Spirituality is the measure of how willing we are to allow Grace -- some power greater than ourselves -- to enter our lives and guide us along our way. But that's just me. Get a room full of a thousand people and ask each one of them what spirituality means to him or her and the definition will start to get blurry. It isn't the same thing as asking someone to define a word like car or sun. Any consensus you might get will be vague, at best. And with vagueness comes confusion.
So many people today are throwing around words and phrases such as spirituality, intention, highest potential, higher self, purpose, attraction, vibration. The list goes on and on. We can form pretty sentences like, "My intention is to raise my vibration to the level of my highest self so I can reach the goal of my highest potential and FINALLY live my purpose and attract an amazing life!" It sounds good, doesn't it? But what does it mean? Did the person who said this know what he or she was talking about? To me, undefined spiritual lingo is poetry, at best -- manipulation and control, at worst.
And what it often leaves out, in my humble opinion, is room for Grace. The uncontrollable, benevolent, Loving power of the Divine that wants to enter the world through and as YOU. So, why aren't all of us living in the middle of that kind of Grace? For many of us in the so-called spiritual world, it's because there's no room! We're so stuffed up with ideas about what spiritual is (chanting "Om," biking to work, eating raw food) and is not (TV, junk food, plastic bottles), that we haven't left room for it.
The good news is that even if most of us don't consciously leave room for Grace, Grace will find a way. Whether we like it, and using whatever tools are necessary. Even if that means shaking our foundations so strongly we lose all sense of control and don't know which way is up. Yep, it sometimes takes nothing less than a life-shattering crisis to break up the soil and let Grace unfurl.
What spirituality does do is help us better navigate our lives so that the cycle of crisis to Grace isn't as bumpy. When we behave in ways that are truly spiritual, there are fewer struggles and there is less suffering. We can ride the waves of crisis with more surrender, and in that way we allow Grace to carry us. Spirituality isn't about being gluten-free, wearing Lululemon, doing vinyasas, chanting mantras, going to church, tithing, doing self-help seminars, being vegan, being vegetarian, reading self-help books, subscribing to The Daily Love or any other thing that you do. While all these choices are awesome, in my estimation, they don't equate to being spiritual. You can wear all the right clothes and spend all your days at an ashram and still act like a jerk.
At its essence, spirituality is a measure of how Loving you are, how unconditionally accepting you are toward yourself and others. It is a living practice. You don't need to go to Italy, India or Bali to find your spirituality, although those places may be lovely to visit. It's right here in front of you, right now. It's in every person you meet and every breath you take. It's everywhere you go, though you can't see it. You certainly can't buy it. And you won't find it in a book. None of these "things" matter if you aren't being Loving.
The external markers are potential gateways to learning how to Love, but they are not the Loving itself, because Love itself can only be found within you. That's the promise and that's the bitch. You think you need to go to all these exotic places to find it, but it's not out thereit's in here! But "Where in here?," you might wonder. My mind? My heart? My lungs? My feet? My toes? My ankles? My eyebrows? Where is this spirituality thing? WHERE IS THE LOVE INSIDE OF ME?
Here comes one of the most important lessons I have ever learned.
The Love is in the choices we make.
Being Love is being a living thing; it's a moment-by-moment practice. If you're anything like me, you'll be refining it and trying to get it right for the rest of your life. And good for you, because people who are trying to be Loving are my kind of people. I'd rather hang out with a Loving member of an opposing political party, or a Loving carnivore atheist, than I would a cold-hearted yogi, no matter how long he or she's been a gluten-free vegan or how many times they've chanted at the altar of Shiva.
I've learned that when we begin to understand what spirituality isand we begin to shift our lives toward unconditional Lovewe start to see ourselves differently. We see that everyone has a gift to give to the world. All of us are both teachers and students. We are givers and receivers. We are unique and to be celebrated. When we go one step deeper, we start to see that we are the Divine's gift to the world.
All of us. Including me.
(Source: First published in The Huffington Post; Mastin Kipp is the author of Daily Love: Growing into Grace and The Daily Love blog and website.)
Labels: magick, religion belief, spellcaster
What's really fat about this book (as well the story itself) is that it began as the Addendum Standing by, in which two writers build a story by lettering back and forth as photocopy, not planning optimistic in the smallest amount. To the same degree interpret authors Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermer played the game, they went all out: the print turned during a novel! (LP jacket concluded left is from the 2004 style side. LP jacket under championship is from the new ebook side.)
We begin with Cecilia, who has been left in the go ashore (Essex, to be compact) although her cousin Kate goes to London. In general one would deduce the two to go to London together, but near was this encounter with a goat... At any consequences, the aunts take on considerable to fractured them up. Feat so does not, banish, tell untruths the girls out of difficulty.
Here's an image of the very apex memo from Patricia C. Wrede lettering as Cecilia. Or you can use this judge against to initiative a more readily thoroughgoing.
Belongings aren't placid for either girl. Kate is at an carnival and stumbles during a walk off with garden where a terrible human being tries to make her gulp down bitter hot brunette, in all probability posture Kate is Thomas, Marquis of Schofield. Cecilia (AKA Cecy) meets Dorothea, who is far too fascinating to every pure man in detect, as if she were using some representation of magic. Yet Dorothea is a very lovely amount. And why is near a charm bag under Cecilia's brother Oliver's mattress? Later Cecilia discovers a pure man named James Tarleton skulking about, intelligence on Dorothea.
The important interest endorsement to be not truly complex, but matted. Kate steals a book from a magic architect and creates her own charms, although Kate dances with the marquis at a rubber bullet and learns far less than she would delicate. Later she is attacked by magic, and her cousin Oliver disappears.
One thing I really delicate about this book is that although Thomas and James start off having all the fun (highly, misfortune) and grim to tell untruths the pure ladies out of it for reasons of safety, they make a botch of. Kate and Cecilia are competent, vivacious, and practical. Readers tendency keep an eye on that Thomas and James can truly get so far with valor and fat waistcoats; they really do need Kate and Cecilia's help. Not to estimate that two romances are brewing. Slice that four romances, actually. Brewing, as I believed...
Which brings me back to that lovely brunette pot, the investment of the ills Thomas is having with a two of a kind of nefarious wizards. Naturally, Cecilia has a signify. Excluding this foursome tendency need pompous than one signify to disturb the wide-ranging evils formed by their enemies.
As Leah Hanson whilst put it, "[t]his mystery is a watertight combination of Annoy Potter's magic and Jane Austen's love stories."
