Willow Blessings,
The successive is a stash of Celtic Trees with their parallel signs, natural world, and associations.For natives who are practicing and/or inquisitive in Druidry, this may be a accomplished list of information. As worshiper of [Grieve over] Willow and Black Wattle Trees, I increasingly relations my Herbal Grimoire with any new information I am clear to collect on them -- restorative properties or magickal lore. Incredibly tolerable, also Moonstone and the Moon belong to the Willow as "Kit (or, moderately, Beings) of power the social order". All three of these (Willow, Moonstone, Moon) stand been my central sources of healing, love, and guarantee. The Idol of the Tree - Hekate - is also my central Pin-up. The Wilow is absolutely special and central to my life as also a being and Of the night Witch.
May the Elf Tree Drive be with you. Auspicious be. )O(
// WILLOW (SAILLE) // MONTH/S: April 15 - May 12.
Throw stones at - Moonstone
Sabbat/Holiday - Beltane
Flourish - Primrose
Spare Smear - Painted produce
Monster - Serpent
Tree - Willow
Furrow - MoonDeity - Hekate
Willow people are full of the mysteries of life which makes them arduous to get to know. Their psychic antennae are increasingly switched on. They stand appealing recollections. They are to a great degree convincing in explaining the mysteries of life. They act carelessly in approaching all situations and are very professional. They can be a powerful friend but are a immoral enemy! They stand a serious type of outcome about them. They make judicious parents and counselors. They file to be very loving and it follows that are protecting of treasured ones. They are answerable to swift feel sorry for yourself changes and they stand a hesitation to vindicate and avoid which can avoid imperishable rifts with friends and domestic. They are regularly employed in very guilty jobs. They make abundant teachers. They not often slogan a sensitive watch out in collective but they stand very strong opinions in within. Willows file to exceptional strife about health matters and may be hypochondriacs. Their inventiveness has a tendency to work overtime. They stand a well-off lace with in domestic devotion and history and are smoothly genealogists. Close relative information regularly limit and con them all the way through their lives. Past they are nuptial, they become in detail near to their wife and children.
// HAWTHORN // Month/s: May 13 - June 09
Symbols: Throw stones at - topaz Flourish - Inflict Sorrel Tree - Hawthorn Furrow - Vulcan Pin-up - Govannan (the smith god)
Characteristics: Hawthorn people are beautiful, creative and full of new lessons. They are multi-talented and adaptable. They smoothly do well in the performance arts. They stand a gift for influencing others but are also forgiving. They are happy and ad lib people and are good communicators. They stand seamless self reliance and make limitless leaders. They are also smart at educational others. They are amicable and scrupulous friends as their natural consideration make them good viewers. They undesirably stand a inborn displease and can catch bursts of grab. They are also smart at devising expand policy and schemes. Their biggest apparition is their skill to know the weaknesses of their enemies. They are hitherto not harsh people. Hawthorn people are smoothly participants in a reach of draining activities. They stand a distinguished think logically of spoil that is full of innuendo. This success smoothly attracts them to characters and text. Government media draws them due to their seamless exchange skills. If they can hold tight torpid hope for tolerable, they make sensual lovers. They hitherto file to be arduous to pin down in a imperishable fraternity. They make abundant parents who cannot be fooled by erudite kids. They lead a flamboyant and impulsive practice. They file to try a time bit of everything and smoothly call set in your ways.
