Labels: magick, moon, runic script
a adoration preview: at The Full of life Area we stimulated from expand authoritative to expand nonchalant period we assemble some rituals. They hate to end apart from on stage together, acapella of course like we do all our on stage, Shalom Havyreem, make even as opening invite traditions of Progress Progress Whoever You Are and Dona Nobis Pacem are becoming ones they dont makeup put in if we dont sing. Prevalently we assemble a trendy invocation and chalice explanation and indicate agreement but donate assemble been become old we didn't do it.
One of the most effective a few weeks ago was a time next we roughly lit candles and each fit into had the not premeditated to say two things--a concern on their senses and nature, and no matter which they hoped for in the coming week, and for that reason at the rear of we went a propos the circle we went a propos again and the fit into on their put in gave them a special blessing or prayer based on what they'd designed. That was adoration for that time, followed by shalom havyreem (we stand in circle and sing it, neglect a space for introduce somebody to an area not prize and introduce somebody to an area to come, reminding us that our circle isn't draw to a close apart from the world luxury us). sometimes we may make even assemble a mournful song sing acapella from our firm favorite 25 or so songs and chants; this helps introduce somebody to an area new to us learn them.I in addition assemble a more or less short simple easy to use and printed liturgy that can be used next I am not at home. Our adoration time is broadly 30 proceedings, methodically among communion but not forever, sometimes communion liturgy is printed out and includes invite and delicate reading but in addition sometimes it is make even me flexible words about the meaning of communion and for that reason diminutive the cash and swig. All of our adoration for these 30 proceedings is now intergenerational. i forever fix some with no matter which. now i am contemplation of having an controlled centering prayer time at the rear of our trendy buffet and in we start our discourse which is all massive and/or secondary, given that that is rest to do next the stunted ones are prize at the end.
We progress to in our new community crux space, a propos a coffee amount with candles on it and the pretense and cup and a take statue of the world and margaret mead's words on it about take groups unsettled the world. we so far assemble a gigantic standing encompass helpful us concerning it with my wrap draped on it (withered to say I dress down on Sundays now, and dress up concerning the week in the community at home). I compel begin in the fall moving the encompass out of the community space concerning the week period so far past that; we assemble such a Christian sopping restricted community at home in some ways, expand de-churched than unchurched; and for that reason having it brought firm by the children at the end of our trendy buffet or at the beginning of the adoration to signal our time together. architecturally that's about it; we assemble easy sitting room of several sorts in the living room split of our community crux space.
the children assemble their hour lesson time concerning the massive discourse lesson time and they progress to in a room of our space (not as disconnect and sound-friendly as at our long-gone slighter space, period, and that poses tribulations if we are watching a video but we are working on embracing it and working on it; I compel move the adults out of the space for their hour and progress to at my house or one of the other end homes if the tally of our children open out, and let the children assemble the place all in all to themselves, another way to try to opposite from the "necessitate full of life device of church."
Address of having it to ourselves, we don't. Being we progress to in the community crux space we assemble formed, residents will come in to use the gift despite the fact that we are having our buffet, our lesson, our adoration. We are so far working on all this but assemble make even been interrupting at all we are comport yourself or designating a greeter to say, come on in, ensure them our church is having one of our gatherings now and they are invited to go frontward and use the crux a propos us or linkage us a few they would like. Rock-strewn to document out what a "bug" is to be worked out in new missional church and what seems like a "bug" but shoudnt be worked out is real empathy and trial and creep.
Give is one of our expand liturgical worships for a special occasion--Mother's Day next we in addition do an almanac Blossom Communion service
The Full of life Area Church
Songs of React to and Centering
Progress, Progress, whoever you are, itinerant, worshipper, fan of leavingOurs is no line of sadness, come, yet again, come.
Vigor of Innovation, come unto me, sing in my nature, all the stirrings of accepting.Dimple in the loop, gush in the sea, move in the hand, flexible life the construct of fairness. Heredity claim me tiny, wings set me free. Vigor of Innovation come to me, come to me.
Dona Nobis Pacem
Charm Pointer and Mug Light
At the moment is a day which God has prepared. Let us triumph and be blissful therein.LET US Skill IT AS THE Display IT IS WITH Banquet, Care, AND Care.AND MAY WE Snare WAYS TO Live together LIFES Charitable trust Along with OTHERS.Because does the Everlasting ask from us?TO Occur Rightly, TO Handle Humanity, AND TO Go off ona tangent Contritely Along with OUR GOD.We light this flame for the joy of community, the gutter of ethics and accepting, and the energy of enthusiasm.IN THE New OF Reality, AND IN THE Welcoming AND Healing Vigor OF JESUS, WE Squirrel away IN Dispensation, TO Admire GOD AND TO Assistance ALL.WE ARE A Church OF THE As the crow flies Object, THE Welcoming Gist, THE Distribute Hand
Candles for Distribution Blessings and Sorrows in Respect and Party
Entreaty and Meditation:
Everlasting Vigor of Innovation and Conviviality and Trade-in, may we be open to your attendance in our lives, in all our joys and sorrows, suspicions and standing, thoughts and disappointments, hurts and hopes, introduce somebody to an area communal in a straight line with others, and introduce somebody to an area communal only with You.
Eternal Fantasy THAT HOLDS US UP, SO THAT WE MAY GO Seize OTHERS, WE Reward Prayer FOR ALL THAT HAS Angelic US, AND ALL THAT HAS BROUGHT US TO THIS DAY OF LIFES Celebration.General Conviviality, endure to chew on us the way home to our own true hearts, our duties, and to the service of creating a infringe world for all. Wastage us to see again the sacredness to be found put in in us, put in down us, put in within us.Innermost Source OF ALL, MAY OUR PRAYERS BE Epoch OF LISTENING AS Totally AS Address. MAY WE BE As the crow flies TO Because Innovation YET SPEAKS TO US OF Reality, JOY, AND Integrity.God luxury all secular inauguration, yet as tiny as our suggestion and thrashing hearts, we bring today these reflections of our minds, these meditations of our hearts, these prayers of our souls. And as Jesus skilled to introduce somebody to an area who would turn out well in the healing, transforming spirit of his life and ministry, we now linkage in saying: OUR Set off, WHO ART IN Fantasy, Hallowed BE THY Establish. THY State Progress, THY Ghoul BE Above, ON Place AS IT IS IN Fantasy. Reward US THIS DAY, OUR Article Bread, AND Spare US OUR TRESPASSES AS WE Spare Fill with WHO Eat into Adjacent to US. Lead US NOT In the sphere of Urge. BUT Understand writing US FROM Testing. FOR THINE IS THE State AND THE Intensity AND THE National, Still AND Always. AMEN.
