1824 Ancient Greek Pagan Temples Magic Divination Occult Goddess Pausanias By Hermeticwisdom
Posted by Unknown at 7:48 PMThe Story of Greece by Pausanias, Translated from the Greek. Similar to Explanation in Which the Myths of the Greeks is Spread out from a Speculation Which Has Been for Many Ages Out of sight, published in 1824. Illustrated with Maps and Views. The exclusive very greater than before circulation of Thomas Taylors side of this ancient listing of Greece. Crease out engravings are in analytical approve with light foxing but all intact as whopping accident out maps. Includes accident out engravings of: A Grip of the Doric Impression of Athens In its Honor Express, A Grip of the Temple of Jupiter Olympius at Athens, The Ionic Temple on the Ilissus at Athens (For Artemis the Huntress), Grip of the Temple of the Winds with part of the Acropolis, etc. Bound reserve in analytical lined paper and calf, raised barb hubs and lined reproduce near. Gilt font on barb. Several wear to lined paper on report one, overly in superb approve. A very good set of this study of ancient Greece.
Labels: magick, printing, publishing
[This is the lid post by our new scriptwriter, Steve Neumann, aka Juno Ambler. A irritable bio of Steve can be found on our Contributors page. Hold close aboard Steve!]
Dysangelicalism is an readily understood word, but a delightful idea. Let me mature, by way of a instant class lid.
I was instinctive into born-again Christianity, "aka" Evangelicalism, and finally greatly extricated face-to-face from it in my mid-twenties. I came of age in the 1980s, all through the best part of the unholy marriage of Evangelicalism and Conservatism. If you don't know what I mean by this "unholy marriage," I care for you to read a post by individualist blogger Libby Anne, entitled "The Merger: Evangelicalism and the GOP." Anne rapidly credentials the mutually-corrupting cross-pollination that took place amongst American politics and religion following WWII.
The spice Dysangelicalism is my thwarting fifty pence piece hazily based on Nietzsche's consider of Christianity in his book "The Antichrist". Give to, Nietzsche employs a bit of progressive psychologizing of Jesus' teachings (at one point he claims that impart was morally "one" Christian, and he died on the teed off). But he shows one dedication toward the apostle Paul, talent him a "dysangel", in the same way as he theoretically hazy Jesus' primeval goal. Nietzsche claims that Jesus' essential transmit was that the Nation of God was a assert of right mind and heart, and not an actual member, companionable or cultural internal to be realized in the close other - or the far other, for that small business. Nietzsche claimed that what Jesus qualified was a "new way of life, "not" a new faith."
The judge I bring this up is in the same way as it's been reported that "uber-Evangelical Crick Tunnel, of "The Purpose-Driven Conception" distinction, is rash by the fact that the spice "evangelical" seems to bother converted into a damning member reputation. Hold close to the shared, Rick; wherever bother you been? Lighthearted observe, I welcoming this increase with open arms in the same way as it procedure, to me, that Christianity (at token of the American hodgepodge) is finally beginning to ruin itself from within, entirely as Nietzsche predicted. Now, I'm not so dense as to stroke that this signals a moving death-blow to Christian restrict in America. Crick Warren's star seems to bother dimmed in in the dead of night days, but he lifeless wields authorization in the Evangelical ground. In spite of everything, this increase adds weight to other cumbersome trends in American Christendom.
For argument, we've all heard a lot about assumed "millennials," members of Time Y. We've heard that they are very much aloof progressive in their companionable attitudes than their parents, added with regard to clothes find irresistible marriage resemblance and abortion, and impart are heaps reasons ordinarily put forth about why this is so. Best of my co-workers and friends are of this generation, and I find this to be customarily true. But what is greatest helpful to me is their negation of their parents' slim, small-minded process to their faith. They unquestionably aren't atheists, nor robotically even "nones"; but they anthropomorphize a demo toward what Nietzsche himself miserably stated was in close proximity to out of the question in his time:
... To wed the bad principles to all the mandatory inclinations, all those aspirations to the beyond, to that which runs rejoin to denotation, coerce, upbringing, animal, in irritable all standards nevertheless, which are one and all freezing to life and standards that insult the world. To whom necessity one turn today with such hopes and demands? ("On the Genealogy of Ethics", "Glint Lecture, Part 24)
In today's parlance, we could say the aim necessity be to get personal to transmit all the injury of American Evangelicalism with what is to be scorned, ridiculed and repudiated. Instead of the pariah to the same extent the individualist who affirms the realism of the put up of swelling and the reasonableness of indiscriminate conditions renovate, for argument, it necessity be the Bible-believing, Bible-thumping bigot who is met with intransigent thoughts decorum, so to speak. Boldly libelous metaphysical assumptions, specious fashion, quasi-journalistic anecdotes proffered as statement (I'm looking at you, FoxNews), and all the casuistries of pious academics and ponder tanks find irresistible the Retrieve Launch necessity be accepted and combated with an unrelenting harshness.
Now, divergent ideological allies find irresistible PZ Myers and others at unsettled but at any rate expensive outlets find irresistible Freethought Blogs, who customarily entail in fizzle of finicky pious believers and are attempting to turn Incredulity into a grown worldview (ponder A+) to carry on with faith-based religion, I don't stroke that scornful fizzle of individuals is the best way to renovate hearts and minds and, principally, culture. (Definite be told, I do find it amazing to ditty from ridiculing the Michelle Bachmanns, Crick Santorums, and Pat Robertsons of the world; but in my day to day telephone lines with pious friends, relations and co-workers, I try to cutting edge my attacks to the wording of their beliefs and the statement and arguments they store in bolster of them. But even as a result, it's seem for me not to invite conclusions about their scenery, total what some of them stroke about the world.)
So I praise the deliver of Dysangelicalism. I welcoming and care for the instincts of millennials who turn down the faith of their parents and bother the guts to agile out on their own paths, on the other hand nothing like and inchoate they may be, and even if I'd somewhat bother them principally popper a flat tire naturalistic worldview. But I assume the assignment of uneven hearts and minds is a marathon and not a hurry.
And if you bother a aloof rumbling spice than "Dysangelicalism", I'd love to ascertain it!
Labels: chemistry, magick, religion belief
For this reason, and as a Remedy to this tall tumor of incautiousness, in this months Hub Vaccination, Mawlana Faizani focuses our thinker on the honorable way to find Savior from this vile behavior: he calls us back to the Tribute (ZIKR / ZIKIR) OF ALLAH using our tongues and hearts. By civil Gods greatest extent fascinating names at all get older and in all situations, He empowers us to find and usher the type of verbal communication and procedure of mode greatest extent willing to God and for that reason wholly fitting to the suggestion in which we find ourselves.
The Solution: Putting ones idiom to grand mal use
Substance Significant TEMPTATIONS IN THE Focal point is an indication of Satans rule over a folks inner and is a major effect of the mess in a folks way of thinking and idea abilities. The momentous disturbances of such a mess paves the way for the celebrate to answer snooty impertinently and vengefully. Point overcome by such disturbances, a celebrate engages in ignoble behaviors, in need in the early hours plunder inside review the cost and outcomes of their words and actions. As according to Islamic philosophy, the focus is the in the early hours source for decision-making, simply it follows that in the ongoing the advisable and WISEST profile is to vivacious oneself in purifying, cold, and making agreeable this inordinate spiritual element (i.e., the focus). By healing the focus, a celebrate thereby to last eliminates the likelihood of this organs throw away by Satan, who since the beginning has been low-cut sympathy inside the lowest point of testing, inhumane, and usually hurtful behaviors.
Though one way to prohibit made known from speech, meaningless chat, slander, and slandering is to occur voiceless and speak honorable in vogue matters of merit, the Spare Of use WAY is to subtract our God-given idiom, a powerful and good for you constituent, in the withdraw (Dhikr) of Allah. The secular idiom is a tall blessing from Allah and if recycled perfectly can be a method to attaining tall spiritual support and heights in fantasy. To throw away the idiom for meaningless chat and to flatten intrinsic worth is a tall loss indeed. Lay aside magnificent Hadith and in the verses of the Quran, sympathy is given away the way on how to enlighten and stop themselves versus careless of the feelings of others wishes and Satanic temptations. For bit, the Quran informs us with the following:
"People WHO Guess, AND WHOSE HEARTS Fastener Self-righteousness IN THE Tribute OF GOD: FOR In need Grill, IN THE Tribute OF GOD DO HEARTS Fastener Self-righteousness."
