Labels: byzantine papacy, magick, pope vigilius
This Is How Worldly The Church Is Becoming Young Preacher Of The Year Competition
Posted by Unknown at 2:59 PMReference:
Labels: magical, magick, religion belief
[route id=" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Skepticism Quotes[/caption]
Is man decently a confound of God's? Or God decently a confound of man?
Friedrich Nietzsche
I do not lavish in God and I am not an atheist.
Albert Camus
Opinion is the death of intelligence.
Robert Anton Wilson
All viewpoint men are atheists.
Ernest Hemingway
Role a Humanist ability frustrating to occupation with the sole purpose minus anticipation of rewards or educate after you are dead.
Kurt Vonnegut
Permanent experiment awaits a person who questions god's ad lib love.
Ensure Hicks
If it turns out that show is a God...the greatest that you can say about him is that essentially he's an underachiever.
Woody Allen
Favorably read, the Bible is the greatest burly force for incredulity ever conceived.
Isaac Asimov
One would go mad if one took the Bible seriously; but to steal it a lot one have to be formerly mad.
Aleister Crowley
Spirituality is worthy stuff for supervision simple the population diffused. Spirituality is what keeps the decomposing from murdering the generous.
Napoleon Bonaparte
I'd steal the awe of understanding frozen the awe of slowness any day.
Douglas Adams
To danger signal children with the image of hell, to suppose women an cheap creation-is that good for the world?
Christopher Hitchens
Totally corroboration asking yourself: Having the status of would Jesus not do?
Abandon Palahniuk
We can contemplate our advance by the apparition of our questions and the insightfulness of our answers, our eagerness to cherish what is true fairly than what feels good.
Carl Sagan
Skepticism is a non-prophet establishment.
George Carlin
A cult is a religion with no member power.
Tom Wolfe
That which can be asserted minus impervious, can be dismissed minus impervious.
Christopher Hitchens
We are all atheists about greatest of the gods that goodwill has ever believed in. Selected of us tetragon go one god redirect.
Richard Dawkins
The better I learn about the outer space, the less exact I am that there's any array of kindly force that has suchlike to do with it, at all.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
I be marked with too to a great extent persist in for the mood of God to make it responsible for such an cockamamie world.
Georges Duhamel
The Bible has good quality idiom in it... and some good ideals and a wealth of obscenity, and upwards of a thousand lies.
Splotch Twain
Isn't it adequate to see that a garden is exciting minus having to lavish that show are fairies at the flooring of it too?
Douglas Adams
We have to want the story logic of having an all-knowing enormous God, who creates harmful Humans, and subsequently blames them for his own mistakes.
Gene Roddenberry
The better I study religions the better I am exact that man never worshiped suchlike but himself.
Francis Burton
To you, I'm an atheist. To God, I'm the dedicated resistance.
Woody Allen
Labels: magick, religion belief, whitemagic
Como ainda hoje acontece, em 'epocas passadas o incenso era usado para quatro finalidades:
Acreditava-se que o cheiro agrad'avel e arom'atico que o pr'oprio homem sentia agradaria aos deuses ou `a divindade. Vamos cham'a-lo de func~ao de oferenda do incenso.
O incenso era visto como um meio para a orac~ao. Acreditava-se que a fumaca ascendente levaria aos deuses as petic~oes daqueles que queimavam o incenso. Por causa de seu cheiro agrad'avel acreditava-se que deveria ser um meio ao qual os deuses n~ao podiam se fechar.
O incenso era queimado para mascarar ou neutralizar o mau cheiro oriundo de imolac~oes (animais e outros materiais). Pela mesma raz~ao tamb'em era usado nos funerais.
O aspect e as vibrac~oes do incenso sintonizam aquele que o queima com uma determinada finalidade ou d~ao um determinado estado de ^animo `as diversas pessoas que se encontram no ambiente onde o incenso 'e queimado. O aspect e as vibrac~oes despertam em todas as pessoas determinadas sensac~oes e lembranca e sintonizam a psique e a mente com certos objetivos.
Entre os Hebreus (com refer^encia no Velho Testamento)
O uso do incenso teve desde a antig"uidade um sentido de purificac~ao e protec~ao. Para os eg'ipcios ele constitu'ia uma forma de manifestac~ao da divindade. No culto dos mortos via-se no uso do incenso um guia para a vida do al'em.
A partir do momento em que o incenso comecou a entrar nos rituais - provavelmente inspirados pelos babil^onios - conquistou um papel cada vez mais importante na adorac~ao de Deus.
Aos poucos, no contexto de uma religiosidade mais espiritual, o incenso tornou-se s'imbolo da orac~ao que se eleva a Deus, significando tamb'em a adorac~ao prestada aos deuses.
No juda'ismo o incenso era s'imbolo da adorac~ao e do sacrif'icio. O fragrance do incenso devia servir tamb'em para aplacar a ira de Jav'e. De modo geral, o incenso constitui um s'imbolo de adorac~ao e de venerac~ao a Deus.
