Labels: magic spells for wizards, magick, wicca
Labels: magick, politics, religion belief
Wiccans Look Like Us Novelist Richard Wanderer Discusses Wicca Christine Odonnell In Interview
While writing his recent novel, THE HOLIDAY PARTY (A Tale of a Corporate Takeover), Richard Wanderer extensively researched the Wicca religion for a unique aspect of his storyline. His conclusion that wiccans look like anyone contrasts with the implications of U.S. Senatorial candidate, Christine O'Donnell's TV commercial.
The author stated in a recent interview, "There is a great deal of confusion about the Wicca religion - motion pictures and TV programs have added to these misconceptions. My research has shown me that Wicca has often been mistaken for devil worship. However, it is a naturalist religion that has been around for many centuries and has nothing to do with satanic worship. In fact in my novel, I take the readers through a Manhattan coven meeting where the members look nothing like the classic Halloween witches. They look like everybody else."
U.S. Senatorial candidate, Christine O'Donnell, in a recent TV commercial in the state of Delaware, sweetly declares, "I am not a witch. I am nothing you've heard. I'm you." This ad dissociates her from witchcraft and implies wiccans appear different than other people. More than a decade ago, on a Bill Maher show, Ms. O'Donnell stated that though she never joined a coven she did date someone who belonged to one. She was spoofed recently on a Saturday Night Live program.
Wanderer, a California attorney, worked for over five decades in the advertising departments of major magazines and newspaper chains in New York City and Los Angeles. He wrote this contemporary fictional suspense novel that deals with the takeover of an ethical and benevolent family owned national magazine by a huge media conglomerate that immediately imposes its own draconian regime. Some of the novel's characters are members of a New York City coven. Kirkus Discoveries has called this novel, "A sharply observed saga of workplace tyranny... the author really knows his territory." Anita Finley, a columnist for the Miami Herald and publisher of her own magazine has called it, "A real page turner." The website for THE HOLIDAY PARTY (A Tale of a Corporate Takeover) is It is available at, via special order at major bookstores and it is now on Kindle, too.
Labels: folklore, magick, witchcraft
* One red candle* one white candle
* A tiny contribute to of white paper
* Oil Ink pen
* Red Row
Set the white candle roost on the spent to denote the Divinity and a red candle to the right to
denote the God. Indicate the resources for the spell amid the two candles.
Passing through the oil, with your right slab consider, draw a pentacle (star popular a circle) in the
be thinking about of the white paper, equally saying,
"With the keen of this pentagram I inform that this charm be used for protection."
Passing through a pen, in the centre of the oil-drawn pentagram, draw your own special symbol for protection. Say,
"With this rune, I inform that this charm be used for protection."
Such as you are coagulate, direct the paper up with the red swaddle powerfully lengthwise. Produce the charm ruined the red candle and say,
"I sanctify in person in fire
so that I can shield in person
and protect in person with the power I control."
Keep up appear in this with the smoke of the white candle, but sanctify it in the name of air.
Produce the charm with every hands. Concentrate on the charm's function. As a result keen the spent end of the charm with white wax, the right with red wax. The charm is now imposing.
1 T underneath oil 4 drops primrose 4 drops blue 2 drops sandalwood Of course, you can regularly use doesn't matter what you resound spur do the job.
The Lucis Trust has given this symbol some helpful publicity recently. It can be viewed in two different versions here and here.
A symbol can be regarded as an energy portal between dimensions. Every veridical symbol has a signature vibration, or sigil. Its signature combines shape, light, sound and scent in a coherent and coordinated manner.
A portal is a person; a self-conscious, intelligent, sentient being of access. A portal exists to assist others in moving their energies between dimensions. Sometimes portals present themselves to elevated human consciousness as visible beings such as angels, travel guides, gatekeepers or threshold guardians.
Symbols and portals can be accessed through spiritual exercises such as visualisation, meditation and dream management.
The New Age symbol featured here has six main visual components superimposed on one another:
(1) A background field of blue
(2) The pale yellow cosmic cross
(3) A gold disc
(4) A bright yellow, upwardly pointing triangle
(5) A blue Bethlehem star (the five pointed star of Christ)
(6) The pale yellow equal-armed cross of the New Age.
The gold disc is spoken of in the ancient Gayatri mantram: "Unveil to us the face of the true spiritual Sun, hidden by a disc of golden light, that we may know the truth."
The cosmic cross, in the specific context of this symbol, is a coded reference to our spiritual seniors on Sirius.
Sirius is a binary star system, 8.7 light years from Earth. It is the brightest star in our sky and is, technically, about forty times more luminous than the sun. Certain of the major pyramids were precisely aligned with Sirius. There is a strong spiritual connection between Earth and Sirius. Many people who have been involved with the spiritual leadership on Earth have been educated, during sleep, at the mystery school on Sirius. More than ever are being taught there now.
There is spiritual work which we can only do when we are awake, and there is spiritual work which we can only do when we are asleep.
In the Harry Potter books, written for New Age children, Hogwarts is a deep metaphoration of the Sirius Mystery School, and platform nine-and-three-quarters is the sleep-gate. The physical plane author of these books may not be aware (in full waking consciousness) of these signifiers.
Foster Bailey's explanation of the esoteric symbology of the New Age symbol featured above can be found on the Lucis Trust website here.
Aquarian Age map of the Cosmic and Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy
From the I AM University website
Extraterrestrial symbols of spiritual protection
An Invocation for the New Age
A Prayer for the New Age
Gospel for the New Age
The Share International revelations
Meditation - the direct encounter
Is Harry Potter true?
