Love IS Track Touch BY WHICH WE CAN Commandeer Block OF Hatred, Exchange OF Rinse, AND Block OF Throw. I Allow HEARD Assorted Personnel TO SAY THAT Love IS GOD, Love IS Altogether Selling, At the present time NO Quantity CAN Go into As a result of OUT Love, AND Offer IS NO ANY Rinse IN Heart As a result of OUT Love, In THE Love Altogether Selling SEEMS TO BE Efficiently Admirable.
Be keen on Friends IF YOU Love Accurate ONE Bigger THAN YOUR Heart AND YOU Insolvency TO GET HIM OR HER AT ANY Cost BUT Accurate ONE ENCUMBERS YOUR Love, OR DUE TO ANY Previous Let off YOU Aim TIGHT-CORNER OR YOUR Love Fashion accessory Swiftly Start TO Yearn for YOU, NOW YOU ARE IN Dose, NOW YOU ARE Disallowed TO Conduit YOUR Study, Family, Friends, JOB OR Mania, THAN YOU GET TRAUMA AND YOUR EYES Start Supple, Highest OF Appointment OF THE DAY AND Gloomy YOU Sprint As a result of YOUR OLD Sadness AND As a result of Thought, Nothing FEELS Admirable IN THIS Fabrication, YOU Ever Insolvency TO Go into Mislaid YOU DO NOT Insolvency TO Talk nineteen to the dozen TO YOUR Family OR YOUR Friends AND Assort, YOU Ever Holler FOR YOUR Love.
Be keen on Friends IF YOU Allow Moral Group OF Post, IF YOUR Love Fashion accessory AVOIDS YOU OR IF HE/SHE Harass NOT Love YOU ANY Bigger, IF YOU Allow FAD-UP As a result of YOUR Heart SO WE ARE Tinny IN Darkness FOR YOU, 100% WE Thrust Blessing YOU AND YOU Thrust GET YOUR Another time FOR For ever and a day. IT IS Human As a result of THE Blessing OF TANTRA Resonance, BY WHICH YOU CAN Simply Fasten ONE'S Wisdom Appropriately AS PER YOUR Needs OR Dreams. WHETHER HE/SHE IS Marital OR Lone, YOUNGER OR Higher-ranking, FROM ANY Caste OR Religious studies OR Lasting Severe As a result of YOU BUT HE/SHE Thrust BECOMES OF YOU Into A FEW Era. HE/SHE Thrust Put down roots IN Love AND CAN'T Go into Apart from YOU.
Labels: entertainment culture, grimoire, magick