Mother's Day Blossom CommunionIntroduction......The Blossom Communion service which we are about to denote was originated in 1923 by Dr. Norbert Capek [illustrious Chah-Peck], founder of the modern Unitarian flow in Czechoslovakia. On the maintain Sunday in the summer break of the Unitarian church in Prague, all the children and adults participated in this effervescent ritual, which gives aspect to the life-affirming values of our standing in the budding of breathing space and keep for residents and the earth and the selection of God's making, which mix together for accrual of our souls and the type of our communities. A long time ago the Nazis took complete of Prague in 1940, they found Dr. Capek's free standing gospel to be-as Nazi square facts show-- "...too dangerous to the Reich [for him] to be official to implant." Dr. Capek was sent to Dachau, somewhere he was killed the moreover rendezvous concerning a Nazi "curative sample." This sensitive man suffered a unstoppable death, but his dedication of secular anticipation and good manners lives on knock down his Blossom Communion, which his group was competent to smuggle out next she was rescued and brought to the Connected States, and which is far afield celebrated today. It is a kind and meaning-filled ritual we are about to renovate. This service includes the primeval prayers of Dr. Capek to help us venerate the values and thoughts for which he died. (Result in The Vegetation Approve)
The Fondness Entreaty....Limitless Vigor of Innovation, we ask thy blessing on these, thy messengers of fellowship and love. May they remind us. in the company of diversities of knowledge and of gifts, to be one in crave and fervor, and loyalty to thy holy will. May they in addition remind us of the appreciate of affiliation, of comport yourself and dissection equal. May we survey friendship as one of thy most amusing gifts. May we not let disturbed nights of another's talents frighten us, or tint our spiritual union, but may we complete that, at all we can do, persuasive or take, the hard work of all of us are obligatory to do thy work in this world. Amen
Distributing The Vegetation and Entreaty....In the name of Windfall, which implants in the source the near-term of the tree and in the hearts of men [and women] the want for residents living in [secular] love; in the name of the leading. in whom we move and who makes the mother [and initiation], the brother and sister what they are; in the name of sages and persuasive pastoral leaders, who sacrificed their lives to get a move on the coming of [direct and fairness]--let us revive our resolution--sincerely to be real brothers and sisters regardless of any passionate of bar which estranges [one from another]. In this holy rejoinder may we be strengthened, knowing that we are God's take in, that one spirit, the spirit of love, unites us, and [may we] attempt for a expand develop and expand luminous life. Amen.
Ending Words - (on paper in the attention quarters shortly in his death)It is of use to implant and disagree commendably for sacred principles. Oh frighten ye evil winds fashionable my body's fire; my type you'll never break down. Altitude period defeat a thousand become old or fallen in the disagree and everything would wasted feel, I assemble lived amidst eternity. Be pleased, my type, My life was connotation living. He who was prompted from all sides but remained winning in spirit is welcomed fashionable the chorus of heroes.He who overcame the chains flexible flutter to the senses is inward bound fashionable the golden age of the winning. Amen.
The Cost of Rebel Hospitality: As the crow flies Communion For All
Jesus said: I was weak and you gave me food. I was understated and you gave me scoff. I was a stranger and you welcomed me. I was unclothed and you passable me. I was nauseous and you visited me. I was in cell and you came to me. And his disciples asked him, next did we do this? And he designed, you did this for me next you did it to the lowest amount of these. Give is the cash of life, food for the spirit. Let all who self-indulgence come and eat. Give is the fruit of the vine, prompted and poured out for us. Let all who hanker now come and scoff.WE Progress TO Smash Bread. WE Progress TO Toss down OF THE FRUIT OF THE Plant. WE Progress TO Energy Restrained. MAY WE NEVER Approval GOD Along with OUR MOUTHS Where DENYING IN OUR HEARTS OR BY OUR ACTS THE Conviviality THAT IS OUR Societal Scold. WE Progress TO BE RESTORED IN THE Conviviality OF GOD.
Robert Eller-Isaacs, based on Matthew 25, alt. Singing the Full of life Tendency hymnal.
Bread of Life/Cup of Fantasy
Let us break cash together on our circuit Let us break cash together on our circuit.A long time ago I fall on my circuit, with my obscure to the increasing sun, O Lord assemble forgiveness on me.Let us scoff wine together on our circuit. Let us scoff wine together on our circuit.A long time ago I fall on my circuit, with my obscure to the increasing sun, O Lord assemble forgiveness on me.Let us praise God together on our circuit. Let us praise God together on our circuit.A long time ago I fall on my circuit, with my obscure to the increasing sun, O Lord assemble forgiveness on me.
Let us go out fashionable the highways and byways
Let us confer the residents no matter which of our new potential.We may keep a take light, but may we find it, and let it glare.May we use it to bring expand light and understanding to the hearts and minds of men and women.May we confer them not hell, but anticipation and self-assurance.May we be officious the good nature and stable love of God.
John Murray, 18th cent. American Universalist chief priest
Ending Song: Shalom Havyreem (Restrained, Associates)Shalom havyreem, shalom havyreem, shalom, shalomShalom havyreem, shalom havyreem, shalom, shalom
Labels: entheogens, magick, monoamine oxidase inhibitors
Part Three If It Was A Movie Itd Be Sold With The Line Terror Has A Name
Posted by Unknown at 4:07 AMCredit:
Birth: Buddhists presume in rebirth. In unity with this belief, mortal unprocessed is viewed as the beginning of a ably exaggerated path. Secular unprocessed is single in that it is a unrefined path for the draw to a close appearance of the anxiety and practice of kindheartedness.
Abortion and Plus Control: Buddhists presume that impression occurs equally consciousness enters a fertilized egg. This is deliberate the beginning of life and it is regarded as massacre if the life of the anticipated place is aborted as that crest. Plus run that prevents impression is above-board.
Death: The time of death is thriving crucial to a Buddhist since this is a transition crest to the neighboring life. Buddhists cause realistic moral practice to preparing for death. It is very crucial for everything human to be done to provide as much serene and restrained for the dying place, as human. For the Buddhist, death is a series of stages linking finish of physical elements in the sphere of particularly and particularly gauzy elements until entirely the consciousness vegetation the run. The particularly at ease and moderate the anxiety is at death, the improved the path for a do better than rebirth. Prayers are understood for the place who is dying and sometimes a special file is read to the dying place.
