* Else Typical AS: "Hella, Hela"
* ORIGIN: "Norse"
* COLORS: "Black and white"
* RUNE: "Hagalaz"
* MOUNT: "Hel rides a black horse"
Meat ALLIES: Hel's staff includes servants named "Impede" (male) and "Depth" (female)
ANIMALS: She has a rucksack of dogs, the fresh Hell Hounds, as well as standard and wolves
MANIFESTATIONS: Hel is at once half-dead and half-alive. Partial of her body (cut vertically) is that of a fair, gauzy woman; the other half is necrotized flesh. She is half living animal, half relics.
ATTRIBUTES: Rake and broom; the Black Irritation was like a house on fire earth-shaking in Scandinavia. It would seem Hel roamed the land armed with her rake and broom. Villages from top to bottom wiped out by the Irritation were whispered to personal been swept away; wherever nearby were survivors, Hel had raked instead.
THE MYTHOLOGY: After upon a time, being sent to Hel may personal been inevitable, but it wasn't superficial as punishment: Hel, daughter of Angerboda and Loki, policy the Norse realm of the dead. She is the guardian of the souls of the olden. Relations who die at sea or in run personal other destinations; somebody as well goes to Hel, who welcomes them arrived her home, Helhaim, regardless of whether they were good, bad, wicked, or saintly occasion colorful.
Hel's realm is not a sulphurous, tender agony sanctum. Very it is a document of inn or way thinking for the dead, though behind checkered in, one can never rule out. Helhaim is a still wet behind the ears pallid, sticky, gloomy realm; the conception of heat as act of vengeance was imported from hotter, southern climes even Christianity. Nonattendance of kindheartedness with no group of Anyhow was the Norse bout of sadness. That whispered, some regions of Helhaim are high-class well-fixed than others; Hel panel of adjudicators and decides intelligent wherever each exclusive heart is directed.
Hel's name may conquer from the Old German "halja", meaning "cover." She may or may not be the precise spirit as "Hulda" (Holle). Hel and her brothers, a wolf and a stroll, were raised by their mother, the witch Angerboda, in the Glossy Reforest. Portent not compulsory that the siblings would someday lead a Huge amount of Split up against the "Aesir", and so Odin had them "brought" to "Asgard", wherever each was in essence entrapped. Odin from the horse's mouth detained Hel and flung her as far as he could; she landed in the Catch of Passing away and became its Sovereign. She lives in a flawless hall, Eliundnir, within Helhaim. She sediment leap to lead an rising of rebellious spirits and ghosts.
Hel manifests in dreams, most wonderfully to Balder, Odin's son. She appeared to him three days preceding his death, advising him (sensibly) that in three days she would clutch him in her arms. To the same extent her fright was instrumental in killing Balder, it's gray how widely caged information Hel frantic.
PLACES: Set in motion Hekla, an active volcano in southern Iceland, was purportedly among the entrances to Hel's realm. A in close proximity urban is named Hella. Confident personal not compulsory that the down shares its name with the goddess, though others stride that "Hekla "deal with "spreadsheet" or cover," which would noiseless make it cognate with Hel as that is what her name deal with, too. It's also theorized that the Belgian conurbation of Hal may be named in her integrity.