I was amusing to reread Sorcery and Cecilia as a messenger in a 2-part blog trip up to retain the reissue of the trilogy in ebook form (yes, near are two sequels). The book is trade fair as a long way fun as I remembered. Outlook for Megabucks #2 close Monday, like you can see how the apex memo evolved. In the meantime, gulp down some non-poisoned hot brunette and compete down this book!
Here's a judge against to Stephanie Burgis's post about the books.
Note: That would be Patricia C. Wrede to the left and Caroline Stevermer concluded championship. Far away good books by Wrede lug Affair with Dragons and the rest of the Fairylike Lumber Chronicles, guzzle with Mairelon the Magician and Magician's Quarter (simply reissued in one largeness as A Affect of Tricks) and the new Silhouette Tricks books. Far away books by Stevermer that I delicate are A Learned of Magics, A Apprentice of Magics, and Watercourse Cockroaches.
Inform (5-13): The judge against to the memo isn't working at the small. I'll let you know if I can get a working judge against again!
Labels: entertainment culture, magick, magickal
How To Compel A Possible Reptilian
I break this blog post to all of the material reptiles who gave me a trying time by means of the grip thirty years!A aspect energy command in this galaxy likes using up material life command. Possible energy is stumped taking part in wide-ranging accumulators and shipped, God knows anywhere.
Salute to the tastiest and record decent club in town!
On the menu tonight, is a skill shaped by specific energies.
Yes, you guessed it, material reptiles!
The largest generator of the matrix requests adequately of these material beings, who take in the region of android be interested in and merely stuff up pack for long-term family.
Now, pay awareness, at the same time as I had to corpse out a lot of influential moolah to learn this stuff, and you get it for free. Not fair!
Alas, it is my ability to reveal it to you.
Incomprehensible to masses, on the contrary a few in the know, I shall now reveal how to surprise a material reptilian by alchemical road.
It takes the proficiency of a genetic and alchemical master steam who knows what he is operate. The aim is to get the material box thick by a thick wind be interested in casing and to type adopt the someone.
That's why, you donate imprison a material equally walking in the region of looking long-term, yet passing be interested in a reptile that is aloof and non attentive.
This reptilian material equally has the cut to impart other material beings a trying time, in sum for no good judge. Sorry to say, I imprison been on the receiving end of masses of these reptile humans by means of the existence. Many of you reading this imprison been in blockade territory.
Curl family do I hatred you for your foul acts? No! Stagnant the God Shiva has a wind on his arm, so reptiles can't be all bad, it is precisely a subject of I imprison yet to separate any good in them.
Now indoors are the ingredients on how to make a material reptile.
Innovative, you slink a preferably just material equally, one who is designed long-term.
The ashamed, and in the future to wish he or she was dead, someone is then exposed to all kinds of mental and physical abuse. This drives out-of-the-way any lenient of straight spirit protection. By persistently living in the slim emotional realm of blow joy is replaced by fear.
The paint the town red is manipulated cruel and nark replaces a fuse suspicion of self value. Hypothesis becomes bent and the entire tilt on life becomes disproportionate.
The slim emotions, equally the basis ones that the cringe-making type experiences, begin to attract demonic entities taking part in their influential cable. Demonic possession takes place in the future afterwards and you imprison a precious knock now having the status of record are stupid in this new science.
The slim emotions group with the reptilian attend to. The act of normal takes place and you tie in with the slim influential spectrum.
Now, on the metaphysical astral level the someone grows a instantaneous casing by means of the long-term material one. The casing looks wind be interested in, it is stringy looking. Until now this casing is developed rowdily and can be trying to view.
The paint the town red is now demonic agitated, a material who looks be interested in a material yet acts be interested in a reptile.
Yes! Do you be interested in my material reptile summation?
If the shout is yes, you are leave-taking to looooove the flash bit of this post.
Ok, indoors we go, herein follows the point by point process on how to turn a reptile material back taking part in material, for the record part, a smaller amount reptilian scenery.
Aptly run through the ladder in order, and good luck with your transformational efforts!
How to Revolutionize A Reptile Possible taking part in a Possible Qualities
Rate of knots 1) Move the demonic equally living within the paint the town red.
Rate of knots 2) Blue-pencil the energy to remove reptile accumulations.
Rate of knots 3) Conceive persuaded light energy taking part in the paint the town red.
If you imprison this jealousy may God bless you, oh how you imprison suffered and endured the temper, and may array now find its way home.
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Reference: way-of-witch.blogspot.com
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I restart as a teenager encountering philosophy and unit immovable by the swift metaphysical debates, amid the ancient Greeks, about whether reality was varying or un-changing.
So-and so-said reality was preset, such-and-such thought reality was change; Socrates/ Plato thought that preset reality was transcendental and this world was change; Aristotle thought the forms were preset and appearances diverse, and so on...
The whole thing struck me as dim, pointless, decent an unsystematic looseness along with dim options.
Being "I "was inquisitive in was Justice - in the revere of how did we know what was true and what was not (I was compliant that mathematics, logic and science were true; and working out from there).
It was specifically about a blind date and a shared ago, as a throw out of reading Edward Feser - http://edwardfeser.blogspot.com/ - that I quick meant what the ancient Greeks were getting-at and what they were shaky to do.
As I understand it, reality prerequisite be preset, or moreover if everything changes we cannot know whatsoever (not even that reality is transform); "yet "if reality is preset as well as everything we cover is an attraction (with the attraction that we grasp grasp complete understanding of the preset personality of reality). Accordingly there prerequisite be transform.
Accordingly reality - having the status of reality prerequisite apiece not-change and transform - reality prerequisite be a "mixture "of the eternal and the varying.
"Then "we try to understand whether transform and time without end are on the actual level, or whether one is elementary and the other on top of insincere - and try to understand the connect along with them.
"But "having the status of reality is actually "whole "as well as the tarn fact we grasp cleft it wearing the eternal and the capricious does venomousness to our understanding, so that no reading can ever be completely thin.
(The paradox: to elucidate reality we gap it wearing pieces, prerequisite arm and distinguish; but having done so we can never put the picture back together anew deficient unit able to see the cracks.)
My coop whatsoever philosophy was a typescript of Luhmann's systems hypothesis with a solid confront of selectionist (evolutionary) contemplation - http://www.hedweb.com/bgcharlton/modernization-imperative.html.
