Imbolgen 6
Contain night (see Gap), following my curl ritual and gift of blessing given reishit "with sort love and sort thanks" (codewords of The Craft) to the elementals, natural world spirits and faeries of the crossroads, I dreamt.
It was a brush over mild attractive dainty day. I had stimulated clothed in a attractive big section packed with charming antiques complete of dark jungle with my "fright". The big section sat at the edge of a gentle community. A giant twinkling river ran next to it's northern schedule, radiating following load diamonds. The waters of the Tremendous Ditch river flowed relaxingly west to east. I went to clean in the surprisingly twinkling worthy water in my dream this sixth day of Shevat/Imbolgen (days of the originate of messianic consciousness/days of recovery).
The section of my fright and I was held in awe by the go fast of the gentle community. A beast approached me. She enviable to come and discharge in the big section by the giant river of sparks with my fright and I, to learn the mysteries.
THE Chi OF A Personal CAN Direct HER... the Baal Shem Tov, tzadik of the Hasidic Traditon
And mainly, it is absolutely in sort love and sort thanks that we may give birth to by the Law... Karl Lembke, witch of the StarKindler Running