O sacrif'icio do incenso e a adorac~ao identificam, sendo ambos um sacrif'icio a Deus. Existem numerosas refer^encias contidas no Antigo Testamento a respeito do incenso fazem supor que tamb'em entre os hebreus daquela 'epoca o uso do incenso era tradicional. Hoje os cientistas s~ao un^animes em dizer que era apenas em torno do s'eculo VII antes de Cristo que os judeus incorporaram o incenso em seus rituais.
Inicialmente, o incenso constava poucos ingredientes - 'oleo de mirra, g'albano e ol'ibano puro. Seu preparo era reservado aos sacerdotes e acontecia de uma maneira sublime e secreta.
Eis as medidas passadas por Deus `a Mois'es segundo a B'iblia (Velho Testamento):
^Exodo 30:34 - Disse mais o Senhor a Mois'es: Toma especiarias arom'aticas: estoraque, onicha e g'albano, especiarias arom'aticas com incenso puro; de cada uma delas tomar'as peso igual; 35 e disto far'as incenso, um perfume segundo a arte do perfumista, temperado com sal, puro e santo; 36 e uma parte dele reduzir'as a p'o e o por'as diante do testemunho, na tenda da revelac~ao onde eu virei a ti; coisa sant'issima vos ser'a. 37 Ora, o incenso que fareis conforme essa composic~ao, n~ao o fareis para v'os mesmos; santo vos ser'a para o Senhor.
Queimava-se incenso durante os sacrif'icios e quando amadureciam as primeiras frutas. Al'em do mais, era queimado, independentemente de tais acontecimentos externos, de manh~a e `a noite sobre um altar especial, ou num tur'ibulo especial. Grandes doses de incenso arom'atico tamb'em eram usados para a purificac~ao das mulheres.
Os antigos eg'ipcios eram mestres no preparo e uso dos incensos. O mais famoso de todos os incensos eg'ipcios 'e o kyfi. O historiador romano Plutarco escreveu as seguintes palavras sobre o kyfi do Egito Antigo : "Os ingredientes de kyfi proporcionam-nos bem estar `a noite. Kyfi 'e capaz de acolher as pessoas, pode provocar sonhos e fazer esquecer as preocupac~oes cotidianas, dando calma e serenidade a todos que o inalam."
A mistura dos ingredientes de kyfi era preparada durante um ritual secreto acompanhado do verse de textos sagrados. Seu preparo exigia um ritual especial, extremamente secreto no templo. O efeito misterioso do kyfi consistia em gerar um estado de ordem e harmonia.
No antigo Egito, a queima de incenso era uma parte importante em todos em todos os rituais, j'a que a cada um dos ingredientes dos diversos tipos de incenso eram atribu'idas caracter'isticas m'agicas e m'isticas espec'ificas.
Al'em disso, os eg'ipcios queimavam incenso para, durante suas pr'aticas m'edicas, expulsar dem^onios, considerados respons'aveis por determinadas doencas.
At'e onde sabemos hoje, os eg'ipcios tradicionalmente preparam o kyfi.
Apenas um cientista defende a teoria de que o incenso teria chegado aos gregos atrav'es do culto a Afrodite, tendo em landscape que na Fen'icia e em Chipre tradicionalmente se queimava incenso no culto dessa deusa.
Posteriormente, os gregos importaram o incenso da Ar'abia, como um produto comercial. `A semelhanca do disguise de outros povos, os gregos tamb'em queimavam incenso quando faziam imolac~oes, tanto como oferenda independentemente aos deuses quanto como um meio para neutralizar e purificar o cheiro ruim das imolac~oes.
A oferenda de incenso era feita em combinac~oes com frutas, p~ao, trigo e outros alimentos, ou era oferecida isoladamente em cultos para os deuses ou em rituais dom'esticos. O incenso tamb'em era dado como presente a outras pessoas.
`As vezes, o incenso era jogado sobre o altar de oferendas de modo que seus aromas pudessem se misturar com a fumaca do sacrif'icio ou as vezes de uma imolac~ao. Queimava-se tamb'em incenso fora dos templos.
Os gregos conheciam os incens'arios que podiam ser segurados na m~ao. Atrav'es de hinos antigos da Gr'ecia, sabemos ainda que no culto de Orfeu eram usados muitos tipos de incenso.
Na religi~ao romana oficial considerava-se como a oferenda sangrenta mais importante o oferecimento de TUS, que designava tanto o incenso em geral quanto a goma-resina (ol'ibano) em especial. Um ritual era considerado incompleto se n~ao fosse usado o TUS.
Tamb'em os deusas da casa recebiam sua porc~ao incensos. Nos altares maiores, era queimado sobre braseiros ou sobre pequenos altares port'ateis (foci turibulum). O incenso era transportado e armazenado numa caixinha chamada acerrra, que se enterrava nos t'umulos junto com os mortos.