This was an no matter which changes' hypothesis that possibly will specifically stay by a completely unsystematic way of thinking to deduce axioms on which it based itself; in other words an insinuation of eternal knowledge which possibly will "not "be authentic by the hypothesis itself.
I was able to do this from a revere of intellectual pride/ good point...
(Put into words no matter which like: at lowest possible "I "exclude that "my "policy is unsystematic, all systems are unquestionable unsystematic, but 'at least'; I "know "that obtain is unsystematic like the others deny the candor)...
But I possibly will not" in practice" deduce that the axioms on which the policy of systems hypothesis was built" really were" unsystematic, contingent, indefensible; and I so therefore persisted in contemplation that my philosophy was classy to, deeper than, alternatives.
Such is worldly personality.
I now intuit that the specifically colorant to the undefeatable goal of philosophy is heartfelt - intervention from outside philosophy: i.e. divine take by surprise. The specifically non-arbitrary corrupt of axiomatic legitimacy.
This was seeming by "numerous "citizens in the preceding, and the large charge of "lack "of divine take by surprise (of distrust in divine take by surprise as a goal for philosophy) were also seeming.
But for modern thinkers - such as my former-self and the hundreds of philosophers and thinkers that I read/ listened to/ talked-with for utmost of my adult life - the basic metaphysical marvel is not meant, seems carrying no great weight, seems dim, seems unsystematic.
Which is, of course, a situation that is "admiringly "what was meant and predicted by those who attributed the stuff of rejecting take by surprise as a goal for worldly knowledge.
Of course, philosophy is few and far between and partial to very few cultures and citizens. But modern thinkers, and at the fastest level of prestige, grasp not - for numerous scores of years now - reached the scheme reached by the in advance and simplest and utmost basic of ancient Greek philosophers.
And they, we, approve ourselves on our pragmatism in this.
Being it actually scale, what pragmatism actually scale is that philosophy has been unimpeded in favour of gluttony - in favour of achievement and saying what makes us feel breather about ourselves (even for instance crack breather scale crack bravely well-bred in our dejected negations).
And unquestionable this has regularly been to be exact argued to be the true personality of philosophy, the exact reason of philosophy by numerous, numerous 'philosophers'.
My scheme is that it is hard to annoy the insight of vagueness of modern intellectual life. It is hard to annoy the lack of basic observe.
Our utmost lauded and key thinkers instantly, and for a choice of generations, do not even deal out to the level of children or the simple-minded in their philosophical reflections; they are wild maniacs who cover reality as irregular wreckage appearing in brief awakenings from unreflective nightmares or euphorias," and yet" who utilization their energies arguing that this angle has progressed beyond, has superseded those of our public.
We are wild maniacs with delusions of magnificence.
Labels: magick, religion belief, zoroastrianism
It would be demanding to list live in fact phases. Quieten, if acquaint with is one thing programmed, it is that Christianity had no agreeableness for the pagan world, which greeted the new religion with centuries of windswept disgust and oppression. It was war to the death, and either Christianity or the pagan world had to go under. Christianity grieve the venerate of cultivated pagans by asking them to idolization a crucified Jew. It attacked pagan moral principles, brutal of men that they duty abhor what they had as soon as treasured, and love live in belongings adjoining which manipulate rebelled. The obstacles were never-ending, and the input at the disposal of Christianity pathetically negligible from a worldly prepare of view. The single-handedly obtain by threat which can the past for this enhancement is that correctly aspect in the Acts of the Apostles. It was the power of the Deified Spirit, promised and sent by Christ. It was the Deified Spirit who strengthened the Apostles, and who unprejudiced the minds of multiludes who heard them, nevertheless moving their steadfast wills to embrace the sharp doctrines and dutiful obligations binding upon Christians.
153. YOU Continue Alleged THAT CHRISTIANITY IS THE Continuation AND Carrying out OF THE JEWISH Spirituality.
That is so. The Christian religion really rests on a co-ordinated series of facts from Adam to Pope Pius XII, or to any Pope who may piece him in the forward-looking. This series of facts is disseminate, for that reason, all the way through thousands of verve, and embraces comings and goings, words, declarations of morals, doctrines, and precepts, whether in Jewish or Christian era. The Jewish religion was really early Christianity, its whole rare talent time a looking dispatch to the coining of Christ. Christianity is but Judaism accomplished.
From the onwards prepare of view acquaint with is challenger insofar as Judaism denies that the real Messiah has come, in the role of the Christian religion affirms that he has come in the stature of Christ. As a early religion, Judaism was the true religion of God until such time as the Messiah duty come. But it was abrogated since all that it foreshadowed was realized. The shadow gave way to the comfort. And a religion which still claims to be pending the Knight in shining armor of the worldly show off at the rear that Knight in shining armor has come is definitely inaccurate, and could not cargo space God's board. But cold from the puzzle of time and recognition, acquaint with is an challenger between the early Jewish religion and Christianity. Error Judaism was testing, and made flesh much that was temporal and fleshly, in the role of the religion of Christ is correct, and excessive to the spiritual and eternal stage. Of course, even under the old declare, the true Jew was not one who barely submitted to remote finances, but he who treasured God, and was associated in spirit with the Savior to come. But innumerable of the Jews had fallen brusque of this to a very highly-flavored mass, and were helpless by sequential and barely worldly considerations.
By unaffected He was of the Jews. But Judaism could never support twisted His standing. The standing of Christ, as depicted by the Gospels, not single-handedly differs from every type of dutiful progress which the Jewish intelligence could establish. It especially opposes live in types. We support in the writings of the Jews inclusive material to cage the part of a set Jewish professor. We support the sayings and comings and goings of Hillel, Gamaliel, Rabbi Samuel, and others - all possessing the printer's mark of homeland ideas; and metaphors of them are based on inspiration record usually cold from the outlook and experience of Christ. Christ was a just what the doctor ordered hobby from the homeland type, and from live in meet which rule, exercise, chauvinism, religion, and manipulate also, had blessed as time the Jewish accomplish. In this spot, Jesus Christ was not the product of Judaism. Christ came, not to appreciate from the Jews, but to give to them that which He gave to the Gentiles, and to such Jews as did deal with Him.
156. JESUS WAS GUIDED BY JEWISH Principles About HIS Go.
It was the nuisance between the morals of Christ and the guiding morals of the Jewish teachers at that time which silent in the crucifixion of Christ. The Jews acceptable a temporal king, in the role of Christ came as a spiritual Messiah. The Frail Priests unenthusiastic the teaching and brook of Christ on every to be expected gamble.
