Go North, East, South, West if the spell is for request or spread, or North, West, South, East if it is one of cut or extradition. Description a circle in the air with your wand, sword or athame and acknowledgment each con with it..
"Rainfall, Noble of the Watchtower of the North. I assertion upon thee to protuberance my circle and assignment my magickal technicalities. By earth, air, fire and water I assertion upon thee. By the Law of Three, I assertion upon thee. Index, Noble of the Watchtower of the North and enjoyable."
"Rainfall, Noble of the Watchtower of the East. I assertion upon thee to protuberance my circle and assignment my magickal technicalities. By earth, air, fire and water I assertion upon thee. By the Law of Three, I assertion upon thee. Index, Noble of the Watchtower of the East, and enjoyable."
"Rainfall, Noble of the Watchtower of the South. I assertion upon thee to protuberance my circle and assignment my magickal technicalities. By earth, air, fire and water I assertion upon thee. By the Law of Three, I assertion upon thee. Index, Noble of the Watchtower of the South, and enjoyable."
"Rainfall, Noble of the Watchtower of the West. I assertion upon thee to protuberance my circle and assignment my magickal technicalities. By earth, air, fire and water I assertion upon thee. By the Law of Three, I assertion upon thee. Index, Noble of the Watchtower of the West, and enjoyable."
You are now completed to perform you spell or ritual. Place power by low hands palms down on the terrain and forcing the energy back, saying:
"The Circle's open, the spell's limitless. Farewell, Lords of the Watchtowers. Go in calm."
Books in PDF format to read:Giuseppe Bezza - The Astrological Similes
Nameless - Bealtaine Meander Of The Gloomy Moon
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