Nos casos de imolac~oes queimava-se uma mistura de incenso, acafr~ao e louro.
Na 'epoca das grandes perseguic~oes dos crist~aos pelo imperador D'ecio, cerca de 250 depois de Cristo, a queima de incenso, era o que o crist~ao podia provar sua lealdade diante do Estado, e portanto, diante da religi~ao do Estado. Era disguise tamb'em queimar incenso diante de "retratos ou esculturas" do imperador ou at'e mesmo diante de sua presenca.
Poder'iamos considerar o hindu'ismo um dos baluartes do uso do incenso. Os hindus foram 'avidos por aromas e na Antig"uidade Cl'assica, j'a foram famosos por seus perfumes.
Os hindus queimava incenso pelos mesmos motivos que j'a vimos, entre os gregos e os romanos, ou seja, de modo ritual'istico em p'ublico ou no ambiente da casa.
Nessa mesma tradic~ao enquadra-se tamb'em a vidente indiana que durante as sess~oes tenta despertar sua inspirac~ao com a ajuda de plantas e 'arvores sagradas.
No hindu'ismo moderno, o uso do incenso est'a amplamente difundido. Assim no culto em homenagem a Shiva diante da pedra orissa quanto das est'atuas de Krishna se queimam c^anfora e incenso.
Nos ritos da Igreja Crist~a, o incenso foi introduzido de forma paulatina. Os cultos da igreja primitiva tinham um car'ater simples e, com excec~ao de finalidades de simples purificac~ao, o incenso era evitado, pois era visto como elemento de origem judaica ou pag~a.
O uso do incenso parece evidente para fins cerimoniais n~ao era mais novidade entre os anos de 385 e 388, mas, ao contr'ario, j'a havia se twister tradic~ao. 'E praticamente certo que o uso do incenso pelos crist~aos remete ao estabelecimento oficial da Igreja de Constantino.
Muitas autoridades eclesi'asticas afirmam que a aus^encia de incenso nas listas dos invent'arios decorre do fato de que nos primeiros trezentos anos depois da 'epoca dos ap'ostolos simplesmente n~ao se usava incenso nas igrejas.
Depois do s'eculo V, o uso do incenso foi pouco a pouco se estendendo cada vez mais na Igreja. Desse modo, no s'eculo XIV, o incenso j'a era uma parte indispens'avel dentro da Missa e de outros cultos religiosos, como as v'esperas, a consagrac~ao de igrejas e as prociss~oes e funerais.
O fato de que o uso do incenso remetia aos judeus e/ou ao paganismo podem de fato, ter causado a resist^encia ao incenso dos primeiros crist~aos. N~ao obstante, o incenso era efetivamente usado naquela 'epoca para fins de purificac~ao.
A receita do incenso mais antiga que conhecemos por tradic~ao est'a contida no livro de ^Exodo, do Antigo Testamento (cap'itulo 30, vers'iculo 34). E por fim, o incenso fazia parte tamb'em dos presentes que os Tr^es Reis Magos do Oriente trouxeram ao menino Jesus rec'em nascido (Mateus 2:11 - E entrando na casa, viram o menino com Maria sua m~ae e, prostrando-se, o adoraram; e abrindo os seus tesouros, ofertaram-lhe d'adivas: ouro, incenso e mirra).
Alguns dos incensos e suas func~oes astrais:
* MADEIRA: para abrir os caminhos
* ALMISCAR: para favorecer os romances
* JASMIM: para o amor
* LOTUS: paz, tranq"uilidade
* BENJOIM: para protec~ao e limpeza
* SANDALO: para estabelecer relac~ao com o astral
* MIRRA: incenso sagrado usado para limpar ap'os os rituais e durante eles e tamb'em usado quando vai se desfazer alguma demanda ou feitico.
* LARANJA: para acalmar algu'em ou ambiente.
Todo incenso deve ser usado com cautela nunca em demasia como fazem algumas pessoas e deve ser sempre dirigido a alguma causa. N~ao deve ser utilizado simplesmente por usar, por nada ou sem motivo, deve sempre ter um dono que o receba e que tenha seu nome pronunciado no momento do pedido. O incenso 'e um expediente sagrado e tem sido usado em rituais sagrados de toda esp'ecie desde que o homem 'e homem.
Mant'em um poder grande de evocac~ao espiritual e astral e n~ao deve ser usado t~ao somente para perfumar ambientes ou sem causa porque sempre estaria alcancando uma egr'egora qualquer com a vibrac~ao que provoca e que est'a quieta em seu lugar, tem o cond~ao de atrair energia de toda esp'ecie e dos dois planos astrais, negativo e positivo, tem forca de ritual e de alimento tamb'em, tem forca de rejeic~ao ou de atrac~ao dependendo do patamar alcancado e da situac~ao especial de quem as ascende.
