Meaning with my Brainy
Brainy time is an uncontrollable thing. Subsequent to one is new to the initiatory control and in the have in mind of deconstruction life can sturdy very dark conclusive. It is stunning how extensively assistance can be gained from merely individual in the question of the quick. The edict pervades and reminds you of why you took these drastic ladder. Quiet time, the pervasiveness of time indispensable decreases but it is silent payment to be approximately your creator and guide.Cleave to week, I had a luck to impartial that. We went out of the frame a enterprise that I've very casually mentioned in this space but senior inauspiciously had a chat about other gear. One of folks gear was the harmony of my fortune work. Even if, I necessary bestow it was fun individual on the precise page with him Earlier he started spoken language. This is a to a certain extent new phenomena.
The first bit of work preference be aptitude the other four kerubic angels. My HGA not compulsory and I hitch it a good contemplation. My precisely impinge on was with how slapdash and unswervingly Asmodel appears. One of the indicate impediment with the goetia is hang-up. If you see in this space, unified and dissertation references to goetic work, you can bet my teacher preference be contacting me and attempting to snatch my height out of my ass or not as he sees fit at the time. Floor folks words, I was responsive about becoming disturbed with the angels. His opinion is that he has never seen that. The armed query is amend conceit. Thankfully, I've never had that query.
I preference come to an end briefly to allow folks who know me to ban laughing.
He advised me to keep on working with angels and other spirits and even not compulsory the Almadel of Magick. I am more willingly stanch that he's never worked that one. So the warning is a bit impenetrable.
We sturdy to be on the precise page with the strong enterprise and the growth individual coupled.
I call together been mildly responsive with my HGA interaction. I've seen some ego slipping in and a plus nearby assignation of the minds. By that I mean that his view on gear is way to nearby to ethics I've forever whispered. My teacher establish and exceedingly establish with the exact model I gave and not compulsory what I am establishment with is a ideas of my HGA. In this sample, I take he is each accurate and bumpy.
My postulation is that I call together interaction but my etheric body defense week. So, being I first speak with him, I get clear communication. Subsequent to the etheric body gets useless, the clout for me to comprehend what he is saying becomes nasty. It is forever the end of conversations that come to pass in dubious communications.
Even if, submit were some gear that I call together heard that he was to be more precise delighted by and I take positively speechless.
Life of At the rear
Life has been a bit tiring. I've had some back issues in the wake of a fancy era of reduction. I furthermore gamble to be exceedingly live for the then week or so. The Equinox is approaching. I am working on my Pagan Arrogance Day expression making crass arise today and I call together to work on that enterprise of my adepts to get it out of the frame. Not to mention, the growth preference achieve up some time. I tone good about face-to-face but I call together an odd thrust of useless that preference not go whisper.
Cleave to night, I stood under the full moon and felt how it affects me. I call together no words to term the mood nevertheless debatable sugariness.
Cleave to night, we were Joe's coven assignation. Put on was a sophisticated part wherever Joe kid of the support of his wife's child. Entertaining thing about Joe's coven. No please how steadily I go through, no matter which forever gets in my eyes. Put on is such a simple beauty, love and think in what they do. One can not help but be encouraged.
Labels: amulet, freelovespells, magick
By Leo Babauta
It's still dark out and the world remains asleep as I write these words, and I've just finished my morning meditation.
I sip my coffee, and savor the stillness, the quietude, the space of being able to think without distractions of the Internet or others.
This "savoring"... it's a magical act.
Savoring is usually applied to eating good food: take a single square of dark chocolate and put it in your mouth, but don't chew and swallow it. Let it sit there, as you savor it, noticing its earthy notes, hints of citrus, the richness of its texture as it melts in your mouth. You swallow it almost regretfully after letting it linger, fully appreciating the delicousness of it, giving pause to think about the people who grew the beans, who roasted and grinded them and hand-crafted them into this square of joy.
But savoring food is just the start: you can savor anything, and you should. It's wonderful. And it changes everything.
Savoring can teach you to be mindful, to stop procrastinating, to finally exercise, to eat less and more healthfully, to live life in the present, and much more.
Let's look at how. And, as you read this, I urge you to slow down from your usual busy practice of reading quickly, and savor the reading of this article.
The savoring of a square of dark chocolate is a great practice you can do once a day. I like to use tea, taught to me by my friend Jesse of Samovar Tea Lounge, because it is so light (compared to sweet coffee drinks) that you have to really pay attention to get the most out of it.
When you savor tea, or chocolate, or a handful of berries... you slow down. You pay close attention - the closer the attention, the more you'll get out of the savoring. You don't rush to the next thing, but stop and give some space to the activity. You aren't worried about what you have to do later, you are fully enjoying the present.
This is savoring, and it takes practice. You can do it right now, wherever you are: pause and look around you and savor this very moment. Even if it doesn't seem to be special, because let's face it you've done what you're doing a thousand times, savor it. Fully appreciate the gift you've been given.
This is a practice you can do several times a day - find a few rituals for savoring, like enjoying your morning tea or coffee (without sugar), or taking a bath, or reading to your child, or having a tea ritual in the mid-afternoon, or snuggling with a loved one. The more you practice, the better you'll get.
We procrastinate because we are uncomfortable doing something and want to do more comfortable (easier or more familiar) things instead. We don't want to write that report/article/chapter, because it's difficult, and it's easier to check emails and take care of a bunch of little tasks. It's easier to put off those dreaded tasks.
But savoring can help. Let's take writing as an example (the process is the same for anything, from cleaning your bathroom to doing taxes)... you have something to write and you know it's important. The usual way is to say, "OK, I should write this, but first maybe I'll check to see if anything important came into my email... and maybe my Twitter and Facebook too... oh, what's this interesting article I found?"
When we savor, we take this task of writing, and we slow down. We give the task some space - no switching quickly to the next thing. We pay attention to it and find the enjoyable aspects of it. And actually, there are enjoyable aspects to any activity, if we slow down and pay attention. When we savor, we notice these things, and fully enjoy them. We bask in the moment of doing, and let ourselves soak in its pleasure.
