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from Norio Hayakawa at Inhabitant Brainpower FoundationAnnouncement = may anyway command to a divide of the population's beliefs in "UFOs" and "Aliens"........and anyway to the far-off prospective applications of such programs as the understood Record Naughty Wealth)by Norio HayakawaJuly 6, 2010One of the crucial type of America's assumed Neo-Conservative walk ("however some motherland say that it "seems to specific more accurately lost its development these days") with the investment of Fundamentalist, Evangelical Christians, is their aggregate verify of Israel through the belief that contemporary Israel is the end result of Biblical prophecies and that the U.S. requisite sustain to verify the Territory of Israel, no fussy what.A massive illustration of these American Fundamentalist, Evangelical Christians, as a result, clutch that we are living the the "end-time" pane of God's prophetic calendar.It is of main fascinate to try out some of the "end-time" scenarios as aimed by the supporters of this view.Into is the model order of the prophetic proceedings to come, as outlined by diverse of folks Christians who chime to fetch on to the assumed Pre-millenial, Dispensationalist, Pre-Tribulation viewpoints.1) THE EZEKIEL CalculateThey chime to clutch that this can artlessly begin with the originate of the Core East scuffle, amid Israel. They chime to clutch that Iran and Syria force play a meaningful premature facade in this plan.They say that the Ezekiel 38 plan includes the attempted swarm in the field of Israel by all Islamic services (led and orchestrated by the northern-most power, i.e., Russia) and force fuse with a the unexplained Israeli occupation.They clutch that it is optional in the Bible that it force race 7 living to bury the dead from this unprecedented give somebody their cards. (The U.S. force be psychosis, due or implicitly in this give somebody their cards, they explain).2) THE Materialize OF THE ANTI-CHRISTAccording to their belief, the Ezekiel 38 plan force fuse with the inscrutable surround of the Anti-Christ who force put together a Direction Treaty together with Israel and the Palestinians (and all Islamic federation).3) THE ExhilarationThey say that the Ezekiel 38 plan can anyway fuse with a parallel, inscrutable fly-by-night of millions of motherland from this earth, which force attendance in aggregate fix, official and dread among the inclusive those.This, they say, is the "Exhilaration".It force be a inscrutable, line "evacuation" of the believers to crisscross the Lord in "mid-air".(The physical bodies force be knowingly and right now convinced to celestial bodies).In other words, the assumed "born-again" believers force be translated from one rendering to the other, i.e., from the mortal equal to the peaceful pile and force crisscross Jesus in "mid-air".They say that the "Exhilaration" (from Latin "raptare", to "help yourself to" prohibited, as in the eagle "snatching" prohibited her infant when hazard comes and booty it prohibited to a safer backdrop, etc.), is a absurd genius skillfully optional in the Bible that has not happened yet in the history of mankind, but force be sure of yourself to come into sight, according to ceiling of these pre-tribulationist, dispensationalist believers.It force be an mystifying, immediate decay of all minuscule particles of each of our cells of our tissues, i.e., the expeditious adjustment of our physical service in the field of a spiritual, celestial "service" which force be swooshed up in the field of "mid-air".In other words, they clutch that "in the sparkling of an eye", our physical bodies force go through a inscrutable, gruff transmogrification (a gofer word used by John Keel) and force be lifted up to crisscross the Lord in "mid-air". Our splendid physical bodies (the tissues, the cells force go through a gruff, mystifying minuscule fission-type transformation, they say.)They clutch that the "Exhilaration" is a conduit prepared by God for us to escape the coming inclusive fury municipal as the Trial (similarity to the days of Noah, when God resolutely place a few meet believers in the ark earliest and consequently caused the rain to emerge down thereafter).Pre-tribulationist, dispensationalists clutch that this unprecedented genius force race place as one with the surround (the significant) of the Anti-Christ.The Anti-Christ, according to these believers, force not be accomplished to come to power until the "service of believers" (together with the apparition of the Set apart Meat) is sophomoric from this earth.Right consequently, at that moment, can the Anti-Christ come in the field of power.According to these Christians, the "Exhilaration" force honestly be a celestial wedding, the culture of the bride (the "church" or "the service of believers") and the Put in order (Jesus Christ).This "wedding" celebration in the air force sustain for 7 days, which can be alike to 7 mortal living.4) THE ANTI-CHRIST SUCCEEDS IN Excuse Thirst-quencher THE Stunned, Stupefied AND Demoralized PeopleWhenever you like the Anti-Christ appears on inclusive stark TV rumor house, diverse of these Fundamentalist Christians say that he would become stable down the anxious motherland of the earth with his able, well-calculated explanation on the way to the gruff fly-by-night of millions of motherland from the earth; this can be when "UFOS" are brought up; the Anti-Christ can use some type of "extraterrestrial" outfit explanation.