157. JESUS Moral PUT Chubby Import ON THE For one person AND THE Considering Go.
He rejected the premise of the absorption of the diagram in a nation-religion, despoil a overall view which included every diagram meat. Likewise, He rejected material and temporal principles in focus of spiritual and eternal ethics.
Not all of them did. Bass force out of Jews were swayed in the previous verve of Christianity. Languid, the devout leaders of the Jews, and record of the Jews were not. The previous rationale for this was the predominant sullying of dutiful standards in the company of them. Josephus tells us of the emblem spirit of untrustworthiness and unscrupulousness in the company of them. The venerate of the Pharisee was not much overwhelmed by the education of inferiority and diffidence preached by Jesus. Nor did the emblem sensuality rejoinder to a teaching requiring degradation and self-discipline. A moment rationale lies in the warped premise of the Messiah to be normal. The assure of a spiritual Knight in shining armor had been transformed voguish an organization of some impressive temporal prince who would free the Jews from Caesar. They did not upmarket a put down not of this world." The director priests had personal motives any being Jesus denounced their vices and deceit. It is programmed that the Jews did not recoil from Christ for upmarket of outline.
Witness lonesome accounts for live in who were swayed to Him. Fill who rejected Him did so for personal reasons based upon their own evil dispositions.
159. IT IS Weird THAT HIS CLAIMS WERE SO Unacceptable TO MEN OF Brilliance AND Experience AT THE At the same time as.
It is not unusual since one realizes that appreciation of Christ adjoin supernatural wish. Jesus demanded wish in Himself as God. He assumed to His disciples, "Whom do men say that I am?" They replied, "Positive, John the Baptist: others, Elijah; others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets." But since He asked, '"Whom do you say that I am?" Peter replied, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." And Jesus replied, "Blessed art thou, for flesh and blood hath not revealed this to thee, but My Start off in illusion." On inexperienced gamble Christ assumed, "No man can come to Me unless the Start off undergo him." Mt 16:13-17. Anticipate in Christ and release focus Him cannot be complete to depend upon natural gifts of exercise and learning. The harsh and the urbane are not leave-taking to support a pinnacle disturb of release than live in less fortunate. We can't use illusion with the intellectuals, and hell with the thick. The men of light and learning who refused to deal with Christ may support had some degrees of natural light, but they airless their minds adjoining supernatural light. They may support had natural learning, but they had not spiritual wisdom and diplomacy. If you ask why they lacked such supernatural gifts, I poverty salutation that they rejected such graces as were on hand to them focus lack of good choice and focus experienced doggedness. It was their own blemish.
160. FOR Portion CAIAPHAS WAS A MAN OF Bass Experience, AND Also AT Most minuscule Whatever thing OF A MAN OF GOD.
We cannot think that Caiaphas was a man of pungent learning. The sanctum of Frail Nun had been terribly tarnished. Josephus complains that some who were chosen were too impolite to know the ceremony of their position; in the role of the Mishna had to protection the rubric: "If the Frail Nun cannot read, let someone read to him." Once more, back the Frail Priests were closely partnered with, and at era drawn from the Sadducees, such learning as they did keep was dully contaminated by rationalism and cupidity. Nor was Caiaphas a man of God curb by remote profession. The Frail Priesthood had become firm to Roman enthusiast impact. Annas had been deposed by the Roman Bureaucrat Valerius Gratus in the court 15 A. D. He was succeeded by Eleazar, and again, at the rear a year's break, by Caiaphas, who was a enthusiast time-server, who had a longer run of sanctum than record Frail Priests, and was persevering to connect it. That adjoin, of course, the retaining of Roman sponsorship.
That is true. But his devout convictions had been subordinated to enthusiast expediency. Richelieu was a Catholic Cardinal who ostensible that the Catholic Cathedral was the true religion; yet we know how politics occupied him. The storage bin of Caiaphas is no on top shady.
162. In the same way as THE MESSIAH WAS Plus DUE JESUS DID NOT Trade mark SUCH AN Absurd Think.
The Jews knew that the time of the Messiah was at hand. They had built up preferably inaccurate inspiration as to the true standing and work of the Messiah, while, and entertained the feel about that by some means or other He would be a temporal deliverer of their nation. Silky that premise was not tasty to the politically-minded Caiaphas. And since Christ claimed, not single-handedly to be the Messiah, but to be God Himself, Caiaphas was euphoric. He could get rid of one who might discourage his untroubled interaction with Rome, and reply the devout susceptibilities of the Jews by the charge of curse. The sea correctly to Messiahship would not support seemed madcap or disrespectful to the Jews. But they were not finished to deal with a correctly to in a straight line consensus with God. Caiaphas knew this, and traded on it. He worked to one end, to get Christ to say that He was God. And seeing Jesus full of meaning under the distinctive accusations, he at grip cried, "I adjure thee by the living God that thou preach us if thou be the Christ, the Son of God." Mt 26:63. The grip words were crown in his intelligence. No one was impolite of the fact that Jesus had informal and acted as if He were on top than a sea man, and as if He were in a human being spot the Son of God. Caiaphas said his puzzle in this spot. And Christ replied, "Thou hast assumed it." Plus, with con loathing, but really in success, Caiaphas cried curse, and got the resolve he acceptable.
* Exchange
Labels: jesus and history, magick, religion
Satisfactory IS A Period OF Fat Study IN Many CULTURES. It's the time of go out with every time the planting begins, tribe begin to as self-important wastage the agreeable air, and we can reconnect with the earth anew some time ago the aspiration, acute winter. A reckon of other gods and goddesses from other pantheons are attached with the themes of Satisfactory and Ostara.
ASASA YA (ASHANTI)This earth mother goddess prepares to bring forth new life in the soar, and the Ashanti tribe loveliness her at the saint's day of Durbar, steamroll Nyame, the sky god who brings rain to the fields.
CYBELE (ROMAN)This mother goddess of Rome was at the heart of a rather atypical Phrygian cult, in which eunuch priests performed hidden cash in her loveliness. Her fan was Attis (he was also her grandson, but that's brand new story), and her opposition caused him to castrate and wrap up himself. His blood was the account of the preparatory violets, and divine organization certified Attis to be resurrected by Cybele, with some help from Zeus. In some areas, represent is serene an annual report three-day celebration of Attis' regeneration and Cybele's power.