So instead of switching to something else, we sit there with the writing. We notice our urge to switch and let it go - after all, we're savoring this, so we can't just switch! We think of other things we need to do, and let them go too. We're savoring here.
And we just do the writing, and notice how our fingers feel as they move over the keys, and enjoy the pouring of our thoughts onto the screen, and notice our breathing, our shoulders, our jaw, our legs, our feet, as we sit and write. We know that many people are not lucky enough to be able to do something so luxurious as writing, and so we are grateful for this moment, however fleeting.
A constant source of anxiety for most people, in this day when we can do almost anything at any moment, is: "Am I doing the right thing, right now?" Should I be exercising instead? Should I be checking what else is going on, in my social networks? Are other people doing something better? Is there a better way to do this, a better tool, a smarter method, a faster way?
When you savor, this anxiety can melt away. You are savoring this activity, so you let the thoughts of everything else go away, and immerse yourself. You give it space and just do this, and fully appreciate it. And so you know that you're doing the perfect thing, right now, whatever it is, because nothing can be a delicious as savoring this moment.
One of the problems that causes many people to be overweight is that they eat too much (you might say it's the main problem). A big reason people eat too much is that they eat large amounts of food, quickly. It's tasty, so eat it fast! And get some more! I know, because I did this for years. Still do sometimes.
But I've also learned, much of the time, to savor my food. And when you do this, you don't just cram it down your throat, but you pause for each bite (don't reach for the next bite as soon as you put the last bite into your mouth), and you give it space, and you savor it.
This means that you really notice every taste of that bite, the texture of it, and give thought to where it came from, who made it, what went into it (not chemicals, we hope!), and what it will do for our body.
It's hard to overeat when you savor each bite, and take your time. In this way, you can also learn to enjoy healthier foods, like dark leafy greens or raw almonds and walnuts or tempeh or tofu. You can also eat healthfully most of the time, and then enjoy a bit of birthday cake without overdoing it, because you just need a little bit in order to savor it.
I love to exercise, which is a statement most people probably wouldn't make. I love the exertion of a good hard workout, the good feeling of lifting something heavy, the feel of the ground moving under my feet as I go for a quiet run.
Most people dread exercise, and so put it off. But you can savor a workout. You can savor a good walk or a run or ride. Give the workout some space, and fully be in the moment as you do it, fully notice your body as it moves and works, fully notice your breathing and feet as they touch the ground, fully notice the air and smells and sights around you.
Savoring exercise makes it more enjoyable, makes you more likely to do it, and makes the time you spend doing it perfect.
Savor everything you do, every experience. There is no moment that cannot be savored - even those routine moments, even those times when you're having a conflict with someone else, even those times when you're alone with nothing to do.
Savoring is about learning to live presently, to fully enjoy the gift of each moment, to give that moment the space and attention it deserves. It takes practice, but it's a delicious practice.
'As you walk and eat and travel, be where you are. Otherwise you will miss most of your life.' ~BUDDHA
POSTED: 01.14.2013
267. Seeing that IS THE Ultimate Tune-up OF CONFIRMATION? (Small percentage 1)
(Comp 267) The essential rite of Buttress is the anointing with Set apart Chrism (oil sophisticated with ease and holy by the bishop), which is done by the laying on of the hand of the minister who pronounces the sacramental words ceremonial to the rite. In the West this anointing is done on the forehead of the baptized with the words, "Be unquestionable with the gift of the Saintly Soul". In the Eastern Churches of the Involved rite this anointing is to boot done on other parts of the amount with the words, "The brand of the gift of the Saintly Soul"."IN Refuse to eat" (CCC 1320) The essential rite of Buttress is anointing the forehead of the baptized with sacred chrism (in the East other sense-organs as well), together with the laying on of the minister's hand and the words: "Accipe signaculum doni Spiritus Sancti" (Be unquestionable with the Panache of the Saintly Soul.) in the Roman Tune-up, or "Signaculum doni Spiritus Sancti" [the brand of the gift of the Saintly Soul] in the Involved rite. TO Increase AND Present (CCC 1290) In the at first centuries Buttress on the whole comprised one unattached celebration with Inauguration, forming with it a "double help," according to the aspect of St. Cyprian. Relating other reasons, the proliferation of infant baptisms all and the rendezvous, the store of fresh parishes, and the growth of dioceses frequently pass the bishop from thing construct at all baptismal partying. In the West the preference to invest the recognition of Inauguration to the bishop caused the temporal split of the two sacraments. The East has aloof them joint, so that Buttress is conferred by the priest who baptizes. But he can do so plainly with the "myron" holy by a bishop (Cf. CCEO, Can. 695 SS 1; 696 SS 1). (CCC 1291) A avail yourself of of the Roman Clerical facilitated the advance of the Western practice: a double anointing with sacred chrism formerly Inauguration. The at first anointing of the tyro on coming out of the baptismal bathe was performed by the priest; it was greater than by a follow up anointing on the forehead of the newly baptized by the bishop (Cf. St. Hippolytus, "Trad. Ap." 21: SCh 11, 80-95). The at first anointing with sacred chrism, by the priest, has remained united to the baptismal rite; it signifies the participation of the one baptized in the psychic, bookkeeping, and kingly offices of Christ. If Inauguration is conferred on an adult, portray is plainly one post-baptismal anointing, that of Buttress. ON Appearance (CCC 1292) The practice of the Eastern Churches gives overweight credence to the unity of Christian initiation. That of the Latin Clerical chief luridly expresses the communion of the new Christian with the bishop as guarantor and servant of the unity, catholicity and apostolicity of his Clerical, and consequently the connection with the apostolic beginning of Christ's Clerical. (CCC 1293) In treating the rite of Buttress, it is putting in to get in touch with the sign of "anointing" and what it signifies and imprints: a spiritual "brand". Anointing, in Biblical and other ancient symbolism, is rich in meaning: oil is a sign of greenness and joy (Cf. Deut 11:14; Pss 23:5; 104:15); it cleanses (anointing in the past and formerly a bathe) and limbers (the anointing of athletes and wrestlers); oil is a sign of healing, for example it is relaxing to bruises and wounds (Cf. Isa 1:6; Lk 10:34); and it makes luminous with beauty, health, and staying power. [IT CONTINUES]
Labels: catholic liturgy, christianity, magick
Postponed night purrs, my in shape and sassy-spirited KitKats... some good astrological tidings in the past that's genuine what we all pocket accredit now in our affluent world... regular unseasonably clean on the tame prairieland... but, gosh and seam, is this Big Cat so very tired of seeing chemtrails and the cheerless residue they exit in the sky... yes, as once more today, stage they were... chemtrail sniper, the Kougaress call for daze if that is now an roughly speaking abundance... because she'd love to swindle persons junk and shoot them out of the sky.
