Friday, November 12, 2010

The 6Th Sephirah Tiphareth

The 6th Sephirah Tiphareth

Title: Tiphareth, Allure.

Magickal Image: A great King. A child. A sacrificed god.

Suggestion on the Tree: In the spirit of the Dispatch of Keep steady.

Yetziratic Text: The Sixth Way is called the Mediating Intelligence seeing that in it are multiplied the influxes of the Discharge, for it causes that notion to go appearing in all the reservoirs of the blessings with which they themselves are amalgamated.

Titles unambiguous to Tiphareth: Anpin, the Tiny Mug. Melekh, the king.

Adam. The Sun. The Man.

God Name: Tetragrammaton Aluah Va Daath.

Archangel: Raphael.

Insist of Angles: Malachim, Kings.

Mundane Chakra: Shemesh, the Sun.

Nonsexual experience: Artistic power of the sect of tackle. Mysteries of the


Virtue: Veracity to the Great Hold.

Vice: Futility.

Symbols: The Lamen. The Bright Top. The Calvary Top. The abridged pyramid.

The adjust.

Tarot Cards: The Four Sixes.

Six of Wands: Attain.

Six of Cups: Joy.

Six of Swords: Earned talent.

Six of Pentacles: Substantial talent.

Glow in atziluth: Pungent, rose pinkish.

Glow in briah: Orangey.

Glow in yetzirah: Well-off salmon pinkish.

Glow in assiah: Golden amber.

Keywords: magia love chants satanism seduction america manipulate guzzle religion philosophy witchcrafts closing schoolbook basics modern from meaning pagan religion voodoo potions rituals tradition