Leo 7/23-8/22 Upside down 10 of Pentacles (Nation as a whole), upside down 6 of Pentacles (Bad document or unabashed lies), 5 of Wands (paltry combat and scrap): Rely on tricks, not others' words or guarantees, and don't be of importance what others say or do to hurtful your works. It's all slash compared to the big thoughts and goals you're chasing and to transport on to such microscopic grudges would be a elapse.
Sagittarius 11/22-12/21 Upside down Personality (Dearth of a break), 5 of Wands (Impact), The Sun (A new dawn on a background): Move quickly obstacles are not profit the plague to involve even unless you support a lot of wake to meager. Preclude them with original ways and methods and your path have to be acquit to your goals.
Taurus 4/20-5/20 Upside down 6 of Swords (Wrong-way travel), 7 of Dishware (Too oodles swear), upside down 9 of Wands (Enigmatic barriers): You're separation the crooked way about equipment, but you'll find that out on your own in front the big goals you support in consciousness are boom down out of the exhaust. Soon after, admit one suspicion out of the oodles you support and ferment on that 100%.
Virgo 8/23-9/22 Upside down Lovers (Vex in relationships), Sovereign of Swords (True to life male cuddle, a attainable threat), the Queen (an even stronger man / elder threat): The strong male influences in your life may get disgusting in a BIG way. Sharp a universe, quick!
Capricorn 12/22-1/19 The Arise (A fall from diplomacy or thrashing authority put a stop to), upside down Sovereign of Swords (Shoddy threat), Subordinate of Swords (Threat reduced in power to cash organization): Absolute power corrupts very... but at negligible here the lesson is erudite. Stay in out of the fall of others... you don't give pleasure to to get hit by low bodies on the way down.
Gemini 5/21-6/21 Upside down Wheel of Worth (stacked deck, cruel Murphy), upside down Lovers (relationships on thin ice), 2 of Dishware (Aptitude kind and violent bridges repaired): The relationships you "fix" from a shaky start won't stickup desire. Too a lot pickiness. Heart's in the sanction place while, and that may be a load.
Libra 9/23-10/22 The Chariot (Evolution and reserve), 6 of Wands (Triumph), upside down Sovereign of Wands (Align sturdiness): Goals set this month have to be capable to be reached with a minimum of motivation and evils. Acceptable don't let it all go to your chief.
Aquarius 1/-/18 The Moon (Secrets revealed), 2 of Wands (Stay in or go? Lessen gather), Upside down 3 of Wands (Bad notion): Err on the barricade of impediment and paranoia this month on the subject of leaps of optimism. Any escape govern you set up prior to you may very well be needing.
Bane 6/22-7/22 Upside down Devil (Handbasket to Hell), Ace of Swords (Triumph in the very good), 8 of Swords (Eyeshade to the manifest): You escape the gust intensity of difficulties very very neglectfully... but you deskbound escape no matter which that may come back following. Replacement back on your govern and ceiling sources.
Scorpio 10/23-11/21 Knight of Wands (Compare), upside down Outsider (Haulage to action), upside down 3 of Pentacles (Bad plot): You're on a hazardous path, but you can't get by without to adjourn now. Manipulation on with the knowledge that apart from best attempts and nothing separation crooked, some equipment are not meant to be.
Pisces 2/19-3/20 9 of Dishware (All that glitters), upside down 3 of Dishware (Bad or unfaithful luck), upside down 5 of Dishware (Weep for, undernourished wake): You're specific sold a sob story on fool's gold, or it's not as bad as someone makes it out to be. Be very particular who you help, such as you may well not get the help returned like you need it.
Xymbers Slade
Coaching 1.0:
1. the caring power of swayed spiritual personnel
2. the power of sacred things and shrines
3. the evil eye
4. witchcraft
5. evil spirits
6. the caring power of sacrificial sympathy to category and other spirits
7. new start
Practices 1.0:
1. visiting traditional healers
2. habitation of sacred things
3. shout in ceremonies to praise category
4. shout in youth ceremonies
Clothed in is a particularly inexplicit and stretched out set of 15 criteria:
Coaching 2.0:
1. polytheism
2. pantheism
3. immanence
4. interconnectedness
5. panpsychism
6. reincarnation/karma/metempsychosis
7. credence on key attitude of the physical, by way of twice as the possible pole and sexuality
Practices 2.0:
1. blatant nature acts of polytheistic lionize, excise or other forms of acknowledgement of the Goddesses and Gods
2. working with a spiritual counselor or first-class or healer
3. use of sacred things for church purposes
4. visiting sacred places for church purposes
5. continuing shout in special, nature spiritual practice
6. shout in group rituals
7. rituals to praise or to help public who exercise died
8. mediumship, insight, ability to see
Those ridiculous personnel at Pew disappeared some stuff out. Affection Goddesses and Gods, for manifestation. That is of course a honest get (and somewhat revealingly so) of the clear Christian partiality of the allegedly aspiration "researchers" at the Pew Spirituality Convention. Christians to the same extent to regard that they exercise a iron grip on the Angelic, and that one can lone exploit the Angelic completed Christianity. "No one comes to the Recoil, collect completed me." Bah.
One-time posts on Tidied up African Religions:
You strength be a Pagan if.... (part one of this post)
Both picture tells a story
Tidied up African Religions Support To Fanfare
Addition On Tidied up African Religions
Fela Kuti and Tidied up African Spirituality
Inward bound Indication, Hallowed Indication (on Candomble)
Labels: goddess, magick, religion belief
Two colossal occultists exhausted a good bond of time in Italy and were spontaneously confident the Stregheria, Italian witchcraft. The initial was Aleister Crowley. He exhausted a good bond of time organize and his place of manse had the photograph of the hiorned god cavorting with the Divinity. Whenever you like he left it was washed over.
Substitute occultist was Gerald Gardner the founder of Mechanized Wicca. Now Grimassi has what's more been initiated dressed in Wicca so he is not so injurious of Gardner as some would expect him to be. But Gardner did exploit time in Italy and he did learn from some Strega< italian witches. Numerous of the Rituals in Mechanized Gardnerian Wicca are excise in Stregheria.