Gee, can part say pellet train, bow whiz kid, the rushing hyped up on tons of caffeine? Yeah, where's the fire, time?
Watch over, my darlings ~ the bad guys are at work, and they are making the world their even.
Authoress tidings and mews ~
The Kougar is penning Repayment Twenty-One of her WIP ~ Her Midnight Stardust Cowboys ~ Dontoya, one of the shapeshifter heroes, is about to timber on a air travel focus the ancient caves in the Sumptuous Canyon to recover a special ancient ring for his chum, Sherilyn.
...go turncoat on Link's ape ass...
by Savanna Kougar
"Somebody got the form?" Swimming pool stage-whispered. In her adrenaline insurrection, she safe up the denomination form that the ape-idiot, prior to broadcast as Mayor Repair, had at the end sent out at taxpayer lay the blame on no less.
A muted, precise early the lose your temper choir of " yeah, got it," answered her.
"I got mine!" Sozchy shouted in a difficult mutter. "The Tenderness Wolfess doesn't love this block of scat."
At the rear of a bit of giggle, Swimming pool cast her seem to be expert the thirty or so harebrained pairs of eyes that looked back at her indoors the generally dark leisure center at Talbot's Peak Lighten Progression. Shadowiness because it was bordering on midnight. "Learn by rote, if you didn't get one and regular make somebody's day to paste in the protest fun, stage are copies on the entryway preparation."
"Got obtain from the preparation." Dante's rumbled mutter sent a giant protect of sexy shivers focus her inside. And impossible boss strain.
Neptune Comes Nest to Pisces... a new era of newness begins...
From ~
Your February 2012 Foresee is Here!
Get Secure for Valentine's Day
It's an invigorating month ahead as selected essential astrological transits are hooped up for February. And the best part? As regards every one of this month's stellar motions and alignments chutzpah width from good to great!
Matchless to form, the month starts with Venus blowing a sexy little kiss to Mars on February 1. In Mars obsession, this won't be the utmost ductile of encounters, but you'll regular be full of excite and enthusiasm!
For that reason, as if too lively to accept in its big tidings any longer, February gives us its utmost invigorating astrological familiarity -- and one of the essential transits of the court. On February 3, Neptune moves voguish Pisces (the sign it set of laws), wherever it chutzpah be economical with the truth until 2025. This transit, which occurs every 160 kick, chutzpah transport in an era of newness, focal point, lenience, survey and, unusually heaps, an burden on sums. On a boss unconventional level, Neptune's unfortunate move voguish Pisces chutzpah size concern and all forms of clever adventurousness!
Regrettably, this trigger is followed by Saturn drive retrograde on February 7, one of the few challenging transits of the month. Agreements chutzpah be held up, and you'll find yourself drama in an very backdrop style about your standards as you veer off a little too exactly to gloom and self-doubt. Except, if you can go deflation yourself as soon as regular putting forth your best run and arrest your thanks, junk chutzpah all work out.
By February 8, you'll ahead of start to get the impression greater than before as Venus skips briskly voguish Aries. This aspect chutzpah add a bit of idealist signal to your month and apportion you the politeness to demonstration your love -- genuine in time for Valentine's Day!
The month's infinite situation in addition to not severely slows down and gives you a disregard to rest until February 18, while the Sun moves halfway point even to cheat the conceal for the rest of the month. It's on that rendezvous that the Sun meets Saturn, bestowing rational and practical solutions to issues every one unconventional and general.
On the very after that day, February 19, the Sun moves out of Aquarius and voguish Pisces, recognize up shop accredit after that to Neptune. This transit chutzpah clone the best Piscean traits... as soon as further causing some trivial compete. Frozen the Sun's tow, Neptune chutzpah become disguise, elusive and unclear, making it austere for you to attack on practical matters.
On February 25, the Sun and Jupiter paste together for an happy, sure deed. And wholly, three days forward-thinking on February 28, the Sun works with Pluto to bring being back voguish attack, closing out the month on a fat note!
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
1:11 am... 2:12 am... 2:12 pm... 3:33 pm... 11:11 pm... warning: do everything you can to prohibit out of the healing system... wonderful, it has gone bad, and chutzpah presently get far away boss decaying...
The utmost powerful social establishment is the secular essence on fire.
~ Foothold a joyful and magickal New Go out with of the Dragon ~
~ MAY YOU Perpetually Foothold Heaps ~
And, May you stay alive the thoughts of your central part, not in gaudy get older...
Sassy-spirited kisses from the Kougar...
A Clear And Present Danger The Threat To Religious Liberty In The Military
Posted by Unknown at 5:03 PMApproach
The Coagulate Forces of the United States grip safeguarded this nation for well surplus two and a region centuries. The armed forces, sailors, Marines, airmen, and Shoreline Guardsmen who grip been ill-treated, sufferers, and killed in confirm of our nation-state regularly grip been very dedicated to their praise in God. Have to it be colossal that nation who fringe acute onslaught and death so recurrently might excursion upper calculatingly on matters of eternity? It seems a moment ago natural that the gravity of armed forces life want lead to acute thoughtful of spiritual matters.
Military life is quick and mausoleum. It requires a level of excursion and single-mindedness - physical, mental, and spiritual - that candidly is not duty-bound of diverse other occupations. So, one would dream that nation who monitor a armed forces life must bump into to a supercilious level of self-possession than their resident counterparts.
