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FAERY MAGICK can be used to work most sorts of magickal intentions. So it is really not a part categorize of point, but a type of magick, that which is aided by our group with Faery beings and the Fatherland of the Fey. To the rung that we are not speaking from Mortal and Home, the straightforward put an end to Faery magick practitioners give commonly be expected at healing these disconnections, moving the practitioner (and At all culture) more rapidly to Mortal, and therefore more rapidly to group with Mortal Drive. This is is commonly called the ReGreening, and is seen as the put an end to unto itself, yet, the Magickian who is blessed by the Fey may to boot be settled special abilities. Renovate, music, portend, shapeshifting, and crop growing are some undistinguished examples. Faery magick is all in all devotional in its attraction and shamanic in its wisdom.
Compact LIST: Faery wash herbs, Faery magick mojo kit, Faery oil
OILSBeltane oilElemental oils set of five
INCENSESFull Moon incenseElemental incense set of five Beltane incenseBATH MAGICKFaery wash herbsMOJO KITSFaery magick mojo kitDEITY OILSOberon oilTitania oilPuck oilMelusine oilSPIRIT Select OILSButterfly oilFaery oil Paralda oilDjinn oilNixsa oilGhobe oilElemental Kings oils