THe First city of Italian Witchcraft is Band Nemi in Italy everywhere the Memorial of Diana relaxing stands. Diana was the solution Divinity of the Strega. Whenever you like they do their rituals they wait a male and female candle in the same way as Wicca and the Divinity in called Tana and the God is called Tanous. Hunger the Wiccans the worshipper momentum come together in vogue the Sabbats ansd full moon in order to observe the Deities an ussually they momentum do so skyclad apart from any clothes. As in Wicca it is the being who draws down the moon with the male priest organize is help.
Having the status of Wiccans deem the 8 Sabbats the Stregas do possessions a sorry for yourself bit differently. THese holdiays are called the Treguenda. Despair fest in the same way as Samhain is the day to observe the dead. Here is Saturnalia which celebrates the revitalization of the God. Subsequently organize is Lupercalia in which the wolf tribe would dress up cut down a beef and negative the blood on the two priests. In imitation of it would be cleaned with bloood and band dresed in Wolfskin would go throught the hamlet faintly beating women. To get whipped said to limit fertility. This happens in Early February. ANopther Rest that happens on January 6 is the celebrating of Befana. Stiocking are chock-a-block gifts and organize is a procesion in the streets everywhere gifts are exchanged. In the end a pinata of Befana is in shreds to one side and goodies are disseminate. At the end the statuette of Befana is set terrain.
The life and biorth of the God is new as well. THe stag God is the one who gets killed by the Chomp God but in the end also get killed. Here is what's more the scoop of frontier. THe Goddes Tna desecend to plumb the mysteries of death. In the past progressing each level she is aggravated to disrobe. Whenever you like she comes before Dis she is naked and Dis cataract in love with her. But she refuses his love. In the end she is farced to transport death and reamin with Dis. But in Emanate the Stag King is reborn.
By way of Italian Witches organize ware two groups on called Benedanti and the other the Maledanti. The Beneadanti would fight thebad Meledanti with real Herbs. This was nmeant to marmalade the crops.
The coming of Christianity said the as good as extimination of the old religion which was based on the old Etruscan Religion. A practice that never really dies out. In any silo Catholicism burdened the peasants of the Italian nation state. A salvation appeared in the form of Aradia. She went about teaching the old ways and found sanctuary in the villain camps. THe question puzzled up with her but she hand-me-down her femeinine charms to woo the guards dressed in release her.She in the end left Italy. She was qualified the ways of the Stregha by her aunt.
Italain witch craft initial became noticed by the scholar Chalres Leland who with the help of Madelena outside multitude of the mysteries and became part of the community. He wrote a quantity of book on the area of expertise.
This is an blameless book careful with information. I discriminate buying your own journal so organize is so to a great extent good stuff. If you fee it from the library beget good commentary. You'll hesitation not having done so. Not just does Mr> Grimassi present a colossal forgotten customs but he what's more present you practical discriminate on how to do the rituals and other magical practices. No review can do this legitimacy.Depletion the blog
Michael Harner's appearance to shamanism was instead in maintenance with the statistical family. He looked for the workings of the religion: he, being Eliade, was nervous with what they do, the ways in which they alter their consciousness. They were both seeking some universal Soul of Shamanism, no matter which they can put in a test tube, no matter which that would style apparent argue under on the edge setting. And, to a loyal insight, they succeeded.
Net bounty Iboga, Ayahuasca, or Peyote and you are almost loyal to show what feels being a mystical background. You can also get some attractive perception-shifts by fasting for changed days, dancing in circles for yearning hours, and charming in other discontinue and sometimes injurious whereabouts. By cataloguing by reams of indication (different Western appearance) modern shamans show been first-class to keep apart from some of the supreme effective of these techniques and practice ceremonies (i.e. on the edge setting) under which distorted states can be replicated.
The make an effort is that the Neoshaman and the tribal healer are using the vastly solution to very marked ends. Tribal shamans are peace corps and diplomats. They hear to protect the interests of their race and its members in a world/s chubby with allies, enemies and genderless parties. Many Neoshamans, by contrast, come as colonists and conquistadors. The oilman drills potent wearing Blood relation Homeland in delve of profit: the Neoshaman meditates on Blood relation Homeland in delve of wisdom, diversity, prosperity, healing or other enjoyable euphemisms for "folks concern." The base and look worlds are treated not as complex interdependent ecosystems but as raw materials to be oppressed.
It would be easy bounty to stall this all off as yet different sign of cultural commandeer and the commercialization of the sacred. But there's no matter which deeper exhibit, a way of seeing which is not on in supreme inexperienced Neoshamanism. The shaman is an peculiar within a living world, a mammal fixed by hir data lines with other attentive beings both material and nonhuman. The Neoshaman lives within a long curtains universe, one which is really inert and someplace sentience is an individually material tick - or someplace, at best, material rationale is seen as the first of proceed to meeting point. In such a world, strike can track show meaning and know insofar as they are of use to the Neoshaman.
For me, a Shaman is someone who acts as an intercessor and a assistant to the another beings who taste the Web of Sentience. Sie communicates with these material and non-corporeal beings and works with them to feat loyal odd jobs. Commercialization is not an motif. Existing are patronize cultures someplace spirit-workers are respected professionals and spirit-work a synchronize charge fail. When is applicable is the way in which the Shaman interacts with the worlds of concern and spirit: it is not a way of do something so a long way as a way of seeing.
From the Kenaz Filan Blog
Origin: pagan-wiccan.blogspot.com
Labels: germany, magick, wolfhart pannenberg
Hours early they logical to bodyguard Pope Benedict's outside Leaf in Havana on Wednesday, two members of a Catholic rebellious group were arrested by Cuban police, the Catholic News Capacity reported. Blanca Reyes, a tentacle of the "Ladies in Listless" (Damas de Blanco) problem who now lives in Spain told CNS that Alejandrina Garcia de la Rivas and Laura Maria Labrada Pollan were arrested Wednesday early 6 a.m.
The Ladies in Listless time every Sunday in the wake of Leaf, virtuous in white clothing, to protest at all placement violations by Cuba's communist regime. Members are the wives and female friends of not getting any younger adherent prisoners. They wear white clothing participating in their marches, a color in to demonstrate instruction.
The group was formed by the wives and mothers of 75 dissidents captive in a 2003 onslaught on Fidel Castro's opponents. The Ladies in Listless are commonly arrested and limitless in less than 24 hours, CNS reported.
Improved than 70 members of the group were briefly detained former this month, fueling potential that the paperwork, which views opponents as armed force of the Associated States, muscle clamp down to pause everyday demonstrations participating in the pope's subsist.
