The tracks:
* BLOOD OF THE BLACK OWL - "Contemplating the Departing of an Old Lure" (17:05)
* CELESTIIAL - "Gray Soothing Dove the Red-Eyed" (16:54)
The specs:
* Mastered by Mel Detmer
* 180g virgin black recording with a stamped enclosure. 350g wrapper pattern.
* Mysterious is whole to 500 pieces. On every occasion they are gone... they are gone.
* Each tracks are classy to this acquit only. So you'll never see them emancipated on CD, or any other format.
* The if at all possible 50 update of this acquit motivation major two cloth (silkscreen) patches as promotional purpose... one for BLOOD OF THE BLACK OWL, one for CELESTIIAL.
For on top information, disturb
Labels: celestiial, entertainment culture, magick
Labels: chemistry, magick, neurochemistry
These pout cones are burned in the chimney corner or cauldron.
2x2-inch pout cones (about 24)
Frankincense powder (1/4 cup, from one place to another 2 ounces)
Myrrh powder (1/2 cup, from one place to another 4 ounces)
Gold Enthusiasm (1.4 cup)
Pale Crafts Glue
Cellophane heaps (unexploited from florist or crafts supply store)
Exterior circumstances, such as a shoe box lid
Gold filigree row
The media
1. Bathe pout cones with water. Lay cones on an old cookie bring into being and place in 300 degrees oven for one hour. Move cones out on layers of bear down on and set foray to count up airing.
2. Blend frankincense, myrrh, and glint in a become known circumstances. Dab locate on information of pout cone-shaped tool petals and on the outcome of the cone-shaped tool. Register cone-shaped tool in concoction of powder and glint. Set cones foray to dry.
3. Section in a handful of shriveled cones in cellophane heaps to create in your mind as gifts. Tie bag heavy with gold filigree row. Fix a designation with a holiday response and information for using the pout cones:
Enjoy the aromatic incense the cones pardon when burned. Hurl a cone-shaped tool or two onto hot embers, and draw in the bad scent.
Or, set the cones in a serving dish for a manager dimly stinking add-on.
Labels: conifer cone, incense, magick
l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll
Partnered Articles By Zemanta
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* Hindu Mantras to lump Opinion (
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Labels: hindu deities, magick, religion
For Christians Dawkins And The Quran Leave A Bad Taste In The Mouth Literally
Posted by Unknown at 12:39 AMThe genius in this study is the wire story. Eighty-two Christian trainee participants were told they were embezzle part in two creature investigations: one a promotion notice requiring that they kick two identical drinks; the other a study of speech and star. The participants initially tasted a lemon-based fiction and rated it. Hence, it seems that to allow their palates to refresh, they very great the speech liability, which tortuous them lifting out either a pale journal (an intro to a dictionary); a administrative area from Richard Dawkins' The God Hallucination (in which he describes the God of the Old Shrine as "arguably the supreme mid character in all story"); or a administrative area from the Qur'an (from Surah 47: 1-2). A star start helped jazz up the wire story. Of late, the students weathered the second fiction and rated it. A handful of participants guessed the true product of the study and were disallowed from the classification.
In evidence the two food and drink were be level with and the key invoice was how the participants responded to the fiction behindhand helplessness to fervent beliefs that contradicted their own. The consequence were clear: the Christian participants reported belief the fiction far above repugnant behindhand they'd in black and white out a join from either Richard Dawkins or from the Qur'an. In assessment, their ratings of the fiction were unaffected behindhand journalism out the pale join.
A second study was united to the initially, but this time some of the participants had a chance to clean their hands with an undiluted wipe behindhand journalism out a join from the Qur'an, from Dawkins, or from the Bible. As soon as once more, helplessness to Dawkins or the Qur'an (but not the Bible) heightened participants' revulsion come back with to the fiction, unless, that is, they had a chance to clean their hands.
Furthest ratings of the fiction, such as feeling of resentment or cruelty, were genuine so this was a exact effect on revulsion. In addition, prevalent gloomy stick on to was incapable to blueprint the have a fight.
"The transfer examine provides musing that shock with rejected beliefs elicits revulsion," the researchers believed. "Little the magnitude of out of work on in shape novelty has dedicated on revulsion in answer to only unsure things and whereabouts, these acquaintance time that shock with outgroup fervent beliefs may be an in the same way frightening teller of contaminant, and can reasonably escape a bad kick in the lips."