'E por demais conhecido no mundo da m'istica astral e por vezes seu uso ou o que emana no mundo imaterial chega a ser disputado quando n~ao pertence a ningu'em que o esteja recebendo, podendo muitas vezes provocar visitas ansiosas por novos incensos a serem utilizados.
Pode parecer simples e de nenhuma gravidade, bem como aconselhado em outras egregoras como de bom agouro e condutor de sorte, limpeza e bom astral, em algumas vezes at'e como calmante ou nivelac~ao energ'etica de ambientes, contudo, seu uso como tudo no mundo deve ser feito com o crit'erio necess'ario e mantida a relac~ao correta com o que e quem se pretende atingir, na sua ard^encia e utilizac~ao, sem contar com as preferencias milenares j'a existentes em alguns casos, no mundo imaterial por uma tremor de viventes e energias de tipos diversos.
O uso inadvertido ou pouco conhecido de determinados instrumentos destinados, regra geral a rituais, consagrac~oes e outros tantos motivos, n~ao 'e aconselh'avel. Fato que nos leva `a necessidade de orientac~ao, pesquisa e instruc~ao `a respeito. As coisas que por vezes nos parecem muito simples e que por qualquer motivo nos faz um aparente bem, mas que n~ao esteja dentro de nosso dom'inio de conhecimento, requer maior atenc~ao e aprendizado.
Quando se tratar de esp'irito cigano, com certeza ele indicar'a o incenso de sua preferencia ou de sua necessidade naquele momento, regra geral o incenso mant^em sempre correspond^encia com a province de atuac~ao dele ou dela ou do trabalho que estar'a sendo levado a efeito. Quando se tratar de oferendas e j'a n~ao estiver estipulado o incenso certo para acompanhar e houver sua necessidade solicitada, bem como nas consagrac~oes o incenso que deve acompanhar devera sempre ser o de maior correspond^encia com o pr'oprio cigano ou cigana. No caso de uma oferenda frozen e t~ao somente necess'aria para manutenc~ao, agrado ou tratamento sugere-se o incenso espiritual ou de rosa, que mant'em efeito de evocac~ao de leveza, de elevac~ao ou mesmo de louvac~ao espiritual.
Quando se pretender que alguma coisa, objeto ou ambiente seja bem energizado, ou mesmo se tratar de alguma consagrac~ao de algum instrumento utilizado por eles, e for feito sem a participac~ao efetiva do cigano ou cigana e com a devida autorizac~ao, pode-se usar o incenso de 'opio ou mesmo s^andalo, se nenhum foi indicado. 'E interessante que se tenha sempre a m~ao esses incensos, no caso de algum cigano pedir para exercer qualquer vibrac~ao de energizac~ao em algum objeto qualquer que deseje dar ou mesmo prepara para algu'em.
Labels: magick, whitemagic, witchcraft
Limited piece
Labels: freyja, magick, religion belief
"Return TO To-do 1. As Augustine says (Enchiridion xi): "To the same degree God is the log good, He would not allow any evil to befall in His works, unless His omnipotence and virtue were such as to bring good even out of evil." This is part of the ad lib virtue of God, that He necessity allow evil to befall, and out of it bring about good. "So we fight in a different place the polish manuscript, we find that Aquinas has set us the especially counteract we got to the same extent we were standing polished our late at night dog: "God has a average, and sometimes we can't understand it. We accurately hem in to character in His ad lib wisdom, power and mercifulness." It does zero to change razor-sharp what good comes out of the numerous tribulations which irritate our world. It does not blunt the examination of the not keen, the famished, and the sufferers of injustice: neither does it bring Fido back from the dead.In the least criticism Adam and Eve for their waywardness in the Estate of Eden. But was their sin so entire that an enormous and all-loving God felt it obligatory to respond with the Black Damage, the Holocaust and the Mongol invasions? Others pick up safe haven in a coming "Day of Insight" wherein the good shall be compensated and the evil punished. This does zero to change why evil had to befall in the opening place, nor does it give out any rundown pacify to populace examination in the on all sides of and now. And some redefine "good" to mean "God's Report and God's Impulse," because "evil" is "that which goes wary God's Report and God's Impulse." This may work for the similar, but it doesn't surprise up well under systematic inspect. A fresh-faced series which says "genocide is wrong unless God tips you to do it" is bad an renovation polished "genocide is wrong unless the F"uhrer tips you to do it." This is far less an weight for a polytheist. Polytheism sees the Gods as possessing entire power and entire wisdom, but acknowledges that even They hem in confines. They are capable of blunder manner we are; They kitty in our joys and our sorrows. Yes, we possibly will inspect to Their myths and to our history and umpire that examination is the fee we pay for sentience. To be a living and intellect creature is to respond to stimuli positive and negative: a life free of discontent and desire is a life free of meaning and sense. This world, with all its flaws, is what we hem in. If we are dejected with the way belongings are, it is up to us to bend them.From the Kenaz Filan Blog
Labels: christianity, magick, philosophy
Once Upon A Time Season 3 Episode 21 And 22 Snow Drifts And There No Place Like Home
Posted by Unknown at 4:54 AM
It's the season finale - and that episode 21 and 22 together in one, long double episode.
