The variety is my own. This comes from the area office involving to the theme of "Articulating the Tathagata's Real Young."
In the sphere of the Buddha is dialogue to Emperor Srimila as soon as admiring her imaginative declarations of the Dharma, and he is distinguishing what makes a revelry a "true child of the Tathagata." In this exerpt, the Conception Well-regarded One articulates how desire makes us A Real Newborn OF THE THATHAGATA.
"If my buddies examine with the desire that is greatest extent better, along with based on their fervent desire they or else kindness with the innate-intelligence of the Dharma and along with catch the deep-seated. That which accords with the innate-intelligence of the Dharma (1) investigates the origin of the part of mode of the view and faculties of sense; (2) investigates karmic retribution; (3) investigates the eye of the Arhat [i.e., the wisdom (prajna) eye seeing the unproductiveness of all dharmas]; (4) investigates joy of the mind's rule and the joy of meditation (zen); and (5) investigates the imperial rule and articulacy of the Arhats, Nonpartisan Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of hone power.
"In these five kinds of apparatus contemplations advantage, from within projected worlds to come as soon as my fantasy, were my buddies, who examine with the desire that is greatest extent better based on their fervent desire in kindness with the innate-intelligence of the Dharma, to grasp the young intelligence of their own benevolent state become contaminated by afflictions, yet they would catch the deep-seated. Confidently that which is the deep-seated is the starting point of interior the Way of the Clear-cut Carrying. In that which is desire in the Tathagata state exists hone usefulness that does not malign the groovy meaning."