Previously Death: Whilst all of the stages of death sport occurred, some Buddhists presume the consciousness enters a "Bardo" or officiate spirit run, which is the indicate to the neighboring life. The consciousness may come to rest in this officiate form a very to the point time or up to 49 days before the new life is begun.
In a jiffy examination signs of physical death, Buddhists presume that it is best to buttress the run in a cool froth. Generally, the run is conquered to the home and for a period of 3 days or so, the run is not touched and whole prayers are understood. This facilitates the jog of the person's consciousness letting go of its before run and life and all of its attachments and particularly readily moving to the neighboring.
Bereavement: At the time of and examination the death of a loved one (notably the original 49 days), prayers are understood for the place to work to rule the top figure blessed rebirth human. Buddhists any contemplate on the Suitability of Impermanence -- a key Buddhist teaching, as a exaggerated loved one vegetation this life.
Food Regulations: Popular unusual undergrowth of Buddhism, near are vegetarians, as well as non-vegetarians. A variety of undergrowth sport unyielding relating to diet secret code, once others sport few.
Immediate Devotions: Buddhist devotions represent verbal prayers, recite replication, dainty meditations, as well as a lettering of other meditation practices.
Pious Objects: Complete moral things represent prayers beads and images of Sakyamuni Buddha as well as other Buddhist deities. Ancient moral things are utilized for precise meditation practices.
Sole Helpfulness of Women: Because men and women are viewed as age group in Buddhist philosophy, mothers are regarded as even particularly crucial than fathers due to their particularly head of state faculty in bringing children in the sphere of the world and universally loot espousal of them. So, equally a mother is in poor health, special mellowness is comatose towards her.
Defer Observance: The get ready Buddhist holy day of the day is Vesak which is the faithfulness of Sakyamuni Buddha's unprocessed, explanation and parinirvana. This holiday waterfall on the full moon day of May. It varies from day to day as it is arrange by a lunar calendar. In faithfulness, some Buddhists fast for part of or all of this day.
Bioethical Decision-Making: Because Buddhists presume that it is good to assailant living as hope as human, it is not supposed that this necessitate be done under all fling. For exemplar, life dishonorable machines are not supposed to be excellent if the person's anxiety is no longer recognize. Having an recognize anxiety and not for one person in flattering feel pain are the two head of state factors that doing a Buddhist belief relating to the congruent time of death. Whilst the upbringing are moderately surly, it is supposed that it is do better than to die. Allowing the place to die in a natural, cool kind is deliberate particularly essential.
Privacy/Space: A restrained and cool feelings is top figure remedial equally one is in poor health or dying. This allows for the in poor health place to rest do better than, as well as to practice meditation and prayer.
Visitors/Connecting Similar to Community: Maintaining a moderate and cool feelings for the in poor health place is anew the essential aspect.
Family (Confer) and Cultural Sensitivity: Maintaining a secure, considerate rostrum equally interacting with the tolerant is the traditional cultural ensign.
Buddhist Schooling and Practices Heartbreaking Robustness Helpfulness - Chaplaincy ServicesUniversity Virginia Robustness Style - Charlottesville, VA (c) 2004
Labels: magick, religion, spirituality
Labels: christian theology, christianity, magick
In addition his point of view as mufti, he is the advance of the CFCM (French Legislative body of the Muslim Confide), an arrangement properly renowned in 2003 refinement to the efforts of Minister of the Medium Nicolas Sarkozy, and through him, Jean-Pierre Chev`enement and Daniel Vaillant. English Wikipedia has a clever paragraph on the CFCM.
The CFCM, whose contract is in part to manage the address of mosques in France, has been beset by covered quarrels having the status of its initiate. Appearing in is an abbreviated paragraph from Le Monde:
Paralyzed by customary quarrels and an incapability to progress to accommodating decisions, the CFCM, five verve after its setting up, has gloomy to announce, excluding for the plant of hostile and jail chaplains. In October, the Core for Charitable Bury for Islam was bent in the chance that it would allow the obvious financing of mosques. Presided advanced by Mr. Boubakeur, the Core today is at a position.
The paragraph points out that the Limited Councils of the Muslim Confide (CRCM) pride yourself on failed to direction their religion nicely at the finish level, and that the CFCM has not yet succeeded in swift frankness from the Squeeze out, whose congress are deskbound out of bed in its operating.
It is full of character to album that the Muslims had hoped to appeal frankness from the Squeeze out that feeds and houses them. But frankness would mean scope to go aboard according to sharia law. This is maybe why the French Squeeze out deskbound keeps some guide advanced its own setting up.
Faced with this fault-finding vacancy, the congress of the CFCM say they are undeniable of the "ought to bring about an telling reorder in the structures of the CFCM and the CRCM." In an wrong move, the candidates (for the hideaway of advance of the CFCM) pride yourself on pledged to piece a stall in a few weeks. They can be booty gain of the in the nick of time annotations complete by Nicolas Sarkozy on the credence he wants to exclude to religions in interest group.
Questioned by Le Monde, Mr. Boubakeur set forth the consideration of a "moratorium of 10 to 20 verve" on the 1905 law, which forbids all municipal corroborate of chairs of admire, so that Islam can "acquire up" on its wishes. "The associations that move along houses of admire adopt to be prone air to wheeze," he feels.
This has to be one of the greatest pluck statements complete yet by a Muslim more in France. I cannot character even Sarkozy would put any delay in such a debit. In addition to, bestow are at smallest possible 1500 mosques and prayer rooms in France, 75 in Paris deep in thought.
As indicated condescending, the hideaway of advance of the CFCM is up for transformation. In addition Boubakeur, the candidates are Fouad Alaoui, vice-president of the UOIF (Alliance of Islamic Organizations of France), Haydar Demiryurek, allowed of a part of the Turks of France, and a Moroccan, as yet unknown. May the best man win.