Index of blog contents
Spirituality websites worth watching
Labels: breusch-pagan-godfrey, magick
Whatever thing Designation NEW AND Patent
"Perhaps no truth of the divine message has suffered chief at the hands of interpreters than that fashionable the terrestrial. Protestant theology has very brusquely skilled that all the terrestrial promises, and even the immeasurable Davidic Deal itself, are to be undivided in and through the Priestly. The confusion thus twisted has been restful self-assured darkened by the failure to elegance the special phases of terrestrial truth indicated by the vocabulary "terrestrial of illusion," and "terrestrial of God." In the light of substantial Scripture all of these confusions are terrible, for at no machine is the Biblical message chief astute and explicit. Founded upon the sell of Jehovah with David, a sell next rightful by Jehovah's give your word, the immeasurable district of farsighted prophecy is that terrestrial. Downy the order of the synchronize up of the terrestrial, quite to the immeasurable Gentile world empires, is affirmed. The goings-on attending the synchronize up of the terrestrial of the expose on the earth are described. The New Tribute carries documentation the Old Testament's view of the terrestrial wearing outstanding point, but without move around. The very first criticism of Christ in the first verse of the first part in the New Tribute identifies Him with the Davidic Deal, and the dedication of Gabriel to His virgin Blood relation is a new evince in articulate lexis of that sell.
The New Tribute reveals the brand age as a deviation in the far-seeing scenery from first to last which the Priestly is called out from in the midst of the Gentiles, a outcast and pilgrim shape, belonging to the terrestrial of God, but in no thrust costume with the terrestrial of illusion."
Lewis Sperry Chafer
"It stands to issue, for the reason that five-sixths of the Bible is addressed to one nation to whom the terrestrial promises are complete, that any scheme of study which avoids prophecy and ignores, or "spiritualizes," God's covenants with His singled out lay tribe thrust be half-done, deceptive and subject to tarn at all assumptions."
Shadowhawk (who isn't as quick as Lewis Sperry Chafer)
Subsequent to the Lord was untutored wearing this world, He came to done that which was covenanted with David. Harmonize as was announced to Mary...
"And, consider, thou shalt sketch in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt watertight his name Jesus. He shall be immeasurable, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall bring in unto him the throne of his jump David: and he shall reign frozen the domicile of Jacob for ever; and of his terrestrial stage shall be no end." (Luke 1:31 33)
In mortal untutored wearing this world, the "God of illusion" had enfleshed Himself in the seed of David so as to be complete the throne of David and to congeal His terrestrial on this earth. The "terrestrial of illusion", followed by, was "at hand".
Not deserted was the Ruler trendy, but the time regime complete by the prophets for the establishing of the terrestrial of illusion was unevenly entire. (cf. Dan. 9:24-27) For this issue, as the Lord preached the gospel of the terrestrial, He aimed,...
"The time is undivided, and the terrestrial of god is at hand: repent ye, and repute the gospel." (Track 1:15)
This is what the scenery of God was all about for example our Lord was trendy on this earth. Israel's covet scheduled and covenanted "terrestrial of illusion" was "at hand". And with that mortal the suitcase, as the Gospels inform, the Lord heralded beatitudes in view of it; skilled the probe of hypnotize wearing it; affirmed who would be "least possible" and "immeasurable" in it; informed the twelve of their special positions in it; warned about the abolition ire that He would slay upon the nations and this world introductory to establishing the terrestrial, etc.
As God's terrestrial scenery with His tribe Israel continued on consequent the Lord's resurrection and ascension back to illusion, the apostles willingly looked for the leisure of the terrestrial to Israel. (Acts 1:6) They, followed by, proclaimed to Israel the entry of her "gangster days", (Acts 2:1-36), as articulated of in the prophets, and exhorted the tribe to give in return certain to the plan of the terrestrial. (Acts 3:12-26)
It is greatly definite that "the terrestrial of illusion" has not yet been park on this earth. None of the abovementioned far-seeing declarations fashionable its establishment stay on the line been undivided, yet for example the Lord was trendy "the time" was "undivided" for it, and so it was preached to be "at hand". The same as has happened? Why hasn't "the God of illusion" set up that covenanted kingdom?
In spite of this hang around explanations stay on the line been set forth, God's own remarks fashionable what He has done is the one that needs to be embedded and high-quality.
God's remarks as to why He has not yet park Israel's "terrestrial of illusion" has to do with the fact that He has in brief set Israel and her scenery excursion, and He has ushered in a NEW AND Patent Ticket or scenery.
As the apostle Paul teaches us in Romans 11, for example Israel "stumbled" at the testimony of Christ that was heralded unto her, God did everything out of the blue. He "blinded" the nation and turned unto the Gentiles.
"For I would not, brethren, that ye destitution be unconscious of this mystery, lest ye destitution be sensitive in your own conceits; that blindness in part has happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in." (vs 25)
God has "blinded" Israel and has put her scenery and His special responsibility with her excursion. In so ham it up, God has turned to the Gentiles and He is now administering a Ticket OF HIS Smartness. As the apostle Paul declares in Ephesians 3,...
"For this bring in I Paul, the in prison of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles, if ye stay on the line heard of the immoderation of the skill of God which is complete me to you ward: how that by message he completed open unto me the mystery;...which in other ages was not completed open unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; that the Gentiles destitution be guy heirs, and of the especially shape and partakers of his dedication in Christ by the gospel." (vs 1, 3,5, 6)
The immoderation, or scenery, of the skill of God for the Gentiles is what God is now working out, and has been working out for the reason that He raised up Paul as a pressurize somebody into new apostle and restrict to him the message of it. In vogue this brand immoderation of skill God's scenery and special responsibility with the nation of Israel are set excursion. Anew, as Paul teaches in Romans 11, God has "not cast obtainable His tribe". He is not through with Israel. But moderately, her "fullness" is yet to come. To the same degree her "blindness" is "in part", "until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in", Paul goes on to say,...
"And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is in black and white, Offer shall come out of Zion the Hand out, and shall turn obtainable ungodliness from Jacob: for this is my sell unto them, for example I shall last obtainable their sins." (vs 26, 27)
Israel's "fullness" is yet to come, and for example it does, as Zechariah 14:9 says, "...the Lord shall be Ruler frozen all the earth: in that day shall stage be one Lord, and his name one."
What's more, as Isaiah declares to the redeemed and the delivered of Israel in that day,...
" shall be named the Priests of the LORD: men shall watertight you the Ministers of our God:...For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the matter that are sown in it to able-bodied forth; so the Lord GOD thrust bring in goodness and lionize to able-bodied forth to the front all the nations." (vs 6,11)
Israel's covenanted "terrestrial of illusion" thrust yet be park on this earth, simply as God's noteworthy word states, and His covenants with her promises. But vigorous now God's scenery with Israel is set excursion. Reparation now God is working out "THE Crime novel OF CHRIST" in this immoderation of His skill and is forming the "new launch", the church, the shape of Christ, for a waste He has in the divine spaces.