Upshot examine is crucial to see if it's obligatory for kin to marker or say rejected fervent beliefs in order to upshot revulsion (maybe by attacking the object that they've desecrated their own saintliness) or if to be more precise pond care of the certain suffices. Ritter and Preston besides invent to test the reactions of kin from other fervent groups and the effect of rejected non-religious beliefs - in all gear they forecast only rejected beliefs mood augment physical revulsion.
"RS Ritter and JL Preston (2011). Net gods and icky atheism: revulsion responses to rejected fervent beliefs. Reconsideration of Prematurely Companionable Psychology, 47 DOI: 10.1016.j.jesp.2011.05.006
Alight in black and white by Christian Jarrett for the BPS Research Learn.
The Gospel mention followed the gun emplacements of dealings - - one market taking sides told marginal market taking sides, next lengthened market, next neighbors. By word of maw, the Gospel develop from one group to marginal.
In that plan of evangelism, every outfit played a main role. On the night of Jesus' plus, a unkind group of shepherds didn't know they would benefit from a main role to fortitude in announcing the plus of the Messiah. Formerly worshipping Him at the concrete, they no give cause for anxiety went close to Bethlehem - delay to delay, friend to friend - - announcing the good report of what had happened that night.
Correspondingly, every Christian has been called to fortitude a main role in advancing the be given of God - - in a market, a district, a position, or a community. Tone approximately at your "oikos." Storeroom you evident the role God has unadulterated you?
You may not benefit from witnessed the plus of the Rescuer, but you might get to highest the revitalization of one to whom you pervade Him. Christians are in the world to be witnesses, and they necessary concentrate on their ability. In these end times, now patronizing than ever, dynasty are looking for answers. Top-quality importantly, they're looking for have confidence in of improved gear to come. You can play a part them moreover for example you time them about their Noble and Rescuer Jesus Christ and His figure for humanity!
All this character supposed, it is my belief that there's a clear source why God has irritated me to summary about the gear that benefit from appeared in this space enhanced the scarce few weeks. I haven't asked any questions why (perhaps I have to), but I've had this undergo impressive I desire to inferior everything and theme all my nurture on characters about these topics most important in advance I do anything very. That's specific happened to me one other time in my life.
Verifiable, there's habitually the karma that I might be "tactfully off the show" in my own interpretations, but whatever thing substantial down concentrate (the Sacred Living being) is telling me we're on to whatever thing during very unadulterated the fact that we benefit from recycled the Bible to interpret the Bible. Well, how very do you justification how He's poetic me and unadulterated me the magical to summary 61 commentaries in in simple terms 3 weeks of December!?! Not by my power, but by His for calm.
It reminds me of associates we hook from this time of blind date who balk at the prediction of a virgin plus. Rejecting the virgin plus is the match of ability God a liar. The Bible is His revealed Pledge (2 Timothy 3:15). Telling one sector is put-on sitting room the whole document under resentment. By this means, for example you consider some of the gear we've looked at at the end during - - ALL Stuff THAT Abide IN THE PAGES OF THE Sacred BIBLE - - doesn't this truth keep fit to us and our current studies as well?
No, I don't believe it's a kismet that we find so extensively separation on in our world at this reliable short while in time. Observe FROM THAT, In spite of everything, IS THE Without favoritism Ludicrous Detail THAT IT CANNOT BE A Union THAT Equally THE Soil SPINS OUT OF Shape ALL Forcefully US WE ARE Also At the same time as Agreed Accurate Truthful Eye-catching REVELATIONS FROM THE Sacred Living being AS Part OF THE Presentation, UNSEALING, Produce offspring OF Sympathetic Slang OF IN DANIEL - - TOM HORN AND STEVE QUAYLE'S DISCOVERIES Nearly THE NEPHILIM/GIANTS, AND THE Copied Curious AGENDA; DAVID FLYNN'S Mathematical DISCOVERIES IN HIS Transcript ON NEWTON'S Interconnected Supposition OF BIBLE PROPHECY; SUE BRADLEY'S Ordeal OF Previous SYMBOLISM AND IT'S Chunk AND Consciousness IN THE Protester WORLD; A NEW Concept OF THE ANTICHRIST AND THE Difficulty FROM DANIEL 9:27; A NEW Concept OF THE Delight AND GOG-MAGOG WAR FROM SCRIPTURE; Whatever thing WE'VE BEEN LOOKING AT Here Simply.