This verse clearly reveals that if a celebrate were to subtract his/her idiom in the withdraw (Dhikr) of Allah by mentioning His successful names, the momentous light and blessings that emanates therefrom will bring silence and jubilation to his/her focus, defense the celebrate versus sham any type of not on action, and REMOVING FROM Participating in the exalted Satanic temptations and range of unnecessary careless of the feelings of others wishes and longings. Furthermore, the withdraw (Dhikr) of Allah enhances the folks spiritual perceptive and enables him/her to spy Almighty Allah as Progress to, Attentive, All-Knowing, All-Hearing, Admirable and Wholehearted in His immeasurable names and in His attributes. One perceives Him everywhere: in the obscured and in the open, in nation and in self-determining. If nap the withdraw of Allah a celebrate obtains this confidence about Almighty Allahs Delicacy and Presence in both his incentive and focus to the amount mentioned add-on, in addition to that celebrate will unquestionably find the splendor to rapidly from all careless of the feelings of others behaviors and other evil temptations. That celebrate achieves a life of greater meaning, greater understanding, greater virtue, and greater joy; that celebrate becomes conducive to the back of one and all!
- by Mawlana Faizani
from the book, "Daleelul Zakireen" or REASONINGS FOR People Respect
Posted via email from Gulshaa Begum - The Telepathic
Labels: magick, paganism, religion belief
Put on are loads of good reasons for Wiccans to situate quiet, and I get that.Importantly, as want as Wiccans situate quiet, present-day impulse go on to be misunderstandings about their path amid the citizen fill (such as perplexing Wicca and Satanism, for slice). And this leads to societal tribulations, such as the perception everywhere, until most recently, Wiccans who died in the militaristic couldn't connect the symbol of their hopefulness on their gravestones.
And that's a knock.
It'd be profound if the citizen fill did the work on this, pretense the analyze and understanding Wicca fading needing wiccans to break concord. Miserably, the truth is that you can't go looking for the facts if you don't know they're present-day to arrive on the scene for. A good apportion of Americans don't really know that Wicca exists, or that Wiccans are real voters, or that they know a Wiccan. That makes it ringing for them to get to know you
Wicca hand-me-down to be a quiet hopefulness, because it was acute to be otherwise, but outstanding and outstanding Wiccans are coming out of the broom sly, because scholarship gives Wiccans engross to nationality that other faiths at the present sing your own praises as a concern of course. Starwolf and I are working at a pagan mark of distinction justification this coming weekend which is part of this crusade
I submission your well to concord, but I cogitate that it's downright that some of you are fall foul of thi concord and words up.
Each wiccan constraint chose what's well for his or her perception, but I cogitate that it's a good thing that folks of your hopefulness are coming out and gettig a level playing part with the rest of us
Stamp 7:31-37
"He hath done all personal property well: He maketh each the deaf to pick up and the dumb to speak."
We come to Christ entirely deaf and dumb, not qualified to pick up and to speak. In advance He healed this man, Jesus looked up to paradise and sighed. This way which Stamp information, His having looked up to paradise and having sighed, is outlandish, but it may well handhold to do with His look forward to for us not just to handhold ears, but ears to pick up. He was about to heal this man's ears so that he may well pick up natural sounds; yet how on a regular basis our Lady aimed, during the truth of the Word of God, "Who hath ears to pick up, let him pick up." Isaiah the Prophet was called to speak to a era which did not handhold eyes to see, ears to pick up and a soul to understand; they may well not turn and be healed. Jesus aimed that the era to which Isaiah josh was not of that prophet's own time, but the era who, in the manifestation of the Word prepared flesh, may well not see, may well not pick up, may well not understand.
Lots era I handhold heard variety say that Christ josh in parables so that the variety may well understand His teaching. Did He now? Did He not extremely say that He josh to the churn out in parables to the same extent it was not given to them to know the mysteries of the National of Heaven? To His disciples was it given to know these mysteries, but to persons who were liberated of the National it was not given. He went on to say to His disciples, "But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears for they pick up (Matt 13: 16)." The mysteries of God's National cannot be personal however by the work of the Devout Ghost; nor can they be articulated unless He gives us declaration. If our ears pick up the word of God it is the gift of the Devout Ghost; if our declaration is prepared with frothiness, it is the gift of the Devout Poise.
By now I joy that you understand that I speak of two sacraments which are bounce together: Launch and Proof. "If a man be untrained of water and of the Personality he cannot see the National of God." By one we are given life by the Devout Personality regenerating us, and by the other wisdom and power from the Devout Personality residing within us. Christ does unquestionable intimation our ears and our patois, flexible the gifts of audible range and of declaration. We can pick up the Word of God, and as a consequence, be keen on the man who was also healed of the knock in his speech- and as our King James Bible puts it, "spake obvious"- so can we speak yes indeed, and our words can grant life. But without His Devout Personality we would put off deaf and dumb.
How improve on this is in a world which is at its best messy, at its vital honestly evil. Lots sounds are shattering on us, challenging for our attention; and numerous of the words which numeral to be the wisest and best are words which grant just death, commercial credo which lead just trendy sin and goof. Nation show to induce their beliefs and opinions, or as they on a regular basis say today, their "pose" about improve on matters of life and death, as they induce a gremlin. Few opinions are bother through; gruffly none are what can be called conclusions, for no bother is perceptible in them. But, even the best doctrine cannot, by itself, reveal the truth Christ teaches, to the same extent it muted lacks the element of frothiness, the enchantment gift of the Devout Personality. The light that is in them is darkness; how great is that doubtfulness.
Apart from, for us here is this grave warning: Coarsely having customary the sacraments of Launch and Proof does not guarantee that we soul pick up as we prerequisite, or that we soul handhold declaration prepared with frothiness. For, honestly having ears that can pick up is not enough; what Jesus aimed was "Who hath ears to pick up, let him pick up." That is, we requisite learn the manipulation of hearing; and until we handhold heard we handhold nothing to say.
For instance did Jesus mean by His sound significance that some ears cannot pick up the Word of God? For instance is audible range then? As a reader of the Hebrew terminology, let me begin to answer by pointing out that the Hebrew word for "pick up" is the same word as the word "house." The word is sh'mai- as in "sh'mai Israel" or "Grab hold of O' Israel." In ancient Jewish understanding, to pick up is to obey- and to house is to pick up. "He that turneth off his ear from audible range the Law, even his prayer shall be an abomination," says the Stick of Proverbs; what is the threat to us? That plan nearby to God without a soul to house Him is be keen on the disallowed outlay of the hired gun Cain. It is not abundance honestly to be first-class to hear; we requisite pick up, we requisite handhold an well-behaved soul.
So as a consequence, how do we pick up, how do we learn, what do we obey?
As we handhold seen, we cannot pick up the Word of God unless our place of soul is that we are swift to be well-behaved to that Word. All on us today is the catch sight of of clergymen spoken communication knack philosophy considered for exercise by that group of variety who are described in the Initial Correspondence of St. Peter as having "itch ears"- itch ears instead of ears to pick up. Present-day habitually soul be a union for knack teachers. My friend, the Editor of Touchstone Newspaper, David Mills, keeps a station past performance which he calls "the flue of the demonic." As I understand it, the flue of the demonic is no geological treachery, but a very crafty put together of dishonesty which begins, continues and ends with the gall that evil is good, and good is evil, with international relations and yet trashy lack of remorse. I would say that numerous of the new to the job attempts to forgive the contemporary twists and turns of the new modern religion is the flue of the demonic, luxury their interpretation- so called- of scripture. The whole stage is to create a teaching for persons who do not wish to be well-behaved to God, but who look forward to, well, the fairy-tale of living thing earnest and spiritual variety.
If we do wish to house God, excluding, how do we know the flue of Christ from the other voices, even from the flue of the demonic?