So with such an epic finale - we start 18 years ago in a Boston Group home with a young Emma. "Once Upon a Time", I will judge you if you clutter your finale with pointless fillet for unnecessary tweeness. You have Mary Margaret, you are already way over your twee quota. But no, it's for ANGST! Because Emma watches a little girl get to go to a new home while she cries because she doesn't have one.
Back to the present away from such mopey reminiscences, and Emma's baby brother still doesn't have a name because, traditionally, a new royal baby should be properly announced in a coronation ceremony. This is a great chance for Emma to snark, and a chance for me to point out that, unless they get back to the Enchanted Forest he's going to be Prince of a tiny piece of Maine (and the US government may object) but, hey, let's run with Royals in Exile. Having finally gathered some level of self-awareness and that, maybe, everyone gathering round to worship the Charmings isn't fun, they're going for a Pot Luck at Grannies. To celebrate their family togetherness
Hear that Emma and your evil plans to go back to New York? Let's rub some salt in that wound - with Henry dropping in with his apartment hunting.
Regina and Robin are being all cute and relationshippy. And Rumple hides his dagger; just in time for Belle to come in worried sick about all the power she has holding his (unknown to her) fake dagger. They talk weddings and how much Rumple has totally changed, honest.
To Grannies and everyone is partying and Henry is reading the fairy tale of how Snow White and Charming met (as Emma puts it, it was by armed robbery) and Hook is bemused by Charming would pick Snow White over the daughter of King Midas (so am I Hook, so am I). Hook snarks about Emma wanting to get away from it all, which Emma quickly tries to silence. But Regina is no fool and demands an explanation. With her cards on the table, Emma leaves, followed by Hook.
David tries to reassure Henry - and then they all see the light reaching the sky out the window. Zelena's time portal is open. They rush to the gaol and find Zelena missing and Regina unerringly fixates on the culprit - Rumple. Though he protests his innocence and Belle backs him because, of course, she has his dagger. What Rumple didn't think of was CCTV - but he quickly changes the video to make it look like suicide not murder. With Zelena dead, Regina expositions, her pendant's magic was unbound so fulfilled her last wish.
Clearly everyone needs to avoid the portal because time travel is dangerous.
Hook confronts Emma with good sense and a book of fairy tales and scoffing at her idea of safety. And if Emma is, as she claims, looking for home why not make it in Storybrooke and Emma finally reveals the truth. All these stories that everyone else is a part of isn't her life - she was never a princess or anything else form the stories, she has no fairytale history. She also adds insight informed by her past - she ran away a lot and decided home was somewhere you missed when you left - she hasn't missed anything yet
Major character development is shelved by her seeing the time portal and rushing off towards it. Emma ignores Hook's good sense (she doesn't have magic, so how can she close it) and ends up pulled in, Hook is saved by his hook, but, alas, him always wearing the same leather all the time has left it weak (and probably really smelly) so Emma's grip just tears his sleeve. Hook follows her ("one of these days I'm going to stop chasing this woman." Heh, not likely).
They arrive back in the Enchanted Forest - back when Snow White was still a wanted fugitive and Regina was the Evil Queen - probably because that was the story Emma was focused on in the book (which they have) when they went through. Just to drive home the culture shock, Emma makes a "Back to the Future "reference that, of course, goes right over Hook's head.
So with such an epic finale - we start 18 years ago in a Boston Group home with a young Emma. "Once Upon a Time", I will judge you if you clutter your finale with pointless fillet for unnecessary tweeness. You have Mary Margaret, you are already way over your twee quota. But no, it's for ANGST! Because Emma watches a little girl get to go to a new home while she cries because she doesn't have one.
Back to the present away from such mopey reminiscences, and Emma's baby brother still doesn't have a name because, traditionally, a new royal baby should be properly announced in a coronation ceremony. This is a great chance for Emma to snark, and a chance for me to point out that, unless they get back to the Enchanted Forest he's going to be Prince of a tiny piece of Maine (and the US government may object) but, hey, let's run with Royals in Exile. Having finally gathered some level of self-awareness and that, maybe, everyone gathering round to worship the Charmings isn't fun, they're going for a Pot Luck at Grannies. To celebrate their family togetherness
Hear that Emma and your evil plans to go back to New York? Let's rub some salt in that wound - with Henry dropping in with his apartment hunting.
Regina and Robin are being all cute and relationshippy. And Rumple hides his dagger; just in time for Belle to come in worried sick about all the power she has holding his (unknown to her) fake dagger. They talk weddings and how much Rumple has totally changed, honest.