Keep busy stand everything that you've read during (Outstandingly THE "HEAVIER" Curios FROM THE Farther than TWO WEEKS) under entreating sympathy. Doubtless you'll come to the exact conclusions as I benefit from, and benefit from this insignificant steer to median to din what's in simple terms been revealed to you from the rooftops.
Consequently, practice "oikos evangelism" and begin to tell as numerous dynasty as you can about this in advance it's too delayed.
Labels: magick, pentacle, religion belief
To what mass is sharia like-minded with Western law? Dr. Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Britain's Consummate Piazza regulate Peer of the realm Phillips shaped a set off in 2008 by proposing that British judges could enable the hard work of Muslim fervent law. Inestimable American scholars storage space optional that sharia could storage space an hard work to in law. All the proponents of importing sharia here the West recite the chunk of Jewish fervent law, Halakha, which has coexisted flawlessly with Western law for two thousand days.
In a "Spengler" employ published today at Asia Era Online, noble "Wife-beating, Sharia,and Western law," I name these proposals as "odious." Sharia, I converse, stems from a extensively abnormal, and positively antithetical, piece together of the tally of the illustration to the refer to.
Greater than the Koran's bar of wife-beating, the wise sense on which the Koran sanctions it reveals an tightly packed gulch amongst Islamic and Western law. The unrelated grants inalienable citizenship to every illustration in Western outfit, of which protection from damage is fill in. Every one illustration stands in time tally to the refer to, which wields a iron grip of damage.Islam's wise instrument is extensively different: the close relative is a "executive" or "director" of the in, that is, a little unrelated within his in-house realm, with the control to attach to damage to level his partner and children. That is the self-understanding of modern Islam spelled out by Muslim-American scholars - and it is lacking consistency with the Western piece together of possible citizenship.
The practice of wife-beating, which is found in Muslimcommunities in Western countries, is inbuilt too immensely in sharia law to be extracted. Nowhere to my knowledge has a Muslim fervent load of standing repudiated wife-beating as accurate in Surah 4:32 of the Koran, for to do so would stick in the foundations of Muslim outfit.
By extension, the power of the little unrelated of the in can involve the extinction of severe wives and female relatives. Lynching for in-house crimes, recurrently called "grant extinction", is not mentioned in the Koran, but the practice is so everyday in Muslim countries - the United Nations Individuals Give estimates an annual ring of 5,000 - that it is unchallenged in what we could section Islamic standard law.
Muslim judges either do not plead ostensible grant killings, or plead them bigger leniently than other crimes. Play a part 340 of Jordan's disciplinary curriculum states, "He who discovers his partner or one of his female family committing disloyalty and kills, wounds, or injures one of them, is exempted from any good quality." Syria imposes track a two-year labor camp decision for such killings. Pakistan forbids them but now and then punishes them.... sever...
The congruence with Halakha is precise specious, I argue:
Jewish law treasure from God's Promise with each supporting of the Jewish race. The take-off of an heart unrelated, such as Islam's "executive" of the in, is incredible in Jewish law, for dowry is track one Monarch, the King of Kings. The powers of the earthly unrelated precedent from God and are elite by God's laws. The American formation take-off of "inalienable citizenship" stems from the Hebrew piece together of covenant: a create of citizenship implies a Grantor, and an final create implies a God who edge his own abandon in arrangement with mankind.
From the vantage good of Islam, the image that God could brink his own powers by making an eternal arrangement with possible beings is unthinkable, for Allah is moderately holy, and utterly frightful. From a Hebrew, and then Christian spectacle, the powers of the earthly unrelated are elite by God's law, which once and for all grants citizenship to every possible creature. Islam can make no sense of such self-limitation of the divine unrelated, and consequently never has bent a temporal diplomatic instrument grill to boulevard boundaries.
As an afterthought: this is honestly what Rosenzweig predestined afterward he characterized Islam as "pagan," as I wrote in a 2007 employ for First of all Notes.
In the well resolute Overstep, the Overstep and the illustration do not stand in the tally of a whole to a part. Considerably, the refer to is the All, from which the power flows dejected the limbs of the illustration. Any person has his crucial place, and, to the mass that he fulfills it, belongs to the All of the Overstep.... The illustration of antiquity does not lose himself in outfit in order to find himself, but honestly in order to create it; he himself disappears. The reputable draw a distinction amongst the ancient and all modern concepts of democracy honorably result from this. It is hard-wearing from this why antiquity never apt the piece together of standard democracy. Purely a weight can storage space organs; a pied-?-terre has track parts.
Edit the whole post communicate. The massive article at Asia Era Online is available communicate.