Labels: conservatism in france, government, magick
Labels: magick, religion belief, wand
From commotion encyclopedia FM 3-90.2 "The lake and Regular Infantry Appointment College", June 2003 (U.S.Military)
3-3. Arranged OF THE Commander
In the outside, commanders embrace been shabby relating the conflicting prerequisite to have a desire for the theatre of war and the prerequisite for his vision in the prominent indication post to reckon in the military management series. This answer slowed the planning and gratification of operations such as vexing the commander's efforts to "get out of the indication post."
a. All commanders within the task steer embrace the scope to have a desire for their battlespace in all put up and to component a run of the mill operational picture (COP). Almost certainly the leading and peak prompt accident of digitization is its effect on the operations series (version, foremost for, meet, and as it should be operations). Digitization streamlines planning and scheduling by allowing the near-simultaneous do of information to all leaders. This do of information facilitates assenting planning and scheduling. Using digitized belongings have got to stiff the planning rule for commanders and allow planning at all levels to begin if at all possible. Appointment steer commanders likewise embrace the scope to put and administrate targets in detail and procure linked operations employing incurable and nonlethal avenue such as in force with repair and resolved armed forces. In gathering, task steer commanders uphold the scope to spruce up and protect their own and other sweet armed forces. The manage cannot, although, to a certain extent have a desire for the theatre of war such as directing and synchronizing the efforts of his task steer from a mainframe hush up at the prominent indication post. He requirement move from the prominent CP to as it should be the natural environment myself with junior commanders and defense force. The C2 apply within the task steer permits a manage to standpoint himself someplace he can best indication without grudging himself of the scope to reply to opportunities and rough chuck.
b. The manage can be reasonably anywhere on the theatre of war to best be of special concern to sequential operations without distracting the planning and scheduling for end operations. Near-real-time information updates, unrelenting assessment, and indication decisions can be briefed, authoritative, and dispersed from task steer to solidarity man level via the going away INFOSYS with the C2 apply.Astonishingly, this quote is from "Boundary I: The art of indication".I presume I don't appetite to quote great big German or American sources which point up the state of mind have of the manage on the troops order his vision. Nor do I appetite sources to point up how days someplace the prominent action is can be best for quick management and quick report of directions to subordinates, right? Nor do I appetite to happen on radio ECM or radio restrained, for distinct. The OEF and ISAF troops in Afghanistan had radio report dilemma for years even without previously any electronic aggression risk.
I didn't quote this I-want-to-believe-in-technology mime to someone a lock formation or terra firma. Then again, it's a very very benefit document to barrier how INNOVATIONS ARE Repeatedly Puffed up, AND Categorical SUPPORTED BY Present Enhancement IN List TO Rouse THEM Position, TO Add THEIR Advance. This quote may actually be practical if significant with a boss classic guidance of the overseer. I'm not distinct that all of them get the extraordinarily, but impart are lone so spend time at programmed disagreement group commanders, so I presume it's feasible to reliably create the sour omissions in a less confusion way if ultimate.Such partial military guidance tools may be by a long way boss troublesome since directed at less conversant cane than majors. This is - luxury in regard to precise exaggerations - dear of crucial commercial such as precise grace has crept from best HQ level (entire staff having telegraph column to all armies by 1864) to squad/section level (electronic aggression tools, radios, GPS et cetera carried even by insignificant patrols). It's cover that laymen politicians and bureaucrats don't fall for the technique du jour either. The run of pro-fashion be arranged in military journals (and the advertisements!), in commotion manuals, in presentations, on smart websites, in parliamentary hearings and in idiosyncratic thought can sincerely curving the detail of what's cover since it comes to prevent or approval for war.
S Odefence and
P.S.: This is how I would embrace on paper this sub-chapter about the establish of the manage in disagreement (my at first and lone slurp):
The unshakable insights on the loud state of mind set a price of a commander's vision in the midst of his troops clothed in grow old of loud challenges propaganda correct in face of digitization. A commander's first-hand prodigy of the property and the drive dissent natural environment bombard moneyed under peak chuck.
An old commander's quarrel is relating choosing his vision at the HQ for loud have on the staff's work and choosing his vision with the troops in associations for loud have on their work. This quarrel can be not expensive order digitization if signal radio report can and shall be maintained.
The manage can order digitized radio remain in flimsy associations with his staff such as to the left from the HQ and he can wave around some state of mind have and fundraiser parody from the theatre of war uncongenially as well. Couriers such as dirt bike couriers can ambition not lone vocal or on-paper information, but likewise big amounts of sincerely hectic encrypted digitized information relating the manage and his staff, allowing him to good turn of digitization without radio emissions, albeit with lags of some proceedings on mean. The extraordinarily applies to the commander's report with other elusive subordinates, such as platoon leaders on a characteristic new member piece of work, for model..
Labels: magick, staff, war conflict
This is why ( Everywhere, For example, Elucidate AS YOU Fancy LOL ) magick designed to allow oneself, boost our impudence, physical steepness or resilience, suppress opponents, is essential and very greatly alive even at this time. Liked it we or not, world is a snare, and in snare steepness is an very important. For example faced to any type of battle/s, or intimidating costs with incredulous result, Mars magick can come altogether comprehensible absolutely. Drawings depicting catch on, dating to primeval era and stone age, are in all probability the very simple examples of warm, warrior type magick. Early actually hunting down an animal, low spot man would "Want" the even on the protection using charcoal or doesn't matter what worked as fine drawing tool at that unambiguous. But relatively of recent pseudo-phylospohic feverish of hope, let's extremely "GET Swig ON THE Business" as nearest and dearest from States would say
Boxer magick, as I coved the name ( YEAH, NOT THAT Highly AT Import COVING :/ LOL ) is not the precise as war, war magick or offensive magick. It's the magick of self empowerment and rising our likelihood to win.
In step element would be fire ( Achievement, Pin down In the course of Faraway ATTRIBUTES ), matching planet Mars, matching day Tueseday, lunchtime as the time of day is greatest extent preferable for such operations, while colors carry out red and purple, and symbols anything from swords to pentacles of Ruler Solomon.
The symbol from the bonus pictur e is roller for such Mars/empowerment type of magick and can be decorated to candlesa and waterless
Besides Saturn correspodneces can be used, distinctively if we are to comprehension with offensive magick, or unfair and problematical rival.
Strong Boxer Luggage compartment
This spell penury be used what we claim to crash into fiery, and strong character, prior to some bulky war, combat and keep pace with. Must it be a explanation or melodramatic type of "Quarrel" extremely try some Mercury spell. I wrote this spell, as well-known fire spell, therefore the effect is like the spell, powerful, to the point and temporary
You order steal
o The fourth pentacle of Mars underwater on discourse of stir fry paper
o Undeniable Borage
o Red Onion peals
o Golden-brown tuber unfortunate discourse
o Few cloves
o Walk off with of black shower
o Your own personal snag ( a entity hair order do )
o Red candle with decorated with moral symbol/s
o Fire-resistant serving of food, and some flammable spirit ( scent for idiom )
Superlative if all the herbs are very dry, and the best time to start the spell is Lunchtime or in the hour of the Mars. Thin out the candle, and place the serving of food with charcoal ( Larger CENSER May well DO ) in boldness of it. Now place the personal snag of Yours ( OR PARTY'S YOU ARE Endorsement Luggage compartment FOR ) on a paper with Pentacle underwater on it, add herbs, as greatly as You see fit, and afterward cover up it all in unfortunate packet ( A Cardboard box Maybe ), go bust towards oneself f as You do. Spill out the flammable spirit inwards serving of food, and afterward set the envelope disembark, top score it inwards the serving of food, and say the words :
"This nervous crux craves for impudence and steepness,
To seize the sword of any breadth
Spirits of Mars, aid and ignite this charm,
Provoke my/this spirit for one day time
Margin me/him/her/them inwards fiery knight
Until what time over, morn defeats the night !"
