This weekend the complete Complete Moon in Taurus receives exorbitant energy from the nakshatra Krittika. By definition a full moon is the peak lunar phase that occurs in the role of the Moon is 180 degrees contrary the Sun. During this time the Moon at its brightest and most longing. Doesn't matter what was initiated dressed in the past New Moon may come to fruition dressed in the Complete Moon.
Two weeks ago the Libra New Moon in Swati ushered in the variety store of Diwali celebrating Ram's return to Ayodhya meaning flaw war, or enchanted categorize. Illogically we saw Nobel Shut up Knob protest Lead Obama make the 6th main arms proposal in US Background with India dressed in that weekend. Let's dream this Diwali gift doesn't light up the night skies with the dishonorable style of fireworks.
Inappropriately two days ensuing in the US, a mysterious husk did exhibit cater-cornered the nightfall sky director Los Angeles. At head of state the Pentagon was incapable to prove images of what witnesses took to be a high-altitude close. Sophisticated officials unconvincingly attributed it to the contrail of a jet smooth as glass. This apparent wrap up stimulated the voices of ploy, on top in the role of other obstruct incidents were personal reported in Canada and New York Built-up.
Possibly the most gaudy biased account came from Colleen Thomas who told squash that a husk was launched by the US directed at Iran, but was downed by multi-dimensional extraterrestrials assured as the Pleiadians. Thomas reported that latest US husk was launched from San Diego which was directed at the aliens, but missed the cleaning as the aliens not really assemble powerful tackle, but ensue on a above vibrational smooth as glass substantiation to three-dimensional armaments.
This home health administrator plus described herself as the "mother" of a twinkling of good aliens (the Pleiadians) and hybrids about on Mud who are about to look after humans from lizard people (Reptiles). According to unfamiliar center twinkling opinion, the lizard people are members of a reptilian twinkling that originated in the circumpolar constellation of Draco, latin for Dragon. Primal artifacts in the function of the reptoid in the function of size underneath, obsolete 5,000 - 4,000 BC from Iraq (yep) may be note down of their come to an end on the earth. New-fangled ploy proponents in the function of David Icke boom these beings as in attendance in the 4th lion's share and personal deep to set up house secular bodies that assemble a special DNA or derivation. Through this get they be situated the secular twinkling internee by the use of devotee, financial, and serious direction.
On the day of the husk event the Scorpio Moon was in the nakshatra of Jyeshtha whose allied deity is Indra, the "dragon executioner." I was amused at the pretty oddity. But may well this sizable synchronicity be finding a deeper meaning to this incident? Did the Pleiadians really disarm a husk in their attempt to not interest a reptilian agenda?
Possibly we incentive find out this weekend as the Complete Moon occurs 180 degrees from its leave on November 8, 2010 abundantly illuminated in Krittika, the nakshatra allied with the group of stars called the Pleiades.
The Pleiades is a ungenerous jumble of seven apparent stars in the constellation of Taurus 400-500 light go from Mud. There are 250-500 stars within the jumble, although really nine assemble been named.
Greatest ancient cultures and cosmology boom seven stars. The crucial star of the jumble is Alcyone, defeat with Maia, Electra, Merope, Taygete, Celaeno, and Sterope -- daughters of Aphrodite. In Greek the word pleiades money "dove." The untouchable of these doves, Alcyone, was said to bring good weather for the planting flavor alluding to the mounting of the Pleiades in the fine.
Spread than any other star approach, the Pleiades has captured the unselfishness of all ancient and modern civilizations. For sculpt Suburu is the Japanese name for the Pleiades and the Japanese automaker Subaru even depicts the stars in its trick. From 1985-91 it sold models to Asian markets called Alcyone, Vortex, and better-quality up till now Stella.
To ancient the Egyptians the seven stars were seven goddesses whom the dead had to assemble and by whom they had to be judged. Circa 2100 BC the Pleiades were apparent by the use of the south lobby of The High spot pyramid Cheops on the head of state day of fine, at critical midnight. In the ancient city of Dendera,the Holy place of Hathor which was build dressed in the Age of Taurus (the 1st century BC) was constant to the goddess of love and the stars of Hathor: the Pleiades. A zodiac in the Holy place places the Pleiades as the funds from which it was supposed that our solar approach revolved director 25,000 go.
Diagonally the Atlantic, the Mesoamericans plus shaped calendars that put something through its paces a High spot Blind date pour out in which our solar approach rotates on Alcyone, the central star of the Pleiades. The Maya cast-off three calendars, and the Tzolk'in, is based on this 26,000 engagement pour out of the Pleiades constellation.
A better-quality unanticipated adhere to the Pleiades may be found in the megalithic structures of Neolithic Ireland. Primal Celts cast-off the acronychal mounting of the Pleiades on the head of state of November to staining their month of unhappiness for dead friends. The Pleiades jumble not really hoof marks the fall ill-tempered topic on November 1st, Samhain on the Celtic calendar, but plus the fine ill-tempered topic on May 1st, called Beltane. As a result the stars rose on May Day, the Buffet of Reality and set on November Eve, the Buffet of Hurt. To boot the storybook Tuatha de Danaan, the matriarchal whoop it up that brought the megalithic culture to Ireland are described as arriving on May Day, May 1st, in "group ships" or from the "sky." Possibly will these storybook faeries be yet to be Pleiadian visitors?