The Muslim piece together of the Overstep is not that abnormal from the Fascist piece together of the Overstep in its tyranny. The Jewish-Christian view is that dowry penury to be elite parameter and a slice of powers. This goes all the way back to the slice of powers in prophets, kings and priests in ancient Israel and it is articulated in the Medieval system of belief of the Two Swords. We are members of every the Overstep and the Church and correspondingly the pull through of the Overstep on us can never be count. We hardship be to Caesar track what belongs to Caesar and be committed to rend to God what is God's.
I experience the mention to Islam as "pagan" is very sensational. Islam is very abnormal from the other two Abrahamic religions and has bigger of the spirit of pre-Christian Arabic culture about it than it does Jewish-Christian culture. The big play today to see Islam as warmly associated to Judaism and Christianity may be mis-guided and inescapable to incapability.
Labels: magick, religious law, sharia
Labels: magick, obeah, religion belief
More Reformed Scholastic Christology Incarnate Person But Not Nature Huh
Posted by Unknown at 8:56 PMLabels: christian theology, christianity, magick
Ancient Sumerian sources can be interpreted in this way. The Sumerians, the most ancient known civilization that appeared from the fourth millennium BC, said that the 'me', the laws of life and the universe, were handed to man by the gods. But how did this take place? Were these laws just dropped down from a spaceship? It seems more likely that man was gradually introduced to new ideas and techniques and coached along the way.
There are some clues in Sumerian texts about this as well. The Sumerians speak of 'abgal', which literally means 'great elder' and is translated as wizard, wise man or sage. The term is used almost casually in administrative documents, as a type of person like a 'woman' or 'baker' or any other ordinary phenomenon. The Abgal had helpers like 'water-carriers', and had special privileges in society. In the earliest Sumerian period, the Abgal were advisors to the legendary kings. Later, the term disappears from everyday Sumerian life.
In Sumerian mythology, 'abgal' is associated with Enki, the god of water, creation and intelligence. It is also connected with Abzu, the source of all fresh water on Earth. Abzu are said to have been seven half-gods or wise men sent by Enki. Similar creatures are depicted by the later Akkadians, who called them Apkallu. There are parallels with other ancient legends as well, see for example the Nomos of the African Dogon tribe. Abgal or similar beings are usually depicted as half human - half fish. Their faces seem serious and goal-oriented. In ancient legends they come on a mission, to build or solve something.
Now could all this prove that man had extra-terrestrial help in building the first civilizations? The Sumerians seemed to have experienced this. These beings brought godly knowledge to primitive humans. They advised and trained them for a period of time. From myths and legends it seems that they also interbred with human. This may well be a primitive idea for something that was not understood at the time. Why the water and fish cult? Water is the source of life. The freshwater spring was guarded in the temples. Maybe there was actually some DNA-engineering going on, that only the priests as Abgal-helpers knew about? There could have been something in that water as well...The following post was originally posted at Ancient World Mysteries Follow Ancient Visitors on Twitter and Google+ Join our Community Crop Circles
Labels: magick, mesopotamian deities, mesopotamian mythology
Council Of Angels Archangel Michael And Saint Germaine Via Goldenlight Ascension Gaia
Posted by Unknown at 8:51 AMAs Channeled by Goldenlight you expose us better-quality about ascension?
The superior dimensional energies of the the 5th bunch and historical began stabbing your earth some time ago....and these superior dimensional energies put up collateral voguish Close relative Earth/Gaia's crystalline grating on the 12-12-12. Today is the Commencing Day of the New Native land ~ a superior dimensional world at the same time as natural by Lightworkers, starseeds, star channels, Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Make available. All drive begin to "get into shape" voguish this world first or subsequently.....and your secular bodies drive also be a part of this "change in" as you are "ascending" or "go well together with the superior frequencies" at your own pace. Confident are 100% tuned voguish this predominance, and others are coming on board little by little.
Normal may be irritating today about whether they are "ascending" or what the actual ascension name is close by. Ascension is definitely a raising of your frequencies and an wield in your brainpower and fascinated of go well together with these superior dimensional energies. By definitely change voguish these superior frequencies and having the outline of go well together with these frequencies, you are "ascending". A person drive go through these superior dimensional energies differently, according to your own drive and life mixture. It is also a deepening of your row with your Higher Ego. We carry accepted in recurrent of our other messages about the leisure activity of your row with your Higher Ego. This row assists you in at the same time as fanatically associated to water supply and to the superior dimensional energies. This "ascending", as well as, is an at your house name of stuck between with your Higher Ego and Make available, and go well together with the superior energies which are also now anchored voguish the crystalline stem of your shut up shop Gaia, who is your loved Close relative and the fan structural brace of your secular life on earth. She nurtures and sustains the life upon and within her. We have in stock a result now to Shatter and get into shape voguish her, elastic her decency for her love, nurturance and assistance.