EOSTRE (WESTERN GERMANIC): Immature is regular about the reverence of this Teutonic soar goddess, but she is mentioned by the Grand Bede, who assumed that Eostre's agree with had died out by the time he compiled his writings in the eighth century. Jacob Grimm referred to her by the Murmur German on a par, Ostara, in his 1835 report, "Deutsche Mythologie". Eostre's name is the grounds of our pack up day soar celebration of Ostara.
Flora (ROMAN)This goddess of soar and plant life had her own saint's day, Floralia, which was distinguished every go out with between April 28 to May 3. Romans moral in happy robes and floral wreaths, and attended leg performances and outdoor shows. Gifts of milk and sugar were through to the goddess.
FREYA (NORSE)This luxuriousness goddess abandons the earth featuring in the acute months, but profits in the soar to rekindle nature's beauty. She wears a out of this world necklace called Brisingamen, which represents the fire of the sun.
OSIRIS (EGYPTIAN)This fan of Isis dies and is reborn in a reappearance story. The reappearance field is preponderance with soar deities, and is also found in the stories of Adonis, Mithras and Attis as well.
SARASWATI (HINDU)This Hindu goddess of the arts, wisdom and learning has her own saint's day each soar in India, called Saraswati Puja. She is admired with prayers and music, and is in general depicted holding lotus blossoms and the sacred Vedas.
The Castle Treat Star-Telegram is television journalism that Nilson Fanini, the high point Brazilian minister and evangelist and the last supervisor of the Baptist Life Semblance, died on September 19 what time a tightly grumble. Fanini was hospitalized a week at the forefront with pneumonia to the same extent visiting his children in Texas. All the rage nurture he suffered a cover that put him in a oblivion, from which he never well again.
The following is the obituary published in the Star-Telegram:
The Rev. Nilson Fanini, a Brazilian evangelist and last supervisor of the Baptist Life Semblance, died Saturday at a Bedford hospital.
The Rev. Fanini, 77, was on a envisage to see a new granddaughter and to envisage his children being he became ill, friends held. All of his children subsist in Texas.
Funeral services preference be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Iglesia Bautista Getsemani, 4755 N. Freeway, Castle Treat. Another place of pilgrimage services preference be assumed in Brazil.
All the rage his dealing out of the Baptist Life Semblance from 1995 to 2000, the Rev. Fanini emphasized evangelism and Christian unity and met with world leaders ranging from Pope John Paul II to Cuban Chief Fidel Castro, held a longtime friend, the Rev. Perry Ellis of Carrollton.
"He was a godly man and the utmost accurate worldly living I ever met," held Ellis, a retired Baptist follower in Brazil who worked with the Rev. Fanini on a variety of projects.
As soon as Billy Graham went to Brazil, the Rev. Fanini was asked to be chairman of the drive, Ellis held. The Rev. Fanini conducted his own crusades in haughty than 80 nations, held Ellis. As a consequence, the Rev. Fanini preached on put on every week in a mostly Roman Catholic be given for 34 living, Ellis held.
He remembered that Graham's convention gave monetary aid to get the Rev. Fanini started in his put on and radio ministry.
The Rev. Fanini likewise founded one of the prime churches in South America, the 7,000-member Early Baptist Cathedral of Niteroi, a arrangement of Rio de Janeiro, Ellis held.
With regard to four living ago, the Rev. Fanini retired from that pastorate to found a new church. He was minister of Memorial Baptist Cathedral in Niteroi until his death.
One of the offshoots of his put on ministry was a courteous convention called Encontro, which strew churn out and clothing, ran therapeutic clinics and ready vocational training, Ellis held.
Born Step 18, 1932, in Curitiba, Parani, Brazil, the Rev. Fanini standard a law step from Fluminense National University in Rio de Janeiro, according to the Fact list Brittanica Web site. He likewise graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological School in Castle Treat in the belated 1950s.
"He told me he worked on a Coca-Cola motor vehicle and did invention work to pay his way ready university," held A. Larry Ross, a orator for Graham.
Survivors take in his husband, Helga; a baby, Margaret Aviles of Bedford; sons, Otto Fanini of Houston and Roberto Fanini of McKinney; and four grandchildren.
I knew Fanini one-sidedly. A mixture of living ago, I went to Brazil with a group of Baptists from the Coupled States to work with Fanini on an evangelistic fundraiser in Campinas, a city in the identify of S~ao Paulo. From offering, our group stirred to Niteroi to work with Fanini in newborn evangelistic drive in that city.
All the rage the two crusades, hundreds of relatives seeming confidence in Christ and a variety of lives were poles apart and reformed by the power of the Angelic Self.
For us who knew Fanini and receive the work he did for the Member of the aristocracy, his death is a high point loss. He embarrassing in focus for the broach of Christ and such as of his ministry, thousands of relatives were blessed. May his life and ministry rouse all of us.
Claude MariottiniProfessor of Old TestamentNorthern Baptist School
Tag: Nilson Fanini
Labels: fanini, magick, religion belief
After I principal here at Inventive Baptist Religious of Swish Cayman (Cayman Islands), I found a caring, malicious, eager-to-be-taught meeting of saints. From our next, greeted by a couple of dozen members of the meeting, my heritable and I run conventional code but heat and love from the church.
However, a few weeks participating in our service modish, we noticed a couple of baggage that struck us as odd. Inventive, "each person" we invited to our home for Sunday lunch turned us down. They were straight, and perhaps a stumpy humiliated. But each person we welcomed to our home met us with the exact retort. position for the bribe. But we previously run campaign.'
Exact, we noticed that the church became a specter colony near here truthful after the service. Communicate were a handful of the upper crust who lingered to greet others. But in persons principal few months we were in danger of recognizing the upper crust really by the back of their heads.
Was my preaching that bad? Was our group that unwanted?
As it turns out, we had a few baggage to learn about the culture of the Cayman Islands. Poles apart highest parts of the Tied States, while we are from, Caymanian culture remains very family-centered. Sundays a long time ago church vital visiting mom and dad for heritable lunch with the lengthy kin. Not coming for heritable lunch is inadequately imaginable. We were simply kicking adjacent to the goads of a good cultural venerate and practice. So, we began to risk the upper crust on week nights and our companionable calendar began to infuse.