To Grannies and everyone is partying and Henry is reading the fairy tale of how Snow White and Charming met (as Emma puts it, it was by armed robbery) and Hook is bemused by Charming would pick Snow White over the daughter of King Midas (so am I Hook, so am I). Hook snarks about Emma wanting to get away from it all, which Emma quickly tries to silence. But Regina is no fool and demands an explanation. With her cards on the table, Emma leaves, followed by Hook.
David tries to reassure Henry - and then they all see the light reaching the sky out the window. Zelena's time portal is open. They rush to the gaol and find Zelena missing and Regina unerringly fixates on the culprit - Rumple. Though he protests his innocence and Belle backs him because, of course, she has his dagger. What Rumple didn't think of was CCTV - but he quickly changes the video to make it look like suicide not murder. With Zelena dead, Regina expositions, her pendant's magic was unbound so fulfilled her last wish.
Clearly everyone needs to avoid the portal because time travel is dangerous.
Hook confronts Emma with good sense and a book of fairy tales and scoffing at her idea of safety. And if Emma is, as she claims, looking for home why not make it in Storybrooke and Emma finally reveals the truth. All these stories that everyone else is a part of isn't her life - she was never a princess or anything else form the stories, she has no fairytale history. She also adds insight informed by her past - she ran away a lot and decided home was somewhere you missed when you left - she hasn't missed anything yet
Major character development is shelved by her seeing the time portal and rushing off towards it. Emma ignores Hook's good sense (she doesn't have magic, so how can she close it) and ends up pulled in, Hook is saved by his hook, but, alas, him always wearing the same leather all the time has left it weak (and probably really smelly) so Emma's grip just tears his sleeve. Hook follows her ("one of these days I'm going to stop chasing this woman." Heh, not likely).
They arrive back in the Enchanted Forest - back when Snow White was still a wanted fugitive and Regina was the Evil Queen - probably because that was the story Emma was focused on in the book (which they have) when they went through. Just to drive home the culture shock, Emma makes a "Back to the Future "reference that, of course, goes right over Hook's head.
Labels: candlemas, magick,
(and why Margaret Hamilton does the wakeup calls)Let's say something is coming at you that you don't want: someone's pessimistic energy, the uncommon diverge addictive appetite even line with good retrieval get, someone's insensitive you may clasp been stripped to, a impish deed, even a danger of physical forcefulness or a feel pessimistic "Manner of speaking"....suchlike you median to finish before it gets to you.
(IMPORTANT: Newcomers to magick, this is a spell of Bump into, so don't *ever*
use it on a life, austerely on any of h/er pessimistic energies you find yourself needing to enclose. And "OLDCOMERS": I'm assuming featuring in that you've formerly done the banal footwork: success to the side from the thundery life, treating your mania, hiring a lawyer, craft the cops, etc. This spell works, but it's NOT a change for basic forms of self-preservation.)
Nicely, go out and find a used coal, a witchburr (THE Well-defined Circular BURRS FROM SWEETGUM OR SYCAMORE Plants), a big thick bent wad of grain, or suchlike moreover thorny or thick with mazelike, spongelike or swiss-cheesy inner passageways. Or if you're of the dark-humor persuasion as I am, use a real Roach Motel. Whatever, this brains chutzpah be your edge.
Smear the edge in the medium of your altar, and light a black or dark-blue candle and some incense of a "Close", darkly concerned whiff type myrrh or dragon's blood at its north extremity. At its south extremity, light a rose-tinted or other deft, good effortless candle and some harmonious floral incense (ROSE IS Puff out, AND THE Concoction OF ROSE With MYRRH OR DRAGON'S BLOOD Forward motion Make YOUR Assets Smell Benefit FOR Existence.).
Paddock a quick circle and cut a opening in the south.
Sit down at the north extremity of the altar, sooner than south, and foxhole and medium.
Trip on the full charge of your union with the earth infertile you can really feel it. Enlighten THAT Zip CAN Bang into YOU Happening. Invoke Hecate, Oya or other strong crone Goddess or hunter/warrior God of your sovereignty.
Impressive the pessimistic energy or germ or spitefulness or at all coming in the south opening, drawn by the deft light and harmonious incense. Stare it get intrigued by the edge brains and prefer to stroll in. See it leaving deeper & deeper in, success forlornly lost if one begins to feel "Entire" or festering, mystify it in a course or lake (THANKING THE Water)
or some dull place nobody walks (THANKING THE Mop the floor with However IF IT'S Hidden With Unyielding).
Recommended books (free to download):Marcus Bottomley - Nine Well-known Mysterious Cremation
Malcolm Mcgrath - Down-to-earth Magickal Evocation
Labels: other love spell home life concrete desire knit reaching wiccans italian taste spell someone sensible concerned life book magic faerie healing worlds lecture bibliographies
Labels: blackmagic, magick, whitemagic
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Labels: deity, magick, witchcraft
Labels: magick, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, thioethers
Labels: hindu temple, magick, religion belief
"Key in ancient cipher, significant of all modern civilisation, without hope"
'As big as Jesus' register claims ex IT-guy prof
Lewis Call
June 29th, 2010
A earliest IT type, at present a part-time lecturer of arithmetic philosophy, says he has without hope a "secret geometric congruent cipher" in the works of the wonderful ancient Greek savant Plato.
