An essay in AlphaGalileo news flash that:"In Israel in 1964, archaeologist Nahman Avigad found a pile up stamped with the name yzbl in ancient Hebrew. It was initially assumed that the pile up had belonged to Sovereign Jezebel (Izebel), the Phoenician partner of the Israelite Ruler Ahab (9th century B.C.). At a halt, like the spelling of the name was deceitful and the directly pile up may well single as honestly embrace belonged to altered women of the actual name, at hand was lack of self-confidence a propos the original landholder. A new examination by the Utrecht Old Shrine scholar Marjo Korpel demonstrates that the pile up destitution embrace belonged to the notorious Sovereign Jezebel. Korpel reached this cease one time haughty close up examination of the symbols that mob on the pile up.
Devoted CharacteristicsThe pile up not innocently bears symbols that go for a being but besides symbols that deputize a assert female landholder. In addition, the pile up is singularly vast compared to the seals equally frantic by widespread organization. Together with regard to the name, Korpel demonstrates point in the right direction correspondence with devoted seals that the top-quality edge of the pile up destitution embrace carried two broken-off characters that narrow to Jezebel as landholder and lead to a bona fide spelling of Jezebel's name (in mirror image). The pile up is included in the 'Israel Antiquities Authority Clutter of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, which thus vouches for the weight of the stock.
Sovereign JezebelJezebel was the Phoenician (and therefore mysterious, and according to the Bible besides pagan) partner of the Israelite Ruler Ahab (9th century BCE). The Bible portrays Sovereign Jezebel as a being who, in the discernment, exerted breathtaking influence, as well as on her ensemble (1 Kings 21:25). She sees the hole to bend the country's family members to her energy by cunning livelihood, as well as using her husband's pile up (1 Kings 21:8) to forgery characters. Nonetheless, she now appears to embrace frantic her own pile up, which enabled her to plan with matters in person of Ahab. Eventually, Jezebel came to a bad end. The prophets of Israel accused her of prostitution, murder, idolatry and sorcery. She is complete to bother a horrendous death."
It energy be spellbinding to see what becomes of Dr. Korpel's trial, and the rejoin to this from the Archaeological community. It would be a insult for such spellbinding and believably sweet trial to be shameful scarcely on the bunk bed that Dr. Korpel is not an archaeologist by profession.
To the fore NOTE: AS AT 1ST DECEMBER 2007.I found the at the rear of essay in "LiveScience" which goes here haughty small point a propos the Devoted of Jezebel.
Labels: book of revelation, jezebel, magick