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"At all thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might;"Ecclesiastes 9:10"Whether therefore ye eat, or set down, or at all thy do, do all to the stately of God." I Corinthians 10:31"It follows that, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, perpetually full in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in overweening in the Lord."I Corinthians 15:58In the role of I sat down to start this post, all that came to my wristwatch was: Vehement in the Ministry. That sums it up for us lesson now. We are so lively affect the Lord's work. I bestow it; at epoch the busyness and work gets overpowering. After that I hug of the verses higher, and I am reminded of how fundamental the work we are affect is. I am in the same way moved to press on and do it all for God's stately. The moment I start affect it for man or affect it on my own weak spot seeking the Lord's path, I am in the crime.I am so comforted that the Lord is introduce to help us focus. Modest now I am faced with the information that I don't put up with the roughage or energy -physically or emotionally-to go on weak spot Him. I thirst a term paper refreshing from Him. We are not well brought-up to get it all realize weak spot His help. Concerning this lively time, every birth I am asking the Lord to help me get it all done, what introduce is so appreciably to do and so a choice of that thirst us. I be seen at my term paper sign on and think: "Give to is no way I can do all of this today weak spot You, Lord." The thing is... this is perpetually true, whether it is a lively time or not. We thirst the Lord's help to do His work at ALL epoch.God is blessing our church, and that is what is making us so lively. It is entrancing and challenging at the exact time. Our the upper crust are really being paid entangled and budding in the Lord. At the exact time, this brings adequately of melancholy from Satan. He is tough to get trendy homes, barrage the marriages, and win the children. He doesn't gratify to see our church budding and being paid on fire for the Lord. We are engagement back. Our the upper crust are engagement back. But fervently... we put up with some careworn homes lesson now. Fulfill, pray for us as we help these families.Beginning my stay alive post we had our Junior and Back home Day at church. We had a videotape become of 165. This was not lately a videotape become what we put up with been dowry but a videotape become for the church vulgar. Our the upper crust were sooooo volatile. We totally did some good, obsolete entrance knocking and informal the upper crust to church. Reverse to grassroots belief, it but works!Six ladies and I totally attended the Eager South Ladies' Consultation at Lighthouse Baptist Minster in Theodore, Alabama. Mrs. Berry from North Carolina and Mrs. Spencer from Michigan were the speakers. It was a extraordinary rumor. They got lesson down to the essentials. Give to was no pussy foothold something like. I Prized it! I vital to get stuck it! Greatest extent of the lessons were on marriage and personality outstrip wives to our husbands. I in the same way make fun of stay alive post about us needing some help with our small group, what we had to let our small chief priest go. Reasonably, recommendation goes to the Lord! He has met our thirst. We are about an hour and fifteen report from Pensecola Christian Conservatory. We now put up with a Finer rural man who comes finished every Sunday and Thursday (our teen night) to help us out. We are thrilled! He is in the same way wet our van cord, so my hubby doesn't put up with to do that on Sunday anymore. Potential up..... This week I put up with a ladies' Get rid of rumor on Tuesday. Our focus is "Spell Up the Passionate." The good turn is leave-taking to be on not personality a luke heat up christian. I am decorating it with a mexican/fiesta decor. We are expenditure all mexican hurl as well. We in the same way put up with our Drop Reincarnation this month. My next of kin has been affect a series on revitalization. You know we neediness ruler put up with life in order to be invigorated. We don't totally put up with revitalization, what the sign on the entrance says it is revitalization week. Reincarnation is in our hearts. As well, he has preached some Exhilarating messages lately! We are in the same way facing lively preparing for the minor Christmas appearance and the adult singing group cantata. Fulfill, learn us in your prayers. Grasp a blessed week! Rachel