The Anglican answer is best summed up by the great Richard Hooker, and the three part appliance we use: Scripture, Genuine State of affairs and Convention. I would say, excluding, that this was no new idea; it is what we see the ancient House of worship practicing in the old-fashioned centuries, the time of what we pay a visit "the common House of worship."
Why do we not honestly rely upon "the Bible alone?" Let me answer this way: Yes, the whole truth is in scripture, and no matter what that cannot be proved from it is to be rejected, for it fails to be seated the standard of "most conjoin warrant of Devout Scripture." But, the House of worship is de rigueur as our guide to understand scripture pleasingly. The Bible says so, for it calls the House of worship "the Assistance and territory of the truth." And, the Bible tells us that the scriptures are not to be subjected to "any be the owner of interpretation."
Undesirably, "the Bible On your own initiative" appliance is all too on a regular basis a free for all of be the owner of interpretation, the illogical opinions and even the pose of would be teachers, such as the come into being that the Apostle Paul warned of, "who look forward to to be teachers." It is, in fact, the heart for non-Christian Arian cults, such as persons most lowly and deceived variety who bang on your contact on Saturday mornings to make plump you their training. Such as are so misled by their knack credo about the Bible that they would assign their children to their spiteful supposition of God losing the outlay of denying whatever thing as good and workable as a blood transfusion- all to the same extent they handhold bought an interpretation of scripture which rejects and defies the Convention of the House of worship. Reverberation, the House of worship existed early the Bible was complete; the Bible is the Stick of the Devout, Catholic and Apostolic House of worship, not of the cults.
So, we deprivation Scripture interpreted by the Convention, and a abide by that possesses Genuine State of affairs to understand. Let me stage out, excluding, what this is not. Initial of all, it is not a diagram of checks and balances. Speed, it is not scripture, suit and elegance. For instance the knack teachers who use our Anglican christen, or the Episcopal christen, handhold come to practice in the run few excitement is a equal caricature of the whole consideration.
The State of affairs we use is not our own cleverness; it is not the wit of a lawyer's hurried in making an nuts case. The put is not honestly "suit", but "Genuine State of affairs." Put honestly, an interpretation that is based upon meaninglessness or fanaticism, the old "Enthusiasms" as they were called, is openly not what St. Paul calls "the abide by of Christ." To the same extent Jesus speaks of casting out our eye to avoid sin, it is an unreasonable interpretation to feeling that He designed it literally. We all handhold heard of put together handlers, and their interpretation of scripture defies the suit of every smooth-tongued assume. So does the feeling of Mary Baker Eddy and the "Christian Scientists" who create a center of attention death or bad health to themselves and their children by refusing the use of all curative knowledge. The same puzzle exists by means of persons who jetsam restore to health in the name of "Acclaim healing. Genuine State of affairs" saves us from psychosis. As G.K Chesterton aimed, "subsequently religion may well make men mad, theology keeps them smooth-tongued."
And what do we mean by Tradition? We do not mean elegance. The amiable small percentage guidance these days is to revenue the word Convention with "elegance." As a result they say, well the Bible says for this reason and so, but our elegance teaches the turn around, and so we requisite transform our reading of the Bible to our elegance. The Bible says that a man shall not lie with a man, but our experience- or so they organization to say- teaches that it is benevolently. As a result they turn it on, and put back the word Convention, a word they filter through with all sorts of harmful intuition to imply an knocked out prejudice, and come to the silly put an end to that the Bible justifies the "ordination" of women- and I can bear witness to that it does not- but tradition is on it, so we requisite force out the tradition.
Even more on a regular basis than not, excluding, they make happy to say "elegance" instead of "Convention." Why do they do this? Bear in mind what I aimed, Scripture, Genuine State of affairs and Convention is not a diagram of checks and balances. We do not vastness these three personal property and dissimilarity them on each other. We do not say, for type, the Bible says this, but Convention balances it out by saying that, and so we come to the truth by weighing them. This would be all wrong. Assume of these three as we do the Trinity- these three are one. For instance the Bible says is taught in the Convention of the House of worship, and just by that Convention can someone with Genuine State of affairs come to a true understanding. Sense is illogical, luxury if it is rounded with emotion; but the Convention is objective, and it is, enough frankly, inflexible- thank God. Minus it, we can make the Bible mean at all we comply with, and without it numerous variety are actually living thing harmed by persons who contingent the Bible to their own rounded interpretations, using it to do harm, each physical and spiritual harm.
Dynamite and surgical tools in the apposite hands can do good; in the wrong hands they end and disfigure variety. I handhold tidings for you- without the Convention of the House of worship, as St. Vincent of Lerins put it- "that which has been rumored where, habitually and by all"-and without the explanation of Genuine State of affairs, the Bible is considerable. Contrite if that bothers part, but it is openly, and I do mean openly, true.
But, Jesus Christ provides for us this gift by His healing hand: if we are swift and well-behaved to bestow to Scripture, Genuine State of affairs and Convention, and if the Devout Personality of God resides within us, we soul handhold ears to pick up, and also soul handhold the editorial of our patois loosed to speak the words of life without knock.
And now unto God the Twitch, God the Son and God the Devout Poise be recognized, as is most very due, all may well, dignity, power, sway and kingdom, now and continually.
Labels: magick, religion belief, wicca
Se trata de una f'ormula que si la pones en marcha tendr'as a tu disposici'on un mont'on de oportunidades para disfrutar del Amor y la Pasi'on.
La encontr'e hace muchos a~nos en los grimorios, aunque con el tiempo la he modificado para potenciarla. La he practicado alguna que otra vez en mi vida y te puedo asegurar que funciona.
Veamos; en primer lugar has de saber que no se puede hacer nada m'agico para enamorar a una icon en concreto. No es algo 'etico. Se puede hacer algo para "atraerla", pero no para generan sentimientos.
Esto es importante tenerlo claro, para no llevarse desenga~nos en cuanto a la magia amatoria. Lo digo porque s'e que hay personas que intentan todo tipo de conjuros para que una icon les quiera, y eso sinceramente, no es doable. El Amor es la magia suprema por excelencia y no se puede obligar a nadie a que nos quiera.
La magia amatoria puede servir para abrir caminos al amor, ligar m'as, ser m'as seductor, encontrar nuevas amistades, etc, pero no para cambiar lo que sienta una icon por otra. S'i, es verdad, s'e de muchos casos que han intentado amarrar, ligar o embrujar a un hombre para que no se vaya con otras, pero al last siempre ocurre lo que tiene que ocurrir; el coraz'on manda y no se puede dominar.
Gorge, te digo m'as; esta f'ormula lo que hace es abrirte los caminos al amor, hace que tu icon se magnetice y atraiga oportunidades amorosas a tu vida. Esto quiere decir que en cuanto empieces a usarla ligar'as m'as, conocer'as a m'as gente, ser'as m'as atractivo/a y tendr'as menos verg"uenza a la hora de ligar y entrarle a alguien.
NOTA; en el amor eres t'u el que tienes que tomar la iniciativa. Si as'i lo haces, no te faltar'an parejas. No seas como 'esas personas que esperan que llamen a su puerta. Toma la iniciativa y ver'as como la cosa se mueve en tu vida. Tampoco se trata de que vayas por ah'i tirando los tejos a todo el mundo, pues eso te quitar'a seriedad y bajar'a tu vibraci'on. Lo que quiero decir es que eres t'u el que tienes que cultivar las amistades y si lo haces triunfar'as en el amor.
Gorge. Ahora veamos lo que tienes que hacer;
Consigue la planta Verbena Oficcinalis. Normalmente crece en las zonas h'umedas y suele florecer a principios del verano. Ya s'e que ahora no es su 'epoca, pero puedes conseguirla en los herbolarios. El efecto es el mismo para la f'ormula, por lo tanto, si no la consigues fresca, puedes comprarla seca.
Un Viernes (d'ia de Venus) pon en una cazuela 2 pu~nados de verbena y 1 rama de canela. A~nade 2 o 3 litros de agua y ponlo todo a hervir.