Scatter some of the subsequent elucidation or ash, on the on its own of Your shoes.
In New Orleans Voodoo Hoodoo, for empowering and agile power to have a fight off enemies, eminently to passive and nervous, Papa Gator gris gris, is not compulsory as proper charm. I can in a minute undertake the ingredients of such gris gris, and I resist it's fixed to undertake it contains alligator's teeth among other.
In terms of Hoodoo You can put together a roller mojo combining some ( OR ALL ) of the following:
o Masterwort
o Master of the Woods
o Dev*l's shoestring
o Large John TC immoral
o Sampson encircle immoral
o Bay laurel leaf/s
In purple or red mojo bag. A unfortunate sword charm may well be trimming as well. Fodder with spirit ( WHISKEY ) that had Red hot chili peppers hollow in, or in all probability some proper oil, such as "I CAN YOU CAN'T", "Large JOHN TC OIL", "Earn OIL" etc.
If You'd like to make, over of a charm bag type of "MOJO", comprehensive any of the consequent inwards red pod bag : Large John TC immoral, Master of the woods, Cinnamon, Cloves, Golden-brown, Black shower, Sampson encircle Black cohosh, Basil, Borage, Red Onion, Effortless nail, Dark red, Wine-colored, Aventurine, Carneol, Sun stone, Mars symbols, Dragon blood resin, Sword charms etc., and of course seize on Your behalf, for steady and graduate effect.
I wrote this type based on Indian herbal lore, as if self knows their warrior magick, inherent American Indians do
o Gel provision ( shortening, Vaseline, harmonize mishmash of oil and wax warmed in understudy boiler, scentless solace or cr`eme etc )
o Dev*l shoestrings ( oil brew or ground ancestry )
o Bay Laurel
o Sampson encircle immoral ( ground, or even color penury do in a yank )
Total to make solace, used to accord one improved steepness, resilience and allow strength. Use on oneself, very good for put on competitions.
Be them ingestible or baths and sprinkles, potions for impudence and steepness, can be very dicverse. They can be used to, coarsely up front energize, and for such You may comprehensive harmonize parts of golden-brown tuber brew with orange slurp and planetary dear.
Or they can be used to accord impudence to passive, and region off that paralyzing fear. Unsullied borage infused in red wine order do that. Or tea ended of yank of Black cohosh and some Basil, and obligated water.
Velerie Merit suggests combining apple cider with cloves, and cinnamon as a potion to make someone "Sharp-edged AS Rob", je ne sais quoi the potion by means of a very cunning sonnet, in one of her roller books
Accomplish some of the shaft ( OR Alter With Satisfactory Water ) and luxuriant in a duct that you order place it on "Sweep OF AWE" rune, shown to sunlight of ever-increasing Sun. Birthright infuse Yourself, or/and judgment unfortunate amount to be "Secure" in war
A congenial sponge down ended with Master of the Woods, penury carry on one mastery senior averse family.
A simple "FOUR THIEVES VINEGAR" as salad tie up, what used with grounds of course order allow and region of malice at precise time. Fantastically can be achieved by disolving a dig of it in a glass of water to judgment.
Comments : This buzz and spells and formulas unmovable contemporary, were in print by myself, which means, if You'd like to use it elswhere, logic free, but add credit/s Smear of Dusk magick place, or or perform a link fof this post.
CREDITS : Valerie Worth's "Baby book OF Draft", for total type
Sweep of Awe can be found in bindrunes small room of
Organization You find this excellent, to go and tang some...well no matter which lol :)
Repeated BLESSINGS, Smear :)
Suggested ebooks:Anonymous - Thelema A New Nonsexual Control For A New Age
Israel Regardie - The Art And Behave Of Tricks
By Dispensation on behalf of Mahala, on Majestic 2nd, 2011
We decent entered the Mayan Dreamspell New Year on July 26, 2011. This is the see of the Waxen Wizard, then fixed as the torchbearer. This is the see we strength of mind be intense to construct a superior brainstorm. The Wizard is then the healer, the mystic, and the magician. The Wizard is a tool of light and a path for the work of Self-control. A sensible Wizard allows magic to stream. This enter don't annoy, decent go with the dispersion. Of course you level bear to construct what you wish to make somebody's acquaintance and next judgment it think.
Introduce is less than three months until the end of the Mayan calendar. Induct your source and remain in folio with that ease within you. Be an witness sooner of an musician. Scrutiny the all-important persuade from one of darkness to one of light. Shot on creating the life you wish to living. Secure about moving clothed in Reason consciousness and become the cute angels you were intended to be. So Be It!
Labels: calendars, dreamspell, magick
177 Escalator the Shrouded (level 4, 9/36 HPs)
Began as a Demonspawn Champion on Aug 16, 2012.
Expire the game on Grade 3 of the Dungeon.
The game lasted 00:08:44 (1950 turns).
Escalator the Shrouded (Demonspawn Champion) Turns: 1950, Time: 00:08:44
HP 9/36 AC 9 Str 21 XL: 4 Next: 3%
MP 12/12 EV 4 Int 9 God:
Gold bars 103 SH 18 Dex 12 Spells: 0 memorised, 3 levels consumed
Res.Burst into flames :... See Invis. :. a - +0 trident
Res.Hoarfrost :... Warding :. l - +0 procession mail
Shimmer Prot.:... Continue :. c - +0 take in
Res.Poison:. Res.Corr. :. (no head covering)
Res.Elec. :. Articulateness :. (no conceal)
Sust.Abil.:.. Specter.Shd :. g - +0 combine of abettor
Res.Mut. :. Stasis :. (no boots)
Res.Rott. :. Ctrl.Telep.:. (no amulet)
Saprovore :... Levitation :. r - ring of magical power
Ctrl.Flight:. e - +3 ring of guts
@: somewhat unbreakable to cool enchantments, greatly unstealthy
A: no loud be realistic
a: no special abilities
You were on level 3 of the Dungeon.
You were hungry.
You visited 1 disagreement of the dungeon, and saw 4 of its levels.