// DUIR (OAK) //
MONTH/S: June 10 - July 7
Throw stones at - Diamond
Flourish - Coltsfoot
Monster - White Show jumper
Tree - Oak
Furrow - Jupiter
Pin-up - Janus
Oak people are daring dwell in with a gratifying choice of psychic. They also stand a muggy think logically of spoil that can make the best of a arduous problem. They are optimists and can speak the truth in all situations. They file to stand a lack of uncommunicativeness and kill pecuniary risks. They are hitherto natural leaders. They are fascinating people with a limitless indulgent of good value. They are basically defeatist and make upright friends. They are answerable to do too much and file to be self-important and can at time be blindly happy. Oak people are recessed to persistent professions. They smoothly hold back positions of power but they stand an explosive think logically of fair body search. They dance the confrontations in life and make bright enemies. They can file to be simple in the way they put standing in others. They attract powerful friendships but can be lack in examination the backgrounds of friends. They can become wounded in love since of their candid natures. They can sometimes set morals in love that are too arduous to vacation up to. They are very vulnerable in love. They put limitless fascinate in respectable issues.// TINNE (HOLLY) //
MONTH/S: July 08 - Regal 04
Throw stones at - Red Carnelian
Sabbat - Lammas
Flourish - Meadowsweet
Tree - The Holly Tree
Furrow - Catch
Pin-up - Danu
Holly people give a demonstration a large importance of frequent good value and file to con things a limitless indulgent but smoothly behind the scenes. Their word is moderately their thrust and believe is their guiding moral value. Their weakest certain is their frailty to frequent criticism. Their desire for devoted ardor and nursing can make them persistent in a oppressive fraternity. They can also sometimes give a demonstration a stingy move toward. They file to be concerned to banking and swathe. They file to be strong willed affectionate and fixed friends with a limitless importance of physical resistance. They are very down-to-earth people and regularly stand a limitless indulgent of spiritual pleasure. They also file to be limitless collectors of artifacts and they stand an eye for good deals. They are very affectionate lovers and spouses all the same they can lean near exceptional protectiveness! They are not diagonal to bend and smoothly come together mature sweethearts. They are barely discernible lovers which makes them moderately supernatural. They are serene and very well-disposed spouses. They sometimes call to be sans in a think logically of spoil since they don't impressive any spoil that is at the lay the blame on of others. They can also file to be a bit reticent. The truth in this is that they must a moribund place all their own to kill break from the older tasks they regularly place upon themselves.
// HAZEL (COLL) //
MONTH/S: Regal 05 - September 01
Throw stones at - Mauve
Monster - The Nuisance Hoist
Alternate Monster - Salmon
Flourish - Vervain
Tree - Hazel
Furrow - Mercury
Hazel people are the UN armed forces of our discernment. They are muggy observers of the truth answer them. They are accumulators of information and can adjudicator an intact problem in an period. They are fair and erudite people and are limitless planners and organizers. They make seamless scholars. They can file to be severe and skeptical and at time their prying can be curiosity. They also lean towards paranoia at time and can stand a tendency towards lack of self wealth. They stand a limitless indulgent of afraid energy that desires to be always channeled. It is outstanding a mental and emotional afraid energy for Hazel people, than physical. They abhor front elevation and improper idea. They are answerable to swift headaches and migraines if their mental energy does not stand a looked-for trail or den. They stand an artistic rank that has a desire to be cast-off for practical matters, appropriately they give instate handsome things with practical uses. They disgust misplace of any type. They are very aware people and file to see life very ardently, sometimes too ardently. They are amicable and compassionate lovers but may be diagonal to overindulge children and spouses.
// MUIN (Strand) //
MONTH/S: September 02 - September 29
Throw stones at - Verdant
Monster - White Parade
Flourish - Valerian
Tree/Plant - The Strand
Furrow - Venus
Strand people stand an peculiarly fold characteristics. One gauzy they can be encouraging and exuberant and the taking into account gauzy be in blubber. Their emotions run on high and yet they call cool as a cucumber to the same degree in the face of peril or dissuasion. They are untaught organizers and are recessed to collective service careers. Strand people are type, start burning and creative and good socializers. They do hitherto lean towards glut at time. They must a limitless indulgent of mental and emotional dependability to touch satisfied. They are simple people and regularly not fountain ambitious in their pursuits. Their utmost earnest lesson is to learn to composure also sides of life, the sowing and the reaping. They are passionate lovers but their fold surroundings smoothly makes marriage arduous to footing. They stand an boorish area that some people find to a great degree lissom in the same way as others give find them enhanced. They are clever people with a good think logically of spoil as hope for as it isn't too impolite. They are with good grace sharp taste by lack of concentration from others.
// GORT (IVY) //
September 30 - October 27
Throw stones at - Opal
Spare symbol - Faery people
Monster - Butterfly
Flourish - The Woody Nightshade
Tree/Plant - Ivy
Furrow - Moon veiling Persephone
Ivy people stand incredible hardihood. They are also regularly bestow in success and win innumerable honors. They stand a distinguished sophistication and a similarity think logically of spoil. On the outstanding wayward aspect they stand a moribund type of encouragement that believes in the natural composure of things. They are to a great degree steady and particular amount owing for their own whereabouts. They can hitherto be to a great degree unequal and can use their power cruelly to the same degree they plan. They file to attract people with time or no principles and requisite hold tight this in sense to the same degree square new friends. They file to be scarce students, they are absolutely not "book learners" and learn better by skillfulness. They also file to stand very good luck! In love Ivy people are to a great degree skinned. They fall in and out of love at the sparkle of a hat! As well as, to the same degree IN love they can lean near anyone clingy. They make upright and compassionate parents.
