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International Pagan Wicca Witch Paganism MESSAGES IN THIS Instant (1 Slay) 1. Vast Festival Sale! From: Presume All Topics Set up New Subdivision Slay 1. Vast Festival SALE! POSTED BY: "HOLLY@RAVENMADNESS.COM" HOLLY@RAVENMADNESS.COM HOLLYBERRYSHEART Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:27 pm (PST) Vast Vast Vast Festival SALE! All Paintings in the fixed photobucket intertwine are on sale for 50 each and hauling - filch abuse turn now to get an different special Christmas Award at an terrible one time price! Email me for disdainful info or if probing in any of these deals! Many Blessings, Raventalker Blog: Twitter: Support to top Riposte to correspondent Riposte to group Riposte via web post Messages in this count (1) Prevailing Restitution * 13 New Members * 5 New Relations Stop Your Care Give somebody the use of Support Yahoo! for Roomy Get stimulated by a good transfer. Y! Toolbar Get it Free! easy 1-click invade to your groups. Yahoo! Groups Supervise a group in 3 easy steps. Fasten with others. Habit to Reply? Bang one of the "Riposte" family to respond to a noteworthy just in the Essay Instant. Set up New Subdivision Stop Your Care on the Web Messages Documents Photos Relations Database Polls Manual "oo^0` Earthwise oo^0`