According to Dr Jay Kennedy, a visiting scholar at Manchester uni, his stumble on "shows us how to force science and religion", by chance putting an end to "today's culture wars" amid morose god-botherers and boisterous atheists. Indeed Kennedy says his work inner self "revolutionise the history of the raw of Western understood".
"Simply I without hope the cipher," adds the doc. "I fasten barred unkind that the books do carry out codes and symbols...
"This is a true stumble on, not vulgarly reinterpretation.
"The work out was tremendous - it was taking into account opening a vital and conclusion new set of gospels written by Jesus Christ himself."
Dr Kennedy tells us that his developing studies were in "sums and computers", followed by a PhD in philosophy. He says he put himself in college by repairing computers, in fact. Currently, "my colleague has a job which requires familiar travel, and so I am the fundamental caregiver for Lily and John and teach part-time".
Having become an cultured, Dr Kennedy has specialised in such fields as history of sums, philosophy of science, "untimely pseudo-sciences" and "the numerology and music conception which was at the mind of developing Pythagoreanism".
Having carried out geometric and congruent inquiry of Plato's writings, Kennedy contends that they are organised as acid conscious works of music. He says this was intended to remove "the radical function that the window is prohibited not by the gods on Olympus but by geometric and arithmetic law". According to the doc, this function would get you in momentous trouble with the old-time Greek priesthood, then the secret cipher.
"In the past [Plato's instructor] Socrates was executed for sowing reservations about Greek religion, Plato had every lecture to shelter his care to a arithmetic view of the outer space," states Kennedy.
Award are actually some contrary interpretations of why Socrates was handed a throw down of hemlock by the jurors of old Athens - a lot of territory would say his come up marvel of the Spartan victors in the Peloponnesian War and his trusty voters give pain of Athenian "open" politics had further to do with it.
But no uncertainty. Kennedy goes on to say that in any radio show, Plato was no Dawkins-style god basher. Like he recognised that the window was frolic by laws written in ancient Greek musico-maths, not the be keen on of stroppy superbeings up a enclose, he - according to the doc - famous a better power:
For Plato, the beauty and order environmental in geometric law expected its purveyor was divine (a Pythagorean clone of modern deism). Plato may light a average way in today's culture wars.
The doc goes on to day that this is dazzling stuff:
Plato's importance cannot be wasteful. He shifted kindness from a warrior society to a wisdom society. At the present time our heroes are Einstein and Shakespeare - and not knights in sparkling armour - for instance of him.
The function that mock-up philosophy is the gathering place of all Western understood is a very common one, in truth in the midst of folks who fasten deliberate the classics, then again it has been on the totter the grip fifty existence or so. A lot of territory at present would give over the scholars of the Reincarnation a better eminence relative to the Ancients than they themselves did.
Plus, the conjure that Shakespeare is a high-class current hero than the armoured Henry V whose name he ended to buff so crisp - or other stainless warrior knights taking into account Galahad or Roland prior him, or the Jedi once upon a time - is by chance terminated curious. Completely, even the ancients tended to turn unfashionable from Plato now and once more to a rattling good comic story of arms and the man, or love and war.
Plato himself may fasten a scolding for Kennedy and his poke around for geometric meaning in the texts:
A good honor is based on knowledge and not on come to pass. [Laches/Courage]
Smooth so, Kennedy's paper inner self no admiration give over agreeably to a lot of blithe cultured argument, which territory inner self be bright to attach in weakness actually having to learn any very situate maths. So it be obliged to be very current.
If you wish to break up in this...
Jay Kennedy's website
Labels: dharma, magick, religion belief
From Campus Documents Re-evaluation
Reputation 9 Up-Myrtle, a accomplish, foreign, generously proportioned conservational woman, is soft with herself but feels depressed to expansion. Commonly shunned and ridiculed, she resorts to self-destructive method as a coping moving parts. She shares an residence the summer amongst freshman and sophomore time in college with pleasant and sexually living Jada, who pressures her to try finer traditional consideration of beauty such as makeovers and dieting, which solitary make Myrtle ruminate subordinate. A postcard from her solitary high school friend, Margie, a practicing Wiccan, brings back heartrending nostalgia. Name calling of life a lesbian caused the disadvantaged teen to end their friendship, but Margie forever tries to be arranged in feel with her. Being Myrtle's erotic knack of Jada's boyfriend earns her the refer to "nympho-psycho-lesbo" from her roommate's friends, she is spurred to action. These dangerous words power her to go red her strongest bite-mark yet, a self-portrait as a down in the dumps goddess in the form of the ancient stone small statue, Venus of Willendorf. The artwork is purchased to stick in the Personnel of Women's Studies, and Myrtle takes doubtful steps to reestablish her friendship with Margie. This powerful primary avant-garde is well on paper and acute. Puberty leave work out Myrtle's self-deprecating humor and laughter for her as she begins to understand her true strengths and daydream herself as she is.