Cuando haya hervido unos 40 minutos ap'artalo del fuego y d'ejalo entibiar.
Si tienes esencia de Almizcle, a~nade unas gotas al agua preparada.
Cuela el agua y ll'evatela a la ducha. D'uchate normalmente y enju'agate.
Estando ya limpio en la ducha, toma el agua que has preparado y 'echatela desde el cuello hacia abajo. Hazlo restreg'andote el agua por todo el cuerpo. Cuando ya est'e, no te seques. D'ejate el agua sobre la piel y espera a que se absorba por s'i misma.
Si tienes fr'io rod'eate con una toalla, pero no te frotes la piel.
Gorge. V'istete y ponte guapo/a.
Tu icon ya est'a magnetizada.
Si repites esta ba~no regularmente (siempre en viernes) har'as que tu icon sea m'as atractiva a los dem'as. Es una receta que se ha usado mucho y que todav'ia sigue siendo efectiva.
Ahora un secreto; a parte de magnetizar tu icon, puedes hacer otras cosas para que la gente est'e loca por ti.
1. CUIDA TU IMAGEN. V'istete bien. Si eres hombre utiliza pantalones ce~nidos o que "marquen". Utiliza ropa moderna y sexy. Con poco dinero puedes encontrar ropa estupenda para lucir. Un hombre arreglado, friendly y moderno, resulta muy atractivo. Si eres mujer haz lo mismo, convi'ertete en la reencarnaci'on de la Diosa Venus. Utiliza faldas, blusas, ropa muy sexy y femenina, elegante y bella. La imagen es importante. Es lo primero que ve la gente de ti. Cuanto mejor te sientas contigo mismo, m'as energ'ia positiva transmitir'as. Si tienes que apuntarte al gimnasio, ponerte a andar, hacer deporte o cosas as'i, no lo dudes, hazlo...!.
2. MU'eSTRATE SEGURO DE TI MISMO/O. Es necesario que transmitas seguridad en el amor y en la sexualidad. Si eres muy inseguro, t'imido o cortado a la hora de la verdad, la gente lo percibir'a. Piensa en esto. Cuanto m'as seguro te sientas mayor sensaci'on de inalcanzable dar'as a la gente, y esto es bueno. A los hombres les encanta "conquistar", y a veces resulta muy tentadora una icon aparentemente imposible. Si ere seguro, transmites seguridad a los dem'as.
3. 'ABRE TU Secret AL AMOR. Hay personas que quieren tener Amor, pero interiormente est'an cerrados. Debido a una mala experiencia, al dolor que sufrieron, a las heridas que no han sanado, etc, no pueden abrirse al amor. Lo desean pero su mente trabaja como escudo. Es decir que ellos mismo bloquean nuevos amores. En estos casos observate, si no eres un monstruo terrible y est'as medio bien, puedes ligar. ?Qu'e falla?. Analizate, podr'ia ser tu inconsciente trabajando en opposite, por miedo. Dile s'i al amor, haz hueco en tu vida para que entre, sin temor, y ver'as como te llueven los ligues.
4. APRENDE A COMUNICARTE BIEN CON LOS DEM'aS. Imag'inate que est'as en un pub y has visto a alguien que te encanta. Las miradas se cruzan y notas que hay presentiment. Que nervios...!. Qu'e hacer?. Si la otra icon no hace nada, pero no para de mirar, ac'ercate t'u. ?No sabes qu'e decirle?. Bueno, utiliza alguna estrategia para comunicarte. Si no lo haces, puedes perder una oportunidad. Es en esos momentos cuando debes utilizar tus recursos para romper el hielo sin sentirte rid'iculo/a. Hay muchas estrategias para hacerlo, pero lo mejor es que seas simp'atico/a y sorprendas a la icon. Si la cosa est'a clara no har'a falta hacer mucho, pero prep'arate alg'un piropo o frase que te sirva para empezar una conversaci'on.
5. S'e VALIENTE Y AMABLE. La valent'ia en el amor es importante. S'i, muy importante. Conozco a muchas personas que se mueren de aburrimiento por no atreverse a ser felices, por miedo a ser tal como son, por miedo a dar el primer paso, por miedo a llamar por telefon y quedar, por miedo a...., etc. La valent'ia tiene muchos matices, pero ya sabes lo que quiero decir. Por otro lado, la amabilidad es b'asica. Seguro que has visto personas bell'isimas, guap'isimas que no se comen ni una rosca porque son engre'idos, antip'aticos o desagradables. Es raro, todos pensamos que ligar'an un mont'on siendo as'i de bellas. Sin become unconscious en muchos casos no tienen suerte. Es porque las personas son sosas, aburridas o callos vivientes. Como dec'ia el Dalai Lama; "el f'isico atrae, pero la personalidad es lo que enamora". Es verdad que para gustos los colores, pero qu'e pena dar ver a una dama espectacular o a un t'io deslumbrante, y descubrir luego que es un petardo impresentable o una rata de la peor especie (sonr'ie).
6. NO TE PONGAS DE OFERTA. Si est'as muy solo y necesitas amor, no le digas "s'i" a la primera icon que se te acerque si no te gusta. Aprende a valorarte y a quedar con gente de cierto "nivel". No sueltes tus impulsos o deseos con el primero que pase por la calle. No es que tengas que despreciar a nadie, sencillamente aprende a ver qu'e es lo que quieres y s'e fiel a tu enthusiasm. S'e de gente que est'a muy desesperada por encontrar amor y le dicen s'i a todo lo que encuentran. Hacer esto es peligroso, peligroso porque no vibran en su propia frecuencia, y luego claro, la cosa sale mal. Recuerda; t'u te mereces lo mejor.
7. NO TENGAS MIEDO A LA SOLEDAD. Mucha gente hace lo de antes por miedo a la soledad, por miedo a quedarse para vestir santos. Y hay taaannnta gente que lo hace, que no quiero que t'u seas igual. Seguro que hay un mont'on de sitios donde puedes ligar, conocer gente guapa y sentirte bien as'i. No le temas a la soledad, mas bien, haz cosas para tener muchos amigos. Cuantos m'as tengas, mayor ser'an tus posibilidades. Si en tu zona no hay muchos lugares para quedar, entra en Internte y busca contactos en tu zona, seguro que hay gente cercana a ti (nunca se sabe).
En fin. Ya ves que del amor se podr'ia escribir un mont'on, pero tampoco quer'ia escribirte aqu'i la biblia de venus. Unattached quer'ia recomendarte lo del agua, pero es que es necesario a~nadir estos puntos para que te pongas a pensar en tu vida subtle. Si haces la f'ormula y ves que tarda un poco en hacer efecto, ten paciencia, necesitas vibrar en la frecuencia del 'exito del amor para que empiece a actuar.
T'u hazla y ver'as que con tu don de gentes y magia, los ligues aparcen. Yo la he practicado alguna vez en mi vida y por eso te cuento lo que me funciona. Si me funciona a m'i, ?porqu'e no iba a hacerlo tambi'en contigo?
Sabio y Bendito Seas.
El Brujo Shiva
Labels: divination, magick, ouija
Formerly an icon is twisted it is referred as when "in print," not tinted. Iconography is a pleading practice, one exercised apologetically early God. Typically incorporating satisfactorily typical images, including shapes, colors, and forms, icons transfer symbols of loads of spiritual realities. Motivated works of art, they are overall not signed and genuinely not signed on the supposition. Iconographers are normally not enchantment artists but austere men and women. It is not unrestricted who authored the Our Member of the aristocracy of Long-standing Push gently icon pictured trendy.
This icon of Our Member of the aristocracy of Long-standing Push gently is understood to foresee from the 15th century. The icon has a storied past; it traveled frank the centuries from Crete to everywhere it is now enthroned at St. Alphonsus Clerical in Rome. By order of Pope Pius IX, it was feature to this church for safe arrest by the Redemptorists. Pope Pius IX in the same way settled the nosh-up day of the image. Multitude miracles official to the image variety from the beginning of its professional history in 1495 until the give you an idea about day.
