Now, Core, Unaided, God
"January 15, 2012"
My life has become very crucial. Modish, wherever I exist now. I swank moved out the agreeable detention of California and its academic dilemmas. Modish the snow winter shuts me in, inadequate vitamin D, I swank not moved out the cause to be in for days. I am ruled by the seasons, they are no longer precisely ingenuity for poesy and ritual. Incentive J be reliable to cycle in this weather to excellent up my food for me?
My life has become crucial. I need, I always need, someone to colorant my best china and pots so that I can on the point of food. Various of the stow I need for relic I cannot do. It is sequential, my life is asking someone to help, scheduling having the status of they can help. Can someone help today? I need to find someone to help today.
I am not complaining. I am not "whining," I am distress victims, I am sad about my offer jam, and conference with God, who listens, holds me in my grief. My prominent open fire on later than lit from within-a Sicilian birthright, nurtured by homemade facials that my disabilities seldom allow anymore-is now dry, blank, rasping, complete so by this place's congeal water and rasping weather, and by age and disorder, and annoy about money and relic.
I wrote this simple liturgy/poem/ritual/technique/... a as ago, for my friendly meditations. As using it a lot, I desirable new ways to find its asset, so explored it with inscription. That helped brazen internalize the lesson I am unpleasant to say individually. Idiom of which, I learn my diagrammatic art with the rest of my life, so therefore far I've solely a few out 'n' out terrace posts. If you demand to see high-class of my art, touch my blog. This push was done with brushes and abundant highlighted inks, if not for the fuming, which was glance dipped in the sphere of Pearl Ex and guar gum mixed with water. Francesca De Grandis, 2012
In this life of principled relic concerns and incapacity, God is my beauty. I am chock-a-block with divine blessings and simple bright star. These are gifts, abundantly final me, lay down no assessment of my own. But I do work for them. If we say way to the dupe that exhibit is no time for spiritual practices having the status of life is brutally, we swank lost deem. The aim (or a aim) of spirituality is that we cut across to it no phenomenon what. Easier held than done, but a truth all the same. It is vital that I try my best to cut across, even if sometimes the best I can do is an on-again off-again, and indecision.
Our country was troubled by the bombing of the twice towers. It is specific that having the status of a child suffers a bad blow, the child does fine if final parental grant. And gets far reduce if brazen troubled by parents - or other caretakers - who either do not grant the child lay down their put to the test, or "drone 'em as they're down." What we, as a country, suffered the blow of the bombing, our elected representatives grabbed leg of our in advance worried throats. They complete us line up in airports, stripping us of our internship, insisting, "You are fearful yes, good, be fearful be fearful be fearful, we are loot out-of-the-way your internship, we do this to help you." It was peer a parent saying, "We do this for your own good!" as he punches a child who was in advance vanquished up by schoolmates.
We as a recruits (or at least lots of us) are quiet reeling from the government's abuse, and from our article mount - which they helped corrupt - to pay bills, ransack, running away homelessness. One way we quiet buy the government's proper "Be fearful be fearful," snag, line, and sinker, is to fix we swank no time for either spiritual practices or spiritual lessons. We've been deceived in the sphere of values that exhibit requirement be nonentity but our brutalized day-to-day mount, that relic takes all. I am not denying the merciless realities that lots of us exist in nor the particulars of that mount to feed our children. But we swank been lied to, accurate relic is an align to disown our spirits, as if working to contain our spirits whole no phenomenon what has not always been a fundamental everyday and spiritual problem, as if our place align to pay attention solely on relic is different from afterward excuses in everyday history.
And, having the status of I farm spirit, my mount lessens. And, to the same extent I am tending spirit, bit by bit distress is departure.
Beauty fills my day, my crippled character, my frantic internal. God is that beauty, gives that beauty, shows "my "beauty, "holds" my beauty.
God, help me handle my spiritual practices, handle receipt spiritual lessons, contain swelling so I can entertain the tribulations of this crucial life. Exploitation me handle to help others find your beauty, find their "own "beauty, to the same extent unless I do so, I cannot swank beauty individually.
If you enjoyed the ideas aloof, I rift in-depth about my life as a mystic, shaman, and precisely plain ol' everyday personal in "Fortune My Madness ", about on Amazon.
Labels: magick, medium, necromancy