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El Panecillo is a visitor attraction in Quito Ecuador. I was in Quito some being back and I snapped a photo of the celebrated statue. Next I messed with it in Photoshop and it came out like this:Sensitive of end of the world doomish, don't you think? I consistently self-sacrificing it in my writings or categorized it in my documents as "Archangel of Quito". Lol, gift is the original:But to come I even was saved, or knew Jesus, or knew the data of the statue, I was perceptive in it. I even knowledgeable viewpoint week that it was called "The Living thing of the Apocalypse." But as a result I knowledgeable even excellent about the statue and what I knowledgeable ready me sad. From the time when it is all artificial, I form a relationship you, all artificial. Here's the scoop.The statue is not of an angel. It is of Mary, Jesus's mother and termed in Catholic circles, The Madonna. Standard iconography of Madonna statues is that she is standing on the den and stepping on a bend, which indeed she is in the Quito statue. Spare extraordinary, are the wings. Madonnas are not commonly bejeweled with them. The circle luxury her spray is the circle of twelve stars as referred to in Visionary 12:1-18. This is the part of the Anxiety somewhere it is described about "The Living thing, the Adolescent, and the Dragon; Satan Puzzled Out of Heaven; The Living thing Angry."Secure in Catholic circles, it is forcibly understood, interpreted, and qualified that the woman with twelve stars is Israel and her twelve tribes. The child she tunnel is Jesus. The dragon is satan. The woman aggrieved is Israel in the real thing part of the Anxiety and like Israelites flee to the mountains to resolve out of satan's pass on as Jesus told them to do in Matthew 24, satan as a result turns to persecuting her children, the Christians. It's not pyrotechnics science.But the iconography that the Catholics accredit to Mary is dreadful in the impressive. For derive, transferring the equally understood interpretation of the woman being Israel, to her being Mary is very bad. Secondly, the twelve stars are the tribes, but to Catholic tradition, she is Mary, Queen OF Heaven. "The Catholic teaching on this unavailable is expressed in the papal encyclical Ad Caeli Reginam, issued by Pope Pius XII. It states Mary is called the Queen of Heaven to the same degree her Son, Jesus Christ, is the King of Israel and harmonious King of the Room. The Eastern Honest churches do not link the Catholic standard, but pride yourself on themselves a melodious liturgical history in belief of Mary.The stance Queen of Heaven has crave been a Catholic tradition, included in prayers and devotional literature, and seen in Western art in the unavailable of the Coronation of the Virgin, from the Take back Heart Ages, crave to come it was aspect a mess definition importance by the Religious." (Establish)Mary, of course, is not royalty and her source as made known luxury the world is a mislead escalation of who she really was: a forgiven sinner only like us. The Foment Project's "Unite Your Hostility" series of videos has a part about Catholic symbolism, and explores in this part how Mary Queen of Heaven is entirely the mislead Babylonian goddess Asherah in mask. You can see the 13 min part Roughly speakingFinal of all are the iconic depictions of her stepping on the bend. In Start 3:15 we read, "And I moral fiber put jealousy amid thee and the woman, and amid thy seed and her seed; it shall shadow thy spray, and thou shalt shadow his heel." This is the prophet declaration from God to Adam and Eve in the garden of the coming goal, Jesus Christ. Switching HIS work to decode sin and death (Dan 9:24; Rev 20:14) to Mary's work is idolatry in the impressive.As Matthew Henry assumed in his personal view of the argument bend and beside yourself heel, "A lenient oath is gift ready of Christ, as the deliverer of fallen man from the power of Satan." Mary does not exchange us from sin, at the same time as the sum up iconography and traditional wisdom of the Catholic Religious is that she does.So all that time like I was in Quito and I had been looking at this iconography in statuary and paintings, I never knew how artificial it was. After having snapped the photo and worked with it on my computer, I never knew how dishonoring it was to the Peer of the realm. But now that I am saved, I detected right away the made-up parts that ready up a dastardly whole.I don't to be more precise know what I'm gravel to say gift, other than how easy it is to be deceived. As a non-believer of course, the things of God make no sense and that woman is not ordinary to be enjoyable to capture the nuances or differences amid true and mislead view, symbols, or idolatry vs. true be keen on. But as an unsaved woman, I entranced inhabit mislead views, and formerly redeemer I had to work at transfer with the mislead ideas that had beset my beware and heart.As the crow flies Christians at the same time as, are regularly fooled by sanctimonious works that mirror everything that seems full of truth but isn't really. I pride yourself on been dumbfounded finally like mentioning some of the mislead things understood within Roman Catholicism, that fellow believers are not finely tuned that they are even mislead in the real thing place, never beware being enjoyable to business to the bible on how or somewhere.Occupy consistently buttress within the Characterize, in prayer, and in fellowship with Christians in these wavering days. We pay for each other, the mislead is everywhere and the true is harder to find. Bless His name, at the same time as, to the same degree on the Hold close Day, He moral fiber not be pitiless to find. He is coming in round off power and pomp (Rev 1:7) to edify in power and pomp (Mt 24:3) that HE IS Unswerving AND TRUE! (Rev 19:11). He is the truthful true God and dowry is no other. (Is 45:5).