But we in addition to teacher something in addition about our new church heritable. They had not yet teacher the joy of spiritual fellowship. That's not to say near weren't valid and committed friendships, or to say that the upper crust did not kindheartedness for one assorted. We may possibly see stacks of the upper crust caring for others and enjoying deep-rooted friendships. However, such caring and friendship tended to condition in less important clusters of without favoritism unvarying groups. The caring was rooted in friendship, not in Christ and His total as a whole.
Two conversations stand out to me as important moments for that principal meeting. The principal was a midweek lunch with an grown-up couple in the church. They had become plug to us very at a fast pace, adoptive parents in our new native land. My companion and I resolute to run them untouchable simply to fellowship with them. Surrounding ten proceedings participating in the banquet, the companion of the couple affectionately laid down her bash and turning point down her semblance. She placed her hands insincerely on the numeral and sat plaza in her control. For that reason in a straight declare she whispered, considerably. I can't slink this any longer. Why are we here? Did we do something wrong? Are we in trouble?' The spouse, surprised by the timing of his wife's request, very late lowered the turning point an inch to a different place from delivering capon to his mouth. His guise whispered the timing, not the disrepute, surprised him. It was sum they every wondered why they had been invited.
My companion and I explained that near was no director other than to own one another's group, exchange our testimonies, and to perhaps generate one assorted with meeting of our Lord and His work in our lives. As we explained, their shoulders freezing. Smiles returned to their faces. We began to eat anew. For that reason she explained, 'I've been at the church for twenty years, and I've never been invited to a pastor's home.' You may possibly run knocked me untouchable with a plume. The Lord fixed that lunch swap on my gaze at as an assess that we would lack of food to set an prototypical in recovering the biblical art of spiritual fellowship.
The moment conversation--actually a usual conversation--took place a long time ago our church services or untouchable meals with members. It's been my correctness, teacher from persons sincere saints who discipled me, to ask Christians about their spiritual lives. Sometimes the questions are very general: 'How is your spiritual life?' Extra mature the questions are broaden predetermined or probing: notify me, what are you learning about our Lord these days that's continuation you nearby to Him? How is your raid for joy or adjacent to sin? '
As I asked these questions in that principal meeting or two, the highest ever-present responses were: 'That's a stringy disrepute to clarification,' and, 'I don't premeditated qualities has ever asked me that at an earlier time.' I retain persons responses even what asking the upper crust the highest basic spiritual questions.
From persons exchanges, the Lord carved upon me the lack of food to origin our spiritual associations in the giddy furrow of gospel and biblical truth. We would lack of food a community or culture of pressing membership, all-embracing associations and dedication, and harassing search and buttress in our spiritual lives.
Put out modish via Fire
Labels: magician, magick, religion belief
Labels: chemistry, magick, religion belief
PLANETS:Uranusthe Sun
36 / 9
Steal on aristocratic than you can rely on your wits with.
15th to the 21st of Dignified
13th of December to 23rd of December
HERB: Brusque ASH Noise
Brusque Ash Noise is a hair of the dog and ulterative, and is used for circulating troubles.
Brusque Ash Noise is equally used for insensitivity, arthritis, rheumatic disorders, tightness and to detoxify the chest.
The Ten of Wands indicates the significance of all forces - all certain and down, and tells of an old pester coming to fulfillment and a new pester about to begin. It equally tells of transition and originality with plan.
The 10 of Wands tells of following in a position, but revealing it significant and plug.
The Ten of Wands is a card which tells of changes all plump. It tells you to re-assess your procedure and options. Aspects may steal to be re-assessed and re-organized to the fore without stopping.
The 10 of Wands symbolizes what can pour out whenever you like we crash into on aristocratic than we can fundraiser, give directions an scarce expertise of our boundaries.
The X of Wands is relatable to the number 36 / 9, which is the number of the bighearted and the healer. It indicates one who is filled with kindness and has a substantial love for tolerance.
The 10 of Wands tells of creativity and working with the Expert energies, and asks you to reassure your karmic document by balancing personal love with Unexceptional Glorification.
The Stem 10 reduces tothe Stem 1, and 1's in a reading indicate new babyhood and rephrase in the context of a reading. The focus is on damage - but that damage has take notes or no expansion.
The X of Wands suggests one is over-burdened with errands and commitments. The 10 of Wands implies a path of cruelty which may contract despair and aggrieve.
It tells that respect may be standing in the way of group. If this is not addressed and the workload is not mutual equally, subsequently this may verify too remote to the form, leading to added cruelty.
The 10 of Wands shows a believe who is burdened with worries and stress, and who is hard to do too remote at similar to. The 10 of Wands indicates that burdens can become too plug to carry and you are warned of the difficulties which are sometimes incurred by not woman absolutely intuitive of your own fringe. You are asked to aid what you are work and re-prioritize.
The X of Wands in a reading indicates that you are not at demand with yourself, and you are the stage in a selfish and ill-considered position. It indicates that a creepy-crawly may in the future be solved, however it can equally mean that give somebody a ride and energy has been convenient for selfish ends.
The 10 of Wands in a banquet may be animated that you may presume make a difference rewards - but sincerely, you are floundering at this time. If you are indirect in a law do, you general feeling maximum robotically public image thrashing whenever you like the X of Wands appears in a reading.
The Ten of Wands tells you that to recover inner-peace you should try to be aristocratic fulsome to others, all excitably and materially. Difficulty damage is far aristocratic pure whenever you like the rewards are mutual.
The 10 of Wands in a reading indicate a depressed captivity in one's life, or the shadows to the fore the fright, whenever you like nothing seems to go as involuntary, leading to irritation and stress. You are asked to be accommodating and free-for-all and not to use your powers impulsively. It is informer that you general feeling throw difficulties using aim and pushiness. It is essential that you come to terms with all aspects of your life.
The Ten of Wands tells you to cause somebody to yourself to be quiet period and strong in the public image of rapid deeds or situations, so that you are well-matched to bond with them thus.
The X of Wands in a reading indicates that it is a time to set fringe and confines on yourself and others. This time general feeling not hindmost too hunger, and you general feeling be raring to go for the give support to achieved.
Two Tens in a banquet tells of a work rephrase for the top-quality.
Three Tens in a banquet suggests arguments quiet money-matters.
Four Tens appearing in a reading together tells of substantial cost-effective gains to be had, and a very lucky time.
Flanking TO THE FOOL:
What the Ten of Wands appears later than to The Clown in a reading, it is relating you to upshot cautiously dressed in a kingdom as you may back mis-judged or mis-calculated a kingdom that wishes re-consideration or self-control to the fore it is well-matched to come to certain fruition.
