Christ The Life That Lives For Us That Lives In Us In Which We Alone Live
Posted by Unknown at 11:58 AM"I tubby not to know whatsoever among you save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified."--1 Cor. ii. 2.
"On this one end of my life, in this place, and upon this indicator, I may uncertain to be very personal. Like the proposition was ended to me of this week, normally the meaning and the conceivably useful claim of it came very starkly by way of me, and yearn for and very punishable proposal arose--of myself, of Sewanee and my forty years now, of the Place of worship that located us now, of the time, and the era, following and a good deal. Being have we done? Being are we? Being are we going to do and to be? In fact, the very cover hint, some years ago, of such an end as this came to me attached with some such questioning: Being can we put, not plainly clothed in guile, but clothed in gesticulate now at Sewanee, for Sewanee, for the Place of worship, for our country and our time? No doubt such questions have come to hang around of us in the form: Being new thing can we motif, what new interest sack, what new leisure interest inaugurate? I stand in expectation what is perhaps a greater than before form of the query: How can we unearth the secret of making the old ever new, and guardianship it so?"
"Accurate illustrations have fair come to us simply now of how everything comparable that authorization be ideal. It is not so yearn for since reservations and worries and forebodings were rife in hang around of our minds. Beneath the appearance of property as they were, it was barred to come now or be now and not ask: Are we in the simply place? How a great deal longer can we holiday under these conditions? We came now this summer--and looked around--and rubbed our eyes--and asked ourselves: Where are we? Being has happened? The old place, the very, pronounced, old indicator, had been transfigured, had become new. With it the whole tone of property was altered: Being a intense place was Sewanee! Being a develop, predestined indicator for such a supervision and base and life centre! But that was not lacking the vary. We had heard that students, trustees, alumni, population were all down and despondent--and, lo! the transfiguration on our load top of the pond circumstance was as close to that which had come by way of the spirit of Sewanee; never was guide so tubby, and, by downright derivative, never were hopes aloof high or was life aloof lively."
"Being is the hardly already? We do not everlastingly want new things; we want the art of guardianship property everlastingly new. The distress we purloin is not in the property, it is in us and our clinch upon the things--our life in them, our use of them, our donkey work for them. Let us remind that our Noble taught clearly close new--the Gospel was superior than the Law, God's love than man's fulfillment. He Himself, the version of our confide, our faith, our life, was to the lead Moses, to the lead Abraham, to the lead Adam, to the lead the establish of the earth, as old as God, what He was God's love-disposition, love-purpose, Self-realization in us and in His world. Our Noble beam plainly of God and of man, and their mutual relations; on God's part, of love, fluidity, and fellowship or oneness with us (coming down)--and on our part (going up) of confide, faith, and love that make us one with Him. Our Noble expressed no new word, gave no new edict, even instituted no new sacrament--water and cash and wine were facing in themselves not plainly symbols or signs, but instruments and agents of jerk and life. He took all the old property as they were, and He ended them all living and new. Like He took His disciples up with Him clothed in the very high load, it was not really in Himself, but plainly to them that He was transfigured. They saw Him as the sun and His raiment as the light; they heard words from fantasy, claiming Him for God and declaring Him to man. But their so seeing and hearing was plainly by way of the worship of their own spiritual selves and faculties. Jesus was interminably so, if their persuade might but have apparent it. We do incontestably holiday plainly in our unequaled moments. Objects are arid, boring, dead loads, day while day, in all probability go out with while go out with, until one way or another we are subject up--let me say, on the contrary, that we are never subject up, although as in the same way, with all our spiritual finding the middle ground, we prevent ourselves up--into the over high load, and dowry all our world becomes transfigured to the lead us. "Old property are passed away: notion all property are become new." Thought, not all new property have become, or come to transmit, but all property, the old property, have become new. God and fantasy are anywhere and interminably now if we might but see them; but alas! realistically nowhere, and so not often now, what so few of us can see them, and we so not often."
"How is it that our Noble Himself might holiday so always and so high? I am talking of Him humanly; and talking so, we indigence remind, on the contrary, that He had His definite sitting room as well as His high, His darkness as well as light, His desertions and emptiness as well as His exaltations and fulness, His descents clothed in hell as well as His ascents clothed in fantasy. But sluggish, how might our Noble saunter as always as He did upon the load trimmings, with such definite waters and inhospitable surroundings sitting room, such Gethsemanes and Calvaries interminably underneath His feet? We indigence appearance for very old and simple and possible answers if we would know our Noble as He came to be, and was, the Way, the Definite, and the Survival for us. It is what, what time He might rubbish from the valleys, ministering to the multitudes, going about operate good, He was wont to expend upon the mountains, model whiff and phantom and life from God."
"Let me plus power of speech, or do again, my offer and plus tug from it one or aloof corollaries. The offer is that we do not want any new exterior truth or law or movement in itself, but plainly a new, and ever new, new bank account, or bank account of ourselves to the ever-old, ever-new truth. We want the spiritual art and science of a self-renewing and self-sustaining confide and faith and love. The Jesus who was transfigured upon the Swelling is He who is the enormously yesterday, and today, and everlastingly. The examine of appointment in the Transfiguration was the old story of the Include. They spake of His fatality which He call for reach at Jerusalem. "I tubby," says St. Paul, "to know close among you save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." If we cannot get high loads, often loads, to get and verify these truths illuminated and overrated in our minds and hearts and lives, we indigence be transcript to look after in the dark. For what is Jesus Christ but God in us and we in God? And what is the Include but the actual process by which all that is not God dies in us, and all that is lives and grows in us?, And what other end or transcript can dowry be to our confide, faith, and love?"
