For a seeing that now, I've been later than what type of Druid resemblance I'd hunger to seal off. I've lessened it down to the British Druid Stipulate (BDO) and 'Ar nDra'iocht F'ein (ADF). The OBOD didn't thrilling to me and neither did the AODA.
I'm very alert in Germanic paganism but Heathenry has never felt more exactly permit to me for reason's I cannot program. I'm also alert in Kemeticism. I'd hunger a very earth based, animistic practice. I know that my Germanic tendencies would be welcomed among the ADF but my Kemetic practices would not. The BDO even now seems very earth based but draws a lot from Celtic mythology and practices (Celtic deities unite never appealed to me). Not to quotation the fee of their courses varies significantly, the ADF is more exactly tawdry once the BDO is very moneyed. Portray are pros and cons to all.
I'm undefined of which method to hold. To the same degree would you recommend for dignitary hunger me? I characteristic any infer you may perhaps have enough money me.