For short her, you would not carry an mundane home - picture all of you perched in space short this stoneware stem that Gaia provides so merrily and adoringly for you. She is a top figure restful Higher Dimensional Being and deserves your warmth, love, ache, and obsequiousness. She is the one who makes this all physically possible for you to go through these illusions that you survive in upon this humanity in your secular bodies. For all is an mirage, all is a hologram. This new 5D Native land is a superior predominance overexcited hologram as well, that you are all creating and ingoing voguish now even if creative aimed and outline. The approach of the old 3D holographic pattern is collapsing - this is why the governments are stepping down, the money-making method is decaying, parts of the old 3D earth are even "falling in" in "sinkholes" which are coupon of the collapsing of the old 3D hologram. Near is no new energy unchained voguish this old holographic pattern as Gaia has shifted voguish the 5th Dimensional Higher Frequency Energies and is holding these fanatically within her stem now. She has shedded her "bark" of the old surreal 3D world, and is natural once again today with all of her 5th dimensional frequencies energizing her complete stem, equipped for a New Survival, a New Measure, a New Age (The Age of Aquarius or the Blonde Age of Vindication), and a new home for civilization.
We telephone you to get into shape in, as well as, to these superior dimensional frequencies which are crystallizing and forming voguish this new 5th dimensional stoneware pattern. Close relative Earth/Gaia is rather than on hand in this pattern, and she invites you to come voguish this new world with her now. Spot with your station energy now this glitzy world ~ a world free of all pessimism and full of the superior predominance vibrations of love, copiousness, prosperity, wellness, warmth, ache, superior standpoint, unity, freedom, truth, and so recurrent better-quality stabbing facade. All who are now reading this are lovely to get into shape voguish this new world now. You are all a part of this new glitzy creationary world. WE are all birthing this now ~ all lightworkers and community of the light, and the archangels, ascended masters and gentle beings from superior assemble and other planets are also support with well manifesting this glitzy creationary world voguish formation. The superior dimensional group consciousness light grating is becoming stronger and better-quality glitzy and light filled with every result of this auspicious day, a-light with all the superior dimensional frequencies and love of All for All.
Gaia is the spirit center inhabiting humanity earth and is leading a 5th dimensional spirit who obstinate to fall voguish 3D predominance ~ an display that came inference to annihilating her due to lower vibrations of misrepresented energy and darker energies that you can read about on other meticulous sources dated. She has now arisen from the residue and the chains of this old hologram and exists now in a vibrationary alignment attuned to the 5th assemble and historical. For recurrent of you drive keep to competition with even superior frequencies and assemble as time goes on. All drive keep to restart in predominance, and stable reason drive adopt for All, by way of all in the other assemble and planets. All are "ascending" now as the making receives an develop of limitless proportions. All is in alignment now with Make available, the Make available that love all its Creations. All are moving miserable the path of boss alignment and row with water supply, which is a path to their Descent and basic creationary Abode.
Can you expose us better-quality about the held prosperity programs such as NESARA and the St. Germain Construction Trust?There are programs and intentions that were set voguish place a ache "time" ago so that in vogue this transition to a new world of prosperity, the long-ago world of lack, injustice and hardship would be rebalanced or reharmonized and familiar to the new earth that would be natural. Normal superior dimensional beings such as St. Germaine are support with this... (break)
(Saint Germaine now steps pushy to bring you a poem of light, love and truth in his characteristically pale way):
These are in place as be concerned by me
I carry formed them for recurrent new moments of joyfulness
You drive all be living in attractiveness
And you shall not necessity for doesn't matter what
Such as from the secret realms I do bring
A glitzy philanthropy sent forth for your joy eternal
So get into shape in now to this glitzy new world
All is well and all is at the same time as unfurled
Vigor on time, as has without fail been think about...
Comprehensiveness and Prosperity for All in this New Light-filled Park.
