Tuesday, 09 October 2012 03:45 Mumin Salih THE MUSLIM Survey OF MORALITY: Muslims' understanding of dishonesty can be summarized in one sentence: If you do not hatefulness Allah, portray is void that can rostrum you from committing crimes. Thus, dishonesty is the natural ensue of the hatefulness of Allah, which keeps nation well-organized. Fill who do not transport in Allah, and intimates who do not hatefulness him, can commit any sin similar to the situation are candid. Hence, non Muslims are not suitably and would commit crimes if they can get away from home with it. They lone hatefulness the okay of the man made law which is easy to evasion, but who can evasion Allah?
Muslims star all their wire and convivial principles to Islam. Ask any Muslim of any age or sexual characteristics "why you do not roam" and you are all but guaranteed to get an utter like: because of the knowledge of our religion. This mandate is so handsomely set in in the Muslims' minds that utmost of them do not glance at that dishonesty can stand up far-off Islam. Such views help to documentation the Muslims' minds to disparage the others and decline them.
It is fundamental for westerners to understand this way of Islamic sympathy, because it explains regular of the Muslims' convivial management. For case in point, Muslim men who dig around sexual execution, unthinkingly guard that non Muslim women are easier willing victim because they lack the Islamic dishonesty avoidance that protects Muslim women. Miserably, very frequently they explain their point.
Later than signs of western wickedness all more or less them, it is complex to explain to Muslims prior to. A Muslim parson in Australia at what time described western women as nude essence that invites predators. The parson was actually dialogue the Muslims' minds in ordinary. The extravagant western wire contrasts with the vehemently bonded Muslim wire everywhere all members supporting and caution for each other. Respect to parents and the former and convivial eagerness towards the not eat as well as wintry relations are basic duties even and environmental by all. In a Muslim wire, parents frequently do not lug to beat about retirement and small hotel because they know they can calculate on their children, or other termination relations, for full convivial and cost-effective supporting.
The hatefulness of Allah is called "takwa", which means "to breakout confrontation with Allah". "Takwa" and "hatefulness of Allah" are frequently used vocabulary in the Quran and in the Arab societies. Whenever the thing of dishonesty comes up in disputes, the Arabs say: Don't you hatefulness Allah? which is a addendum to the other entertainment that he is on a mishap course with Allah.
In ordinary, the inspiration of dishonesty in Muslims' minds is remarkably about middle good to wire and gravity from adding bridal sex. Special effects darling purse-snatch, lies and embezzlement, despite the fact that torpid documented as suitably principles, come at the very end of their dishonesty lists.
THE ARAB Decorousness Ahead of time ISLAM: Islam is remarkably a thoughtfulness of the seventh century Arabs' culture. In arrears the Islamic conquests in Arabia and the trice defeat of the entirety spit, the Arabs continued to hang about with their pre Islamic traditions and culture, which were taken as a whole unaltered by the new religion. Very, regular of intimates traditions were unthinkingly built-in in Islam, middle an Arabic religion. A solemn part of pre Islamic verbal communication notorious the Arabs virtues darling support, na?vet, collect of men, assurance to wire and relations as well as female chastity. The Arabs enchanted intimates virtues previously and time was Islam and they torpid do to this day. In sessions everywhere the Jahiliya (pre-Islamic) verbal communication is middle discussed, the Arabs are merry to speak for hours, with obvious jubilation, about their everyday virtues lone to gripe that its all because of Mohammed if the refer to moves on to Islam!
By crediting Islam for their dishonesty, Muslims of all breeds temper their everyday, because they curse that their everyday had no, or low, dishonesty.
ISLAM DID Invest More than a few CHANGES TO ARAB Decorousness, BUT FOR THE Poorer. A few examples are cited here:
* Adoption was rationally intended an thing of high dishonesty but was abolished by Mohammed for a uncharitable and evil manipulate.
* Links and tribal assurance was redefined because of the Islamic knowledge, which repeated Muslims to give up, or assassinate, their own termination relations if they become key to Islam. Abu Bakr's son was torpid a pagan at the time of the canvass of Badr and overtly stayed away from home from his Muslim gain to breakout termination him. In final sparkle, the son reminded the gain with the strike, Abu Bakr's remedy was: '"I would not lug hesitated to assassinate you for the sake of Allah and his prophet!"' Abu Bakr's remedy says it all about the dishonesty of the pagans against the dishonesty of Muslims.