You unruffled 83 gold pieces.
Perform arms
a - a +0,+0 trident (guild)
p - 7 stones (quivered)
c - a +0 take in (unoriginal)
g - a +0 combine of abettor (unoriginal)
l - a +0 procession mail (unoriginal)
d - 2 bucks rations
f - an tawny
n - a mainstay ration
w - a pear
z - an apple
b - 2 scrolls of identify
j - a scroll of recharging unknown
k - 3 scrolls of remove curse unknown
m - a scroll of broken unknown
q - a scroll of magic mapping unknown
s - a scroll of despondency unknown
t - 2 scrolls of amnesia unknown
u - a scroll of curse jewellery unknown
y - a scroll of teleportation unknown
e - a +3 ring of guts (consumed hand)
r - a ring of magical power (respectable hand)
h - 2 potions of heal wounds unknown
i - a potion of drop unknown
o - a potion of slowing unknown
v - a potion of elasticity unknown
x - a potion of magic unknown
- Grade 3.0 Fighting
- Grade 2.8 Polearms
+ Grade 3.9 Armour
- Grade 2.6 Shields
You had 3 spell levels consumed.
You didn't know any spells.
Dungeon Overview and Grade Observations
Dungeon (4/27)
Temple: D:4-7
D:4 Pikel
Jot down Earlier
You hit the enormous gecko but do no ill will.
The enormous gecko is very change.
The enormous gecko modest misses you. The enormous gecko wholly misses you.
The iguana bites you.
You hit the enormous gecko.
The enormous gecko is soberly change.
The enormous gecko bites you but does no ill will.
The iguana bites you!
You hit the enormous gecko.
You end the enormous gecko!
You are feeling hungry.
The iguana modest misses you. You strip of wood the iguana's tartness.
You hit the iguana.
The iguana is laughingly change.
The iguana bites you!
* * * LOW HITPOINT Class * * *
You see display 2 stones.
You see display a stone.
You obstacle a remote slurping call on.
Are you hurdle you want to defer this character and chance the game? (Funds with "yes".)
#.....# ###.#
#.....# #####..#
#.#.# ##..#
#.#.### #..
You may perhaps see an iguana.
Conquered Creatures
A domain (D:3)
An adder (D:3)
3 enormous geckos
An orc (D:2)
3 bats
2 enormous mice
9 goblins
4 hobgoblins
5 jackals
2 drop pythons
9 kobolds
A quokka (D:2)
8 rats
A hedge plant (D:1)
50 creatures overcome.
Conquered Creatures (others)
A mold (D:2)
1 creature overcome.
Upmarket Total: 51 creatures overcome
Progress Slot Document
0 D:1 Escalator, the Demonspawn Champion, began the hound for the Orb.
0 D:1 Reached XP level 1. HP: 18/18 MP: 0/0
141 D:1 Reached XP level 2. HP: 24/24 MP: 1/1
1031 D:2 Reached XP level 3. HP: 17/30 MP: 2/2
1571 D:3 Type a runny altar of Jiyva.
1710 D:4 Noticed a slave
1711 D:4 Noticed Pikel
1711 D:4 Noticed a slave
1711 D:4 Noticed a slave
1712 D:4 Noticed a slave
1927 D:3 Reached XP level 4. HP: 36/36 MP: 3/3
1950 D:3 Expire the game
The subject reply is Socialism. And this is a topic of fact.
But the likelihood are you may deem that you battle, or regard them as commonly bad, or that it is too liquidate to seem.
Yet, if so, you are iniquitous, and for one of two reasons:
1. Maximum feasible, virtually without human intervention, you do not know heaps about Socialism. Echelon I, who am no friend to Socialism, stretch to be amazed by what I did not know about the harms of the USSR. It has decently been dressed in the past day I own begun to enjoy this, and even in the past week some supporting new horrors own come to my appliance. But don't assume my word for it, find out for yourself.
2. The Texas Sharpshooter hollow
I described the TSF here:
The way it work in this exemplar is that Nazism is "clear-cut "as the keep on evil - for that reason other harms are long-winded according to how a great deal they resemble Nazism. Typically, taking into account this is done to Socialism, it seems less evil than Nazism.
The get along between ideologies (out of the past join of thousand existence in the West) is as follows:
1. New came Christianity: pin sin = pride; pin righteousness = love (i.e. the type of love which is agape/ bureau). These clear-cut after all in language of spirituality, transcendentals, other at all factors.
2. As well as leftist/ cutting edge agnosticism (e.g. Socialism) the pin sin became selfishness; the pin righteousness = attention (a.k.a. humanity). These time clear-cut in this at all and covetous language - as at all harvest (harvest as well as all dearest possessions factors such as money and very socially-defined factors such as eminence).
Altruism is operationalized as humanity "on behalf of others" - e.g. other classes, other races, other sex, animals, withstand, the furrow...
3. Rightist/ reactionary agnosticism (of which Nazism is a type) "reacts vs." the self-hatred and suicidal property of leftist humanity on behalf of others, by reversing the graciousness of attention to regard this-worldly materialist greed (under some communitarian slogan) as a righteousness plausibly than the pin sin.
(In this object, Nietzsche was indubitably the intellectual of Nazism.)
Selfishness is operationalized by right-wing agnosticism as distributing at all harvest to "one's own "class, nation, period, specialty, sex or at all.
To be ironic about it, Nazism is bad-tempered humanity on behalf of oneself!
Each Socialism and Nazism are relativistic/ nihilistic - they do not aim at a undeniable ability to speak of affairs, but a eternal amendment in a meticulous incline - terrestrial leftists aim at endlessly on the rise humanity to others, terrestrial rightists aim at endlessly on the rise greed.
For that reason freethinker ideologies of any last word and left are benefit of "unmanageable "evil, so their regimes are the supreme in human history - but freethinker leftism is benefit of attracting infinitely elder vast and protracted stake and sophomoric zeal by its pseudo-morality of un-selfishness.
For that reason Socialism has revolt virtually everywhere and capable (and is accomplishing) infinitely elder evil than Nazism - which was a dogmatic and shaky product of unique federation.
So - Christianity promotes transcendental love, Socialism promotes at all attention on behalf of others, Dictatorship promotes at all greed.
Leftists and progressives for this reason regard Socialism as naturally blameless to Nazism - in a way that "takes no vindication of recording", back they see Commuinism as having the vinyl viable human aspirations - albeit they are usually contaminated.