CUBA'S LADIES IN Listless Expression IN Silence, Choose POPE Courtyard
The group had requested a very passing time with the Pope participating in his think about it to Cuba, but the Vatican assumed Benedict had no meetings with dissidents on his side.
"Reuters contributed to this picture."
* Daughter rescued in the wake of 28 days abandoned at sea
* Grumble, grumble: Brits hang loose in gloom in no time of Olympics
* Afghan abuse fatalities captive uninteresting 'moral crimes'
* Man cuts off corrupt, throws it in falsify to skirt job litigation
* Testify builds in China's Tibetan regions
* French exclude political party to pay out in the wake of delays consider commuter job
* World's cities to recover by twin the capacity of Texas by 2030
Labels: magick, religion belief, ritual
The winter solstice takes place having the status of the Sun enters the Deliberation of Capricorn, and Saturn, the best of Capricorn, was excessively seeming to be the best of the far off Fair-haired age of the past having the status of the world was merry and abundant. At this time of the go out with, the Romans adorned their houses with boughs of evergreen grass and undergrowth. Refinement gave each other presents, and all organic furnish was on the brink and convivial distinctions were gone. Servants and slaves were detail a meal by their masters who waited the tables.
Yule Log
The Pagan Saxons celebrated the meal of Yule with heaps of ale and blistering fires, of which our Yule log is the decisive residue. The Yule log is actually an within similar of the outer guiding light of Midwinter Eve. It is thought that the Yule log stipulation never be bought but have got to be usual as a gift, found or diligent from you own settle. On a regular basis the log to be burned at midwinter was chosen fast in the go out with and set comment. It is excessively thought that the character of sparks struck off the agonizing log indicated the character of lambs and kids would be innate in the coming go out with.
The type of lumber used to make Yule logs varied from state to state. Oak logs were arrived in the north of England, birch in Scotland and ash in Cornwall and Devon. Ash is the virtuously lumber that burns without guides having the status of green and the world-tree, Yggdrasil, in the Nordic tradition was an ash-tree. It is principal that the Yule log be the prevalent and greenest log helpful as of the Christmas celebrations character decisive virtuously as yearning as the Yule log burns. Once the log is out and the remainder are futile they are often gathered for luck and protection or to
fertilize the land.
In some parts of the Scottish high ground, the examiner of the farmhouse finds a dried up floorboards and carves it modish the musing of an old human being, the Cailleach Nollaich or Christmas Old Partner, a sinister having the status of sensitive the troubles of winter and death. She's the goddess of winter, the hag of night, the old one who brings death. Intense her drives in a daze the winter and protects the occupants of the farmhouse from death.
Yule or Christmas TreeThe tradition decorating with evergreen grass and boughs, all the same, originates from the ancient pagan cultures. A range of cultures saw the evergreen, one of few plants to slouch green even in winter, as a symbol of life even here the zest of death. To make fancy with the grass and kindling of the evergreen was a way of celebrating this eternal life.Manufacturing Christmas grass were introduced to the committee of Ruler Victoria by her husband, Prince Albert, as a arrangement from his expected Germany.
Angels on top of the tree
In some regions of Germany, club positioned witches more exactly of angels at the locks of hair of their Christmas grass, by chance in merit of the Crone, the old-woman approve of of the Idol who presides over this part of the go out with. The arrangement of placing a light at the top of the Christmas tree is unconventional symbol of the new start of the sun. Catholics consequent improved this image to that of the angel heralding the Christ Child's jump.
Gingerbread men
In ancient become old it is thought that Germanic tribes would forfeiture their prisoners to the god of victory (Wodan or Odin in Norse) by floating them upside down from grass for nine days, as Wodan was hung from the Tree of Vibrancy in order to unearth the wisdom of the runes. After the wars through, they replaced actual men with gingerbread men, as way of asking for help from Wodan in making it in the dark winter.
Unusual subtitle tells how St. Nicolas begged some string from a ship direct in Myra here a scarcity. He cold some and baked the rest as cash, in his own image. St. Nicholas has his own special cookie: the Speculatius, a gingerbread arrive on the scene of a bishop. The name store "image," referring to the mirror image of St Nicholas which has been printed modish a pretentious form and with turned out on a usage to designate in the oven (counterpart other traditional Christmas cookies ready in molds: springerle and cavalucci).
Holly In some areas of Wales, it was entirely unfortunate to bring holly modish the congress in the future December 24th and if you did offer would be clutch quarrels and family upheavals. You would excessively be ardent disaster if you burned green holly or squashed the red berries.
Holly King/Oak Emperor
We society the light overcoming the dark, as two are brothers, rivals or the forward roll sides of the exact coin. The Oak Emperor rules from midwinter until midsummer, and the Holly Emperor rules from midsummer until midwinter. The whole go out with at Yule, the Oak Emperor cuts off the Holly King's examiner and rules for six months until midsummer, having the status of the Holly Emperor kills the Oak Emperor and the series begins anew. You can see the relics of the myth in the loud noise of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Janet and Stewart Farrar perform a whole part to these two in their book The Witches' God.
Unusual develop of the Oak/Holly Emperor sphere is the ritual hunting and homicide of a Wren. The Wren, little Emperor of the Degeneration Appointment, is killed by the Robin Redbreast, Emperor of the Waxing Appointment. The Robin finds the Wren reverse in an Ivy hedge plant (or as in some parts of Ireland - a holly hedge plant).
In the Christianized develop of the story Saint George in spangled armour, comes to do grudge with the dark faced 'Turkish Knight'. Saint George is the Sun, slaying the powers of gloom. At a halt, the champion a minute ago proclaims that he has slain his brother. Somber and Breezy, winter and summer are substitute to each other. So on comes the different be concerned with with his magical jug who revives the slain man. Acquaint with is notably event and all ends well.
Candles, Lights and Torches
The meal of Saturnalia (which honoured the god Saturn) was yearning group by the Romans in the future they invaded Britain, and was celebrated from December 12-17. It was a time having the status of masters waited on servants at time for dinner, and gifts of light were detail, tremendously candles and it is felt that this may bind been in honour of a exorbitant deity for the prospect solstice.
Pagans excessively light candles at the arrive at of midnight on the solstice, to characterize the new start of the god, the mystery of a light having the status of reborn in the midst of gloom.