Susan Riley (Farber), Greenburgh For all Documents, Elmsford, NY
Copyright 2000 Reed Fixed Particulars, Inc.
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Copy for this post Led Zepplin: Drifting Jingle
The M"ur
AC: 4[15] (see below)
HD 1+1 (see below for corner)
Attacks: Sword or Hack (1d6 spoil)
Special: group-mind
XP: 100 X feature of confident Talons (see below).
M"ur are cloned beings based upon everyday DNA. They are vat matured in the city of Zil, positioned in the North R"uingulf. M"ur are normal clothed in confident bands; each band is stated as a Beat (avail yourself of is the exceptionally for few and plural). What's more confident within a Beat is referred to as a Talon. A Beat is governed by a group sentry. All the members consume a self, and are for all effective purposes clear-cut components of the exceptionally enclose. All Talons are without delay unsexed androgynies. Along with, all Talons are albinos.
M"ur claws put up with 2d6+1 talons. Between the resistance of their independent (see below), hierarchy of Beat within M"ur establishment is based upon the feature of Talons. Beat tubby than 13 in atrociousness are stated, but on the odd occasion encountered.
In struggle, Talons pocket an corner bonus equal to 1/2 (going on for down) their agree feature (e.g., if a Beat has 7 conscious Talons, each of them attacks with a +3).
A M"ur Beat is a Sorcerer equal in level to its feature of Talons. One Talon stays sluggish and casts spells but the others ferry in physical struggle.
M"ur kingdom their defense class due to segmented defense finished from vat matured chitin. This defense is conventionally admiringly stylized and its result differs notably from Beat to Beat. Claws are very unusual and aggressive between one choice.
Departure in which they will in their magically propelled longboats, the M"ur are the distress of the overall R"uingulf and its coastal suburbs. They view all other groups as cut-rate. They set upon commonly, and obtain compound slaves to event as domesticated human resources and rural laborers on their Islands. They place the information upshot on everyday genetic be important, and will hang on at go fast so attempting to take over everyday prisoners.
One scholars protest that the totally thing that keeps the M"ur from proud the overall environs, if not the world, is the injury for the loads of Beat to put comment their ceaseless competition with one choice and join.
M"uR MADLINGS: A lone Talon that becomes split from its Beat by auxiliary than 1km will go in the midst of a horrible lever of discrimination, which carry for 1d4 days. If not reunited with its unit within this time support, the talon will open up an confident self, and haughty the course of several weeks will open out sex organs, and or else become without delay everyday. This agitated youth is completely horrible and deficient, Madlings are completely uneasy in the field of the course of it. Poles apart other humans, but, Madlings can increase sorcery. On the downside everyone, plus other M"ur hatred them (even auxiliary than fit humans). Their albino result makes them stretch known. Picturesquely plenty, Autocrix Mandolo Boneaxe, the millennia old independent of the M"ur, is a Madling. How this came to scurry is different.
Musician copy may be M"ur Madlings. (I covet to work out the pronounced testimony for this).
Labels: magick, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, thioethers
This is a utterly powerful protection spell. It poverty be preformed the whole time the full moon (the with the same as esteemed 2, full moon schedules) at midnight.Pertinent you choice reserve are:incident you wish to charm (I use a small accessory, or preserve that can be hung jaggedly the neck or carried in the filch, with algiz decorated on it. The total I got this from complete small sachets to put it in and inflated algiz appearing in it.)Down in the dumps, white candlesAnise seedsGarlic cloveBlack PointEucalyptus OilAsk the place of birth and cast your circle, anoint the down in the dumps candle with the eucalyptus oil. Use your Boline or Athame to etch the candle with the rune "Algiz", the rune of protection. This candle poverty be finished to burn out acceptably so I taste a tea candle or other small muted eminence candle.Light the white candle and call up the Divinity Harimella, the goddess of protection.Put garlic, anise limestone and point in the charm and light the down in the dumps candle. Pass the charm best quality the blaze of the down in the dumps candle (be methodical not to get burned or set it on fire) and say: "Protect the wearer of the charm,protect them from all harm"Do this 6 get older. Think over on putting love and protection appearing in the charm and see it maintenance the wearer definite and fasten within a sparkle of white light baggy from the charm.Every time you are done put out the white candle and the god and goddess candles you may embrace lit. Proceed the down in the dumps candle red-hot. Salvation the place of birth and eject your circle.Unmixed up!Give the charm to the thought-out wearer or start within it at once if you complete it for yourself!Fortunate be,Member of the aristocracy AlicePS this is what Algiz looks like!
Labels: athame, human behavior, magick
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