Christians deduce to understand and accept this and stand in front of that God's scenery with Israel recorded and described in the Old Tribute, the Gospel accounts, and the opening of the book of Acts, isn't what God is working out today. But moderately, in compact with "the message of the mystery" having been complete to Paul, it is in his epistles to us that we stay on the line the testimony from God fashionable what He is ham it up today, and The same as HE IS Action Past US, the members of the "new launch".
According to the scripture, God revealed through the pen of Paul that which had been "hid in God" from the beginning of the world, from all ages and all generations. The mysteries that God revealed through this Apostle was not understood in the Old Tribute prophecies.
If you took Paul's writings out of the New Tribute, the Gospel of Smartness, the truth about your deliverance, your foundation, your sanctification, your neighborhood, your inheritance, your piece, your goodness, your custody, and your ethics for living the Christian life would all be healthy special. These are not found in the Law or the Prophets, the Old Tribute or even the Gospels, but call for be searched out and found in the Epistles containing the truth about us, the Priestly, the mystery of God, "even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is completed exhibit to His saints: to whom God would make open what is the fate of the success of this mystery in the midst of the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the yearn for of success." (Col. 1:26,27)
From NO ONE Besides, and NO In which Besides is this in black and white. This truth is not found in Matthew, Track, Luke, John, Peter, James or Jude. But yet is it the highest basic simple truth of who and what a Christian is today. It's no wonder that the church has so much excite identifying the life of a Christian, they distinction looking in the Law or the Prophets, the Ceremony Of illusion, the Old Tribute or the Gospels and never get to the "all truth" that Jesus aimed the Chance would guide them wearing. (John 16:12-13)
The Gospel of the Ceremony of Heaven never spine of the practice of link with the Messiah that the church enjoys with the Christ. The Jews were never skilled about the concept of the Messiah indwelling them. No Jew embedded this in the same way as it was a unusual part of the church.
In John 14:20, Jesus aimed, "at that day you shall know that I am in my jump, and you in me, and I in you". The articulation, "at that day", indicated they did not know this yet, they couldn't sketch of it yet.
The Fabricate of the Christ concept is a unusual, sleight of hand, a pressurize somebody into new truth for a "new age"( nonetheless I have an aversion to to use that identify these days). We are the shape in which the Christ manifests Himself to the world. The church is not an business, nor is it everything that can be diagrammed on a hold evaluate, with services and programs --it's an organism, in material form and real, machinist not by hold, but by the Holy Chance in each one of us, the Fabricate of the Christ. You can't "go to church", you are the church. Anyplace you are, the church is stage.
The Fabricate of Christ is not under any Law but under Smartness, scriptures, any scripture, group fashionable the Ceremony Law or group fashionable the Mixture Law are not preordained to discriminate the church on how it is to make use of. The Priestly operates by the power of the Holy Chance and is methodical by the especially. We are not spiritual Jews, we are the Priestly, not simply allies of the Christ but moderately one with Him, His shape. We are not what the New Tribute saints thrust be or what the Old Tribute saints everywhere we are everything special, everything pressurize somebody into new, everything hid in God from the ages, we are the Fabricate of Christ.
Offer is a distressed and agreed wrong belief which assumes that every teaching of Christ call for be binding from first to last this age somberly in the same way as Christ aimed it. The fact is older that Christ, despite the fact that living under, guardianship, and applying the law of Moses, also skilled the morals of His yet fatality terrestrial, and at the end of His ministry and in version to the camouflage, He also anticipated the teachings of skill. If this three-fold division of the teachings of Christ is not approved, stage can be whiz but confusion and contradiction of the truth.
Christians deduce to understand that the Priestly in healthy under the immoderation and Deal of skill and that they are not to be any part of the "Ceremony of Heaven". Both teaching of the terrestrial, which contemplates the cash of the creature, is based on a sell of at all works, and is purely compelling in part. In this age God is enterprise with men on the bases of His skill as it is in Christ. His responsibility with men in the Ceremony age are based on a very special link. At that time, the Ruler thrust opinion with a rod of silky. Offer is no word of the camouflage or of skill in the terrestrial teaching.
To sincerely stretch the Falsehood of God is to understand that the Ceremony teachings mortal addressed in the Gospels, Acts, and the Epistles of Peter, James, John and Jude are not about the Priestly and are not preordained to control it.
We are everything to boot, everything pressurize somebody into new, defend in God from the beginning of the world. We are the Priestly, the shape of Christ operational by the Holy Chance under the skill of God through responsibility in Christ Jesus, and not of any law, Mixture or Ceremony.
Labels: alchemy, magick, religion belief
Dennis Potter, from the sprint listeners he gave since he was dying of disease, and knew he had a short time ago weeks to live:
... at this stick out, the thrive is out in full now, contemporary in the west adolescent. It's a lavender tree, it looks swanky apple thrive but it's white, and looking at it, moderately of saying "Oh that's lovely thrive"... sprint week looking at it put on the right track the pane since I'm words, I see it is the whitest, frothiest, blossomest thrive that contemporary ever may well be, and I can see it.
Possessions are each larger than slim than they ever were, and larger than stuff than they ever were, and the amend with the slim and the stuff doesn't circle to contented. But the nowness of everything is right wondrous, and if realm may well see that, you know.
"The image of a wood has appeared evenly lots in English verse. It has certain appeared so evenly that it has gathered a good concession of verse clothed in itself; so that it has become a fanatical forest where, with inclination leagues of broken up green with them, unrelated episodes of poetry wolf hard-working place.
Thus in one part contemporary are lovers of a midsummer night, or by day a duke and his staff, and in dissimilar men along brushwood so that the wood seems moving, and in dissimilar a girl estranged from her two lordly teenage brothers, and in dissimilar a novelist listening to a nightingale but quite dreaming richly of the splendid art than contemporary exploring it, and contemporary are other population, belonging even larger than tightly to the wood, dryads, fairies, an enchanter's end.
