked towards them trivial managing to mask herself. Seeing that she asked "Who are you?" she conventional a prime smack and she was dragged to the kitchen.What DID THE Adjust Way of being FOR?What did six massive men who turned the persevere with upside down need? One of them looked for persevere with store to the same extent others as one icons, bibles, committed calendars and prayer books.All this happened under the very eyes of a fix endorsed who filmed everything on his telephone dub, harsh to live Natalya or her mother Valentina Semenovna elude hits or answer curses and manipulation.Natalya, in handcuffs, managed to omission into her room to make calls to order and an Tidy church. Seeing that they saw her do that they held her dub and fix her up again.All this had lasted for four hours in the manner of a Damas minibus inwards with several officers with hindrance rifles in disguise uniforms and balaclavas. Their manager thought he was "Aziz from order". The women decided they were saved but not yet.They were outdone up in role of neighbours who were called up as witnesses to put forward a zone committee.CHARGES OF Champion DeedsThe actions stretched in office 303 at Tashkent's Mirabad part order schism everywhere Natalya and her mother were full.Nearby Natalya was vacant to convert to Islam for its purportedly central part a cut above than Christianity, in the function of it allows a man to footing four wives. The pubertal mortal refused.She as well as was threatened and outdone. Uneasy and needless, Natalya was as well as unthinking to go in a proposition saying that she had stored 125 committed books and items, and "Aziz from order" dictated her titles which she heard for the prime time."Aziz from order" thought that put on was nonexistence wrongdoer in mail that it all belonged to a dead grandmother, and the knackered women were set free at about two in the crack of dawn.Natalya called ambulance and was full to hospital everywhere her injuries were known.AttentionThe close watch day the women went to the part prosecutor's office which refused to suffer their protest. One day afterwards "Aziz from order" and the fix endorsed set them to a law court trial and the women were handed in the course of to two officers.Distinguish B Ermatov spent easily five account on "testing the include", the women thought, and frequent them to go home minus even reading out his view. Hardly a week considering did they convoy the view.The let the cat out of the bag decided that the women had resisted order and had stored the banned committed literature at home and conducted supporter activities. He fined them 20 token review take-home pay each.THE PLESHAKOVSNatalya's establish died in the 1990s, and her brother lost analyze in the past a progress chance. Her mother Valentina, who worked as a cashier at a barber's shop, had to plan with all this.Seeing that her children got poorly, Natalya might not help her mother or do housework, so Valentina had to see up her job to circulate in the past her children.The domestic became indigent, as Natalya's disability distribute is easily 100,000 mathematics or 35 a month.This money is not adequate for fundamentals, let on your own medicines Natalya rebelliously requirements. Now she has problems with her kidneys.The women started frequenting Tashkent's Dormition Cathedral, everywhere Valentina tries to be meaningful.She washes dead bodies and reads the psalms. Seeing that they run nippy of money, Valentina, 54, begs cool the place of worship.What IS Astern THIS HORROR?The women thought that someone embrace to carry a scrutiny of land on which their persevere with stands.They footing additional realm which administration tens of thousands of dollars.The women, who footing never seen such money, mind their persevere with command be held, extremely in the past good inspectors came to inspection their houses for the prime time in decades. They may margin fines.Why have to they be charged with central part part of a instruct central part, or unthinking to rotation their faith?Tidy Christians were never mistreated in Uzbekistan in the slight. On the awkward, Take precedence Islam Karimov tightly frequent the event of the Dormition Cathedral.The place of worship opened the country's prime institution, and put on are now further Tidy parishes in Uzbekistan than in tsarist times.The Tashkent and Uzbekistan eparchy is against sects, and its Zhivoye Slovo and Vostok Svyshe publications prove it.The undulate Town Vikentiy knows the women very well and owed money for Natalya's value. He equally complained to the Cry Serious Family members Committee about the understanding.[I had to edit this object a bit to make it further understandable, and eliminated the christen which read: "Christian domestic changed to Islam, outdone, tried in Tashkent". In fact, the domestic never changed to Islam. I reposted this object to make these clarifications. - J.S.]