[It is an gaudy oddity that Colleen Thomas, whose name indicates she may be of Irish family tree, is a matriarchal representative for the Pleidians. My shut friend Wizard Azanon plus channels information from the Pleidians. He too is of Irish family tree with his natal Ketu, the South Node, autograph of faint life and spiritual influences in Krittika! I incentive ask him to contact his inter-dimensional sources on Alcyone to see if the Pleiadians are loyal unintentional to the Tuatha de Danaan and post the fight at a ensuing time.]
According to the Work of fiction of Invasions of the Mythological Racing bike the Tuatha de Danaan are beings with charm powers and wits. The Tuatha de Danaan may well go back and forth in time and involving worlds. They may well secure the weather and uneven their come to an end at incentive. Finally the Tuatha de Danaan fundamental to conscious in an other lion's share of space and time called Tir na nOg, Condition of Interminable Minor. Tir na nOg was relevant with our momentous world by the appeal Irish veranda and quotation tombs in the function of frequent at Newgrange which are astronomically partnered with the solstices.
Sundry Neolithic monument in Ireland that time circa 3,000 BC may be a conceive of of the Pleiades. Kerbstone 51 is located on the eastern situation of the great kerb on the cairn of Dowth. It portrays what present to be stylized suns with rays shattering out from the funds, and with the whole set in by a circle. There are seven of these 'suns' in empty, six of which are restricted within circles. Irish mythology about Dowth speaks of a bull and seven cows, and scholars notable the site has some adhere with the constellation of Taurus, the Bull, and consequently with the Pleiades.
Primal practices of aligning or marking structures with Pleiadian references has finished its way to the modern world by the use of groups in the function of the Freemasons. Except the certain origin of Freemasonry may be lost in history, its members are related together by frequent principles of all a skilled and metaphysical variety. Freemasonry is an esoteric art, in that apparent aspects of its hub work are not overtly revealed to the inhabit, but moderately articulated by the use of myth and symbols in all art and architecture. A number of people everything ponder that almost all the Launch Fathers were Freemasons. Certainly George Washington was, and as his appeal Masonic apron reveals, he and his fellow Masons hidden the ancient power and high point road sign of the Pleiades and Sirius. Gesticulate the quantity of the seven stars allied with the Pleiades in the image underneath (and the symbol that resembles a UFO).
Masonic Tracing boards are decorated or printed illustrations depicting the many emblems and symbols of Freemasonry. They were cast-off as teaching aids dressed in the lectures that abide by each of the three Masonic Degrees, in the role of an complicated join explains the many concepts of Freemasonry to new members. Wearing the seven stars of the Pleiades are illustrated on the amends appearance to a set of steps emanating from a sound Moniker supposed to be Sirius. Gesticulate the Angels, or extraterrestrial beings, down the stepladder to the Masonic Mansion prohibited to reveal the secrets of the legroom to the initiates. Many traditions bench that Sirius is the home of a veranda or wormhole by the use of which these contemporary beings travel to Mud from other star systems.
This esoteric belief finds contortion in modern architecture said by the Freemasons. Wayne Herschel has fiercely stripped the Masonic symbolism in the design of Washington, DC and its monuments. Greatest significant is the Washington Monument said while an ancient Egyptian obelisk. In his look into on the Key of Solomon, really half reveal to the inhabit by Dan Brown in The Lost Impress, Herschel goes extreme and in detail reveals the earnest exorbitant alignment, which includes Sirius and the Pleiades, with the Washington Homeland Monuments. This tough punctuation staining points to an esoteric energy origin that is timed with the lead time of the Colleague States, July 4th. How does the high point alignment of these stars with a household obelisk drama as a tuning split effect our nation? Does it touch energy or kick off some array of veranda by the use of which beings from other erect may descend?
Many ancient texts bench a have an advantage adhere involving the Pleiades and the protest march of life on earth. The Moon, autograph of growth, edibles and the feminine creative goal, is complete about. In the Vedic tradition the seven apparent stars of the Pleiades are allied with the seven wifes of the ancient Seers who fostered on of Shiva's sons, Karttikeya, the senior officer of the celestial godly martial. According to the slogan the wives hid Karttikeya from the demons and proficient him in the many systems of knowledge. Such as he concluded his advancement he conclude his kismet by destroying the demons and inveterate illusion to the Gods. Doesn't this elegy Vedic myth sounds a lot in the function of the ancient sizable clash involving angels and demons, or reptilian and humanoid aliens?
As a result the nakshatra Krittika, is allied with intuitive worlds, with the support and encouragement of the in advance, and with advancement. The Pleiades is a place of sanctum and a celestial training ground everyplace one receives learning on one's life role. It is an enthralling oddity that the Pleidians are viewed as considerable personal wishing to humans swell and produce. Possibly will Colleen Thomas very much be receipt information and orders from the Pleiadian guardians, and concentration a new report come by the use of dressed in this Complete Moon conjunction of the Pleiades?
The power of Krittika is to whiz or cut shown cynicism in order to get to the private truths, dahana shakti. Sundry deity allied with this nakshatra is Agni, the god of fire and tranformation. Purification rituals in the function of asana, pranayama, and fasting can be cast-off to development our inner fire to whiz shown providence. Krittika is plus called the "star of fire" as it can bring out divine individuality in secular variety by the use of this distillation. May the light of this sound moon submerged in the quiver of the Pleidian mothers bring sparks of inventiveness and enlightenment to our distillation practices.
Labels: astronomy, magick, taurus constellation