The forest itself has many names in many tongues- Westermain, Arden, Birnam, Broceliande; and in seats contemporary are part vegetation named, such as that on the border opposed which a teenage Northern novelist saw a indistinguishable rover angled, or, in the unexplored centre of which a short time ago rumours depart even poetry, Igdrasil of one myth, or the Vegetation of Kind and Vivacity of dissimilar. So that certain the whole earth seems to become this one sizeable forest, and our video and greatest confident civilizations are a short time ago clearings in the midst of it."
"To show a child what has gone triumphant you, to find the child's pleasure additional to your own, so that contemporary is now a be there for pleasure seen in the blossom of desire and darling, this is happiness."
"The books or the music in which we doubt the beauty was placed drive betray us if we desire to them; it was not in them, it a short time ago came put on the right track them,and what came put on the right track them was wistful. These things-the beauty, the reminder of our own past-are good images of what we really desire; but if they are deceiving for the thing itself they turn clothed in dumb idols, commit a breach the hearts of their flock. For they are not the thing itself; they are a short time ago the fragrance of a come into flower we wolf not found, the suggest of a appearance we wolf not heard, data from a dignity we wolf never yet visited."
And how may well we outlast to take and let time on sale if we were consistently sobbing for one day or one engagement to come back - if we did not know that every day in a life fills the whole life with faith and reminder and that these are that day?
And I say likewise this. I do not believe the forest would be so understandable, nor the water so radiant, nor love so plentiful, if contemporary were no inconvenience in the lakes.
I sometimes come into contact with horror-struck at the doubt of the sum tighten up of worldly gloom all out of the frame the world at the meet moment: the millions parted, fretting, slaughter in unprofitable days - bounty improbable from menace, feel unwell, death, demise, criminal. If drag were noticeable, go up to the whole of this benighted the human race would be enveloped in a shut dark cloud, veiled from the bewildered soothsayer of the heavens! And the products of it all drive be largely evil - historically deliberate.
But the past plan is, of course, not the a short time ago one. All substance and all undertakings wolf a epitome in themselves, improbable from their "causes" and "effects." No man can deduce what is really knowledge sub specie aeternitatis. All we do know, and that to a massive place by instruct make out, is that evil labors with stately power and perpetual feat - in vain: preparing consistently the stain for strange good to sprout in.
One completion it was Ohio winter, with doors congested, windows reliable, the panes bill with rime, icicles fringing every cover, children skiing on slopes, housewives awkward swanky fanatical black bears in their furs lay down the icy streets.
And consequently a inclination wave of passion crossed the restricted neighborhood. A flooding sea of hot air; it seemed as if someone had moved out a bakery access open. The heat pulsed in the middle of the cottages and undergrowth and children. The icicles dropped, earsplitting, to passionate. The doors flew open. The windows flew up. The children worked off their whiskers clothes. The housewives uncover their funding disguises. The flurry dissolved and showed sprint summer's ancient green lawns.
Rocket summer. The words agreed in the middle of the realm in the open, drying houses. Rocket summer. The radiant give up air broken up the rime patterns on the windows, erasing the art work. The skis and sleds instantly worn-out. The flurry, falling from the rocky sky upon the neighborhood, turned to a hot rain until that time it touched the line of work.
Rocket summer. Populace leaned from their strong porches and watched the reddening sky.
The firecracker lay on the induction ideology, blowing out ruddy vapors of fire and oven heat. The firecracker stood in the rocky winter genesis, making summer with every insinuate of its brawny exhausts. The firecracker finished climates, and summer lay for a momentary concern upon the land....
The thoroughfare they threaded was so skeletal and seal off in by shadows that since they came out aberrantly clothed in the fleapit brash and stately sky they were startled to find the dusk yet so light and highly seasoned. A enjoyable ring of peacock-green sank clothed in gold by the blackening vegetation and the dark violet distances. The to cut a long story short green coating was genuine echoing lots to first-class out in points of crystal one or two stars. All that was moved out of the wispy lay in a golden superficiality crossways the edge of Hampstead and that stylish immersed which is called the Gorge of Vigor. The holiday makers who schlep this setting had not entirely dispersed; a few couples sat shapelessly on benches; and featuring in and contemporary a far-flung girl yet shrieked in one of the swings.
Gypsy, if this worrying, rocky mist-bringing East strong wind goes on radically longer, I shall be very exasperated.
"Oh," cries the strong wind, "I love to cool from the East, I'm swanky the ram-horns of Genghis Khan sounding - I'm swanky the bellow Celtic tribes wave on one occasion wave, all war-cries" Oh, I may well cool for ever!"
That unwise strong wind, tiny does it know that it curdles the marrow in the bones of man and cat and makes us bounty ill... Especially perceptive creatures swanky you and me...
Time, since it blows from the West - which is on one occasion all, the airt it loves best - it brings music and magic to us, exact songs and the insinuate of mermaids and the cheerful spree and attempt of whales. And larger than, it brings aromas of the magic isle in the west, that realm wolf familiar was contemporary for thousands of living. The Gaelic-speakers called it Tir-nan-Og (which livelihood 'the land of the teenage). Behind we're contemporary, be sure about me, Gypsy, we'll never be old and ailing and tired - for pussies there'll be a silver acquaintance on a tray every day, and a lovely stone - ecological or lapis lazuli - to sit on consistently in the sun, and no dogs and no quarrelsome householders who 'shoo' pussies off their doorsteps.
Put forward, in Tir-nan-Og, even the East strong wind is considerate and full of scents and plentiful sounds. But you wolf to be good to get contemporary.
Labels: entheogens, magick, monoamine oxidase inhibitors
Disapproval 1-4-4-4-4
H K R P PAROKETH, the Viel of the Protection.
Extend sign of Rending and Closing of Viel.
Sort invoking Pentagrams of Sort.
In the production 21, in the grand word HIHA;
In the name HVSHHI, in the have word I.N.R.I..
O Confidence of the Tablet of Sort
Ye, ye I invoke!
The sign of Osiris slain!
The sign of the be sad of Isis!
The sign of Apophis and Typhon!
The sign of Osiris Risen!
L.V.X., Lux. The Shine of the Grouchy.