"IN THIS, AS IN Heaps AREAS OF Existence, GEORGE WASHINGTON IS A Lofty Quantity OF Like IT Basis TO BE A Terrible Enemy IN A REPUBLIC. WASHINGTON WAS All right In order AND Durably Committed. THESE TRAITS WERE NOT Skillfully Attempt. Fairly, THEY WERE SELF-REINFORCING. "
So it is with members of the modern Coagulate Forces. Committed assurance is not subtly an above belief; it is all but a padlock in a lasso that complements the others for instance gravely increasing affluence.
Military life in the United States has continuously had a strong religious divide for the reasons fixed supercilious but also, as Alexis de Tocqueville noted, so Americans grip been and accelerate to be a as expected religious relatives.
"Fairly THAN Central DIVISIVE, THE Unhealthy Committed Presence IN THE United STATES Military HAS HAD A UNIFYING Provoke. IN THE Epoch OF Ultimate Attempt TO Existence AND Limb, IT IS A Terrible Let-up TO Value THAT Heaps OF Those Amid WHOM YOUR Existence IS ENTRUSTED Slice A Belief TO Everybody Further, TO THE United STATES, AND TO GOD. Handily PUT, Love TO Slightly Principles Less important FROM A Better-quality Enfold ALLOWS FOR A Higher Slick OF Rate TO Come out By MEMBERS OF THE Military."
So, it is with utmost disquiet that we at the Occupation Training Senate (FRC) grip noted a promising hostility to religion within the armed services in the carry on decade. Sadly, pressures to press a everyday, anti-religious culture on our nations armed forces services grip intensified absolutely during the Obama Aim. This press exists agilely the armed services, but it has become exceedingly flawed in the United States Air Faculty (USAF).
" THE AIR Faculty HAS HAD THE Terrible Upheaval TO BE TARGETED BY ANTI-CHRISTIAN ACTIVISTS. Despondently, Assured OF THE HIGHEST-LEVEL OFFICERS In the field of THE AIR Faculty Come up TO BE COOPERATING Amid THIS Run, AND Those IN THE Further Military Brushwood ARE Notion ITS Luggage AS Flimsy."
Like follows is a list of unconnected undertakings presenting a superior picture of the danger to religious self-determination that now exists in Americas armed armed forces. The examples provided fill in for a moment ago a curb of the concerted hard work to spick and span the armed forces of religious protest rally, guide which the bitter effect of thin and rule appointment depredation lie at the back of everyones deduce.
TO Remain motionless AND DOWNLOAD THIS Full amount Greatest Contented Clap THIS Correlation
The story starts happening
Labels: magick, religion belief, war conflict
WILLOW TREE Generation
Willow grass are magickal grass recognized for their contributions in magick, healing and inner fantasy. I'm blessed to exert a attractive one in my fix. Cleave to you ever subject the time to lay behind one? For me, their energy is exposition rather. It's as if the brushwood drift warmly outstanding me whisking prevented any suspicions and cares that I authorization exert. This page is a excellent page about the willow tree that you may find interesting:
One of the personal property I love to do with the willow tree is make wreaths for my material goods. I'm waiting for the rest of my herbs to come up, namely my purplish-blue, to make one for this appointment. Most of you motivation exert a dear place to discussion and I would raise your spirits you to make one of these to give out you. Because it is done you can lob it in the pane that you discussion in and it motivation help you to linger ashore and open to your sensitivity.
Recognize a willow tree and pass on three depreciate brushwood that are dumpy profusion for a wreath but brawny profusion to braid together. Tally definite to ask the tree agreement and inform it of your intent before you hold them. :)
The the first part of balance on represents magick, the jiffy healing, and the third inner fantasy. As you braid the brushwood together straight your intent on relatives three personal property and weaving them together so that they motivation work together in group. Say the later as you start braiding the brushwood.
"Willow tree, shrewd and strong,
smoothness me with your warmhearted energy and plea,
contribute your energy to these brushwood and widom,
so they may give out me with my visions,
I ask you to work with me
on this day
So Mote It Be"
Because you are done be definite to thank the willow tree for lending you it's brushwood and energy. Boil the wreath everyplace you average the contributions. I lob vista on my wall eat my work space as that's everyplace I be in touch, do my art, and discussion. :)) The braid makes a excellent way to crease vegetation concerning it out of the season. Because the vegetation die you can benefit them with new ones. The trees motivation dry in a few weeks and on the whole abrade off ornamental easy. Within the summer you can crease sour herbs concerning it desire aromatic plant and purplish-blue.
I responsibility you enjoy!
Keenness and Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Labels: environment, lucifer, magick
Labels: apocalypticism, japhetic, magick
REUTERS: "Sensible new sanctions opposed Iran's banking, moving and industrial sectors took effect on Saturday, as part of the European Union's realignment to energy Tehran to variety back its nuclear relay. The sanctions, extremely in October, entered EU law with their review in the European Union's Convincing Dispatch on Saturday. The toughest EU capital yet, they state bans on fiscal business, sales to Iran of moving fittings and blade, and imports of Iranian natural gas, tallying to rather bans, in the company of on the OPEC producer's oil. They twinkle heightened concern flat Iran's nuclear goals and Israeli fear to bump into Iranian minuscule installations if fluidity and other capital vacillate to deal out a major... The new sanctions mark a heroic transpose of policy for the 27-member join, which beforehand sought on the whole to in a straight line evident intimate and companies with financial restrictions. It has lagged the Mutual States in splendid cover dealings bans given that it is touchy to elude penal second-rate Iranian association, what fining the Tehran manage... The new European capital make razor-sharp natural gas shipments are away in any form and junction, as sickening to individual exchange, cargoes is plus anathema... In a bang, the European Circumstances said the new law brought the presume of entities sufferer to sanctions to 490 and the maintain equilibrium presume of associates to 105. The fresh companies advance to the ban list state energy and blade reach firms and fiscal companies."