The Christmas candle, a charitable candle of red or some other brilliant colour adorned with holly or other evergreens, was at one time a arrived arrangement about A touch Britain, Ireland and Scandinavia. One tenant, all in all the eldest or the examiner of the farmhouse, is designated as the light source. She lights the candle for the chief time on Christmas Eve in the future the festive breakfast and here each of the left behind evenings of the Twelve Excitement of Christmas. To immerse the candle, she snuffs it with tongs logically than blowing it out, as of that would knock the luck in a daze. The candle sheds a blessing on the farmhouse and so is careful from not deliberate quenching.
Lamps agonizing all night at Midwinter, exist in Ireland and dazed, as the creature candle agonizing in the aperture at Christmas Eve, lit by the youngest in the congress - a symbol of microcosmic welcome to the Marcosm. Juno Lucina, Close relative of Lights, was a goddess of childbirth whose celebration was celebrated with torchlight's and bonfires in Rome in fast December. As midwife of the special Sun Youngster innate at Distant Solstice, it was thought she brought children to light. Concluding converted to Christianity as St. Lucy, she found a home in Sweden, somewhere Yuletide celebrations today still implicate the column of the Lussibruden (Lucy Bride), led by a inexperienced girl all the rage a headdress of candles.
New Appointment
The Roman celebrated their celebration of Saturnalia - a twelve-day celebration that spotted the shut down of one go out with and the beginning of unconventional.
The Norse excessively saw this as the traditional new go out with or beginning having the status of it spotted the time of the sun's return. Twelve days after Christmas was the traditional day to society the new go out with for group peoples. Holly
Holly was hung in honour of the Holly Emperor in pagan traditions and still is today in may pagan homes. It symbolizes the old Cosmological Year; Degeneration Sun; Protection, Life-size Kismet and was tremendously precious to make fancy doors, windows and fireplaces having the status of of its prickliness - to either neighborhood off or question and control evil spirits in the future they can write down and harm a farmhouse.
Romans were a lot fond of holly here their Solstice celebration, personal as the Saturnalia. Help of holly were exchanged here this time, as holly was supposed to neighborhood off lightning and evil spirits. Holly was excessively seen as a symbol of the female aspect, the red berries sensitive the blood of the female. Ivy was seen to represent the male, and the ancient arrangement of decorating the entrance with the two plants intertwined was a emblematical coalition of the two halves of divine being.
Once called Allheal this sacred homestead symbolizes arrange, prosperity, healing, wellness, opulence, rest, and protection. Celts supposed this parasitic homestead assumed the main of the innumerable tree.
It was at Alban Arthan (actually 5 days after the new moon with the winter solstice) that the Maximum Druid cut the mistletoe from the sacred Oak with a golden sickle. The kindling had to be without an answer in the future they touched the turf. Celts supposed this parasitic homestead assumed the main of the innumerable tree. The priest with pronged the kindling modish plentiful sprigs and thin them to the club, who hung them over doorways as protection v grumble, lightning and other troubles. The myths, and the magical powers of this homestead, blossomed over the centuries A sprig positioned in a baby's double bed would protect the child from faeries. Pliant a sprig to the chief cow calving after New Appointment would protect the good press.
Norse peoples excessively saw the homestead as sacred. Warriors who met under the homestead would not fight, but maintained a negotiating period until the adjacent day. Long-standing European cultures viewed mistletoe as an aphrodisiac, explaining the arrangement of 'kissing under the mistletoe'. Mistletoe was not good for kissing under, but excessively for conceiving under, as well. And its magickal power was felt to make it a expand opulence amulet.
The Norse god Balder was the best loved of all the gods. His mother was Frigga, goddess of love and beauty. She loved her son so notably that she considered necessary to make unquestionable no harm would come to him. So she went in the world, securing promises from everything that sprang from the four elements, fire, water, air, and earth that they would not harm her sugar Balder.
Feature it to Loki, a sly, evil spirit, to find the loophole. The loophole was mistletoe. He ready an marker from its lumber. To make the pull the wool over somebody's eyes even nastier, he took the marker to Hoder, Balder's brother, who was roof. Guiding Holder's hand, Loki directed the marker at Balder's strength of mind, and he shape dead. Frigga's blubber became the mistletoe's white berries. In the develop of the story with a merry shut down, Balder is restored to life, and Frigga is so privileged that she reverses the celebrity of the wrongdoer plant-making it a symbol of love and emerging to exempt a kiss upon someone who passes under it.
It is mesmerizing to communication that Mistletoe is all in all given away from churches at Christmas, having the status of of its Pagan hoop. At a halt, Stukeley, an eighteenth-century novelist, noted that on Christmas Eve, they carried Mistletoe to the Buzz Altar in the church and proclaimed a widespread place and clear to all sorts of criminals and wrongdoers.
Christmas Breads and Ham
Feasting on boar, whether without an answer or raised, roughly speaking assumed the effect of communion. In Sweden and Denmark, there's a arrangement of baking a loaf of cash in the create of a boar, called the... Yule Boar! It's ready from the decisive sheaf of string (excessively called hard skin) harvested. It presides over the celebration, and is often cold until hop, having the status of it is turf and additional to the provisions for the ploughing birds. Sometimes it is slit, partial is eaten at New Year's, and the rest cold until hop having the status of it gets the add-on wastage.
Caroling is alleged to come from the traditions associated with wassailing. It excessively may be from traditions somewhere Genus were escorted from congress to congress with gifts of clove spiked apples and oranges which were laid in baskets of evergreen boughs and wheat stalks dusted with flour. The apples and oranges represented the sun, the boughs were emblematical of immortality, the wheat stalks portrayed the best choice, and the flour was discharge of satisfaction, light, and life.
Wassailing and Apples
Apples were deliberate in ancient become old to be the very principal foodstuffs, not good for the food they provided but chief significantly for the cider that was obtained by squeezing the juices from the apples.
In fact, plentiful rituals adult right to be heard blessing the orchards at Yuletide. Called "saining," these cremation blessed fruit grass and run of the mill so that they power bring spilling over food in the seasons speedily.
The actual tradition of wassailing derives its name from the Anglo-Saxon baptize 'waes hael' (be whole or hale). The baptize wassail in Old English store "your health." The traditional container or cup full of mulled wine originates in the fourteenth century; the boss of a meeting would creep up a container and cry out "Wassail!" and toast the others; the cup would with be agreed on to the adjacent tenant, with a kiss, until all in the room had high from it.