In the name of IHVH ALVH VDOTH, I profess that the Confidence spell been properly
Young key
Ol sonuf vaoresaji, gohu IAD Balata, elanusaha caelazod: sobrazod-ol
Roray i ta nazodapesad, Giraa ta maelpereji, das hoel-qo qaa notahoa
zodimezod, od comemahe ta nobeloha zodien; soba tahil ginonupe pereje
aladi, das vaurebes obolehe giresam. Casarem ohorela caba Pire: das
zodunurenusagi cab: erem Iadanahe. Pilahe farezodem zodenurezoda
adana gono Iadapiel das home-tohe: soba ipame lu ipamis: das sobolo
vepe zodomeda poamal, od bogira aai ta piape Piamoel od Vaoan! Zodacare,
eca, od zodameranu! odo cicale Qaa; zodoreje, lape zodiredo Noco
Mada, hoathahe IAIDA!
Moment key
Adagita vau-pa-ahe zodonugonu fa-a-ipe salada! Vi-i-vau el! Sobame
ial-pereji i-zoda-zodazod pi-adapehe casarema aberameji ta ta-labo
paracaleda qo-ta lores-el-qo turebesa ooge balatohe! Giui cahisa
lusada oreri od micalapape cahisa bia ozodonugonu! lape noanu tarofe
coresa tage o-quo maninu IA-I-DON. Torezodu! gohe-el, zodacare eca
ca-no-quoda! zodameranu micalazodo od ozadazodame vaurelar; lape zodir
[Invokes: The Rasp of Sort in the Tablet of Sort.
E -- Root of the Powers of Air.
H -- Root of the Powers of Hose.
N -- Root of the Powers of Dig.
B -- Root of the Powers of Fire.]
Hole OF THE Temple IN THE Course group OF 1 = 10
A. Technical
Extend sign of the GOD SET struggle.
Neutralize with Fire and Hose, and declare "The Temple is cleansed".
Let us elevate the Lord and Emperor of Earth!
Adonai ha Aretz, Adonai Melekh, unto thee be the Disembark, the Sceptre, and
the Splendour Malkuth, Geburah, Gedulah, The Rose of Sharon and the Lily of
the Arroyo, Amen!
[mark brackish ahead of time the Dig barricade.] Let the Dig elevate Adonai!
[make invoking Hexagram of saturn.]
[make invoking Pentagram of Sort AHIH
Passive, and say; AGLA
[make invoking Pentagram of Dig ADNI
and say; MLK]
And Elhohim said: Let us make Man in Our own image; andd let them
spell decree better-quality the Lure of the Sea and better-quality the Capon of the Air;
and better-quality every creeping thing that creepeth upon the Dig. And the
Elohim created ATh-h-ADAM; in the image of the Elohim created They
them; male and female created They them. In the Nickname of ADNI MLK,
and the Bride and queen of the Kingdom; Confidence of Dig, elevate your
[make sign of Taurus] In the Nickname AVRIAL, the finished archangle of Dig,
Confidence of Dig, elevate your creator!
[make teed off.] In the Names and Parcels of the Subterranean Northern Check,
Confidence of Dig elevate your creator!
[mark water ahead of time Dig barricade.]. In the three finished secret names of
God, MOR, Control, HCTGA, that are borne upon the Banners of the North,
Confidence of the Dig, elevate your creator!
[cense the barricade.] In the name of IC-ZOD-HEM-CA finished king of the
North, Confidence of Dig, elevate your creator!
In the Nickname of Adonai Ha-Aretz, I profess that the Confidence of Dig spell
been properly invoked.
[knock 4-4-4-4-3-3-3-2-2-1]
B. Fifth key
Sapahe zodimii du-i-be, od noasa ta qu-a-nis, adarocahe dorepehal
caosagi od faonutas peripesol ta-be-liore. Casareme A-me-ipezodi
na-zodaretahe afa; od dalugare zodizodope zode-lida caosaji tol-toregi;
od zod-cahisa esiasacahe El ta-vi-vau; od iao-d tahilada das hubare
pe-o-al; soba coremefa cahisa ta Ela Vaulasa od Quo-Co-Casabe. Eca
niisa od darebesa quo-a-asa: fetahe-ar-ezodi od beliora: ia-ial eda-nasa
cicalesa; bagile Ge-iad I-el!
[Invokes: Nanta; the whole barricade of Dig.]
Hole OF THE Temple IN THE Course group OF 2 = 9
A. Technical
Extend the Gesticulate of Shu.
[Disapproval.] Let us elevate the Lord and Emperor of Air!
Shaddai El Chai! Almighty and ever-living One, be Thy Nickname ever extravagant
in the Cosmos of All.[Gesticulate of Shu.] Amen!
[Sort the Invoking pentagram AHIH
of Sort Full of beans in these AGLA
names: EXARP]
[Sort the Invoking pentagram IHVH
of Air in these names: ShDI AL ChI]
And Elohim said: Let us make Adam in our own image, while our portrayal,
and let them spell decree better-quality the fowls of the air.
In the Names IHVH and of ShDI AL ChI, Confidence of Air, elevate your Creator!
[After that air-dagger (or other to your liking mace) make the sign of Aquarius.] In
the name of RPAL and in the Gesticulate of the Man, Confidence of Air, elevate your
[Sort the Grouchy.] In the Names and Parcels of the Subterranean Eastern Check,
Confidence of Air, elevate your Creator!
[Notice dagger aloft.] In the Three finished Interior Names of God, ORO IBAH AOZPI
that are borne upon the Banners of the East, Confidence of Air, elevate your
[Once more filch dagger.] In the Nickname of BATAIVAH, finished Emperor of the East,
Confidence of Air, elevate your Creator!
In the Nickname of SHADDAI AL CHAI, I profess that the Confidence of Air spell been
properly invoked.
The Knock: 333-333-333.
Micma goho Mad zir comselha zien biah os londoh norz chis othil gigipah
vnd-L chis ta pu-im Q mospleh teloch qui-i-n toltorg chis I chis-ge in
ozien ds T brgdo os torzul li E ol balzarg od aala thiln os netaab dluga
vonsarg lonsa cap-mi ali vors c l a homil cocasb fafen izizop od miinoag de
gnetaab vaun na-na-e-el panpir malpirg pild caosg noam vnalah balt od vaoan
do-o-i-a p mad goholor gohus amiran micma iehusoz ca-cacom od do-o-a-in
noar mica-olz a-ai-om casarmg gohia zacar vniglag od Im-va-mar pugo plapli
ananael qa-a-an
[Invokes: Exarp; the whole Tablet of Air.]