* Sins darling embezzlement and lies were made relative; Muslims can trap or lie to non Muslims if they castle in the sky that is listening carefully to them. Muslims are frequently baffled raid in western supermarkets and divide stores, because they transport that breach of copyright from the infidels is not a misdemeanor, or not a big misdemeanor. For the actual contention utmost rape crimes in the west are in a jiffy fervent by Muslims who transport raping infidel women is not that bad, unless they take on HIV. Muslim men habitually lie to western girls and pull out them to predicament relationships or marriages to stem cost-effective gains or visas. Sea green Arabs are well-known to do this with the blessings of their religious families.
* Identicalness is non truthful under Islamic law as the non Muslims and slaves are treated as youth subjects to Muslims.
And the list can go on...
Just darling in today's sequential societies, the pre Islamic Arabs denounced purse-snatch because they held purse-snatch was graciously out of kilter. For the actual contention they denounced lies, embezzlement and committing treachery. In arrears adopting Islam, the Arabs torpid refrained from committing any of the terminated crimes but now for a inexperienced reason- the hatefulness of Allah. More than a few may struggle that we don't lug to beat about the contention because at the end of the day the sins were not fervent. Far from true, the nation who breakout sins because they transport they are out of kilter are nation with high dishonesty who would never commit intimates sins under any situation. On the other hand nation who breakout sins because they hatefulness Allah are nation with no morality; they lone take by the symbols and would commit sins at what time the symbols placid. Muslims do not roam as hunger as the symbols of Islam say "do not roam" but similar to a parson issues a fatwa that breach of copyright is decriminalized, for case in point breach of copyright from the infidels, they would roam. After a parson issues a fatwa to oblige harm on the infidels, burn their churches or commit other crimes, the Muslim masses would do it all because of the hatefulness of Allah. Worship territorial army, they wouldn't even take for granted to supply the wisdom or dishonesty of their remit. But Muslims do not unfailingly hardship a fatwa. Being Muslims they know the ordinary feature and as a rule can make a good critic.
THE ISLAMIC ETIQUETTE: You cannot mean high dishonesty in a religion everywhere the interpreter remit his buddies not to start the compliments if they finger the non Muslims on the road. Neat similar to the Christians start the compliments, Muslims are not seeming to counter in helpful. Display was a time, previously the flash Islamic resurgence, similar to the Muslim and Christian Arabs treated each other in correct ways. In our day, all mosques and madrasas are working active to teach, or suggest, Muslims with the good Islamic protocols in venture with the others. Ideally, Muslims poverty, one by one, breakout handshakes with others; you never know what intimates hands were decree a few minutes preceding. The Arab Christians try to be urbane and pleasant to Muslims and pleasant them in the Islamic way "assalmu alaikum", meaning friendship be upon you. The Muslim good manners is NOT to counter in helpful by saying, "waalaikum assalam" meaning: and friendship be upon you. Significantly they poverty say "wassalamu ala mani ittaba al huda" meaning friendship be upon intimates, who point the candid path, which is Islam. The Muslim remedy is evil and insinuates a announcement that portray can be no friendship with intimates Christians. The Christians frequently do not understand what is subsequently the Muslim remedy, and due predicament it as a do. I also noticed that Muslims expand this good manners to the Internet. They frequently start their debate with ex-Muslims by that evil do - the lone widely held is: this time they get an such as promptly remedy.
Special aspect of the Muslim convivial good manners is their intuition similar to they notice of the death of a Christian, who was a national or link. Significantly of the congeal remedy in such situation, which is saying "Allah yerahimahu" meaning 'may Allah spare his sins', Muslims are told to resume introverted or hard their entity sorrow in other words. Tabled this remedy from the Muslims is a belief that Allah wish never spare Christians for what they lug done!
In terms of dishonesty, Islam is youth to other cultures. It does not teach dishonesty, it teaches obedience and martial its buddies to take by the symbols of Allah, which do not unfailingly suggest with dishonesty as we know it. As hunger as the law of Islam happens to be in purchase with dishonesty, Muslims are well-disciplined, but lone darling boisterous animals in a cage; at what time without charge they become darling unyielding boisterous beasts.
Immediate a amp from a nearby mosque, an Imam was heard explaining the should of Islam: "if portray are no afterlife punishments for sins, consequently we all would be out committing all kinds of sins."
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