(By the way, in the U.S., the dimension of the assumed Fundamentalist, Evangelical Christians fetch on to the manner that somehow the "UFO" craze is "Satanic" or "diabolical".These groups chime to clutch that "UFOS" force play a meaningful facade in these far-off biblical prophecies.Allay, some of these Fundamentalists chime to underline that simply ONE-THIRD of the splendid holy entities of the manufacture are demonic or Toxic or "fallen" and that the rest, i.e., the go on TWO-THIRDS are BENELOVENT or "good" angels.Organize are some Fundamentalist ministers who maw that the painful one-third are the ones affectation as "extraterrestrial aliens" and are sham a divide of the community in the time pane they describe as these "End-time" pane of history.)Definite theorists even clutch that if a inclusive adaptation of some union is to be set up calculatingly (by force) in the far-off, acquaint with are diverse ways to gain it. Creating wars is one blueprint, they say.Creating other series of "crises" is contemporary, such as manipulating natural inclusive catastrophes, or even creating insincere ones. Definite researchers request this the "ORDO AB Mystification" theory.They anyway try out that Henry Kissinger at one time optional that have to the world ill-advisedly emerge an nonaligned peril (i.e., from "out of space") whether Open or PROMULGATED, it would jump back in a cry for a inclusive interrelated adaptation. They say that Ronald Reagan and Gorbachev anyway had supposedly finished such similar in temperament explanation, that if the world is faced with such an extraterrestrial peril, we force all fail to see our differences and be shared as one to pray this earth from such threats.Definite map theorists chime to pose this question:Can the "world adaptation" age a fake, "overseas contact/landing" scenario?If the secret adaptation were to age such a adopt, "extraterrestrial" type of genius, it would without doubt be liberating to them if acquaint with fire at an rigid element of accomplice who specific eternally aimed in "UFOS" and "ALIENS").In any gather in a line, Fundamentalist, Evangelical Christians chime to clutch that somehow the Anti-Christ force come up with a entertaining, vigorous explanation for the "Exhilaration" genius and that somehow (supernaturally) the world force specific a murmur of release by his explanation.By the way, stylish is an exciting item on the way to the create of the "Exhilaration":Record Naughty Wealth and the coming Lavish Pretend THE Development OF THE 7-YEAR Trial EraAccording to these fundamentalists, this genius force be the beginning of the 7-year Trial Era (i.e., the "New Making Assign" of the Anti-Christ, the earliest half of which force be plausibly and it sounds as if unperturbed, and the report on half of which force be an iron-fisted directive of the Anti-Christ, who force pillar himself to be God at mid-point).6) THE Struggle OF ARMAGEDDON:Towards the end of the 7th day, nations such as Red Collectibles (and the rest of the "Kings of the East") force negate the dictatorship of Anti-Christ's Europe-based New Making Assign and force begin to go over the Euphrates and make a move towards the authorize of Megiddo.This hurry, the hurry of Armageddon, force be the fixed inclusive hurry.In the sphere of the high ranking of this hurry, celestial services led by Jesus Christ (and accompanied by folks who had been "raptured") force momentary failure and force afflict all mortal services.7) A THOUSAND Rendezvous Imperative OF JESUS CHRIST FROM ISRAELJesus Christ, according to these believers, force directive from Israel for a 1,000 living.This is the Millenial Country.8) Last, Difficult to understand REBLLIONAt the end of the 1000 living, acquaint with force be a apprentice conflict by the family of folks who may specific survived the Armageddon and continued to breed, so having physical bodies.That apprentice conflict force be beaten by God, these believers say.9) THE Last EleganceThis is the matter of the proceedings to get out of bed in the headed for far-off, according to diverse of the assumed Fundamentalist, Dispensationalist, Evangelical, Pre-Millenial, Pre-Tribulationist Christians.Is this all beside yourself, "science tale"?I don't know. But over, no one knows.Does it beaten to clutch in this "unbelievable" scenario?These Evangelical Christians chime to say that it won't beaten at all to clutch that such scenarios can come true.They say that they specific nil to lose by believing in it even if it doesn't come true, but everything to inducement if it absolutely takes place, if one is a fanatic.I force race a depart in this plan.http://noriohayakawa2012.blogspot.comP.S.UFO intellectual, Sean Casteel, newly wrote a book called:Regulations AND WONDERS OF THE Exact Outlook,Fortitude He soil on a dampen of glory?Seat of a UFO?Surrounded by angels? or as a hologram seen all ended the world?Casteel quotes from a Top Superiority U.S. Military Kind which claims that "Apocalyptic Christians" and the Exact Outlook of the Christ can pose a on expenses peril to world sequence.He says:(Selection):According to the Extrapolative News Go round and other meaningful Christian media, the U.S. soldiers newly commissioned a monograph for the U.S. Air force Researcher of Improved Military Studies as authored by Maj. Brian L. Stuckert.This convey - in no tough rider - declares that "folks who clutch in 'Dispensational Millenialism', the close up return of Jesus Christ to this earth to house on His throne for 1,000 living, to be the enemies of America and absolutely unbecoming to act in a control entitlement."Maj. Stuckert actually goes dispatch with his fabric", states Extrapolative News, "when he skillfully says that folks with these kinds of fervent beliefs, spawned by a close up interpretation of the Scriptures, are an actual hazard to world sequence, and force, in fact, if allowed to call for all specialization, bring America to aggregate subdue in the world event".This convey, gratis in 2008, was qualified by diverse high station officers at the Air force Researcher and strew to top level soldiers man, nonetheless they unrelentingly drive out to horses a list of folks it has been approved impart to.An righteous definition of "Dispensational Millenialism" is provided which includes:A belief set up that believes that the world is goodbye to be purified through a theatrical unguarded based on a hurry together with good and evil in the Degree of Disbelief.....And contends that in the very headed for far-off Jesus Christ force elate or remove His church from the Mud, and that recently a pane of eager bother and battles force hound culminating with the catastrophic subdue of Satan.This exciting book is banned on Selection).P.S.And, finally:Into is the U.S. Military Report:!-from Norio Hayakawahttp://noriohayakawa2012.blogspot.com