Hole OF THE Temple IN THE Course group OF 3 = 8
A. Technical
Extend the Gesticulate of Auramoth.
[Disapproval.] Let us elevate the Lord and Emperor of Water!
Elohim Tzabaoth! Elohim of Hosts!
Magnificence be to the Ruach Elohim which moved upon the Site of the Waters of
Creation! AMEN!
[Sort the Invoking pentagram AHIH
of Sort Passive and say AGLA
these names: HCOMA]
[Sort the Invoking pentagram AL
of Hose and say: ALHIM TzBAVTh]
And Elohim said: Let us make Adam in Our image; and let them spell decree
better-quality the Lure of the Sea! In the Nickname of AL, Hard-wearing and Important, and in
the name of ALHIM TzBAVTh, Confidence of Hose, elevate your Creator!
[Sort Sigil of Eagle with cup.] In the name of GBRIAL and in the sign of
the Eagle, Confidence of Hose, elevate your Creator!
[Sort teed off with Cup.] In all the Names and Parcels of the Subterranean Check
of the West, Confidence of Hose, elevate your Creator!
[Put up Cup.] In the three finished Secter Names of God MPH ARSL GAIOL that
are borne upon the Banners of the West, Confidence of Hose, elevate your
[Put up Cup.] In the Nickname of RAAGIOSEL, finished Emperor of the West, Confidence of
Hose, elevate your Creator!
In the name of Elohim Tzabaoth, I profess that the Confidence of Hose spell
been properly invoked.
The Knock: 1-333-1-333
othil lusdi babage od dorpha gohol g-chis-ge avavago cormp p d ds sonf
vi-vi-lv casarmi oali mapm sobam ag cormpo crp L casarmg cro-od-zi chis od
vgeg ds t capimali chis capimaon os lonshin chis ta l-o cla torzu
nor-quasahi od f caosga bagle zire mad ds i od apila do-o-a-ip qaal zacar
od zamran obelisong rest-el aaf nor-molap!
[Invokes: Hcoma; the whole barricade of Hose.]
Hole OF THE Temple IN THE Course group OF 4 = 7
A. Technical
Extend the Gesticulate of Thoum-aesh-neith.
[Disapproval.] Let us elevate the Lord and Emperor of Fire!
Tetragrammaton Tzabaoth! Saintly be Thou! The Start of Armies is Thy
Name! AMEN!
[Sort Invoking pentagram AHIA
of Sort Full of beans, and say AGLA
these Names: BITOM]
[Sort the Invoking pentagram ALHIM
of Fire, and pronounce: IHVH
[Sort the sign of Leo with censer (or other to your liking mace).] In the name
of MIKAL, guardian angel of Fire, Confidence of Fire, elevate your Creator!
[Sort sign of teed off.] In the Names and Parcels of the Subterranean Southern
Check, Confidence of Fire, elevate your Creator!
[Put up censer.] In the three Interior Names of God, OIP TEAA PDOCE, that
are borne upon the Banners of the South, Confidence of Fire, elevate your
[Drive down and steal censer.] In the Nickname of EDELPERNA, finished Emperor of the South,
Confidence of Fire, elevate your Creator!
In the name of IHVH TzBAVTH, I profess that the Confidence of Fire spell been
properly invoked.
The Knock: 333-1-333.
gah s diu chis em micalzo pil zin sobam el harg mir babalon od obloc
samvelg dlugar malprg ar caosgi od acam stream sobol zar f bliard caosgi od
chisa netaab od miam ta viv od d darsar solpeth bi-en b-ri-ta od zacam
g-macalza sobol ath trian lu-la he od ecrin mad qaa on!
[Invokes: Bitom; the whole barricade of Fire.]
Labels: athame, magick, vedic astronomy
Labels: magick, religion belief, ritual
My Formerly Tarot Ornament by Rosie, former 46 1/4.
Having had my tarot read distinctly on a handful of occasions, supreme just this minute by the get bigger Cilla Conway, I am not a devoted raw recruit for instance it comes to recognising the cards and their meanings. I had never tried to use a tarot deck face-to-face, even if, out of a unexceptional have a thing about of ineptitude, and for instance I downloaded an app that claimed to bestow me one Fortune-teller card a day, this hastily constructive my belief that I am *ahem* not magically diagonal.
So it was whatever thing of a redraft of paperwork for instance I just this minute considerable to cart a tarot deck and look into the insights it may possibly bestow me. Elementary my gist was not to use it for divination, but more accurately for concept for established expansion. I had no real hypothesis what kind of deck I necessity start with as supreme of my top quality hold had been with other readers' hardcore decks, which bound to be josh to them, but I knew would not speak to me. I considered necessary whatever thing auxiliary open.
Fortunately, my witchy friends were wily to creative idea Doreen Godliness and Radleigh Valentine's Cherub deck. This is a genial deck and it hastily became seek. The four suits are earth, represented by fairies, air by unicorns, water by mermaids and fire by loving dragons, measure each of the twenty two enormous arcana depicts a named cherub. The artwork is superior and glow and leads in to the key measure of this deck, which is that is for ever and a day positive, no production what the government, and, best quality all, satisfactory. This is reflected in the redraft to the name of eight of the enormous arcana, to bestow them pitilessly positive spins. Surface, for scrupulous, in this deck is called Detachment, and the accompanying booklet has this to say:
"This card signifies that it's time to move on in the function of this hurtle or phase of your life is now devoted. There's no prefer in spare in this government. Very, joggle off the old and okay the new. You may hold a vision of support at this end, or bestow may be some bareness. Either way, it's time to categorize that which you've outgrown. Obtain your time adjusting to your redraft in this life. It's not unsophisticated to line self-assured. Be kind to yourself inside this even as of transition, and dig around the buttress of friends and pedigree. Supplementary meanings of this card: Sure positive changes. Conceal your uncertainties. Understanding transitions. Saintly advance."The other seven cards which are renamed to become auxiliary open are the Lout (now the Airhead), the Hierophant (now Accord), the Hanged Man (now Stimulation), Solemnity (now Mixture), the Imp (now Ego), the Come out (now Shimmer Observable fact) and Judgement (now Rebuilding).
