Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Morning Glory Magick

Morning Glory Magick
* RULER: "Sun, Apollo" * TYPE: "Plant" * MAGICKAL FORM: "Vegetation, Hiker, Vegetation, Seeds"Moreover it's good quality plant life, spot produced vegetation, and clinging vine, the morning say promote is specifically everything to character in the role of constructing a love and/or alliance spell. In the spoken language of plant life, the morning say represents sweetheart. As a gift, these very well plant life can be set in just about any way imaginable - from the traditional bouquets to pressed or dried break away blossoms. For example set as an awareness, you possibly will also unite color within type. That is to say, your class may habitually express a deem of sweetheart, but that sweetheart possibly will be painted with the pungent zaniness of a red blossom, the undisturbed of a at a low level one, or the spirituality of a indigo one.In some cultures the "ipomoea aquatica" variety of morning say is deliberate a delightful green that can be hand-me-down in a delivery of tableware. They are methodically located in salads, prod fries, miscellaneous with noodles, or suitably hand-me-down as a extra. Save for morning say seeds are deliberate to be moderately lethal and suppress hoard gear such as hallucinations, overexcitement and fatigue, numerous club quiet character them to suppress powerful therapeutic gear. The Aztec tranquilizing ololiuhqui, less important from a wild morning say, was aerate on death of smart aleck parts for gout, and the seeds were eaten by the Aztecs to bring visions. Their molecular thread resembles that of LSD. The seeds are sold in nurseries for planting. NOTE: "By the seeds as a hallucinogenic is not merely injure but they are destructive in the role of ingested." In Breakables, the morning say was subsequently deliberate a surge effective laxative; to the sincere Indians of Mexico, any "ipomoea tricolor" and "turbina corymbosa" were methodically hand-me-down in rituals and medication for their understood uplifting properties. In folk medication, the boiled vegetation of constant group are hand-me-down as a diuretic; the seeds are chewed to aid in uplifting endure labors, while the whole promote may be ripe and turned within a contemporary comfort to tolerance rheumatoid arthritis. Emergence say tea was understood to be good for dysentery and diarrhoea.According to Scott Cunningham (Calendar of Fairy-tale Herbs") the morning say or bindweed (Ipomoea spp") are masculine foliage, hush-hush as for one person under the supremacy of the humanity Saturn; the element water, and with powers enhanced merriment and organization. Cunningham indicates that one can "Make even the seeds beneath the pad to stop all nightmares"." And also that full-blown in the garden, at a low level morning glories bring organization and merriment. The dig of the morning say, according to Cunningham, may be hand-me-down as a reserve for Better John the Vanquisher dig. Wear away morning say seeds to a fine powder and add to in the air incense to accomplished psychic look at.From: Calendar of Magickal Ingredients and Blossom Data

Source: 33witches.blogspot.com