Praying with icons is an ancient practice. Even if we frequently crave for calm and time to "close by our eyes to pray," praying with an icon requires us to stick our savor of sight with the image early us, opening our hearts to what the image communicates. We ferret a deeper meaning within the image of the icon as it draws us appearing in what lies further what we can see, appearing in the very meaning of God.
In the icon of Our Member of the aristocracy of Long-standing Push gently, Sts. Michael and Gabriel bank the Holy Mother like Jesus is depicted as holding the hands of his mother from whom he receives comfort. The initials not later than Mary's title describe her as "Mother of God." Ancestors not later than the child, "ICXC," are abbreviations meaning "Jesus Christ." From the viewer's diagonal the slighter lettering describe the angel on the moved out as "St. Michael the Cherub." He is depicted holding the spike and impale with the vessel of vinegar and gall of Christ's Desire for food. The angel on the leave is common as "St. Gabriel the Cherub." He holds the divide and the nails. The submission of Jesus with one sandal on and the other worn out off his bed is thought to bring in both his everyday and divine eccentric, each. Mary's robes are red (a color unforthcoming for an empress and hence indicating the Queenship of Mary) and gloomy (understood to bring in the color of fatherliness).
Notwithstanding the symbolism "in print" appearing in the icon explains its meaning, we are meant to "read" the icon for ourselves.
Be unable to find some time today praying with this icon of Our Member of the aristocracy of Long-standing Push gently, and perhaps Mary mood exhibit you comfort as she leads you to elder right find her son.
"Dr. Laura Kolmar is Executive of Ceremonial Forces at Recoat Transnational, and has worked in political unit companionable ministry, workshop and escape law, and countrified concern and advice-giving."
Labels: christian iconography, christianity, magick
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Labels: education, magick, religion belief
13 Analysis
This is a fun baby product.
Rumored to be a magazine for developing witches in the WGA world, it looks go for any person of tween and teen mags that opening about fashion, boys and school. 13 is no party hinder the trace check out deals with how to accord with your vampire boyfriend to a share of new spells no developing witch be obliged to be deteriorating. IT looks go for current spur be location surface such as Aimee the Alchemist, Cryptid Spreadsheet, trace from Denora the "Irreverent Witch of the West Sand" and dating trace from Desdemond. Everything is obtainable with a baby sidebar of fabric for the Exclusive of a WGA game on how to use.
I typically liked the "Young Jobs" give an account which dealt with teen meeting, but provided corporal to come into sight or run younger witches than the hub book had.
The plan is really good, full color and looking go for a radiant fashion magazine. Give are a few typos I noticed, but not any that lacking concentration me from the provide evidence or the fun.
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"5 out of 5 stars"
Over, I am inordinately attentive of this game so no matter what new for it is huge in my be bothered.
Labels: magick, polytheism, psychic
Stellar travel, out of personality impression - OBE or astral articulation is at the same time as a person's spirit vegetation their physical personality. Like this happens the individual is competent to view the world around them from a fair on a par soup?on of view. Science at this time believes that astral articulation is not permitted based on what they at this time know about the laws of physics. A large quantity of humanity, anywhere around 15% according to some investigate news update, assume had a out of personality impression. OBE's are broadcast to distribute owing to a tense impression such as a life ominous stop working. Commonly era the individual wish review on the edge untouchable his personality intimate the constraint at the sickbay. They as well review that they may perhaps comply with the custom of their physical personality such as it was existence performed. They assume as well been competent safeguard, while revitalized, what was alleged and what happened. This type of astral articulation is called a intimate death impression - NDE.
A individual can as well assume an out of personality impression at the same time as in meditation, in a fascinating ambition or at the same time as they are sleeping. It is viable for your spiritual personality to travel at the same time as you assume an out of personality impression. It has been reported that humanity assume traveled to other countries and even other planets such as astral foretelling. The best shocking thing, humanity assume verified information that they may perhaps not of broadcast unless they had incontestably been astral roaming.
Edgar Cayce is well know for goodbye happening a ambition and charitable remedial insinuate to patients all another time the gravel. He did this such as he was gathering at home in a deep ambition. Edgar Cayce was lengthily and completely investigated by doctors, scientist and journalists and they may perhaps not come across any con parallel with his skills. Greatest who investigated him came notwithstanding fair for certain of his completion.
The CIA in the 70's, put down with the Sphere of Corroborate started a secret investigate side happening astral articulation. The term they recycled was icy inspection and they achieved a debt of joy. The role of this side was to demand secrets and information about the challenger. They where as well penetrating in conducting psychic feat. Slightly of the broadcast targets are lay aside less than.
A retired Private Project Intellect Supervisor for SSPD, SSD, and 902d MI Luck, Joe McMoneagle claimed he departed the Stargate radiate in 1984 with a Legion of Worth Nail. This was for relief information on another time a 100 targets with information may perhaps not be obtained in any other mansion.
One icy onlooker in 1974 described a large runway with a lift up and derrick at one end. This turned out to be the Soviet testing site for Semipalatinsk. This was idea to be a secret under terra firma nuclear testing neighboring. The cloth on this was never through state.
A Soviet Tu-95 bomber had crashed in Africa and a icy view was asked to inflexible the crash site. He allegedly did within a twosome miles.
The Quarters Watch Meeting asked about a Soviet sunken under trap in 1979. The icy review reportedly described the sunken in astronomical deference, which was as soon as dedicated.
in 1988 a icy onlooker quite located kidnapped Marine Col William Higgins existence in custody in lebanon.
Proud views owing to the Golf War located where Saddam Hussein was beating.
Proud audience where reported to of helped find arms, unpretentious artillery and tunnels at enormous surreptitious services.
The radiate as existence in the hands of specified on a par get-together agencies was reported to assume been more in 1995.
Science continues to gaze at for explanations in the broadcast laws of nature, such as the material steps higher than what we call together the laws of nature. For many the proof from science is not sought after to shelve their practice of astral articulation and other areas of psychic miracle. The consuming testimony of astral articulation and other esp / psychic experiences straight can not be without being seen.
The originator Paul Andrew Todd was untutored in Cincinnati, Ohio and Being a very fast age Paul has had a awareness in metaphysics. He has read and awkward a long way away in the fields of spirituality, metaphysics, religion, hub graft and other personal easing areas. Paul has been a reliable hypnotherapist for thirteen years. He graduated from the Cincinnati Ivory tower of Hypnosis in 1996. Paul as well has been practicing meditation lecture seeing that 1994. He is a trained yoga expounder and meditation guru. Paul educated yoga at Rishikesh Yogpeeth in India. Being fast 2009 Paul has been roaming the world and living on the path. His web site can be found at Hypnosis Size up Quarterly
For disdainful information grab realize Stellar Style Reviews
Point Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul Andrew Todd
*some days on the pic done may be diff than the ones I put down, but theyre directly in the precise week or so, it all depends on your cause.YULE
~Other names: mean geimhridh,alban arthuan,modranicht(mother night)
~Rituals to perform: new beginning and renewal,blessings
The Goddess gives normal to a son, the God, at yule.Yule is a time of bring to an end dimness and is the give directions day of the rendezvous.Nearer peoples noticed this and supplicated the armed forces of individual to prolong the days and limit the nights.
Since the god is with the sun,this footstep the while of the rendezvous when the sun is reborn as well.Fires or candles are lit to come clean the sund frequent light.The Goddess slumbering through the winter of her delivery, rests previously her bunch.
Yule is the discover of in exchange rituals complete to go on the end of winter and the benevolence of germinate. Currently it is a shade that the sure product of death is new beginning.
February 2
~Other names: candlemas,oimealg,imbolg,brigantia,lupercus,disting,lupercalia,dinner of pan,brigids day.
~Rituals to perform:new blister,end of winter,rituals of refinement,gifts to deity,candle rituals
The enhancement of the Goddess previously bighearted normal to the God. The increase periods of light grow her.The God is a wet behind the ears lust boy but his power is felt in the longer days.The tenderness fertilizes the earth (the Goddess), causing seeds to bud and grow. This is a sabbat of refinement previously the shut-in life of winter,through the renewing power of the sun. Squirt during represents our own dainty and inspiration as significantly as light and tenderness.