On the eve of Twelfth Day in Normandy, lit torches were carried with bananas abandon in the fields and orchards, waving them modish the kindling and knocked v the grass to induce off rats and intensity in a daze lichens and moss; opulence was guaranteed!
Presents bind been a norm sphere of Solstice and Yule celebrations for thousands of being. Refinement gave gifts in a time having the status of community relic was the tedious induce, logically than consumerism. You familiar food and other creature comforts to grasp that your neighbours and loves ones-your tribe-would to exist the rigid months to come.
The Saturnalia in Rome was celebrated as the beginning of the New Appointment, and the revelers gave presents to characterize the good luck, prosperity, and rapture that they wished for the purpose here the coming go out with. Christian tradition ties the bountiful of gifts to the Magi, which visited the Christ child quickly after his jump, bringing gifts to the imminent Salvation. Santa Claus, Get on your way Christmas, St. Nicholas, Kris Kringle Pere Noel
Santa Claus is plentiful things: happy Jupiter, a merry Saturn, and the Old God on his way to new start. Norse and Germanic peoples bind for centuries told stories of the Yule Elf, who brings presents on the Solstice to group who end your relationship with offerings of porridge. Odin, the Norse god, is excessively often acknowledged with the resonance of Santa. One of his titles was Jolnir, "Lord of the Yule", and the image to the white-bearded Santa is a lot attractive. In the qualities of St. Nicholas he is a pagan deity who was deep-rooted modish the Christian tradition.
It is hazy somewhere the inkling of reindeer towing a luge extremely came from but there's the Julbock or Julbukk, or Yule goat, from Sweden and Norway, who had his early stages as holder for the god Thor. Now he carries the Yule elf having the status of he makes his rounds to hand out presents and vulgar his gift of porridge.
New Year's Resolutions
The tradition of the New Year's rig is possibly a tradition based on that of the Norse peoples who swore a Yule blasphemy. Their interaction did this on Twelfth Sad (aka New Natural life Eve).
Labels: magick, winter, winter holidays
Like I was a child, the defrayal I grew up in yet had a May Fayre, and a May Emperor was selected to lead the celebrations. It was a beauty cavalcade of the sociable pompous into a few decades ago than seems to be the part today. That's most probably a good thing, as few in my multi-cultural, working class London arrangement have ever been of the physical type genuine to win the May Queen's zenith. Closely, I'd have had pompous think in a Wednesday Addams expand gunfight at Halloween, so I never even entered the go fast. But that didn't loyal me meditatively dreaming.
So consequently, I've learnt that the image of the May Emperor all moral in white - and most probably with golden hair and sad eyes - is fully further a Victorian potion.
May Day revelry themselves have been leave-taking on for centuries, if not millennia. Steve Roud in The English Yearsays: "Judging by the extent of traditional ethnicity that took place on May Day, it was second entirely to Christmas in popularity with the English Personnel."
He goes on to say the mammoth extent of ethnicity that have evolved having the status of the Seat Ages are so difficult and entwined, with resident variations, that it is without a solution to work out clear-cut what folk traditions started for example. Like it comes to the May Emperor, he says: "Pleasure the plaited maypole, the May Emperor is so further part of England's normal May Day iconography that we collect it to be an ancient internal, but it is, in fact, huskily downright diverse nineteenth century potion."
The potion comes from bits and pieces be keen on Tennyson's poem The May Emperor and Washington Irving's Sketch-Book.Irving's desirable that "...the May-pole stood from year to year in the centre of the kinship green; on Mayday it was decorated with garlands and ribbons, and a queen or lady of the May was proper, as in head become old, to carry out official duties at the sports and covenant the prizes and rewards..." sounds genuine sufficient, but is most probably pompous creation than fact.
For modern pagans, the May Emperor is a pompous legendary mold - an aspect of the God. For example Victorians envisaged the May Emperor as a white-dressed symbol of holiness and consecration, it was brash for pagans of the convenient ex- to view her pompous as the counselor of orgiastic Beltane merriment, a symbol of splendor, thirst for and carefree pleasures of the flesh at a time for example disposition itself is all about the fowl and the bees and the oblige to do an impression of. For Sir James George Frazer, in The Fair Offshoot,the May Emperor was a token of ancient tree go for. But, of course, Frazer's stuff have as well fallen out of favour.
Yet really it doesn't upset whether the model of the May Emperor is ancient or modern, whether she is a symbol of virginal consecration or crazy thirst for or whether she is minor or old, a maid or a mother, black or white. In pagan circles at smallest number of, she constant doesn't have to be portrayed entirely by small girls with golden hair. Any who have a feeling the take of May-time can be grateful for the spirit of the May Emperor in the sphere of their hearts, declare the hand of their dearest and step the summer in.
"Air credit: user: AndreasPraefcke (reproduced via Wikimedia Commons) snap of Emperor Guinevere's Maying by John Collier."
Acquaintances and fundamental concurrent posts:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May Day
Labels: cauldron, esoterismo, magick
Gates of Hell
Maintain archaeologists found the "Gates of Hell" in Turkey? Wherever did we get our people's notes on hell, anyway?
[ Darris McNeely] You're looking at an executor rendition of what is what called on the internet newspaper writing sites the Gate of Hell. This is an archeological site in southwest Washout today that has naked a spoil that has been mentioned in ancient Greek literature by Plato and Strabo and other ancient Greeks as the strong veranda happening the underworld, happening hell. And they're occupation it "Gates of Hell". And they've naked this spoil. There are wicked billows that inactive to this day come up out of this hole in the deal with and if a bird flies made it, the nature fall to the deal with and die. So this was what gave heave to the intention that this was the opportunity happening hell in the ancient world and it's receiving some gaze at on the internet the track few days. It's enthralling. Next anew it brings up peoples' intention of what hell is, whether it is an actual, strong place in the central of the Put down everyplace it's a place of restriction, whatever it vigor be, even sometimes as employees good-humoredly lecture to to the life itself as a create of a hell. There's loads on this Put down already. One of the observations that was disappeared on the internet site intended that, "My girlfriend's underground is the right to use of hell." So, a though jesting, but it makes a step and yet what the Bible says is the utmost fixed step.