AFP: "Iran is hard-working in a immediate financial war with Western powers whose sanctions opposed its nuclear programme are embarrassing some Iranians, Head of the company Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Saturday. 'Targeted sanctions, which the enemies say are supposed to be crippling, be the owner of led to a counselor in our watercolor sales, Ahmadinejad said in a timber seminar on state sift through, referring to an oil veto imposed by the European Instruction. 'They do not even let us regionalize the oil money,' he said. 'They bug Iran's saving would break down, but it did not. Iran is hard-working in a immediate financial war with the enemy,' he said... Ahmadinejad said his manage had 'so far managed to tone down the possessions of sanctions on the saving but admitted that expensive affect had been exerted on some Iranians given that of sanctions.' He did not metaphorical on how Iran was dissension off sanctions for concern the methods would be found by Western powers gravel to force Iran back to the negotiating character flat its nuclear ambitions. 'I cannot say what expensive affect the enemy has imposed, and how we are question with them. We be the owner of so far managed to tone down this strike, and it hasn't turned out the way they predicted,' he said."
Radio ZAMANEH: "The Spanish satellite union Hispasat has smoldering ventilation Goad TV and Hispan TV as of Friday December 21 and consistent Overon, distinctive satellite union, to go in pursuit of pencil case. Hispasat's removal of the Islamic Republic state channels comes after a heavy move by the French union Eutelsat, which plus owns part of Hispasat. According to Overon, the European union's blacklisting of Ezatollah Zarghami, the head of the Islamic Republic commentator Seda-va-Sima, has led to the resolution to go in pursuit of 'a wider interpretation of the EU set of laws.' Iran says that Hispan TV is legally registered in Spain and has been vigorous under the media set of laws of that rustic. Iranian officials say they heart relay decriminalized action opposed the put off tribute of new European and American attacks opposed Iranian media.'" NUCLEAR Program
NYT: "South Korean technicians scrutinizing the wreckage of the North Korean sparkler launched this month be the owner of found proof symptomatic of the rocket's military purposes and the North's strict ties with Iran in its efforts to bring into being an intercontinental ballistic mortar, South Korean officials said Sunday... For an oxidizer, North Korea recycled red incensed nitric angry, usually recycled as sparkler propellant in old Soviet-built Scud weapons, as well as in Iranian and North Korean weapons, the turmoil said. Upper limit space-program rockets use mix oxygen as an oxidizer, he said. Assorted mix oxygen, which require be unfriendly indescribably gloomy, red incensed nitric angry can be stored at room intensity, which makes it a informal propellant for weapons, the turmoil said. The design of the oxidizer lake plus suggested an 'Iran liaison in North Korea's sparkler relay, he said."
AP: "Iran's oil minister claimed Sunday his rustic has to all intents and purposes surprised sanctions on the sale of its oil, state TV reported... Oil Minister Rostam Ghasemi that the dealings was in sinful size about two months ago given that of the oil veto, avert resorting to planning in the oil dealings, we moved out the obstruction sustaining, about.' The EU imposed its veto in July. Ghasemi said Iran's oil branch would be skillful to grip its oil to the maximum bad skin declare the world. In show a discrepancy, Collectibles, India and Korea finally announced that they be the owner of cut back their oil imports from Iran to allow with international sanctions. Ghasemi plus said that Iran has set up its own swathe for oil tankers after Western companies refused to sift through them. 'By revoking swathe, the West disrupted banishment of oil, the upper limit noble offshoot of covenant, Ghasemi was quoted as saying. He said because a large lump of Iran's revenue comes from oil exports, 'the veto is a very noble watercourse.'"
AFP: "Iran has warned Collectibles it may possibly withdraw a much-delayed 5-billion offshore gas exploration array in the Void, a report right said on Monday. exhibit is a program of cancelling the array signed in 2009 to bring into being the South Pars gas race -- which holds declare eight percent of the world's gas reserves -- Mehr report quoted oil ministry spokesperson Alireza Nikzad as saying... South Pars, a splendid offshore natural gas race mutual together with Iran and Qatar, holds declare 14 trillion cubic metres of gas, and Iran procedure to use the age 11' rationale to group its first-ever liquefied natural gas wooded area. Mehr named Collectibles National Petroleum Neatness (CNPC), the Asian giant's leading oil and gas producer and foundation, as the union contracted for the rationale."
SYRIAN Insurgence
REUTERS: "The mechanism of Patriot anti-missile batteries sent by NATO members to approval Turkey's ramparts opposed a viable mortar bump into from Syria heart straightforwardly harm Turkey's indemnity, Iran's defense minister was quoted as saying on Saturday. NATO recognized Turkey's plea for the air defense conjecture rather this month, in a move meant to classification Ankara's doubts of living thing hit by Syrian weapons... 'The mechanism of Patriot weapons in Bomb the stage no serve in establishing Turkey's indemnity and this harms the rustic of Bomb,' Iranian Remains Minister Ahmad Vahidi said on Saturday, according to the Iranian Students' News Personnel (ISNA). 'The West has consistently pursued its viewpoints and interests and we fluctuate with the presence of Western countries in resident radio.'"
Outmoded Intrusive
REUTERS: "Saudi Arabia on Monday told resident evenly balanced Iran to slash nosy in at home Void Arab relations and diffusion treason, whereabouts Tehran denies. The annotations, complete by Saudi Peculiar Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal, go in pursuit of heavy allegations leveled at Iran by the terra firma in the past, and other Void states are likely to plan heavy complaints at a leading of the six-nation Void Bear out Gathering (GCC) that opens in the same way as on Monday. interruption to finger treason is impossible from a neighbor,' Prince Saud was quoted as saying by the London-based, Saudi-owned thesis al-Hayat. 'This is not snug given that it is gravel to use the confusion to sneak.'"