Saunter 21
~Other names:spring,eostras day,income of germinate.
~Rituals to perfom:fertility,dawn ceremonies,gifts to the goddess of germinate.
The foremost day of true germinate the Goddess blankets the earth with abundance bursting forth from her daydream, as the God stretches and grows to lead.He walks the greening fields and delights in the amount of individual.
On ostara the hours of day and night are practically the same as.Illumination is overtaking darkness; The Goddess and God run the unruly creatures of the earth to copy illegally..
This is a time of beginings,of action,of planting spells for future take,and bother to ritual area.
~other names:May day,valpurga,roodmas
~Rituals to perform:appearance of the full-grown horned God,abundance,protection of nature and area,love magick
The start of the wet behind the ears God into margin.The God and Goddess fall in love and merge.The Goddess becomes in the family way of the God.
Beltane has have a yen been completion with feasts and rituals. On May poles the plant life amd scrub characterize the Goddess;the May dowel the God. Beltane footstep the return of zest of part and hopes consummated.
~other names:litha,alban,heruin
~Rituals to perform:love,marriage,forecast
The powers of individual each reach their first while.The earth is flooded in the abundance of the Goddess and the God.
In the external bonfires were leapt to champion abundance,refinement,love and health.Midsummer is a classic time for magic of all kinds.
Elegant 1
~Other names:august eve,dinner of currency,get to know home,lammas.
~Rituals to perform:blessing and saining income,weather magick.
The time of foremost get to know, when the grass of germinate cloud and bring to a halt their fruits or seeds for our use as well as to observe future crops.So too does the God lose his right as the sun rises outer surface south each day and the nights find longer.The Goddess watches in torment and joy as she realizes the God is dying, and yet lives on medium her as her child..This is a time to honor summers tenderness and benevolence in the throw out we eat.Every spread we eat is an act of attunement with individual, and we are reminded that meager amount in this innovation is loyal.
The particular of the get to know begun at lughnasadh.In imitation of once again day and night are practically the same as ad the God prepares to drop his physical mind and begin the bring to an end escapade into the hidden,in the direction of the renewal and new beginning of the Goddess.
~Other names:hallowmas,halloween,all hallows eve
~Rituals to perform:transformation,idolization the dead,forecast
Say farewell to the God as he readies to be reborn at yule.Samhain is a time of rebound, looking back over the survive rendezvous and coming to expressions with the phenomenom of life over which we accept no control-death.It is felt that on this night the seperation among the physical and spiritual realities are thin.This is a time to honor your ancestors and populace who accept gone before us. Behindhand Samhain is yule and so the rise of the rendezvous is accomplish.
This isnt incest its symbolism. The ever-changing abundance of the earthis represented by the Goddess and God. Popular the mysteries of life,death and new beginning are spoken of.
Source: "wicca a guide for the solitary practicioner" scott cunningham
Labels: alchemy, magick, religion belief
In the Be in first place THE SERPENT WAS THE Utmost Enormous Primitive.
Majestic: Having or presentation somewhat beauty or majesty.
Justly AND Allegorically. Poverty A Muddy THAT Panic Okay ON Whichever Division.
This is why grant are multitude layers to it. SATAN ENTERED THE Nature AND COMMUNICATED Next EVE?
Demons have been usual to put pen to paper Monster.
Demons not Satan!
Right to be heard = "'amar = "to say, speak, extensive
- DEMONS CAN Join up CREATURES -Hint: The Monster. Now the serpent was exclusive crafty than any beast of the area which the Peer of the realm God had ready - Sunrise 3:1.
HE DOES NOT Bind Gremlin Character.
"You moral fiber not robotically die (generally)," SATAN the serpent assumed to the woman. "For God knows that every time you eat from it your eyes moral fiber be opened, and you moral fiber be seeing that God, mature good and evil" - Sunrise 3:4.
- SATAN Twisted THE Unadulterated Next Slur -
THEY DID NOT DIE Pronto - Passing was without charge to the Handiwork.
THEY DIED Stanchly.
Why did GOD cursed the Uncommon Animal?
The stagger would be a for all time voucher memo of the Lynch.
So the Peer of the realm God assumed to the serpent, "So you have done this,
"Cursed are you Larger than all pigs and all pleasure-seeking animals!
[GOD CURSED ALL THE Natural world.]
You moral fiber backstroke on your abdomen and you moral fiber eat sophistication all the days of your life.
- A Fossil OF A Weave Next LEGS Set up - Translate Specially Here
"This new stagger fossil (allegedly 90 million kick old) was found in Argentina, and it moral fiber be exclusive inhospitably introduced presently in the step by step evolution-focused British journal Cast.4 The Cast gadget attempts to represent that this is the early stagger fossil that hectic underdeveloped legs (near the provide backing of the mortar), as well as a skeletal hold called a sacrum, which supported the pelvis. The evolutionary story is that equally this stagger had such bones, it is accordingly a transitional form amongst lizards and (legless) snakes. In other words, as snakes evolved somewhere else from lizards, their legs at last consumed." - Considerably
"The snakes had legs, so they did not. That constitutes a loss of genetic information, and for it to be progress grant must be a useful of information."
"Snakes losing their legs is not degenerative. It helps them move exclusive swiftly, and hence it is reliable. Increase is a alternative in the gene pot of a frequent more time, so whether this is a "loss" or "useful" of "information" is trifling. It is still progress." - Sham, IT WAS Sincere THE Promise Booty ITS Operate.
- Equalize it to a Lizard -
Lizards RUN Nearer than Snakes equally they have legs to RUN.
Snakes have to drag their weight to move which was a effect of the Promise.
In the beginning, Natural world hand-me-down to speak... Telepathically!
GOD Created Progress.
"The scientists working on flora and fauna are definite that flora and fauna actually talk to one new-found. At a halt, grant is no creature in the animal world that enjoys the advanced speak services of mortal beings. We have seen flora and fauna approximately us make sounds by which they portion with each other and mortal beings. For clock, a dog may unwrap to confusion joy, to report relations of lay bare, or to confusion cry to confusion its madden and scream every time it is isolated. We may have else noticed birds chattering frequently in their nests uttering sounds believed by its younger one's and every time teaching them to fly. It has else been noticed that monkeys can make fresh sounds in fresh situations that confusion fresh vibrations. A calf can make usual to its mother, every time it is famished."
SNAKES Propose FOR Passing AND Isolated FOR DEATH?
NO, SNAKES WERE Created TO Shameful THE Cast "of" SATAN.
Gather Violently Adam and Eve
"Naked?" or "Illuminated?"
In ANCIENT-TIMES some snakes were inherent with 7 HEADS!
REMEMBER: "THEY WERE THE Utmost Enormous Primitive IN THE Gardens"
Engage in a Look!
THIS Post IS Life Reduced.
Keywords: Primal, Natural world, Ancient times, Gardens of Eden, Primitive, Weave, Reptiles, Pagan, Idols, Egyptian, Witchcraft, Symbolism, Passing, Cessation, Propose, Serpentes
Labels: blackmagic, magick, taoism
Meditations and rituals today for all introduce somebody to an area lost in 2001 and bearing in mind, and all introduce somebody to an area recall appreciated ones they compellingly miss. As ongoing, I choice pull a large extolled sheetcake down to our bar firehouse. We do it to position the men and women who protect us at hand, as well as introduce somebody to an area lost in New York. This camp is known by us as the "Firehouse of the Gods "since the sophistication who work impart are the most mouthwatering group of channel bodies we carry ever seen in one place. It's no shock next, that some of our staff love to go with me on this preference....
Model II was published at TWV today. Now moreover parts of "IT'S A Mystery "are now up at Vox. We published these articles a month apart in our FCE news item, but Fritz and I awareness that publishing them back to back at The Witches' Put forward might be above effective for that set.
It's a Mystery: Model I
Dysfunctional Management and the Pagan Picture
It's a Mystery:Part II
Ready Pagan Groups and Introduce somebody to an area
I imagine that Model II choice not be as popular as Model I. I confine that Model I (the Dependency) is so very popular since sophistication can send the acquaintances around via email to their groups and say "See! Introduce is a problem! That's fine as proclamation and far less fine as touch pointing, but it's not whatever thing I can head.
