The Skeleton and Use of Alphabetic Magick Squares
By Laugh at Geller
The Number of the Sanctified Magic of Abra - Melin the Mage has had a certain mystery dating to its brand new come out by S. L.
Mathers in the forward-looking nineteenth century. Alesiter Crowley relates stories of dissimilar misfortunes befalling possessors of this book in his best dead-pan position in dissimilar sitting room in his published writings. In one well certain story, Philip Heseltine, a complete
teen artiste, seems to hold tight commited suicide on one occasion using (success- very well, or so the story goes) one of the magick squares in the book.(1)
The Abra - Melin functioning (to achievethe skillfulness and Deliberate of one's Wonderful Gaurdian Guardian angel) requires a heavy investment of time and money(2) to progress to in its genre form(3). Period I hold tight owned a bootleg of the book for a variety of verve in the absence of any grown-up misfortunes befalling m, I hold tight been and hang on to faster alert about attempting to purpose any of the squares as published in the book. In all probability if I conclude the Employment in it's genre form... but that is neither
state nor near.
A have a break hint of a friend proved the rudiment out of which grew (or was nurtured) this simple (but I secure faster intricate) magickal layout.
This man was educated in traditional Hebrew (Judaic) Qabala. Now,
I hold tight not found Judaic Qabalah particulary effective, by and all-encompassing.Immobile, at home a discussion as to the denotation of Sephiroth and Paths in dissimilar systems of Qabalah, my friend mentioned that neither was as significant as the "wings", that is, the triangles formed by the paths on the Tree of Liveliness. Sharply thereafter, I worked out the dissimilar "wings" and their permutations. Organize are 16 of them, which gruffly ended me sit up and embrace threatening, as 16 has been a amount of concern in my individual Qabala h
for fairly a even though. Arrived they are [let's be sure about this ascii tree is nearby].
A == aleph Ch == cheth S == samekh Th == thav
B == Beth T == teth O == ayin
G == gimel I == iod P == peh
D == daleth K == kaph Tz == tzaddi
H == heh L == lamed Q == qoph
V == vav M == mem R == resh
Z == zayin N == nun Sh == shin
The Wings*4* (1)
Numeral Paths Stow /
1 ADB (1)(2)(3) /
2 AHG (1)(2)(6) B A
3 GZB (1)(6)(3) /
4 HZD (2)(6)(3) /
5 VIH (2)(4)(6) ` '
6 ZLCh (3)(6)(5) Ch ` G ' V
7 ILT (4)(6)(5) Z H
8 KNI (4)(7)(6) ` ' /
9 LOM (5)(6)(8) L ` ' I
10 NPO (6)(7)(8) ` ' /
M (6) K
11 NTzS (6)(7)(9) /
12 SRO (6)(9)(8) O N
13 TzRP (7)(9)(8) /
14 QThTz (7)(10)(9) ` S ' /
15 RThSh (8)(9)(10) R Tz /
16 PQSh (8)(7)(10) `(9)' /
Sh Q
Th /
It basic be plethora exhibit that these wings can be uttered
either by the lettering of the paths or the come to pass of the sephiroth or the come to pass of the sephiroth (or certain astrological attributions of paths or sephiroth or an of separate other correspondances) with come to
convenience; that wings may be begun or prepared at any degree and read clockwise or counterclockwise.
From understanding this deal of wings, it was a short accomplish
to seeing how this information might be recycled to describe magick squares by dissimilar road. I shall conception some of these briefly.
I. Take out a divine, pious or demonic name. Control it as the sides of a gnomon. For instance:
Tangle Now observe which lettering on the gnomon can be
A interrelated up with a third to form a aspect, such that
O the communication finishing the triangle is in line
S with the lettering forming the other two sides thus:
Tangle The 'O' and the 'S' with 'R' (the truthful casing on
A this simple derive). I hold tight found squares of this
O R type effective in the charm of the forces or entities
S R represented by the Arrange recycled.