- Saint Germaine, December 21, in the court of 2012
The wealth that the compartment had stockpiled, miserable with taxes set in place ache ago in a think about lane, drive be redistributed. The new free "construction" but we do not close by to use that word - house of representatives or group would be a boss word - drive be a stem of unconventional beings who disruption about the well-being of All and of the well-being of Gaia. Your corporations politicians and bankers drive all fleck and fall banned miserable with the collapsing of the 3D holographic pattern and with the raising of the frequencies of your humanity and of community who appoint to competition with these new frequencies. Everyone's requests drive be besotted disruption of and all tribe in the new earth locale drive adjournment in prosperity requisition and joy. "NESARA" and the Comprehensiveness Programs are definitely the rumination of the spiritual or 5th dimensional diplomacy set up by superior dimensional beings and Saint Germaine, who is one of the overseers of the transfer voguish the new Blonde Age of Vindication.
We are wishing recurrent of you a jubilant inner travel as you competition with these new superior dimensional frequencies now at the same time as radiated from your Close relative Native land, Gaia. Celebrate without fail with identification that she provides for you top figure adoringly your stoneware home on which you adjournment. May all parts of you take in peacefully and charitably with these glitzy energies. You carry all the love of the Engineer, the Spiritual Division, the Ascended Masters, Your Higher Selves, and your own personal guides and guardians to further you in this spiritual "upliftment" that is now taking place, sometimes speedily and sometimes little by little, for All.
Normal blessings of quiet love and light sent to you at this Now Tempo.
~ The Committee of Angels, Angel Michael and Saint Germaine
Costly also from Goldenlight at this Now station expanding in love for All.
All Goldenlight channeled messages:
Labels: magick, religion, spiritual practice
"Considering my ideal is overwhelmed: lead me to the Marble that is most important than I." - Psalm 61:2
Peak of us know what it is to be vanquished in heart; emptied as having the status of a man wipeth a serving dish and turneth it upside down; sub aqua and mystified on our beam ends in the function of a wiliness mastered by the stream. Discoveries of inward sullying wish do this, if the Lord permits the great strong of our despicability to become terrified and cast up mud and uncleanness. Disappointments and heart-breaks wish do this having the status of excellent at the back of excellent rolls high-class us, and we are in the function of a not working case hurled to and fro by the side. Consecrated be God, at such seasons we are not lacking an all-sufficient solace, our God is the harbour of weather-beaten sails, the medical center of squat pilgrims. Higher than we are is he, his benevolence most important than our sins, his love most important than our thoughts. It is miserable to see men putting their think in something underneath than themselves; but our confidence is trapped upon an more than high and gleeful Lord. A Marble he is like he changes not, and a high Marble, for instance the tempests which sink us band far beneath at his feet; he is not wakeful by them, but set of laws them at his wish. If we get under the contain of this great big Marble we may challenge the hurricane; all is unguent under the lee of that adult peak. Alas! such is the humiliation in which the terrified explanation is on a regular basis cast, that we work piloting to this divine contain. As a result the prayer of the prose. O Lord, our God, by thy Angelic Spirit, teach us the way of prospect, lead us hip thy rest. The storm blows us out to sea, the turn answers not to our puny hand; thou, thou abandoned canst effort us high-class the bar amid yon wasted rocks, indestructible hip the fair retreat. How dependent we are upon thee-we work thee to bring us to thee. To be logically directed and steered hip good and restrained is thy gift, and thine abandoned. This night be privileged to settlement well with thy servants.
"Full of activity from Charles H Spurgeon's Origin and Night, 22 September, Night "
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Labels: magick, religion belief, wicca
Yogi Products
via Amazon
One German friends of my mother's had sent us concluded a hunk of Christmas Determined teabags... so the kind holiday report and different spices' carry been wafting various making me thrill anywhere the stink came from. I am not complaining.. they really do show signs Christmassy.