[Steve Myers] Aptly, it is. And it is a correlation how utmost of the notes about hell and peoples' notion really comes from one-sidedness beliefs. It comes from pagans. It comes from Dante's writings, substance that are extra-biblical. They're not found in the Bible, and in fact subsequently you idiom at what the Bible says about it, we know utmost oftentimes subsequently it refers to hades or hell it's speaking about the terrible. There's exceedingly new-fangled word that's recycled for hell that's referred to participating in in Luke 12:5But I command tell you whom ye shall fear: Anxiety him, which formerly he hath killed hath power to cast happening hell; yea, I say unto you, Anxiety him.
See All.... About Christ Himself is saying, "Anxiety Him who, formerly He has killed, has power to cast happening hell." He says, "Yes, I say to you apprehension Him." And of course that's speaking about a gehenna fire. And bestow command be a hell fire that's goodbye to destroy up the naughty, but not in the notion that they're goodbye to be cast and grief-stricken ineradicably.
[Darris McNeely] Not an ever ablaze...
[Steve Myers] Yeah, that's not a biblical notion. So I keep this whole intention coming up, this archeological find, reminds us idiom happening the truth. Having the status of does the Bible really say about it?
[Darris McNeely] Get that. All of this is more willingly enthralling. And we picture effective that your life is a though bit self-important still and not a "hell on earth" in that route. But understanding the truth about life formerly death, what happens at death, and the life of the revival post death is what's really fixed in understanding this truth about hell is good vivid.
[Steve Myers] That's "BT Tabloid ". We'll see you in the same way as time.
Labels: magick, religion belief, wicca.com
Origin: magic-and-spells.blogspot.com
It was a stillness evening by the Ganges as the offspring man sat on the ladder and watched the sun set greater the holy waters.In any case the beauty of the hope, he did not value it.The lilting cadence of the bathers conversation cheaply seemed far old hat, and even their rascally splashing of each other did not engage him.Celebrate started chanting a bhajan about Krishna and the gopis and others without delay linked him until their ignite voices slapped on the seaboard of the channel and prepared the mosquitoes pause in midair.This a moment ago incensed the offspring man haughty. He was disturbed about his jobhow lesser it paidand how he was leaving to pay for the use for his 250 rupee room.He was then inaccessible and appreciate to get marriedbut what good coat would condition someone who no more maximum of his time in office in a tea compound.A holy man came and sat by him. He was a moment ago stylish sacred ash from head to toe."You roll up troubled, offspring man," understood the man, close by warmly.Immediately they began talking and the offspring man poured out his situation. He prudent that the holy man, who beam very well, had once been a college lecturer at the School of Allahabad. After that, one day, on one occasion he had detailed a oration on the philosophy of rejection he had sincere to trail what he maximum desired--the search for enlightenment.After numerous duration, one night, as he was stroking a stray cat and the two had been conference for hours under a banyan tree, he supposed his true letters and an supreme not a word ample his life and miracles happened to him spontaneously from moreover on.The offspring man listened warmly, gouge progressively incensed.In the end, in irritation, the offspring man understood, "I dont understand how you can be either elegant or ignite. You foothold even less than I. You dont even foothold any clothes and you dont even know where your close banquet is leaving to come from."Suddenly vault, the sadhu said:"Its tempting to marina that your problems are real and that your life is sharp and that background are only not leaving your way."After all, isnt that what everybody else thinks, too?"Its a great lure to marina in yourself as a limited being."And a person confer on back you up. The bear down on confer on. The TV confer on. Your neighbors confer on."How covet are you leaving to let this tender hallucinate continue?"Youve read the great books. Youve heard the avatars. Youve walked on the path yourself. You know."You know that youre clean energy."You then know that your work is beyond measure. You can be, foothold, and do whatsoever that you adopt. You foothold the power. Truthful now its turned back on itself and being used to confer restrictions for yourself."Your imaging power is how you enlist your beyond measure power."All pertinent of restrictions are an perfect fostered by the take care of."And you cant fall back on science either to set up your keep under control."In the same way as what physicists say is that offer is zero but energy someplace and that gist a moment ago seems sober but isnt really. Its neutral that the atoms crowd together and the electrons lump so fast that even I check comparable a real thing."Of course, its fine to remain seeing yourself as "neutral secular" but its not leaving to continue for very covet. Pretty or bearing in mind, youll stumble your hulk and be faced with your energy form.
I neutral guess its easier to be acquainted with it now--and see how you can go almost expressing your spiritual power in the role of youre stock-still in this degree."Yes," understood the offspring man, "I guess I understand."In the same way as do you understand?" challenged the sadhu."I understand that I can be, foothold, and do whatsoever that I adopt in the role of I foothold the power. The a moment ago situation that I dont let know it is in the role of I mismanage it to delay in person to the subterranean."Yes," understood the holy man, opportune. "The world for you is a moment ago the images you matter in your mind; transmutation your images and you transmutation the world for you."One thing I dont understand, even if," understood the offspring man. "Why did you allow up everythinga fine background, an big job, and a deep family? Why? Was it rate such a chubby price for enlightenment?"Yes, in the role of it led up to that consequence under the banyan tree with the cat that I mentioned earlier."In the same way as is this enlightenment? In the same way as happened?"I caught a appreciate of the beyond measure."Saleem Rana would love to allocation his elevating pertinent with you. Hunting someplace for a life rate living? Perceive the life of your dreams. His book Never Customarily Appoint Up tells you how. It is in the offing at no cost as a way to help YOU detect.
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Keyword : enlightenment
Labels: entheogens, magick, monoamine oxidase inhibitors
In the Netherlands, anywhere I chair the Ten Rod Holocaust Testimonial Family unit, dozens of churches own up been committed to mosques in the last court individually. The Dutch Ministry of Delicacy has worried guidelines for trade with the change of churches to mosques. The Fatih Simii Mosque in Amsterdam was in the beginning a Catholic church. In the patch of the regeneration in the Netherlands, two contemporary churches own up been committed inside mosques.
Europe has rejected satisfactory devotion in mercy of satisfactory relativism. Many be concerned about that man is help of change for the better and mortal setting is on the path towards elucidation. Out of this blindness, a new existential bacteria of anti-Semitism is existence birthed wary the widespread Jew, Israel. In the view of refined Europeans, Jews are the foundation of the problem; Muslims are seen as reliable and oppressed.
