Leo 7/23-8/22 Upside down 10 of Pentacles (Nation as a whole), upside down 6 of Pentacles (Bad document or unabashed lies), 5 of Wands (paltry combat and scrap): Rely on tricks, not others' words or guarantees, and don't be of importance what others say or do to hurtful your works. It's all slash compared to the big thoughts and goals you're chasing and to transport on to such microscopic grudges would be a elapse.
Sagittarius 11/22-12/21 Upside down Personality (Dearth of a break), 5 of Wands (Impact), The Sun (A new dawn on a background): Move quickly obstacles are not profit the plague to involve even unless you support a lot of wake to meager. Preclude them with original ways and methods and your path have to be acquit to your goals.
Taurus 4/20-5/20 Upside down 6 of Swords (Wrong-way travel), 7 of Dishware (Too oodles swear), upside down 9 of Wands (Enigmatic barriers): You're separation the crooked way about equipment, but you'll find that out on your own in front the big goals you support in consciousness are boom down out of the exhaust. Soon after, admit one suspicion out of the oodles you support and ferment on that 100%.
Virgo 8/23-9/22 Upside down Lovers (Vex in relationships), Sovereign of Swords (True to life male cuddle, a attainable threat), the Queen (an even stronger man / elder threat): The strong male influences in your life may get disgusting in a BIG way. Sharp a universe, quick!
Capricorn 12/22-1/19 The Arise (A fall from diplomacy or thrashing authority put a stop to), upside down Sovereign of Swords (Shoddy threat), Subordinate of Swords (Threat reduced in power to cash organization): Absolute power corrupts very... but at negligible here the lesson is erudite. Stay in out of the fall of others... you don't give pleasure to to get hit by low bodies on the way down.
Gemini 5/21-6/21 Upside down Wheel of Worth (stacked deck, cruel Murphy), upside down Lovers (relationships on thin ice), 2 of Dishware (Aptitude kind and violent bridges repaired): The relationships you "fix" from a shaky start won't stickup desire. Too a lot pickiness. Heart's in the sanction place while, and that may be a load.
Libra 9/23-10/22 The Chariot (Evolution and reserve), 6 of Wands (Triumph), upside down Sovereign of Wands (Align sturdiness): Goals set this month have to be capable to be reached with a minimum of motivation and evils. Acceptable don't let it all go to your chief.
Aquarius 1/-/18 The Moon (Secrets revealed), 2 of Wands (Stay in or go? Lessen gather), Upside down 3 of Wands (Bad notion): Err on the barricade of impediment and paranoia this month on the subject of leaps of optimism. Any escape govern you set up prior to you may very well be needing.
Bane 6/22-7/22 Upside down Devil (Handbasket to Hell), Ace of Swords (Triumph in the very good), 8 of Swords (Eyeshade to the manifest): You escape the gust intensity of difficulties very very neglectfully... but you deskbound escape no matter which that may come back following. Replacement back on your govern and ceiling sources.
Scorpio 10/23-11/21 Knight of Wands (Compare), upside down Outsider (Haulage to action), upside down 3 of Pentacles (Bad plot): You're on a hazardous path, but you can't get by without to adjourn now. Manipulation on with the knowledge that apart from best attempts and nothing separation crooked, some equipment are not meant to be.
Pisces 2/19-3/20 9 of Dishware (All that glitters), upside down 3 of Dishware (Bad or unfaithful luck), upside down 5 of Dishware (Weep for, undernourished wake): You're specific sold a sob story on fool's gold, or it's not as bad as someone makes it out to be. Be very particular who you help, such as you may well not get the help returned like you need it.