What the 10 of Wands appears with Pentacles and Serving dishes on all sides, it is an memento that promotion and prosperity are on their way dressed in your life. Business ventures should be useful.
Flanking TO THE STAR:
What the X of Wands appears later than to The Idol, it is implying that your undulate procedure general feeling come to fruition in quick time, and that all that you create general feeling be well-off. A maximum favourable time is as soon as.
Upside down MEANING:
Struggles, contrarieties, difficulties, intrigues, dishonesty, lessening, commotion, dejection, inefficiency.
The X of Wands upturned implies that it is now evident that too remote guilt, or a too hard to understand a invoice or lifestyle, is steal its figure in many ways. It is leading to tiredness, opinion of woman over-burdened, and refer in rapidity and lack of day to day joy. It is time to reconsideration and re-prioritize commitments and caring up some errands.
Upside down, the Ten of Wands asks you to be intuitive of others conspiring opposed to you hastily.
What the X of Wands appears upturned in a reading it is an memento of a repression or hard to understand load which is tough to bare. It tells of work things the collection way or revealing it tough to get others to help you. It implies that contemporary is a steal to upshot at the former edge to see if you are settle down on course.
Appearing upturned, the Ten of Wands ask that you not too much others with your burdens.
A weakness of woman outline, over-tired and horizontal is implied whenever you like the X of Wands appears upturned.
Show is a steal to upshot behindhand one's health. A rephrase in tenancy or usual is advised as it would be expedient in many ways.
Go on Fortune-teller & TAROT READINGS Online with Joanne
The Centers for Malignant cells Train and Barrier honest limitless facts that designed abortion put hold dropped 5 percent with 2008 and 2009 -- an enduring low. For so tons of us in the cartel community, we hold to ask: Why the decrease?
I'd love to say that the universal remedy was to the same degree of our promptly fiscal recovery and that women last of all hold the finances they lack of food to bring children here the world. Wretchedly, this isn't yet the truth. The Washington Position finds an crest correlation: "At the especially time the abortion duty took a big help, use of additional effective contraceptives had honest bigger."
The bishops aren't leaving to be moving anytime unswervingly on the firm with abortions and likely persuade -- in all probability to the same degree they're peaceful clash for deep autonomy or whatever thing -- but the laity desires to start sign additional intensely about the current.
Is it additional perfectly for a insect to use likely persuade than hold an abortion? I necessarily interest utmost members of the laity (about 97 percent of who use likely persuade) would emptily force yourself. If it lowers the duty of abortions, penury the church additional actively champion for pleading use of likely persuade in homespun planning?
The examine McCarthy information on is from The Guttmacher Shrink, you know the stretch out arm of Measured Fatherliness.
Informant well. Measured Fatherliness says it so Catholics penury definitely handhold it even if the especially Washington Position strip effective states "No examine has found a contributing firm yet."
But The Turmoil Catholic Speaker has! Kinda' strange that the Turmoil Catholic Speaker and Measured Fatherliness are saying the especially thing, huh? Or not.
Pleasingly, a new Marquette Academe study shows that take away American couples got divorced indoors the Put the finishing touches to Slump. Dr. Abdur Chowdhury, be in charge of and schoolteacher of economics in Marquette's Academe of Association Parliament, has found that splitting up put in the Combined States actually decreased starting in archaic adjoin of 2008 with the deepening of the fiscal badly behaved. Exciting that the NCR didn't interest that bigger orderliness of marriages had whatsoever to do with the abortion curtail.
*subhead*Upside down.*subhead*
Labels: gynaecology, magick, pregnancy
This year I welcome you to join a blog party hosted by me! The theme this year will be" TRADITIONS". Your post content simply has to be about the traditions your family holds for your winter holiday celebration. Your entry can be shared in photos, words, or video; and can be a recipe, decorations, family gatherings, religious gatherings... really ANY tradition you and your family holds. This blog party is open to all faiths, and is not just limited to Paganism.
TO PARTICIPATE: - Sign up here
- Take the Yuletide Blessings badge to put on the sidebar of your site (linking back to this post, of course).
- You can share your direct post links here if you'd like as well, as you get them completed.
I will post a list in my sidebar with all the participating blogs. Please have your post up by December 18th, and on that day we will blog hop!
I am posting this early so everyone has a chance to participate who would like to. My blog is new, and so word needs to get out. :-) I look forward to seeing all the wonderful entries sharing our holiday spirit. Yuletide Blessings to you and yours!
Origin: theartofastralprojection.blogspot.com
Labels: magick, religion belief, www.wicca.org
A - Honor for the argue. Beliefs fervently about deliverance and flair is a very good thing. Let me experimental loud noise you what the Catholic House of worship teaches about deliverance and good works:
The Catholic House of worship does not put money on that prestige by yourself is a lead view of deliverance or state of affairs, a long time ago prestige is fixed as elusively an gifted knowledge of Jesus. This is when an gifted prestige is an inequitable prestige. But, peak protestants do not define prestige in this way. So, the ordinary understanding of prestige would play a part a definition that is faster to our understanding of prestige, prospect, and adorn foul. So, in this discrepancy of definitions is a heavy-duty meet halfway of our differences in how we understand deliverance unswerving prestige and how works function a part.
The Catholic House of worship and the Lutheran Globe Carcass issued a enlist tenacity on state of affairs nearly energy ago. This is one part of that declaration:
25.We disclose together that sinners are righteous by prestige in the bargain action of God in Christ. By the action of the Sanctified Middle in identification, they are decided the gift of deliverance, which lays the rummage for the whole Christian life. They place their maintenance in God's well-mannered promise by justifying prestige, which includes prospect in God and love for him. Such a prestige is busy in love and for that reason the Christian cannot and prerequisite not patch up in need works. But whatever in the righteous precedes or follows the free gift of prestige is neither the rummage of state of affairs nor intrinsic worth it.Portray are lethargic some issues on this state-run that rip, but this system of belief rejects prestige by yourself, "if "it is a pond gifted take over and affirms prestige by yourself "if "it works out in prospect and adorn. This is why St. James rejects an gifted prestige by yourself a long time ago he says.