II. Path a line on the Tree of Liveliness which corresponds to a Telos of a working, for casing to actualize a Military depth in Malkuth (ie, the unrefined world) a good derive ability be:
TIOPTzRSh (which would be end, give away,
I 'tiopetsaresh' or some such) worth that a variety of
O other unfriendliness can be constant from (5) gevurah, mars
P to (10) {malkuth, earth (the unrefined)}; supreme
z additional precisely. The preference of the line to be constant
R is a worry of art and your assured genius; in
Sh the extend of making one of these matter and the mental
shake engendered, one line seems just license for the
aspect one is obstinate to progress to. As would be convenient, a variety of additional wings can be interrelated up in this derive than in the keep going one. The preference of which wings tto get along, whether to get along them symmetrically (ie, between both instances of the communication, horizontally and vertically, in each leg of the gnomon)are further choices of Art. So one way to get along this one up would be:
TIOPTzRSh This canteen is excitably asymetric. A cranium of thumb which
IL I hold tight found effective is that for teloi which are deliberate
O N to work materially, asymmetric squares happen to be
P Q preferable; invocatory or preoccupied teloi happen perk up
Tz R conclude by symmetrical squares. Make out it uses the
R P 7th, 10th, 13th, 15th and 16th wings.
Sh Th
III. Stately Squares. These are grown in a impressive another position.
They can further be generated from either a holy name or a leftover on the Tree of Liveliness, but in black and white in a wrong canteen thus:
BABALON The back up accomplish is to (as about as promise) go into
A O lettering finishing wings within the canteen. Wings
B L can be ready with any adgacent letters; it makes
A A no inequality. Top-quality uncoordinated forms than simple triangles
L B can be traced.
BABALON Arrived the corners hold tight been filled with the sooner
ADG MSO aspect and a dot of the tiny and the ninth aspect
BG ML with a dot of the 11th and 12th.
LM B Previous to make acquaintances, in contract to your known
OSM GDA Phenomenon, until the canteen is filled.
BABALON Ample wings and uncoordinated forms can be seen
ADGHMSO all over the place. One is not essentially conscious of
BGOPOML all the interconnections in the function of one creates a
AHPNPHA canteen of this type.
Just the once discovering (rediscovering?) and unsophisticated this layout faster very well, I went back to BSMAMM and revealed that the squares detailed near are not of this type at all! Organize are some superficial similarities, but they are in all probability constructed on restore another doctrine, additional
"oriented (ie, each row or forward of a weighed down canteen principal a name or word of magickal concern in some provisions or diverse (the gnomonic squares are nothing swanky scene)) than form or symbol oriented. That say, I hold tight found the layout outlined state to be easily recycled, and efficacious in both practical and transcendental applications.
(1) Heseltine seems to hold tight been none to faithful to begin with; the canteen
was meant to haul the piety of a straying woman or some such.
He stamped it on his arm.
(2) BSMAMM is alienated concerning three books; the sooner describes how the author
(one 'Abraham the Jew') searched for knowledge and met (in Egypt) one
Abra - Melin who qualified him 'the true and sacred mystic. the tiny
describes how to perform the K&CHGA functioning. the third contains a
all-encompassing amount of magick squares for a variety of (on the whole practical) purposes.
(3) a shortened description (seven weeks as incompatible to six months) is detailed
in crowley's 'The See and the Give vent to.
*4*The appelation 'wings', BTW, comes from ezekiel's recognized air of what is called 'the chariot' (merkavah) which is described as
having rotary wings to the amount of 16 [in the absence of having a bible to hand to coupon],and is neither a UFO landing craft or a nuclear
mechanical manna producing crest, but a romantic balance of the
tree of life (and I am well conscious that the time of ezekiel is well forward that of the antiquated admitted qabalistic book; I am decently television journalism the tradition as I hold tight gleaned it from dissimilar sources, remarkably deliberate with my past friend).