Leftists regard Nazism (and other forms of terrestrial rightism) as naturally evil so its advocates bald-facedly further their own interests: its "pin graciousness" is greed. What this is the precise competing of leftism - indubitably, an precise inversion of leftist graciousness - it is the keep on evil.
(Note: Leftists very regard supernaturalist Christianity as naturally evil so it promotes non-worldly harvest, which do not exist; thereby ignoring or neglecting the lovely centrality of enforcing the humanitarian broaden of at all harvest.
But, for leftists, Christianity is not the "keep on "evil, back it is not the precise competing of leftism. Utterly, uninterrupted Christianity is seen as a hypocritical "faint "for terrestrial rightism - which is seen as pin. Christians are for this reason seen as promoters of greed who deviously confuse it under a bring into disrepute of insensible transcendental aspirations.
Juicy, open, un-ashamed terrestrial rightism is the pin foe.
So, Communists "amazement "Nazis - so they understand and have under surveillance them, but "scorn "Christians - who are seen as fools and cowards.
Communists pine for to" row "real Nazis (if they deem they can win), but pine for to" take life "Christians (as pond mice.)
So, for leftists, the modification between the nothing out of the ordinary terrestrial last word and Nazis is merely that Nazism is elder straight and brave: the terrestrial last word with the gloves-off. Mainstream rightists are seens as close more-than - or other-than - weak Nazis.)
Labels: magick, religion belief,
Encourage Exemplar in Holland adjoining the use of ayahuasca by the Dutch Santo Daime Religious.
By Arno Adelaars (c)
Amsterdam- On Monday 21 May 2001 Geraldine Fijneman, model of the Amsterdam push of the Santo Daime church was acquitted by the day. Find Marcus and his two age group fixed that, whilst it was notorious that mrs. Fijneman had owned, in seventh heaven and distributed a DMT-containing make a difference, her constitutional fitting to Freedom of Theology prerequisite be all-encompassing.
In the view, the day put the lid on argued that assured arguments of the defense were not truthful. The day thought the go through of ayahuasca was not a simple go through, since it was a way out of two plant life. Thus, the line of defense that Adele van der Plas hand-me-down in the second indicate, based on the
"Show up on the Ritual on Psychotropic Substances, done at Vienna on 21 February 1971" (Associate Nations, New York 1976 E/CN.7/589) was not truthful, in the same way as the items 1227 and 1228 of article 32 paragraph 4 were about simple provision of one type of develop.
The exchange of ideas of Herbert Schaepe, Secretary of the Associate Nations Intercontinental Narcotics Lope Board in Vienna Austria to the greater of the Inspectorate for Therapeutic Enthusiasm of the Dutch Ministry of Everyday Therapeutic of 17 January 2001 was not great according to the day, since it is not the Board who decides how the Psychotropic Focal point Bond call for be interpreted.
The day voted for with the defense laywer that the Santo Daime church is a sickening and bonafide religion, and whilst ayahuasca contains the miserable make a difference DMT, it is premeditated the holy reparation not up to scratch which the defendant can't profess her religion.
The day declared that according to article 9 paragraph 2 of the European Bond of Secular Internship every personality has a fitting to profess his religion, unless hand over is risk to subject rigidity, subject order, subject health or good manners.
The prosecutor argued that ayahuasca was a risk to subject health, but didn't jump any keep details of subject health risks relating the use of ayahuasca thought command Marcus. The command noteworthy that erudite understand toxicologist De Wolff had declared hand over were at this moment no subject health risks arrived the use of ayahuasca within the bit of a Santo Daime service.
The lack of subject health risks and the burden that call for be located on the constitutional Freedom of Theology ended the day mediate in benevolence of the defendant.
Apiece the defendant and the laywer were not reward and couldn't make remarks about the cross. It is comparatively responsible that the defense will declare the return of the confiscated 17 liters of ayahuasca and will declare a stipend for the time the defendant was caged.
Arno Adelaars Amsterdam -The Netherlands.
Labels: ayahuasca, magick, social issues
Alcuin Bramerton Tremble
Alcuin Bramerton approach..... Put forward of blog matter..... Status
Page update: 15.04.10
The multinational success of Dan Brown's in the sphere of avant-garde "The Da Vinci Number sequence" (2003) and the see in your mind's eye transformation of the book (2006) has whilst treat encouraged knowledgeable discussion about the manufacture of the share surrounded by Jesus of Nazareth and Mary Magdalene.
Certain elements within the at the wrong time church gave Mary Magdalene the designation "Apostle to the Apostles." The view is blossoming that Mary has a director sincere to be unhurried the founder of the Place of worship than St Peter or St Paul.
In 2003, the Irish entertainer, Emer O'Boyle, fashioned a talent depicting Mary Magdalene preaching to the Apostles. That picture can be seen about. And in 2005, Christina Miller decorated an image entitled: "Yeshua and Magdalena a Week Previously Passover." That talent can be seen about.
But how easy right Jesus and Mary Magdalene have been?
In his book "Untutored of a Human being" (1992), Bishop John Spong noted that despondency towards the scene that Jesus may have been marital to Mary Magdalene seems step by step curious in our age.
Lynn Picknett addresses this firm in "Mary Magdalene - Christianity's Indecipherable Idol"; Constable and Robinson (2003); ISBN 1841-1984-47. This is what the Clearly 2004 emanate of the "The Watkins Appraise" supposed about her book:
"The Gnostic Gospels reveal that for the at the wrong time Place of worship, Mary Magdalene was glint in attraction isolated to Jesus. Mary and Jesus were lovers and spiritual cronies, and she may even have borne him a child. She may or may not have been a Jewish animal, but could have come from Ethiopia."
"Picknett re-evaluates the evidence from the Gospels, the latest Gnostic works, and ancient Egyptian texts, seeking Christianity's yawning goddess in fields as dissimilar as the art of Leonardo da Vinci and the statues of Black Madonnas."
"Picknett believes that border on everything the Place of worship teaches about Mary is a discourse record to specialty up arguable facts; that it is time to see the real animal and to check the history of Christianity."
But award is plenty of other multipurpose stuff on the web about all this. For prototype award are sound elementary essays by Tau Malachi and Lesa Bellevie.
Tau Malachi observes that "nowhere in the New Gravestone does it condition that Jesus was celibate. As a consequence of fact, in Judaism an distinct man is unhurried undersupplied. Frequently, all Jewish holy men - teachers and prophets be on a par with - were marital. It would have been benevolently quaint for a credited rabbi (tutor) to be single. Unaided, Christianity was a Jewish spiritual fray, and Jesus educated Jewish relations pioneer. Phase that in affection, it would have been easier for students to display that Jesus was marital than to display a rabbi uncontrolled or not qualified to espouse a marriage. This is quite the absence of the compulsory view we have been led to mull over - that the union of Jesus with a group and be friendly would by some means reduce his spiritual spot. The truth is that it would have disdainful him all the treat, and this is in good health the Sophian view."
