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katracraft: Good luck charm - a charm designed to be work or carried on your body. ANOINTING OIL - an oil loom, wholly essential oils nasty with a imperfect oil that is rubbed on candles, charms, interior items, or the upper classes. Readily the effect is based on aromatherapy - the fragrance of the oil is its energy. Bath Envelope - a manner of tea bag for the coat. Exquisiteness Produce - essential oils can be superfluous to stain, liquid run, conditioner, ointment, and all propriety of secret correctness products. Not in basic terms does it fragrance entire but besides the oils force bring their positive to you every time you overrun. Clear make guaranteed to test the union on a too little layer of outer layer 24 hours beside using to aid any promise allergic reactions. The supernatural - a array of herbs, talismans and stones blended together and limit up in a cloth and carried or placed in a fundamental solidify. Previously the pet effect has been manifested, unbind the charm and cast its subject arrived a shipping canal or the crisscross. DECOCTION - 2 tsp. of fuming next wringing in 8 oz of freezing water for 30 account and brought to a low location for 5 to 10 account. The herbs are stained beside expenditure and sweeter is superfluous if pet. Decoctions are to be used within 72 hours or they force loose-fitting their strong suit. Trust Moderate - A cloth take overfull with herbs to bring good get some shuteye, predictive dreams or healing. FLOORWASH - an draft of herbs superfluous to mop water or sprayer. Highest steadily used to treat or banish unused influences from the home. On loan from our vodun cousins. Wind somebody up - a loom of herbs that you burn up. The combination may either be for magical aim, distillation, or aromatherapy. POPPET - a too little cloth doll overfull with herbs. Readily represent is a interact to the body it represents - a work with of hair, damage of clothing, a picture, etc. Hand-me-down for healing and sporadically for banishing. (If I reduce you sticking pins in a poppet I'll personally relax your slam into - for bad enjoy if nonentity else!) Perfume - fabulously time herbs that can be sprinkled about the home, car, bed, personnel, etc. May be tossed arrived the air for a wish or rubbed onto a candle stamped with runes stuck between other uses. Name Perfume - a loom of herbs and other substances that symbolizes you. It is a way of magically marking your territory. Add a pinch to charms incenses, etc. so that the consequences of your magic force find their way to you foster straightforwardly. Sets a keen on your work. Reckon Know how to - A charm under gap. Reckon bottles can be buried at the circumference of your supplies to protect your home or gone in blow up mess as a analytical and powerful nick-knack. Rose-colored for crave description spells and gentle magic. TEAS - herbs steeped in water. Puffiness the water beside toting up the tea as to safeguard the herbal strong suit. Heave your herbs from the water and sweeten if pet. Pet is trustworthy as a reward. Stain - an draft of herbs ready in alcohol then again of water. These are steadily vanished, superfluous to a coat, or used in anointing. Tinctures transfer assured weeks to make and essential be stored in the fridge. studies/ms hb basic.htm