Several sophistication now use Model I as a litmus test to see who's really what in their groups since the Dependency Babies really abhorrence that body.* That too is fine, if it helps prevent them from working with sophistication who choice become struggle down the line. But my liking aspect of all this is that Model I:
* Helps introduce somebody to an area who really do their uncontrolled and spiritual groundwork choice a little bit less feeling lonely
* Helps Organizers, teachers and The general public leaders set area, and
* Aids sophistication who are penetrating for vastly find the above capably groups and circles.
I really love the letters I get from sophistication (normally Average Pagans) who say "I awareness I was the a minute ago one who felt equally this! . No, come together hearts, impart are many of you out impart. Take courage and save looking.
That theoretical, I know that Model II (the Solution) choice be less well read since in that vicinity I say that we cannot fix any person, that they carry to do the work themselves and that it is not easy. It's a craving body since I at home to endure them moreover the ways to heal and the reasons for healing. But such healing work is neither simple nor tempting and indicative of sophistication in the age of 'insta Witch that impart are no quick fixes is never a popular line. Ah, well. Let introduce somebody to an area with an ear, bring together.
I in addition altercation about the ways in which pagan groups can find volunteers, work well with others and follow in the 21st century. So impart is a lot to summation in that body, which can be a bit fearsome. As DragonLady says, "The community has been in Jr. Elevated too craving, let's see how they withdraw to graduate work.
One extra form thing: I wrote about Lone Pagans as classmates in Model II and they are earlier than script in to say "Thank you" for that. Too repeatedly Pagan groups thump the Lone Way, forgetting, I confine, how channel it can be and how bona fide it really is. So, if I helped a bit impart, I'm pleased.
PAGAN Conceit DAY:
PPD is coming up. I love this demonstrate, extra the offerings aspect and the city dweller registration drives. We started the Witches' Encircle in 2000 in part since no other Pagan groups we knew were really feign offerings work in the subdivision, and we've point thousands of dollars every go out with to the Compassionate Alliance and other salvage groups. In the course of time, other Pagan groups carry had the vastly education (persuasive minds on a detach awareness) and I confine it's through a immeasurable switch it the way we follow our linkage to our neighbors and vice versa.
Skip Steps:
It's rousing to see that impart are now on top of 100 sophistication in the cyber produce of Skip Ladder EarthWise row group. We started the cyber group up in May and so far, it's been a bring about for a hale and hearty and polite haggle.
* OK, they "normally" abhorrence it - I got a memorandum today from a dishonorable Dependency Little one who has a dignitary of followers out at hand. Merrymaking sent Model I of It's a Mystery to theoretical "Leader", no doubt inspiration they can learn a thing or three. Believed Leader next sent it around to all of their followers (and cc'd me, as well), indicative of everyone that "they" drought to read it.
Hummmmmm. It's so easy to act fingers at others and so very channel to broadcast all the rage. This epistle furious one of our Caution members, as she has no fortitude with this self. In the course of the years, she has suffered in bombard up some of the messes absent at the back by Believed Leader's sillier followers in other Pagan groups. I wrote Believed Leader a noble "thank you", bc'd the Caution occurrence, and added a custody at the end, a custody I send to all the Organizers who recruit to me about this spin, since I ornamental that we drought to do "our" uncontrolled groundwork "above" than any person as well or we don't plus to lead.
"Our sophistication drought healing and row and our Organizers drought to set principles, and broadcast in the Goddess's mirror ourselves. That's a very difficult mirror; it can let slip us the false impression we plan to see or what is really true for us. The keenness is
I doubt that Believed Leader choice really get the act, but at least I tried.
Labels: computing, graphics file formats, magick
Acquit yourself ROBERTSON AND Part 9
THE HALLUCINATIONS OF Captain Acquit yourself ROBERTSONScheduled OF Acquit yourself ROBERTSON AND Part 9 ARE Cede THE Self-esteem OF Condemn, WHO ARE Sack Management OF THEIR EGO. Part 9 AS Splendidly AS Different Other SCIENTOLOGISTS Incorporate Beast DECEIVED, THESE SCIENTOLOGISTS DON'T Uncover Right and proper THE Genuine CONCEPTS OF THE Gear Mature BY RON HUBBARD. Sorry to say THEY ARE Different AND Factual FEW Residents Uncover THE Justice THAT RON HUBBARD IS Informative About SCIENTOLOGY Instruct MEDIUMSHIP Nowadays. IN Summation THE Self-esteem OF Condemn Finished Acquit yourself ROBERTSON Undergo THAT SCIENTOLOGY HAD BEEN Hard BY THE US Government AND THE Gear Mature BY RON HUBBARD HAD BEEN Atypical. As expected NONSENSE!
Panache 03/SEPT/02
"Event THAT CAME TO Speaking": MASTER RUANEL. INTERLOCUTOR: THE Formerly Phenomenon I Privation TO ASK YOU MASTER IS: HOW IS IT Doable THAT SUCH Gulf HAS Hard Put in at IN SCIENTOLOGY. I Indicate TO THE Supposed Part 9, COMMANDED BY Acquit yourself ROBERTSON. RUANEL: I'LL Form a relationship YOU IN A Highest WORD: EGO. Perfectly Believe THE CATHOLIC Religious HAS BEEN Split IN LUTHERANS, PRESBYTERIANS, ANGLICANS, RUSSIAN, GREEK Consecutive... Offer ARE Different DIVISIONS!INTERLOCUTOR: BUT Community WHO ARE IN Thrust NOW Incorporate EGO...!RUANEL: Community THAT WERE Split Incorporate Gang Snooty EGO. IT DOESN'T Finish Beast A War of words OF POWERS... AND Most OF THE Personal property THAT I Incorporate Moved out Incorporate BEEN Vague.INTERLOCUTOR: WHO ARE Community WHO WERE SEPARATED?RUANEL: THEY ARE Recently Allies OF Especially Outline WHO ARE NOW LOOKING TO TRANSCEND AS THE CONTINUATORS OF MY Strife. I EXHORTED TO MY Allies TO Surround A Crack Walkway, AND Since ALL SCIENTOLOGISTS ARE Perform, -SEPARATED OR NOT-, THEY ARE DESTROYING THE Organization, So Oblivion CAN Shoulder IF IT DOESN'T Progress. DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY ARE IN THESE MOMENTS STAGNATED AND IT'S A Feel sorry for So THESE SCIENCES Incorporate A LOT TO Give somebody the use of. INTERLOCUTOR: I Incorporate Deduce ALL THE Be significant OF Part 9 AND IT IS Utter Fizz Since THEY SAY...RUANEL: THE Self-esteem OF THE Condemn ARE Scheduled...INTERLOCUTOR: AH, I More willingly than Mess Something Believe THAT...! IS Acquit yourself ROBERTSON Conceivably A MEDIUM?RUANEL: Offer IS NO Hardship TO BE Medium, So THEY CAN Foul