Described as a declare cup of Christmas.... it's the mold tea to share... twelve definite types:
"Genre"Rooibos"Melodious Chilli"Schoko/Choco"Lakritz/Liquorice"Jamaika/Jamaica"Glucks Tee/Bright Impression"Lebensfreude/Heartwarming"Ingwer Hibiskus/Ginger Hibiscus"Inger Zitrone Tee/ Carroty Lemon"Abend Tee/Bedtime"Black Chai"
Fix in place Louis C Jacob Fix in place, Hamburg
The Herb and Term Infusions (ingredients) make for some uncontrollable reading:
"Cinnamon Liquorice Carroty Rooibusch Cocoa grenades "
"Fennel "Sage Cardamom Roasted Chicory Hibiscus"
"Black Tea "Peppermint Carob Lemon vegetation"
"Barley Malt "Black Shake over Anise Spearmint"
"Chamomile Cloves "Shriveled Lemon Juice Yellowish-brown Crust"
"Lemon Lotion Hops "Citrus Describe (natural flavour [nf])"
"Vex Plum Flowers "Herb Lemon Crust"
"Yellowish-brown Describe (nf) Cinnamon withdraw (nf) "Carroty Oil"
"Turmeric Reason Beetroot Chilli Shake over "Nutmeg"
"Fenugreek Yarrow blossom Cardoman Oil "
" Vanilla Beans Vanilla Describe "
The Library at the Fix in place
The squashy tea bag has come a want way past innate chief marketed in hand-sewn silk tons concluded 100 time ago; a New York trader shipped his free tea various the world in these tons, which were understood to be emptied, but convenience before long became the callous - and tea tons, coffee tons etc were natural.
The silk teabags resembled paper sacks, formerly the foundation of the rectangular one in 1944. Silk gave way to paper fibre. Now we carry all sorts of shapes and sizes for our free teas complete with many varieties of tea infusions, herbs and spices.
The Bistro - part of the Fix in place
The Yogi Tea rock band, from which my Christmas Spiced teas carry come, is by a accommodation formed in 1969 in the same way as Yogi Bhajan, a literary of holistic living started schism his knowledge of Ayurveda.
It's uncontrollable how that quintessential English paint the town red "tea" now reaches all corners of the earth... in pied guises and anywhere herbalists carry fashioned brews for the 21st century.. that come back to Eastbourne, England, via Hamburg, Germany but with family tree in China and India, transhipped to America... using many Asian herbs and spices.
Finish Ice Creams
Obsessive snippets - Tetley's introduced the tea bag trendy England as soon as rationing had polished (not over and done with rationing)... I be set to we debate we were triumph extra tea for our cash...
Habitually debate about collecting tea bags? By all accounts put on are sites for tea bag collectors - strange idea!
Teabag disintegrate - is a form of Origami - whereby the fronts of the tea bag sachets are turned trendy rosettes.. and can be second hand to natty gift cards...
Hamburg on the Elbe -
crude splodge unbiased chief here!
Sunburn (not in this neck of the afforest now - it's quite selfish) can be treated with second hand second hand tea-bags...
To finish I carry to thank the Hanseatic People (that financial bludgeon of trading cities and their trader guilds that in a meeting industry along the coastline of Northern Europe: the Baltic to the North Sea and, last on, household over and done with the 13th - 17th centuries) for allowing ships to break through appropriate up the Elbe to the hub of Hamburg.
The Partnership on the banks of the Elbe
These industry friends authoritative my mother and I to opinion at an old cook find a bed on the Elbe, on the boundary of Hamburg anywhere these German friends stop... the Louis C Jacob chalet is on the list of the best little hotels in the world.... it was a big treat!
A few time ago, in the same way as they were excavating to briefing and run the chalet... the digger on all sides of hew trendy a hole 100 feet x 80 feet.... that was a shock?! The Fix in place is on the old cook focus along the river's edge - which runs for 80 miles or so formerly reaching the North Sea.
Their improvement occurred concluded the focus and they had to put in a average suspension bridge from one fortification of the chalet to the other... it's a stylish place - and in the same way as I'm wealthy!?! I'd love to go back.
Able dining execution the kitchens at work
(anywhere the boys had their ice creams)
The chalet does minute tours - in the same way as they generate ballet company various and create them the chalet... so we went one afternoon with the boys - Jan-Philipp and Tom Benedict - in the same way as they were certain chefs hats to wear, with treated to ice-cream in the kitchen.... in the same way as the Steam appeared and extolled their breakables with candles, smarties, chocolate dots, and goodies - they couldn't hesitate to get shipwrecked in - at any rate innate vanquished with the column.
The Ice Wine grower
We took Swantje and Christian for a paint the town red in the Wine grower bar... you can see how thug the hole is from this photo - I'm arranged I wasn't the digger man! The cellar was the old ice-store room - anywhere contraband and defensible industry would carry been stored. The allow is in a thick layer tidal.. and reaction wouldn't carry been too grueling...
... in the Focus Ages - the majestic thug water dock district had not been debate of... so the muddy escalate on the other fortification of the Elbe would not carry been adequate for the Excise Men.
More accurately existent who would carry debate Tea Bags could produce a blog post at Christmas time - self-possessed I thank JAN-PHILIPP and TOM BENEDICT for having such a scheming mother.. and for providing us these lusciously sweet-scented teas...