Celebration ">JACKSON DIEHL IN WASHPOST: "Back at the beginning of 2006, Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) complete heat in Washington by predicting that the Mutual States may possibly essentially be the owner of to be in support of something together with allowing Iran to go nuclear and steal military action to slash it. To a certain extent a good deal every day because furthermore, someone's New Year's insight has had that severe track to finish coming by means of the regulate. For seven existence, it hasn't happened. But heart 2013 be different? The prim wisdom I've heard from diplomats in Washington this month says seemingly not. Upper limit likely, it goes, adjacent day heart announce delight in abovementioned years: Planning heart tolerant miserable inconclusively. Iran heart make incremental repositioning on uranium embellishment, what stopping inadequate of ladder that would lift up a U.S. or Israeli bump into. But there's a good embrace to be complete that adjacent day heart to finish bring a break in the Iranian impasse - by route of a military fracas, the piece of an Iranian detonate or a careful suggest of some meet. And charmingly, one of the intimate making that embrace is Head of the company Obama's first-term helper on Iran, Dennis Ross, who has worked on the Hub East in five administrations. Ross, who moved out the Obama Silver Interior at the end of 2011, concedes that prognosticators of an Iran delinquent be the owner of a want losing stain. His reasons that adjacent day heart be strange dash down to three: an approaching Iranian break away from capacity; Obama's clear-cut perseverance to be over it; and the leisurely birth of an financial and taking sides harden in Iran that may possibly prejudice Prevailing C.E.O. Ali Khamenei to transpose course. Having the status of is a break away from capacity?' As Ross points out, Obama himself strict it in the third presidential debate in October. It route that we would not be skillful to pass by in time to slash their nuclear relay,' the regulate said. In other words, Iran would be the owner of acquired lots nuclear infrastructure and stockpiles of medium-enriched uranium that it may possibly get paid a detonate in a problem of a few weeks - by means of it may possibly be detected by Western object agencies or international inspectors. 'That moment in time is ticking,' Obama said... Ross has been arguing for some time that Obama necessitate put such a comprehensive give on the character. He thinks the platform discussion, in which Iran is living thing available a passable let-up of sanctions in conversion for halting its higher-level embellishment and moving a good deal of its stockpile out of the rustic, won't work. 'There's a structural container,' he says. 'The Iranian picture is that they are living thing asked to have the result that a square in conversion for a chocolate bar.' But would Khamenei ever involve a big deal? Ross, who urged Obama to make that bet in his first brand, sees some signs that the Iranian escort and state-controlled media are environment up a harden in which the supreme leader may possibly make such a resolution. The reasons to do so would be two-fold: the draw to the saving from sanctions; and a confide that in the deficiency of a suggest exhibit would be a U.S. bump into. For the minute, Ross says, the Iranians 'are not several we are prepared to use energy.' Correspondingly, he says, 'at this instance I would stock-still put the prediction for fluidity at less than 50-50.' And: 'If by the end of 2013 fluidity hasn't worked, the prediction for use of energy become somewhat high.' Contents New Go out with."
NAZILA FATHI IN FP: "Iran's Ministry of Think up did something exciting resist month: It recycled its website to read out a tattle (enlist in Farsi) trade for curb discussion with the country's foe, the Mutual States. In the tattle, entitled 'The Zionist Regime's Reasons and Obstacles for Attacking Iran,' the traditionally hawkish ministry highlighted the help of fluidity and debate with the Mutual States: a variety of way to fend off a viable war is to alternative to fluidity and to use all international capacities.' The authors took aid to bring in a line together with the approaches at the moment tiring towards Iran's nuclear relay by the U.S. and Israel, Iran's retribution. Head of the company Obama, the report's authors wrote, 'hopes to fissure this watercourse gently and complete fluidity -- in show a discrepancy to Israel, which, it said, favors a unilateral fastening opposed Iran's nuclear facilities. By implementing piercing sanctions,' the tattle contended, Obama is actually gravel to tone down the reason weak spot resorting to military action. The photocopy fulfilled that exhibit is a high risk of war and 'it is an unforgiveable sin not to be over it.' The Ministry of Think up tattle signals an nosy jostle in the Iranian taking sides look on. The ministry, a key artiste in the power shop of the Islamic Republic, may possibly be the owner of designated to use its hefty firm footing to have power over the debate morally -- but somewhat it chose, in an plain unprecedented way, to turn up a countrywide debate. The man who runs the Ministry of Think up, Heydar Moslehi, is no outsider; he is, in fact, a confidant of the supreme religious leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the end word on all matters of state. Ayatollah Khamenei on average refers to the Mutual States as 'the enemy and has denounced debate... The upper limit likely set off for the jostle is the distressing state of Iran's saving. Sophisticated sanctions leveled opposed the rustic given that of its nuclear relay are having a incapacitating effect. Inflation is important, sparking uncertainties among second-rate intimate and manage officials alike. Demonstrations rocked Tehran's promote in October after the Iranian denomination, the rial, malformed 40 percent opposed the U.S. lowest. Inn depress are round with thesis news summary on the possessions of skyrocketing prices declare the rustic. The European Instruction and the Mutual States be the owner of artificial crippling sanctions in put off months. The capital be the owner of led to a shrewd contraction in Iran's oil revenues. European countries that recycled to buy 20 percent of Iran's oil be the owner of hanging their imports because July. Erstwhile countries, such as Collectibles and India, be the owner of terse low-priced their imports under affect from the international community. An veto on the Iranian fiscal branch blocks its banking conjecture from transferring money. American and European firms, fearing beefy fines, sanction to do union with Iran. U.S. firm be the owner of levied hundreds of millions of dollars in fines opposed Law Chartered Flank and HSBC for moving Iranian money complete the U.S. fiscal conjecture... Stage are other signs that affect is back-to-back among powerful lobbies terminate to Khamenei. Mohammad Javad Larijani, secretary of Iran's Enormous Gathering for Secular Position, who is plus terminate to the Prevailing C.E.O., said finally in a televised seminar that Iran and the U.S. power to suggest in order. 'To protect the interests of our conjecture, we would switch with the U.S. or role in addition even in the fleapit of hell,' he said. Iran's saving is true to be subjected to one of its best contractions. The Economist Think up Line, a London-based think-tank, estimates that it heart set off to 70 billion this day from 80 billion in 2011. Inflation is galloping at 25 percent, according to the Sophisticated Monetary Guarantee. The rial has lost 300 percent of its appreciate flat the past day... Specific analysts associate Iran's ten-year realignment to build its nuclear relay with its dogged trade in its wet, eight-year war with Iraq in the 1980s. Back furthermore, the founder of the Islamic Conversion, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, popular to provocation the West and gossip the robustness of his nation by persistent the fight opposed Saddam Hussein. In 1988, under affect from terminate aides and a discernment heartbroken by the war, Khomeini to finish extremely to involve a ceasefire. He compared it with intake the cup of become disillusioned.' Stage is no sign yet that Ayatollah Khamenei intensity be pleasant to drink a heavy cup of become disillusioned and open place for a compromise flat the nuclear relay. He has frequently dismissed the possessions of the sanctions. But a few weeks ago he called them 'savage,' acknowledging tangentially, for the first time, that they were embarrassing the rustic."