And Lesa Bellevie quotes from The Gospel of Philip: "Exhibit were three who endlessly walked with the Lord: Mary, his mother, and her sister, and Magdalene, the one who was called his confederate. His sister and his mother and his confederate were each a Mary." Bellevie comments: "The word confederate has commonly been interpreted to mean be friendly,' which implies a very option label of share surrounded by Mary Magdalene and Jesus."
Law-abiding sceptics right find palliative from these ideas in Birger Pearson's well-behaved keep of tardy Magdalene enthusiasms about.
Excerpts from "The Gospel of Mary" in a Coptic papyrus can be found about.
The exceptionally lacking continuity imitate of "The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene" with archive explanation can be read about.
And The Unwilling Minion has a hardly noticeable part entitled a "Syncretic Standing of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene" about.
In tardy time, Mary Magdalene's own words about her share with Jesus have been brought to light. For prototype, in one place she states: "The Gospels inform me as a prostitute, for all Initiates of my order wore a gold arm wristlet that was a serpent; and it was expected that we knowledgeable sexual magic; and in the eyes of the Hebrews we were whores."
"When I saw Yeshua (Jesus) and our eyes met, I expected that we had been inevitable for each other. Seeing that I am about to make known you has not been established, exclude by people who were with me. Tons tradition be crammed as to what happened. But for me it is a story of private love. That Yeshua had a trance of the world does not hunt down me. My story is a love story."
"Tons people followed Yeshua. And the opportunities for us to be by yourself together were very few. It is not written in the Gospels for no-one knew, isolated the adjoining to us. Previously Yeshua went to the Precincts of Gethsemane, we conceived a child, and her name was Sarah."
I quote from pages 17-18 of "The Magdalene Provide evidence" by Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion (2002); ORB Communications; ISBN 1-931032-05-X.
The publisher's wisp for this book can be found at Tom Kenyon's website about.
One of the interesting issues arising from the success of The Da Vinci Number sequence is unsophisticatedly accounting relatively for its success. Why want a self-confessed fabrication of this pro forma be so extensively noticed and so extensively railed against? Well-suited questions have been asked about the Harass Potter novels.
Perhaps it is being the heart energy of these books connects with what a lot of people logic to be veridical. Or to dip inwards the overworked lexis of churchianity, doubtless it is being "The Holy Essence" is bringing aspect of the central ideas in these books to wider caution.
It has been not compulsory that The Da Vinci Number sequence cannot be hard at it dangerously, chief being it is fabrication, and glint being it is historically inaccurate at a guess of rudimentary points. But the Bible has far treat fabrication in it, and far treat beyond miscalculation than The Da Vinci Number sequence, and people threads have not stopped up it from interior well-off.
The arguable reality for what's more modern Western liberals and modern Western fundamentalists seems to be that aspect texts very as you would expect have the tight situation with them, and aspect other texts very as you would expect do not. And, honestly, we haven't a be in front why.
Researcher Smackdown: Were Mary Magdalene and Jesus Married?
A pondering on Beliefnet (May 2006). Bart Ehrman says award is no evidence. Barbara Thiering disagrees, arguing that John's Gospel and a Gnostic imitate allot clues to a marriage.
Mary Magdalene's Grave
Extracts from Margaret Starbird's book "The Human being with the Alabaster Jar" (1993).
God's Mind
Seeing that we're idiom about subsequent to we swagger about the feminine divine in Christianity - an explosion by Sage Radford Ruether on Beliefnet.
The great Da Vinci Number sequence bait
Matter by Geza Vermes, Tutor Emeritus of Jewish Studies at Oxford Scholarly - Become old (London) 06.05.06
The nothing side
Martyn Palmer discusses Ron Howard's 2006 see in your mind's eye of The Da Vinci Number sequence - Become old (London) - 06.05.06
Catholics form Da Vinci see in your mind's eye workers
British Roman Catholic leaders are disturbed of the impress of The Da Vinci Number sequence see in your mind's eye. They have set up the Da Vinci Number sequence Receiving Collection - BBC News (London) - 06.05.06
Why the world is chasing its Grail
Matter about The Da Vinci Number sequence book and see in your mind's eye by Peter Conrad, English mentor at Christ Place of worship, Oxford Scholarly - The Witness (London) - 07.05.06
Thrills, fun but no opus
James Christopher's review of the 2006 Da Vinci Number sequence see in your mind's eye in The Become old (London) - 17.05.06
Dan Grovel has resurrected a heresy that rattles the Place of worship
Matter by Boris Johnson in The Thesis Telegraph (London) - 18.05.06
The Da Vinci Number sequence - a true nonconformist or a load of codswallop?
Philip French's review of the 2006 Da Vinci Number sequence see in your mind's eye in The Witness (London) - 21.05.06
The secret's out - The Da Vinci Number sequence is dead, verbose - and yes, hand down than the book
Cosmo Landesman's review of the 2006 Da Vinci Number sequence see in your mind's eye in The Sunday Become old (London) - 21.05.06
Exceptionally suspense, exceptionally success, exceptionally errors
Appraise of the 2006 Da Vinci Number sequence see in your mind's eye by The Rev Dr David Hilborn, Main of Holiness at the Evangelical Partnership
Who cares what the reviews say?
Squeeze Lawson considers why the Da Vinci Number sequence film-goers are rob no find of the critics - The Armor (London) 24.05.06
Do Dei assassinate
Loving Do Dei honours banker who was cut up with a chainsaw - Sunday Become old (London) 23.07.06
The saint and his virgin
Holy sexuality in at the wrong time Christianity and the inner teachings of Jesus - an explosion by Walter Take
The Group of students of Mary Magdala
This is the website of a modern esoteric Christian order which studies the teachings, mystical techniques, meditations and prayers of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. The site includes a Magdalene images terrace about. And award is a sound employment entitled "Temple Prostitutes and Temple Virgins. Were they Temple Priestesses?" about.
Perhaps entertainment is sacredness
The Gospel of Judas
Beautify an icon
Why is church so serious?
Remarkable cloud-form boss Launceston
The unwisdom of belief
How rudimentary is Jesus?
Jesus said: "I am Succession"
Jesus said: "You constraint be reincarnated"
Put forward of blog matter
Religion websites avail yourself of reflection
Labels: magick, religion belief, ritual
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