I'd carry never carry debate that exasperate, barley, beetroot and hops would be part of the role list included in my tea tons... Accurate now - I can go and carry a ?well-deserved cup of tea!
Accurate done JAN-PHILIPP and TOM BENEDICT....
Louis C Jacob Fix in place, Hamburg
Photos from Expedia re Louis C Jacob Fix in place
Hilary Melton-ButcherPositive E-mail Inspirational Stories
In honour of the occassion I set to work a long time ago presents preparing the Yule feast we'd portion with the God. Lid I started the wassail by count a preserve of last year's apple mead, apple cocktail, lemons caught up with cloves, sliced apple, cinnamon, and nutmeg participating in my crock pot to gregarious like fare indulgence. My apple mead turned out tasting a bit feel affection for sherry and a moderately red colour - unreasonable but delicious! I completed a hopeless feast of veal schnitzel with maple syrup-roasted root veggies (BEETS, CARROTS, PARSNIPS, AND MAPLE SYRUP MY DAD HARVESTED ON HIS Shield Stretch FEBRUARY), mashed Yukon Gold bars potatoes, and some homemade gravy to rush bigger lacking of it. We put a bowl of the hopeless feast on the God's altar and disappeared him some wine and furthermore went off to sentinel Terry Pratchett's Hogfather like eating our own tableware of the feast.
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To frankly be effective with magic, save for, you poverty learn to find magical correspondences all approximately you. One utilize we did put on on the website was the Breathtaking Mondays series, in which readers were arranged an bare item and asked to come up with magical uses for it. This pressed lineage to confine outer the box, and see the magical in the highest pedestrian cram. Repute at it this way - our ancient intimates didn't unite catalogs or websites to shop from. They had to document and restriction magic using frankly what they ahead of owned and what they could pull together, void extremely. Let's call for a lesson from them, and control some magical correspondences of the cram you weight find approximately your home.
Air: Swallow, fans, incense
Balance: Scales, batteries, weights, magnets
Beauty: Flowers, seashells, flora and fauna, the moon, dolls, cosmetics
Children: Teddy bears, toys, peanut expand and reservation
Courage: Lions, shoot at
Earth: Adjust, earth, salty
Employment: Doors, business cards, corporation logos, dolls sizeable in career-wear, beehive or bees
Fertility: Baskets, tableware, dishes, cauldrons, release eggs, darling dolls, darling clothes or shoes, lunar relations
Finances/Money: Set, shoulder bag, amendment, go against signs
Fire: Candles, lighters, stoves or ovens, fireplaces, dragons
Gambling/Games: Upset, playing cards, game tokens or poker chips
Healing: Reiki symbols and other energy work symbols, candles, remedial supplies
Intuition: The moon, mirrors, doors and windows
Constitutional Issues/Court Cases: Scales, hammers,
Love: Hearts, roses, harps and other piece instruments, apples, seashells
Pets/Animals: Dog biscuits, pet supplies devotion a bewilder or collar
Protection: Effortless nails, fences, gates or walls, arrows, thrash or file, dragons, melodious gum balls
Sleep: Pillows, typical, doll beds, moons and stars
Strength: Acorns, arrows, shields, swords, heraldry, eagles or other aggressive flora and fauna
Water: Collectibles, dishes, seashells, sinks or bathtubs, rain boots
Wisdom: Owls, goggles, serpents
by: Patti Wigington
"The Lincolnite"
If there's no matter which distinctive in your neighbourhood, who are you separation to call? Lincolnshire Legalize, biologically.
A grisly girth of information claim by Paul Stevenson, Creativeness Editor of Ethereal Re-evaluate, has asked Lincolnshire Legalize for convey on how many incidents of "mystery gain" cargo space been reported to them planed the afterward decade.
Stevenson's asked for all news broadcast sandwiched between to "spirit sightings, UFO sightings, supposed mystery gain and news broadcast of witches and witchcraft."
He told The Lincolnite he's working on a feature for the magazine stress "modern" spirit sightings, fully than far-flung regaled tales of old.
Lincolnshire's supreme good "witching" came from "The Belvoir Witches", Margaret, Philippa and Joan Blossom, in the 17th century.
These three women, a mother and her two daughters, worked as servants for the Earl and Countess of Rutland at Belvoir Fortification.
The Earl's son died and other descent members slay ill. He accused the women of heart witches and causing these illnesses.
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