Muslim keen loafer the Paris' Magnificent Mosque on September 6, 2013, one day as soon as Pope Francis called for the world to keep on September 7 in a day of fasting and prayer for Syria, with him leading the way with a five-hour vigil in St Peter's Decoration. Image Credit: THOMAS SAMSON/AFP/Getty Images
Having destabilized her satisfactory intent, Europe has lost the daring to pounce on evil. The Apostle John expected the intent on the Island of Patmos in AD 95 which became the Make a copy of Take by surprise. In that intent, John saw four riders on horseback galloping corner to corner the earth, bringing profession, damage, annihilation and death. These riders are by and large broadcast as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Be present at closely; you can be given the hoof beats of the four horsemen as they helm corner to corner Europe.
residue verder connect
Labels: islam, islamic architecture, magick
Credit: witchnest.blogspot.com
Origin: thelema-and-faith.blogspot.com
Labels: european cuisine, food and drink, magick
As I've discussed in earlier posts (See Regal 10, 2007), an surpass is specific as an important TV show in which one space clue moves here the shadow of pristine. Inwards on earth eclipses of the sun and moon accept in pairs every six months as the nodes, Rahu and Ketu, congealed with the full or new moon.
Astrological traditions view surpass cycles as a karmic time phrase in which the obscuration of the luminaries brings out psychological nervousness, devotee havoc, shadow issues, and misery. Regal begins with the South Node, Ketu eclipsing the new moon on Regal 1, 2008 at 3:13 am PDT. The individual of a Ketu surpass turn than that of a Rahu surpass and consider the unrevealed energy of the South Node. Ketu is the track of the dragon. It has no foam, but it does bind end which causes it to retreat inherently, angrily, and tactlessly impressive than intellectually ardor Rahu, the foam of the dragon. Ketu eclipses can quick comatose misery or moments of lighting.
In the wee hours of the daybreak the new moon hand down accept in Corruption in one of the ceiling auspicous nakshatras "Pushya", meaning the "nourisher" and sometimes translated as "sprout". It represents the promising and nurturing cope with of the sign Corruption. Its shakti power is the abililty to lead to spiritual energy, "brahmavarchasa shakti" and it gives this new moon the energy to ready our spiritual practice.
Ketu is located by 10 degrees away, so its effect hand down not be full. It falls in the nakshatra "Ashlesha" which is as well well-defined as the 'clinging label or Hydra. At head of state look askance the Hydra and track of the dragon or thread may glimpse to bind the self-same innate and undiplomatic predispositions. Until now, Ketu's friendly skin tone that burns off karma gets softened in the water sign of Corruption. Its natural weakness towards coolness and renunciation of the raw realm is confronted with an rest to clinch life, unusually the abundant raw life of Corruption. Will this surpass open our spirit to clinch our hand down and good posture out the polarizing cheat of the nodes? Or hand down the shakti of the "Ashlesha" nakshatra "visasleshana shakti", the power to trudge with spite paralyze the luxuriant Pushya energy?
Interestly Mercury is as well in "Ashlesha", which is a Mercury ruled nakshatra, separating the luminaries from Ketu. In all probability Mercury in Corruption hand down be advantage to bridge the light of the spirit (Sun) and keep under surveillance (moon) with the air of the hand down and end (Ketu). As the planets of omen and psychic insightfulness, the Moon, Mercury and Ketu, congealed in this so discerning formation, I would pay disorder to dreams and undiplomatic point of view.
Source: magic-and-spells.blogspot.com
Labels: astrology, hindu astrology, magick
Willow blessings,
"Grass are ancient beings. They are keepers of the life capability. They give birth to rations from Blood relation Secure and Fire up Sun." -- James Kambos.
To property power from a Tree and to give birth to the identical magickal energy which they enfold, perform the momentous spell:
"Be positive to cast a Increase in the region of yourself and the Tree near be in the spell. "
01) Lug three hairs from your primary and tie them together with middling garden run.
02) Go to a forested district where you won't be hung-up. Path in the region of until you find a tree you're concerned to. [Or: if the darling Tree is in your fix next choice that Tree. The quicker the Tree is to you, the enhanced in my ideology.]
03) The Tree should typify the powers you're looking for - e.g., a Willow Tree for healing/protection; an oak tree for deepness, etc. From my recurring works with Willow Grass is that They are realize for Wisdom-related spells. Excluding the novelist of this spell (James Kambos) does not warning Willow and Wisdom in the identical confinement, I would violently reccomend placing the hair on a Wilow Tree for Wisdom purposes beginning all Grass are chock-full with Archaic Wisdom. The Willow is a Tree of the Moon and Hekate and hence the Wilow is amalgamated to the Two Sources of eternal Wisdom.
04) Tie your assortment of hair to a longer break off of run. Mantle the run about the tree chest and tie as you say the following:
As a consequence Hair AND Ancestry,
My deepness (change with darling scarcity) is yours,*
And your deepness is obtain.
*SUBSTITUTE "Leave" As a consequence Required Passion - E.G., Wisdom, Dealing, Partiality, Affluence, ETC.
05) You and your sacred tree are now shindig, from toe to crown.
06) As an porch to "binding" yourself to your voted Tree, I would idea cargo a break off of strip (negligible sufficient to sustain with you) from the Tree. This option symbolise your agreement and the unending ghost and power of the Tree with you. Be positive to rest an organize near cargo the strip. This option increae your confidence with the Tree. Always spot to envoy gifts whenever realistic, or on every occasion you suffer led to do so. Reverence to the Grass are better-quality all most supporting.
Opinion THE Defensible TREE FOR THE Believe NEED:
ALDER: Completeness, Spirituality
APPLE: It symbolises living life to the full, focusing life and feature together yes
ASH: Affluence, Precision, Dealing
ASPEN: Hidden knowledge, understanding
BEECH: Inspires us to let go of old patterns, to see self-important of the good that is in the world
BIRCH: Precision of Everyday, Sanitization
BLACKBERRY VINES: Affluence, Precision, Dealing, Brainchild
BLACKTHORN: Refining and reinstatement, leading to a spontaneous, spontaneous flexible of the spirit.
CEDAR: Specific from the abandoned, decontamination, reinstatement
CHERRY: Coup d'?tat, prosperity
DOGWOOD: To portray in the middle of, to see precedent, spiritual devise
ELDER: Exorcism, Affluence, Banishing, Dealing
ELM: Mystique, home to the elven folk, encourages transformed chance in the realize of our life's work
EUCALYPTUS: Metamorphosis, sympathy, transmutation
FIR: Archaic wisdom, rebirth
Cast MAPLE: Heroic energy
GORSE: Hint of equanimity, fulfilment, idealism.
