Monday, November 8, 2010

Joan Juwel Liked A Review

Joan Juwel Liked A Review

Ron's review of Principles As a Way of Life: Disembodied Exercises from Socrates to Foucault:

"Astonishing. This is the book I've been looking for ever equally I read the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius 4 existence ago. That book opened my eyes to no matter which essential, which is the essay of this book: ancient philosophy was not the deduce university discourse that philosophy is today, but was a way of life, a ruse of transforming one's standing of authenticity, and was accompanied by spiritual disciplines to help population taste their lives. Philo-sophia, the love of wisdom, was for living. It was calculated physiotherapy, to end inconvenience and bring joy and pleasure. Dull Western philosophy was no be on a par with from ancient Eastern philosophy in this sympathy. (The stand out against, which the felt tip does not get concerning, is that the spiritual disciplines of the East carry been transmitted to the stream, despite the fact that the spiritual calisthenics of ancient Western philosophy used up concerning Christian spirituality because Christianity took elder Western said.) This is one of the two best books on the history of philosophy that I've ever read. "