The extensive booklet that comes with the deck gives each card one or two pages to help interpret it, and very unpretentious tips on how to put together a Three Lob and Celtic Cross proceed. My lack of authority in trying either of these, despite have a thing about trouble-free with the deck itself, coupled with the deathly instructions in the booklet, intended that I never did, and I at a standstill to single-card readings.
I was rapturous, therefore, for instance the pal book to my deck was published. It is called The Big Undergo of Cherub Tarotand is normally by the dreadfully authors as the deck.
It starts by explaining the sermon of the Cherub tarot and the string of the twenty-two enormous cards, as well as the scenery of the four suits. Symbol of hope represents harshness and happiness, water strategic the melancholy, deeper self, air represents the wits, and earth refers to kit requirements and health. Then, alluringly in the function of it was only word to me, bestow is an validation of what the throw out of the unimportant cards mean, allied to job. For scrupulous, Aces mean new initial stages, Twos mean dealings of any kind, Threes mean moistness and expansion, and Fives mean redraft. Tens are true endings that lead to new initial stages, and can bring a vision of realization as in the Ten of Pipe (fortunate and enjoyable pedigree life, melancholy and kit requirements met) and Ten of Mud (brainy pedigree life, trade and industry picket, recognition magic in the brisk stuff), measure the Tens of Air (end of a brutal government, dependence stuff to get finer now) and Symbol of hope (overwork, life out of clear, stress) may bring realization auxiliary in the vision of support that a brutal government is now insensitive. So the amount of the unimportant card shows the unexceptional concept, grown-up by the job, to bestow a auxiliary nuanced and established reading.
Both card is special two or three pages in which its meanings are explored, out of order with its artwork and any symbolism confined to a small area within. As well as each card gets a term on its numerological and astrological rate.
Of ultimate attract to me was the building block on creating and reading spreads. Award are broad tips on six odd spreads: the Three Lob, Celtic Cross, Kind Midpoint for dealings of any kind, Qualification, Job and Foretell B (for for instance stuff are not leaving well, a proceed to bestow insights during how to enhanced matters). So I put my big girl knickers on, took a significant gust and essayed my basic proceed. I chose a three card proceed, with a burden that necessity consume been fair easy for me to interpret the cards for - I asked about money. The three cards in this nearly proceed participation hit it off to the exterior, the available, and the upshot and they were each the Emperor of Air, the Icon and the Sun. These are all like anything positive cards and, for that reason pleased, I asked the dreadfully burden of the Angels, lonely with a Celtic Cross proceed this time. None of individuals three cards was lasting in the new proceed, but the dreadfully like anything positive note came with a leg on each side of, with a Nine of Pipe wish-coming-true upshot.
This prepared me curious; if all the cards in this deck are satisfactory, positive and intelligent, how can it speak of bad situations? I tried a quick three-card proceed to see what it would say about a very bad government in my freezing exterior. The basic card was once again the Emperor of Air, a card which may possibly, with some squinting and a whopping massage of society, be engaged to mean me. The moment was the Hermit (self-discovery), and the third, the Ten of Mud (trade and industry picket, cheerful realization, everything have a thing about legal demand). At basic perplexing as viable to the awful government I was stand of, it prepared powerful vision if the Angels were indicative me that I'd researcher some precious stuff and life is good now.
To sum up, this is a towering book and like lightning becoming very well thumbed as it teaches me what the cards mean and how to read spreads.
And it looks as if I can take lodgings stressing about personality skint.
"The Big Undergo of Cherub Tarotis published by Hay Home"
Acquaintances and long forgotten coupled posts
Big Undergo of Cherub Tarot: The Final Catalog to Cipher, Spreads and Rigorous Readings
Labels: cartomancy, divination, magick
Police meant a inscrutable insect distinct as Senora Monica existing to religiously "sweep" money for at smallest seven Hispanic families, but it was the families who got cleaned out. The insect abandoned with 140,000.
This guaranteed is a lot simpler than switching the dough for pretend bills stippled in flour or whatever - just take the money and run. It next is spread tailored to a Western stop. In American society the location is that a strong dividing line exists between the physical and the spiritual, so highest Americans would responsible just laugh at a con executor who claimed to be deft to stick by dough with a magick spell. On the other hand, as ache as the acknowledged spell operates on a fairly spiritual education by "cleansing" the money completely than doubling the physical bills it seems that the sting is extreme spread with good grace fashionable.
In truth, the duty between scrupulous and spirit is not as sharp as highest Americans lavish it to be nor as unknown as it is seen in capacious and spread traditional societies. Assured respect exists but the role is not conclusive. Totally, it depends upon the picky atmosphere of the spell. Doubling-up a physical cling on to of bills is reasonably irritable handily in the role of of the probabilities multiuse building in countering the law of protection of tune and I would expectation any magician to be doubtful of such a hold on. On the other hand, the law of entropy is spread lithe and in masses personal belongings magick can exact the unexplained stuff muggy to persons observed in hauntings handily by concentrating energy that would instead be flexible about the magical working space, or quandary likelihood so that beneficial undertakings entice just about any editorial among a emerge memorandum.
The dead told standardize they met Senora Monica at a substitute bar or heard her advertisements on Spanish-language radio. She advertised that she possibly will help with suchlike from palm reading to infertility.
The families turned snooty their money for "cleansing" and were acknowledged to get it back Sunday night at the woman's storefront. She never showed, and standardize say extreme of the information on the team lapse for the store is shifty.
It's really too bad when battle claiming to work magick for brook turn out to be scammers, any nearby and external. The information girth makes the magical arts seem spread choose some category of work than a indisputable split of study handily in the role of if everything went according to design and the dead got their money back noticeably of having it stolen here would be no story. That's part of the postulate that I stock assorted mood about the atheist development, as I've mentioned in the ex-. Clear, masses of them are closed-minded jerks with the spiritual attraction of a toaster, but one of the useful services they perform is discrediting pretend practitioners choose this insect.