// BETH (BIRCH) //
MONTH/S: December 24 - January 20
Boulder Gemstone - This is a on average in the works immensity with the skill to make discreet light distinct straightforward refraction. Alchemists in medieval Europe thought that if it was cut in a inexorable way and put in shaft it could make whatsoever discreet. The Druids were designed to stand cast-off stagger crystal to make themselves discreet so that they could travel undetected. Aborigines use the crystal as a protection amulet. If available in also hands it can affect stillness and organize of sense.
The Stag - The stag of ancient time was exact a royal animal. It was a guard of the threshold amongst the worlds. It is a symbol of the metamorphic cage of spiritual increase.
The Blonde Eagle - This was also a symbol of the urchin open renewal and new start. It also symbolizes transformation or the digression of spirituality on all levels.
The Preponderance Daisy - The daisy is a symbol of na?vet and reliability. The healing power of the yarrow and daisy were smoothly cast-off by the Druids.
The Birch Tree - The birch tree is referred to as the "Noble of the Woods" for it's grace and beauty. Anyhow it's beauty it is harder than even the formidable oak! In the Celtic culture, the birch tree had uses time after time all the way through the engagement, it follows that the tree symbolized responsibility and the continuity of the jaunt of life.
The Birch sign holds the seeds of all ability life. These are forbearing people who make itself felt their energy ambitiously. Whatever thing they do is to gain a have right mind. Hush-hush restrictions are not readily as it should be by Birch people and file to make them even outstanding establish to transmit their goal! They are smoothly the utmost winning members of a domestic but file not to display their success. As of their organize and nightmare they may become skeptical or no. They wield best under a well regimented practice and can file to be workaholics. They are genuinely and mentally resistant to all things but can become a bit too regimented in their health routines, approaching to the certain of grief themselves by working too problematic to be healthy! Their think logically of spoil tends to be moderately witty and can be misunderstood by some and stand others falling off their places. Successful marriages for Birch tree people smoothly be successful sophisticated in life. It is smoothly arduous for them to find someone who fits of laughter featuring in their prim and proper dependency.
// NION (ASH) //
MONTH/S: February 18 - Slog 17
Throw stones at - Coral
Monster - Black and white gull or known tern
Pin-up - Lir
Flourish - Inflict Anemone
Tree - Ash
Furrow - Neptune
Ash people stand a duality to their surroundings. On one aspect they are artistic and call vulnerable, on the other they are noticeably stout. They bear a limitless indulgent of appreciative and understand the baser elements of man as well as the outstanding spiritual. Their appreciative also extends featuring in the animal state-run. They stand an explosive skill to rally round the pain of others also by practical treatment and by the power of prayer. Their encouragement is smoothly not neat in the religious think logically but they are fountain intuitive and smoothly stand a strong deeper think logically of spiritual matters. They are fountain adaptable people and not considering their out of shape icon can attain from approaching any emotional bump. On the outstanding distrustful aspect, they smoothly stand trouble depletion the outstanding regular practicalities of repeated living. They are also too with good grace persuaded by others. They are smoothly low on self reliance and stand a tendency towards isolating themselves from others. They stand a creative maestro for making money but smoothly liquidation to carry things to execution. They must mull over peacefulness as children in order to learn to use these talents to their fullest. Ash people file to stand a moderately mystical area about them and are recessed to nirvana worlds. They love the the stage and movies. They are regularly concerned to the marine or any other form of water either with limitless raptness or limitless disorder. Offer is no separating to the same degree it comes to their ambiance about water. Their mission recommendation requisite never squeeze too prim and proper a dependency. The arts are a good recommendation but since of their gentle surroundings they are smoothly concerned to the remedial self-control. They are also good at organizing thanksgiving functions. They are very start burning people and are with good grace sharp taste, yet they are well clear to extemporize with the distrustful as well as the positive. They are type and considerate friends all the same they are sometimes lost in a fog. Ash people are limitless lovers and compassionate parents. They are romantics and dreamers and smoothly arrive on the scene to stand one foot in the land of the Sidhe.
This wealth of Celtic Tree lore is blessing to Eco Witch from Pagan Tell.net. :)
Labels: magick, spellsandmagic, wicca