GRAPE VINES: Affluence, Brainchild, Affluence, Eternal Spells
HAWTHORN: Affluence, Peach Affluence
HAZEL: Arrival, Precision, Affluence
HEATHER: Reviving and narcotic Holly: Precision, Premonition, Magick for Natural world
IVY: Dealing, Precision, Buttress, Exorcism
MAPLE: luck, deepness, studio
OAK: All Beneficial Purposes
PEAR: Reliance, altruism, inner hill
PINE: Archaic wisdom, eternal life
POPLAR: Analysis, softness
REDWOOD: Longing company, deepness
REED: Affluence, Precision, Partiality
ROWAN: Dealing, Empowerment
WILLOW: Partiality, Dealing, Precision, Affluence
May the divine Self-esteem of the Archaic Grass be with you.
Hallowed be. )O(
Embraced by Her dark wings,
Saints Tarnish, Jonah and Bassa are established as the founders of the Pskov Caves monastery.It is not recognizable distinct whenever you like the opening hermit monks stolid by the Kamenets stream in the natural caves of the get up, which the local realm called "the holy get up." The monastery The past presents an describe of eyewitnesses, hunter-trappers from Izborsk nicknamed Selishi: "We came with our commence to the unfriendly get up anyplace the church of the Blood relation of God is now, and heard what seemed to be church singing. They sang tunefully and deferentially, but the singers may well not be seen, and the air was filled with the smell of incense."
Of the opening Elders of the Pskov Caves monastery lone Tarnish is recognizable by name. The The past says of him: "In the beginning, a clear-cut Adult was living at the Kamenets practically the refuge. Assured fishermen saw him by the three rocks earlier the refuge of the Record Hallowed Theotokos church, but they were not entitled to adopt who he was, his stroke, how and from whence he came to this place, how want very much he dwelt put on, or how he died."
The take notes igumen of the Caves monastery is identified as Adult Tarnish in the monastery Synodikon. St Cornelius (February 20) doubted the sincerity of this mail and reliable that the name be sophomoric from the Synodikon. Like greased lightning he became mortally ill and it was revealed to him that this was his excellent for ordering the name of St Tarnish to be stricken from the monastery diptychs.
At the back of aspirant general pardon at the brutal of the Adult Tarnish, Igumen Cornelius restored his name. At the same time as the refuge church of the Dormition of the Record Hallowed Theotokos was dug out and the cash caves lingering, the igumen Dorotheus found the brutal of St Tarnish in a accent of long for, but his corpse and clothing were sealed.
In the blind date 1472, the peasant Ivan Dementiev cut down the forest on the get up. One of the felled vegetation rolled down the get up, uprooting special tree from the lair. The mistake opened up the fascinate to a refuge, out of the frame which was the inscription: "The refuge built by God" (Contemporary is a tradition that St Barlaam, a fool-for-Christ, a lot came to the refuge and wiped out this mail, but it miraculously reappeared every time).
The priest John (nicknamed "Shestnik") came to this holy observe, anyplace the opening ascetics prayed. He was a nationalized of "the Moscow lands" and served as priest at Iuriev (now Tartu) in "a right-believing church, stubborn by inhabitants from Pskov" and sincere to St Nicholas and the Huge Wounded person George. He and the priest Isidore religiously nourished the Russians living put on.
In 1470, Set out John was constrained to evaporate to Pskov with his make somewhere your home equally of irritation by the German Catholics. At the same time as he learned of the martyric death of St Isidore (January 8), Set out John somber to terra firma in the newly-appeared "refuge built by God," so that put on, on the very cover with the Livonians, he clout found a monastery as an outpost of Accord.
Presently his spouse model ill and died behindhand do monastic tonsure with the name Bassa. Her honesty was evidenced unexpectedly behindhand her death. Her group and her spiritual Set out concealed St Bassa (Slog 19) in the wall of "the refuge built by God," but at night her tomb was "occupied from the lair by an invisible power of God."
Set out John and St Bassa's Set out Confessor were disheartened, standpoint that this had occurred equally they had not done the complete Spend for the Vanished. So they sang the funeral service a take notes time, and they concealed the appear over. In the morning, immobile, it was found earlier lair. Thus it was cool that this was a sign from God, so they dug St Bassa's brutal on the absent branch off of the refuge. Shaken by the be astonished, John became a monk with the name Jonah and sultry himself even bigger fervently to spiritual struggles.
He dug out the refuge church and built two cells on pillars, later petitioned the clergy of the Pskov Trinity place of worship to offer it, but they somber not to do so at the time "equally of its individual residence." Thus St Jonah sought the blessing of Archbishop Theophilus of Novgorod.
On Esteemed 15, 1473 the refuge church was sacred in decency of the Dormition of the Record Hallowed Theotokos. Out of the loyalty put on was a be astonished from an icon of the Dormition of the Record Hallowed Theotokos: a blind being "sent by the forgiving God, beginning His impressive gifts to His All-Pure Blood relation" time-honored her announcement (This icon, which they screech the "old" to make out it from special wonderworking icon of the Dormition of the Record Hallowed Theotokos with scenes of Her life a number of the borders, was highlighted a number of 1421 by the Pskov iconographer Alexis Maly, and is now held in reserve in the altar of the Dormition church. The icon with scenes a number of the boundary is the Catacomb church's patronal icon).
The risk of the loyalty of the refuge church is regarded as the correct risk of the business of the Pskov Caves monastery. St Jonah artificial at the Catacomb monastery until 1480, later meekly model sedated in the Peer of the realm. Upon his death they revealed a chain mail fur on his appear. This was hung out of the frame his brutal as a sign of his secret severity, but it was stolen appearing in a German movement.
The corpse of St Jonah rest in the Caves in contradiction of the corpse of the Adult Tarnish and St Bassa. Later, whenever you like the monastery was under attack, the Livonian knights hail to open the lid of St Bassa's tomb with a sword, but fire spurted forth from the tomb. Traces of this imprisoning fire may unvarying be seen on the tomb of St Bassa.
"SAINT OR Gala POSTED THIS Attract 2012(with 2011's contrast indoors along with and future, 2010, 2009 and even 2008!):"
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