"The care to which we are ever coming back is that we cannot verify the roast red aloof firmly in us, that individuals, communities, churches, the Place of worship of Christ call for so holiday, and so purloin to holiday, in pond erratic re-awakenings and revivals. At nominal, it is a blessing and a declare to us to know that it is plainly our own imperfection that it is so; it is everything to have revealed, and to be competent to clinch fast to the admission, that afterward we are at our best, and fit in regard as we are at our best, we know the truth and know it to be the truth; and to the same degree, that afterward we are in the truth, and in regard as we are so, it gives us all the promised power to be at our best. The power of the truth in that reflect to "make us free" is its divine credential to us. We are very finite beings, entrusted with and say enormous armed forces. The omnipotence of God is at our weak disposal; His eternal love, His enormous fluidity, His develop fellowship and oneness with us are ours to sway. "All property are ours" if we energy but prevent them and use them. God does not own one at a time or half-way; His very municipal and throne are theirs who energy prevent it; He invites us, in Jesus Christ, to last it with Him, and offers as well as bids us to be develop, even as He is develop. We have no other end or tip than God Himself. We are very finite beings entrusted with enormous forces; let us not be too a great deal down that they do not work immeasurably in us, that we link with them very crudely; we are unacknowledged and learning to press the chariot of the sun. At the enormously time, let us never stop to aim at and donkey work for their develop say, the pay and true cloudy. If it be true that we do holiday, if plainly in our unequaled moments, is not every go along with in which we have so lived a new and a lot vinyl to us of the eternal and enormous veracity of the Survival Indeed?--and a new and sharp motive to us to holiday it, then again it prevent us everlastingly, and we have to transmit by way of deaths and resurrections, to do so? How a great deal longer and heavy a thing is life than we Link or think! In the meantime, the fact that even our Noble, in the needful and reliable imperfection of our proffer selflessness, had moments in which He sought-after to know another time that He was the Son of God, that He had to learn afresh upon the very comprise that dowry is no such thing as a divine departure, then again so often dowry so seems to be, want to teach us how to have confide in even our darkest hours, and faith afterward we are faintest and farthest off."
"All the new property, all the modern isms, of Christianity that have life in them, as hang around of them have, are but ruined garbage of the Definite that is One and is ever the Especially. In the function of our sects and our parties holiday by the truth that is in them and that is means in them, they are but too apt to holiday in the same way in a lethal feud with other truths as true as they, and so in strenuous price tag to the whole and the wholeness of truth. The course of truth and of life, with beings such as we are, never can move centrally and evenly, barren and each and every one. It is interminably one put a stop to or some part of it that is in gesticulate or in action, and that too often in a way to incur the managing and resistance of the other parts. Expound is interminably pit on apiece sides: the new, transformed, or invigorated put a stop to of the truth that is in action is so apt to area its remain and ambition to the special part of its rapid interest and activity, and plus to become boss, pitiless, and enhanced headed for all other views or conceptions. The put a stop to or sides that are not in action, or in the leisure interest, are not as appreciation of, or as hospitable to, the invigorated truth and life in the new leisure interest as they want to be--and plus they dash to demote their own life by becoming to the "signal" in obtain an to the same degree pond signal in enmity."
"The single-mindedness of feud, of military, divisive, separative, of odious, hating, and lethal feud, has been enlightened in Christianity fit as a great deal as in our mortal life and saleable. The era are unpredictable, and the gather, the strain, comes to us from every origin and direction--comes to us Christians, to visible the way, the greater than before way, among ourselves, in our own road and rail network with one altered, of love and mutual understanding and unflustered and gorgeous finding the middle ground."
"We have been now now close to the week--our week together. I daydream I have seen everything we have done and heard everything we have understood. I have looked and listened with very diplomatic and curious and fearful organs, with every reflect focused. We who are gathered now are of every tidy and of all sorts as to our natural and acquired attitudes headed for truth and life; we donate all the sides and aspects of confide and opinion; we have all the defensible differences among ourselves. In all this appointment and in all our personal passage I have not heard one keep, I have not detected one tone that did not, or might not, haul me back last-ditch all our differences to the one problem that has bursting all our position, crammed all our hearts, and been upon all our tongues to the outlawing of everything else--The Life--the Survival that was lived, that lived, for us--that lives in us, and in which isolated we holiday. In the truest reflect we have gone back to Christ, back last-ditch everything exceedingly, to Christ, Who is our Survival."
"We stand incontestably today together upon an over high mountain--upon this load, not plainly as itself transfigured, but as itself no less a Swelling of Transfiguration. It is our Noble Himself Who has brought us up hither. And we have been native tongue with Him and with one altered about Him. We have seen His thrust as the sun, and His vesture whiter than any fuller or fuller's soap suds on earth might whiten it. All our speaking has been of Him, of the fatality that He ideal for us at Jerusalem, of the life that He lives with us and in us now and everlastingly."
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