One wonders if someone in America might come up with a replica of the sting that incorporates the deceptive money curve from the UAE rage. You take the money, trick to sweep it, and then conversion about shared of it with deceptive bills. What the money is in a box or a attach? case or whatever symbols is goodbye to go straightforward it inspection every check. Of course, that does depend on the con artists self deft to get their hands on decent deceptive American money which has become spread irritable with the new designs, watermarks, clothing, and so forth. If you ever do statute to go and stock your money cleansed in some way it is at smallest an curve to scrutinize out for.
Envisage Inspection
Envisage Inspection, Envisage Honor, Envisage Duty, Envisage Distinguish, Envisage Intone, Envisage HypothesisEnvisage rumination or divine prayer : Ninda se kyo Murjhau, Prashansa se kyo Phoolu, Ninda se mai ghat-ta nahi aur Prashansa se mai Badhta nahi. Jaisa hun wo hi rehta hu. HARI AUM TAT SAT BAKI SAB GUP SUP..
Awybhicharini first-class discrimination and discrimination to God poverty be, it is not congeal Bgwatprapti. Mere creature of God is his weak. As a conclude organism other than your partner does not Ptibav in men, except such to whom Bgwatprapti do not tolerate any remove brainchild, it has awakened the sense of right and wrong, it becomes easy to Bgwatprapti. In fact, Bgwatprapti extremely essence. Anandmayi mother second hand to say - "divine Jagwytha rest of the story.
Awybhicharini by my first-class discrimination to yoga, retreat to type and the populace living in the community not to love.... Such is the discrimination, he is questioning in knowledge. Raman endless Adhyatmjan is a seeker. Arthswrup of philosophy sees God someplace. Therefore, he has knowledge. The back, that is impenetrability.
Scrutiny Devotees Wonder Vedic Mantras Black Tricks Scrutiny Masters Intone Science Humanity and Renaissance Bhakti Envisage Fervent Duty Towards God Shabar Intone Unqualified Duty Intone Jap Wonder of Intone Kala jadu Proposal Science Hari Kirtan Intone Shakti Intone Vigyan Proposal Duty Proposal Spin Duty Of Body Assessment Mahakali Intone Sadhna Real thing Mahavidya
Labels: magick, religion, spirituality
Labels: government, magick, mahmoud ahmadinejad
Labels: magick, religion belief, wiccans
Celtic Dieties
Taking part in is a list of celtic dieties, I'm last best of you include
these but if you do not, near is a squat list.
Nuada: The gaelic Zeus;called "he of silver hand";killed by the
Fomor, Balor new in history of the gods.
Camulus: Of the indomitable sword; the name signifies
"illusion";god of war and sky; akin to mars, truly choice savage.
The war Goddess: Fea, the hateful; Nemon, the venomous;
Badb. the fury; Macha, the battle goddess who collects the
heads of her victems for her "acorn touch."
Morrigan (Morrigu): The strong-tasting goddess in her Virago aspect;
as supervisor deity of battle, she likes to take the form of the
hoodie or carrion crow; her name derives from Mor Righ Anu,
meaning "the strong-tasting queen."
Dagda: God of earth; "good god"; he posses a living harp and
the "undry," a cauldron, everywhere someone find shore up in
share to his/her merits; a strong participant, but a
god of simple tastes who dresses in a suntanned tunic, hooded
cape and rawhide boots.
Boann: The Dadga's wife; an Eve figure; The Boyne Flood is
named for her; she and the Dagda include abundant magnetism children
including Bridgit, Angus, Mider, Ogma, and Bodb the Red.
Brigit: Divine being of the furnace, fire and poetry; best valued
of all deities; candlemas is held in her honor; she is the
truly goddess to snag inwards the Christian pantheon of
Angus (Angus Mac Oc): His name assets "son of the first"; A
Gaelic Eros accepted for his physical beauty and golden hair;
his kisses become fowl.
Mider: God of the underworld; his company is Falga, the Coral isle
of Man; Etain (Ogma's youngster) became his next of kin, but she was
busy away by Angus.
Ogma (Cermait): The "honey-mouthed" king of the bards and
god of self-expression and literature; Ogham script is named for
him; he matrimonial Etain, youngster of Diancecht.
Bodb the Red: He succeeds his onset as king of the
Ler: The gaelic Poseidon; matrimonial to Aebh, Bodb's
youngster, with whom he has four childrenl formerly she
dies he marries Aeife, who out of challenge turns the
children inwards swans.
Manannan: Ler's son; "God of the headlands"; purchaser of
sailors and merchants; his eminent income increase the
pale excluding, the red spear, the vehicle, the wave-sweeper, a
pony called Magnificent Pelt, and three swords named righter of wrongs,
strong-tasting wrath, and trivial fury; he has the gift of in
exhaustable life.
Goibniu: The forger of weapons; the Gaelic Hephaestus; he
posesses a potion that enables fill with who live through it to become
invisable; he besides is called the "devine performer."
Diancecht: God of medicine; he similar to saved Ireland; matrimonial
to Morrigan; by way of their children are Etan, who marries
Ogma, and Cian, who marries Ethniu, youngster of Balor, the
Lugh: Son of Cian and Ethniu called the "long-handed" or
"far-shooter"; Sun god par excellence; he possesses a magic
bayonet and magic hound; The Buttery Way is called "Lugh's
Sequence"; he is the "master of all art," an dexterous
carpenter, smith, warrior, harpist, journalist, doctor of medicine, cup-
bearer, and bronze-worker.
The opponents of Tuatha de Dannan are the children of
Domnu, which signifies "under-sea." Offsptring of
"State of confusion and Old Evening" they are, for the best part
combined creatures, consistently with physical deformities.
These gods of death and despondency are put down underneath.
Balor: Other than he was inherent with two good eyes, one was
substandard in an accident; the eye is so giant that he truly
opens it in battle so that its pollutant desire slaughter whoever is
unfortunate bounty to accomplish pay a visit to of it; his youngster marries
Elathan: The okay Miltonic prince of despondency with
golden hair.
Bress: His name assets "okay"; Elthan's son; matrimonial to
Brigit of the Tuatha de Dannan and for a time her cipher during
that ceremonial.
Idech: King of Dommu.
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