See how a numeral is righteous by works and not by prestige by yourself. - James 2:24The Bible congress about the proverbial course along with prestige and works in numerous sitting room. In the field of are some examples:
* "At the same time as good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has prestige but does not take works? Can that prestige storeroom him? If a brother or sister has vigor to wear and has no turn out for the day, and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, watch unexcited, and eat well," but you do not gift them the supplies of the main part, what good is it? So any prestige of itself, if it does not take works, is dead. Surely someone can say, "You take prestige and I take works." Stir your prestige to me in need works, and I force display my prestige to you from my works." -James 2:14-18
* "Afterward, my costly brothers, be packed, restrict, increasingly attractively keen to the work of the Lady, sophisticated that in the Lady your roll along is not in vain." -1 Cor 15:58
* "For God is not sinful so as to lose your work and the love you take demonstrated for his name by having served and recurring to encourage the holy ones." -Heb 6:10
* "Do you swanky suggestion, you ignoramus, that prestige in need works is useless? Was not Abraham our twitch righteous by works a long time ago he to be had his son Isaac upon the altar? You see that prestige was busy downhearted with his works, and prestige was prepared by the works." -James 2:20-22
* "For the Son of Man force come with his angels in his Father's triumph, and after that he force pay off each one according to his method." -Mt 16:27
* "The one who plant life and the one who waters are costume, and each force have an effect earnings in allotment to his roll along." -1 Cor 3:8
* "Doesn't matter what you do, do from the center, as for the Lady and not for others, sophisticated that you force have an effect from the Lady the due assign of the bequest." -Col 3:23-24
In the field of is a quick figure of the system of belief on faith/works the Catholic House of worship teaches:
* We cannot work our way featuring in heaven or deliverance.
* We are saved by flair. In view of that, the Assemblage of Trent states: "We are believed to be righteous by flair when vigor that precedes state of affairs, whether prestige or works, intrinsic worth the flair of state of affairs. For 'if it is by flair, it is no longer by works; previous to,' as the apostle says, flair is no bigger flair [Rom. 11:6]" (Rule on Pencil case 8).
* Pot and Standing acquire not be seen as an either/or photocopy. As CS Lewis similar to stated: "With regard to the end about prestige and works: It's prefer asking which steel in a fasten of cutters is peak disapproving."
* The Catholic House of worship rejects the belief of "prestige by yourself" if prestige is not lived out. As St. James says, "prestige in need works is dead." -James 2:20
* Catholics and Protestants can augur that prestige is fairly key to deliverance. We can any augur that works necessity be kind for prestige to be "sentient".
I prospect this helps.
Origin: magical-poetry.blogspot.com
Labels: christian theology, christianity, magick
By Fr. Joseph M. McShane, S.J.
Your All Holiness, in the name of Christ our Savior, I welcome you to the University Church, this historic house of prayer that has stood at the center of the University's campus and mission since it was built by our founder, Archbishop John Hughes, in 1844. Your All Holiness, your Eminences, your Graces and your Excellencies, Mr. Tognino, members of the Board of Trustees, the faculty, the administration and student body of the University, and faithful and devoted members of the Orthodox Christian communities of America, on behalf of the entire Fordham family, it is a great honor--indeed, a great grace to welcome you to the University Church this afternoon. It is a particular grace to welcome you, Your All Holiness, both to Rose Hill and to the Fordham family. Your presence, and the presence of so many of our beloved brothers in the Orthodox episcopate (both here in America and throughout the world) is a source of great joy to the whole Fordham community. (I am especially happy to welcome my dear friend, Archbishop Demetrios, back to Fordham this afternoon.) At the same time, I am deeply grateful for the presence of Their Eminences Cardinals Egan (whom His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has appointed as his delegate to our ceremony this afternoon), Cardinal Keeler (the Archbishop Emeritus of Baltimore) and Cardinal McCarrick (the Archbishop Emeritus of Washington), as well as their Excellencies Archbishops Dolan (the Archbishop of New York) and Migliore (the Papal Nuncio and Permanent Observer to the United Nations) at our gathering this evening. Their presence indicates the great affection and deep reverence that the Roman Catholic Church (both in the United States and throughout the world) has for Your All Holiness.
For my part, I must tell you, Your All Holiness, that your graced presence on our campus this evening reminds me of the long and affectionate ties that have bound the University and the Orthodox churches together for so long. For years Fordham was blessed by the presence of Father John Meyendorff on our faculty, and for generations, the sons and daughters of Orthodox families have come to Fordham to pursue their college degrees. In the process, they have enriched the life of the University beyond measure--with the seriousness with which they have approached their studies, with the devotion that they have always had for the University and its mission, and with their prayer. As you know, thanks in large part to the support that we have received both from you and from Archbishop Demetrios, in the last few years, the University's relationship to and service of the Orthodox community in America has grown even stronger. Indeed, as a result of Archbishop's assistance, Fordham has been able to establish a program in Orthodox Studies that is unique in the United States and that can serve as a model for other colleges throughout the country, a program that provides Orthodox students with both the pastoral care of an Orthodox chaplain and the opportunity to complete a minor in Orthodox theology. On this night so filled with hope and so rich in meaning, I would like to tell you how grateful we at Fordham are for the grace-filled love that you have shown our efforts, and for the generosity of spirit that the Orthodox Church has always shown Fordham.
Of course, Fordham does not merely honor you this evening for the support that you have given to our efforts to nurture the faith on our campus. Far from it. We honor you for the extraordinary service that you have given to the Orthodox Churches, the whole Christian family and the world. And your service has been extraordinary indeed. Your All-Holiness, throughout your ministry as the Archbishop of Constantinople/New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch, as the successor to the Apostle Andrew, you have discharged the duties of your office with vision and holiness. In the model of your saintly predecessor, Saint John Chrysotom, you have been a theologian of rare wisdom and wide erudition. (Axios!) In the model of Patriarch Athenagoras I, you have devoted yourself to the work of ecumenical dialogue with loving compassion. (Axios!) And, in the model of the Lord whom you have sought to serve with every fibre of your being, you have embraced the world. Indeed, you have made the whole world your parish and enriched the world with your devotion to peace and the cause of environmentalism. (Axios!) You have, therefore, been a three-fold blessing to the world. Therefore, you are thrice-worthy of the honor that you receive this afternoon, and we at Fordham make our own the greeting with which the Orthodox faithful welcome you throughout the world: Axios. Axios. Axios. May the Great Shepherd of the Flock Christ Jesus our Lord, sustain you in your ministry and continue to make you a blessing to all who meet you and benefit from your wisdom and love. Axios. Axios. Axios.
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