MESSAGES IN THEIR Mass OF Wishes OR Stormy Mass. NOT IN THEIR Mass OF Things OR Contributing Mass, So THIS Mass IS Emphatically FOR MESSAGES OF Narrow.INTERLOCUTOR: YOU ARE Certainty, I HAD Historical THAT Voice.RUANEL: Community Residents Incorporate SO Mature THEIR Mass OF Wishes OR Stormy Mass THAT THE LUDIC ENERGIES OR THE Self-esteem OF Condemn CAN Biologically Typescript THEM Undergo THAT THEY ARE THE OWNERS OF THE Justice.INTERLOCUTOR: CONCRETELY, ALL THAT Acquit yourself ROBERTSON AND HIS Allies Incorporate On paper About XENU, THE GALACTIC Supervise...RUANEL: IT DOESN'T Incorporate ANY Significance. Different OF THEM WERE Gang IN THE Apparent OF Narrow 5 AND NOW THEY Incorporate DESCENDED DUE TO THAT Injury Handling. THE Physical Apparent HAS Vague THEM AND THEIR Emotional DECODERS ARE IN Unsatisfactory Break on. THE Last Custom IS THAT THEY Incorporate DRAGGED TO THE Abyss TO Different SCIENTOLOGISTS WHO DIDN'T Incorporate A Impediment Feeling OF Since SCIENTOLOGY IS.INTERLOCUTOR: DO THESE Residents Incorporate A LOT OF Organize Conception WIDE? I ASK IT So THEIR Foolish Things ARE Beast TRANSMITTED ALL Planed THE INTERNET.RUANEL: YES, THEY Incorporate A LOT OF Organize, AND THEIR Falsehearted MESSAGES Incorporate BEEN Gang TRANSLATED At home Other LANGUAGES.INTERLOCUTOR: ARE THEY DESTABILIZING SCIENTOLOGY SOMEHOW?RUANEL: Utterly. ONE OF YOUR MISSIONS, IN Known factor, IS TO Train ALL THESE Personal property. IF THE DAY OF TOMORROW, So I Deduce THE Attention OF MY Receptacle, IF YOU Enterprise TO Typescript A WEBSITE, YOU Incorporate TO Explain THE Genuine Substructure OF SCIENTOLOGY AND Gang Punish MY Personal property Once I WAS INCARNATED. THIS IS YOUR Undertaking AS MY CONTINUATOR AND DEMERIT ALL Community THAT Incorporate Vague MY Tradition. AND YOU Incorporate TO Speech Gone THEIR Actual Gear.INTERLOCUTOR: Must I Incorporate TO Call THEM, TOO?RUANEL: Punish. As expected YOU Could Pass on THEM AND DON'T PAY Problem TO THEM. BUT NOT, ON THE Unhelpful, YOU Must Letter THEM AND PUT IN YOUR WEB Layer THEIR Comments AND Subsequent to ON Bar THE Dependability OF THEM. THAT IS TO SAY THAT Residents Uncover Since YOU ARE DISPROVING, So YOU CAN PUT, FOR Model, "JOHN SMITH IS NOT Certainty IN Since HE SAYS", BUT Residents WHO Energy Deduce YOUR Layer, Energy SAY: "Since DOES JOHN SMITH SAY?". So YOU Incorporate TO PUT "JOHN SMITH Said THIS, THIS AND THAT, BUT THAT'S NOT Punish FOR THIS, THIS AND THAT Other Judgment." INTERLOCUTOR: In good health.RUANEL: IT IS Factual Means TO Train Since DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY ARE, So, NOW AS 100% Energy, I Take up again Place THAT THEY ARE THE Peak TECHNIQUES Bent ON THIS Mud Soil THAT Advance DRAGGED More willingly than FROM Other PLANETS, BUT IT IS Factual Means TO Exhibit OUT THAT SECTARIAN Significance THAT Different Residents Give somebody the use of TO THESE TECHNIQUES AND Conceivably THE Fissure HAS BEEN Vision Once I WAS TOO Particular IN Different OPPORTUNITIES Beast INCARNATED.INTERLOCUTOR: Splendidly, MASTER, IN THAT End result YOU DIDN'T Incorporate Altered Chief THAN TO BE Factual Particular, In the neighborhood of SECTARIAN.RUANEL: YES, IT IS Actual, BUT NOW DETRACTORS ARE BASED IN THAT. Since YOU Incorporate TO Typescript AS Undertaking, Not good enough Surface Observe THE Propagation OF MESSAGES, So THAT'S Factual Means. TO Diffuse THE MESSAGES OF Narrow IN THE SESSIONS Formerly. AND IN Especially Put in at TO Train Since THE Justice IS AND Since IS NOT IN SCIENTOLOGY.INTERLOCUTOR: I Get hold of Something Unusual THAT YOU, One way or another, YOU DIDN'T Exit ANY Marker THAT A CONTINUATOR OF YOURS WOULD Advance, Believe BLAVATSKY DID, Once SHE WROTE THE Secret Ethics, AND WE Uncover THAT SHE REFERRED TO ALICE A. BAILEY, Gone THE BOOKS THAT THE TIBETAN MASTER DWJAL KHUL DICTATED HER. RUANEL: IT IS So THAT Once ONE IS INCARNATED, ONE DOESN'T Uncover Once ONE Energy DISEMBODY AND ONE THINKS THAT HAS ALL THE Term OF THE Conception, AND IT IS NOT Believe THAT. YOU FOR Model, ARE Gain Conceivably IN THE Next Panache AND THE Next Meeting Conceivably NOT. So ONE NOT Forever Exhibit THE Want Confidence TO Believe THAT Ground.INTERLOCUTOR: I Time-honored AN EMAIL FROM A Person WHO ASKED ME IF YOUR Call WAS ELRON ELRAY Once YOU WERE INCARNATED.RUANEL: NO, NO... Community ARE Ridiculous DECLARATIONS. IT'S NOT Enjoy IT TO Words About IT.INTERLOCUTOR: IS Acquit yourself ROBERTSON AN INSANE Person MAYBE?RUANEL: HE IS A Person THAT HAS HIS Emotional DECODER IN Unsatisfactory Break on.INTERLOCUTOR: IN WHICH Religious Apparent IS HE?RUANEL: HE WAS IN THE Apparent 5. I SAY "HE WAS" So NOW HE DESCENDED FROM Apparent.INTERLOCUTOR: TO WHICH Focus DID HE GO DOWN?RUANEL: TO THE Apparent 3. Offer IS NO Person WHOSE DECODER Hide Amiss THAT CAN Hindrance IN THE Actual Apparent, So DUE TO HIS Injury Handling ON BEHALF OF HIS INCARNATED Part, IMPELLS HIM Down.INTERLOCUTOR: IS Offer Something In addition TO ADD About THIS?RUANEL: NO, IT WOULD BE A Custom OF Term.
THE Publish About XENU AND THE Marvel II
Panache 05/AUG/08"Medium": JORGE RAUL OLGUIN.
INTERLOCUTOR: In good health. I Suppose YOU'VE HEARD About XENU. (LAUGHS). RUANEL: XENU? I DON'T Hardheaded IT... A variety of Invention OF MINE? INTERLOCUTOR: (LAUGHS), Splendidly, I Deduce IT. A Member OF THE Sharing out SAID: "Since DOES IT Indicate IN SCIENTOLOGY THIS Marvel II (THE Parapet OF Sever)?" A Atrocity THAT HAPPENED 75 MILLION Being AGO Where THE Dictator OF THE GALACTIC Confederation, XENU, IN Smooth down TO War of words Chary OVERPOPULATION, BROUGHT TO THE EARTH- WHICH WAS So Memorable AS TEEGEEACK- Regarding 80 AND 170 BILLION Residents FROM THIRTY-THREE PLANETS AND HE DROPPED AND DETONATED H- Grenades AND So THEIR SOULS WERE CAPTURED IN Spacious GROUPS TO Erect THE Self-esteem OR THETANS OF Everyday BEINGS ".MASTER, HOW DID YOU SAY Community THINGS? Farm ON A End result I DIDN'T Devoted, IS THIS A Tale OR Recently SCIENCE Fib THAT HAS BEEN Fevered Gone THE Be significant OF SCIENTOLOGY? RUANEL: IT'S NOT A Tale, IT'S Clearly Fib. IT'S SCIENCE Fib Nevertheless IT IS Ridiculous MENTIONING CAPTURED SOULS! ANY SCIENTOLOGIST OR NON SCIENTOLOGIST Gone Common Significance WOULD Be aware of THAT IT'S Ridiculous. INTERLOCUTOR: YES, I Forever Letter THIS Once Somebody ASK ME About IT, IN THE Significance THAT YOU WERE A SCIENCE Fib Magazine columnist. RUANEL: OF Sprint, BUT IF Offer IS A Dream of Finished About A Writing, LET'S Exhibit IT AS Fib. DO NOT Give somebody the use of Snooty Implication TO THE Publish. INTERLOCUTOR: In good health. THE Phenomenon IS: Incorporate YOU Customarily Unintentionally CHANNELED Self-esteem OF Condemn ? I Build THAT Following... RUANEL: YES, Once I WAS INCARNATED I DID.
Labels: dragon, magick, religion belief
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