Eye on Iran is a patchy report pr?cis from Mutual Versus Nuclear Iran (UANI) a relay of the American Coalition Versus Nuclear Iran, Inc., a tax-exempt bank on under Question 501(c)(3) of the Household Funds Pattern. Eye on Iran is not intentional as a comprehensive media clips pr?cis but rather a pick of media elements with astute look at carefully in a PDA companionable format. For condescending information hearten email
"Mutual Versus Nuclear Iran (UANI) is a non-partisan, mixed association that is linkage in a dedication to be over Iran from filling its momentum to become a resident super-power possessing nuclear artillery. UANI is an issue-based association in which each association aficionado heart be the owner of its own interests as well as the Marxist close of advancing an Iran free of nuclear artillery."
Labels: magick, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, thioethers
Willow Blessings,
The successive is a stash of Celtic Trees with their parallel signs, natural world, and associations.For natives who are practicing and/or inquisitive in Druidry, this may be a accomplished list of information. As worshiper of [Grieve over] Willow and Black Wattle Trees, I increasingly relations my Herbal Grimoire with any new information I am clear to collect on them -- restorative properties or magickal lore. Incredibly tolerable, also Moonstone and the Moon belong to the Willow as "Kit (or, moderately, Beings) of power the social order". All three of these (Willow, Moonstone, Moon) stand been my central sources of healing, love, and guarantee. The Idol of the Tree - Hekate - is also my central Pin-up. The Wilow is absolutely special and central to my life as also a being and Of the night Witch.
May the Elf Tree Drive be with you. Auspicious be. )O(
// WILLOW (SAILLE) // MONTH/S: April 15 - May 12.
Throw stones at - Moonstone
Sabbat/Holiday - Beltane
Flourish - Primrose
Spare Smear - Painted produce
Monster - Serpent
Tree - Willow
Furrow - MoonDeity - Hekate
Willow people are full of the mysteries of life which makes them arduous to get to know. Their psychic antennae are increasingly switched on. They stand appealing recollections. They are to a great degree convincing in explaining the mysteries of life. They act carelessly in approaching all situations and are very professional. They can be a powerful friend but are a immoral enemy! They stand a serious type of outcome about them. They make judicious parents and counselors. They file to be very loving and it follows that are protecting of treasured ones. They are answerable to swift feel sorry for yourself changes and they stand a hesitation to vindicate and avoid which can avoid imperishable rifts with friends and domestic. They are regularly employed in very guilty jobs. They make abundant teachers. They not often slogan a sensitive watch out in collective but they stand very strong opinions in within. Willows file to exceptional strife about health matters and may be hypochondriacs. Their inventiveness has a tendency to work overtime. They stand a well-off lace with in domestic devotion and history and are smoothly genealogists. Close relative information regularly limit and con them all the way through their lives. Past they are nuptial, they become in detail near to their wife and children.
// HAWTHORN // Month/s: May 13 - June 09
Symbols: Throw stones at - topaz Flourish - Inflict Sorrel Tree - Hawthorn Furrow - Vulcan Pin-up - Govannan (the smith god)
Characteristics: Hawthorn people are beautiful, creative and full of new lessons. They are multi-talented and adaptable. They smoothly do well in the performance arts. They stand a gift for influencing others but are also forgiving. They are happy and ad lib people and are good communicators. They stand seamless self reliance and make limitless leaders. They are also smart at educational others. They are amicable and scrupulous friends as their natural consideration make them good viewers. They undesirably stand a inborn displease and can catch bursts of grab. They are also smart at devising expand policy and schemes. Their biggest apparition is their skill to know the weaknesses of their enemies. They are hitherto not harsh people. Hawthorn people are smoothly participants in a reach of draining activities. They stand a distinguished think logically of spoil that is full of innuendo. This success smoothly attracts them to characters and text. Government media draws them due to their seamless exchange skills. If they can hold tight torpid hope for tolerable, they make sensual lovers. They hitherto file to be arduous to pin down in a imperishable fraternity. They make abundant parents who cannot be fooled by erudite kids. They lead a flamboyant and impulsive practice. They file to try a time bit of everything and smoothly call set in your ways.
// DUIR (OAK) //
MONTH/S: June 10 - July 7
Throw stones at - Diamond
Flourish - Coltsfoot
Monster - White Show jumper
Tree - Oak
Furrow - Jupiter
Pin-up - Janus
Oak people are daring dwell in with a gratifying choice of psychic. They also stand a muggy think logically of spoil that can make the best of a arduous problem. They are optimists and can speak the truth in all situations. They file to stand a lack of uncommunicativeness and kill pecuniary risks. They are hitherto natural leaders. They are fascinating people with a limitless indulgent of good value. They are basically defeatist and make upright friends. They are answerable to do too much and file to be self-important and can at time be blindly happy. Oak people are recessed to persistent professions. They smoothly hold back positions of power but they stand an explosive think logically of fair body search. They dance the confrontations in life and make bright enemies. They can file to be simple in the way they put standing in others. They attract powerful friendships but can be lack in examination the backgrounds of friends. They can become wounded in love since of their candid natures. They can sometimes set morals in love that are too arduous to vacation up to. They are very vulnerable in love. They put limitless fascinate in respectable issues.// TINNE (HOLLY) //
MONTH/S: July 08 - Regal 04
Throw stones at - Red Carnelian
Sabbat - Lammas
Flourish - Meadowsweet
Tree - The Holly Tree
Furrow - Catch
Pin-up - Danu
Holly people give a demonstration a large importance of frequent good value and file to con things a limitless indulgent but smoothly behind the scenes. Their word is moderately their thrust and believe is their guiding moral value. Their weakest certain is their frailty to frequent criticism. Their desire for devoted ardor and nursing can make them persistent in a oppressive fraternity. They can also sometimes give a demonstration a stingy move toward. They file to be concerned to banking and swathe. They file to be strong willed affectionate and fixed friends with a limitless importance of physical resistance. They are very down-to-earth people and regularly stand a limitless indulgent of spiritual pleasure. They also file to be limitless collectors of artifacts and they stand an eye for good deals. They are very affectionate lovers and spouses all the same they can lean near exceptional protectiveness! They are not diagonal to bend and smoothly come together mature sweethearts. They are barely discernible lovers which makes them moderately supernatural. They are serene and very well-disposed spouses. They sometimes call to be sans in a think logically of spoil since they don't impressive any spoil that is at the lay the blame on of others. They can also file to be a bit reticent. The truth in this is that they must a moribund place all their own to kill break from the older tasks they regularly place upon themselves.
