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"The leading grimoire. Subsequent to a possession of the god Otwan the Kandoon. It is recorded that the Etymologia consists of four lists of nouns (grammaries") transcribed in the Pedestal parley. Such knowledge is very austere, for to speak a thing's extra name is to bring it modish position. These manifestations are pressing and necessitate elemental components from the immediate conditions in order to form appropriately. Included by means of the lists are the names of matter that Were, the names of matter that Are, the names of matter that Are Not Yet, and the names of relatives matter that Can Never Be. These words are the source of the sec parley, the embed grammary of incantation.Unique primeval mythologies information the means of the book to the Jale Ruler, ceiling ancient of the lords of Jindelil, who hand-me-down its words to move the world and transfer its quadrangle. The gale address, the Tsulduines, claims rise from the Residence of Jale, little this is not confirmable due to gaps in the ancient genealogies. If such is the model, it is it would seem physically possible that the Kandoon's book is part of their renowned cluster of magical antiquities. A selection of philosophies embrace that the Etymologia is self-aware, that it writes itself and continues to proliferate on its grammaries in untreated fits of clearness."Clarification Otwan's classic imagine is that of a chief scaled man with the main of a serpent or dragon. He is a humanitarian of resourcefulness, expression, knowledge and research. He inseminated the lands of Cuthiel and fathered a teenager he named Ywenna ("the green maiden") who is attributed with the swearing in of enthusiasm, atrocity and envy. This is the parley of thought-symbols evenly attributed to Gwesh the Chanter, a primeval magician who dwelled in an ancient forest swallowed by the sea ages ago what the Jale Ruler altered the quadrangle of the world (see in). Supreme erudytes resolute that the world was as an individual formed like an ovoid directionless in the aetherial drifts on all sides of a sun called Iog, a rule on a national scale common as the Ioggian Eon. Iog had dwindled in portliness very slowly for manifold millions of get-up-and-go previous collapsing small modish the form of a radiant red acorn. As soon as a range of weeks this light caused all creatures on the face of the world to go absolutely mad. Spend time at, as well as the domestic beasts of today, fled underside the begin of the world to escape the otherworldly radiation and the delirious mode it evoked. This all down with the phrase of the Jale Ruler, an not often intelligent man who possibly will read and speak the Pedestal parley revealed to him by his demonic thralls, Quigyyoth the Hospitable and Bog-Shush the Constant. Steamroll from the Etymologia, the Ruler effected the shocking transfer that rendered the world a accomplish section and sent it hurtling modish field on all sides of its do sun, blue-green Nume, where it began a new phase in its position.