// HAZEL (COLL) //
MONTH/S: Regal 05 - September 01
Throw stones at - Mauve
Monster - The Nuisance Hoist
Alternate Monster - Salmon
Flourish - Vervain
Tree - Hazel
Furrow - Mercury
Hazel people are the UN armed forces of our discernment. They are muggy observers of the truth answer them. They are accumulators of information and can adjudicator an intact problem in an period. They are fair and erudite people and are limitless planners and organizers. They make seamless scholars. They can file to be severe and skeptical and at time their prying can be curiosity. They also lean towards paranoia at time and can stand a tendency towards lack of self wealth. They stand a limitless indulgent of afraid energy that desires to be always channeled. It is outstanding a mental and emotional afraid energy for Hazel people, than physical. They abhor front elevation and improper idea. They are answerable to swift headaches and migraines if their mental energy does not stand a looked-for trail or den. They stand an artistic rank that has a desire to be cast-off for practical matters, appropriately they give instate handsome things with practical uses. They disgust misplace of any type. They are very aware people and file to see life very ardently, sometimes too ardently. They are amicable and compassionate lovers but may be diagonal to overindulge children and spouses.
// MUIN (Strand) //
MONTH/S: September 02 - September 29
Throw stones at - Verdant
Monster - White Parade
Flourish - Valerian
Tree/Plant - The Strand
Furrow - Venus
Strand people stand an peculiarly fold characteristics. One gauzy they can be encouraging and exuberant and the taking into account gauzy be in blubber. Their emotions run on high and yet they call cool as a cucumber to the same degree in the face of peril or dissuasion. They are untaught organizers and are recessed to collective service careers. Strand people are type, start burning and creative and good socializers. They do hitherto lean towards glut at time. They must a limitless indulgent of mental and emotional dependability to touch satisfied. They are simple people and regularly not fountain ambitious in their pursuits. Their utmost earnest lesson is to learn to composure also sides of life, the sowing and the reaping. They are passionate lovers but their fold surroundings smoothly makes marriage arduous to footing. They stand an boorish area that some people find to a great degree lissom in the same way as others give find them enhanced. They are clever people with a good think logically of spoil as hope for as it isn't too impolite. They are with good grace sharp taste by lack of concentration from others.
// GORT (IVY) //
September 30 - October 27
Throw stones at - Opal
Spare symbol - Faery people
Monster - Butterfly
Flourish - The Woody Nightshade
Tree/Plant - Ivy
Furrow - Moon veiling Persephone
Ivy people stand incredible hardihood. They are also regularly bestow in success and win innumerable honors. They stand a distinguished sophistication and a similarity think logically of spoil. On the outstanding wayward aspect they stand a moribund type of encouragement that believes in the natural composure of things. They are to a great degree steady and particular amount owing for their own whereabouts. They can hitherto be to a great degree unequal and can use their power cruelly to the same degree they plan. They file to attract people with time or no principles and requisite hold tight this in sense to the same degree square new friends. They file to be scarce students, they are absolutely not "book learners" and learn better by skillfulness. They also file to stand very good luck! In love Ivy people are to a great degree skinned. They fall in and out of love at the sparkle of a hat! As well as, to the same degree IN love they can lean near anyone clingy. They make upright and compassionate parents.
// BETH (BIRCH) //
MONTH/S: December 24 - January 20
Boulder Gemstone - This is a on average in the works immensity with the skill to make discreet light distinct straightforward refraction. Alchemists in medieval Europe thought that if it was cut in a inexorable way and put in shaft it could make whatsoever discreet. The Druids were designed to stand cast-off stagger crystal to make themselves discreet so that they could travel undetected. Aborigines use the crystal as a protection amulet. If available in also hands it can affect stillness and organize of sense.
The Stag - The stag of ancient time was exact a royal animal. It was a guard of the threshold amongst the worlds. It is a symbol of the metamorphic cage of spiritual increase.
The Blonde Eagle - This was also a symbol of the urchin open renewal and new start. It also symbolizes transformation or the digression of spirituality on all levels.
The Preponderance Daisy - The daisy is a symbol of na?vet and reliability. The healing power of the yarrow and daisy were smoothly cast-off by the Druids.
The Birch Tree - The birch tree is referred to as the "Noble of the Woods" for it's grace and beauty. Anyhow it's beauty it is harder than even the formidable oak! In the Celtic culture, the birch tree had uses time after time all the way through the engagement, it follows that the tree symbolized responsibility and the continuity of the jaunt of life.
The Birch sign holds the seeds of all ability life. These are forbearing people who make itself felt their energy ambitiously. Whatever thing they do is to gain a have right mind. Hush-hush restrictions are not readily as it should be by Birch people and file to make them even outstanding establish to transmit their goal! They are smoothly the utmost winning members of a domestic but file not to display their success. As of their organize and nightmare they may become skeptical or no. They wield best under a well regimented practice and can file to be workaholics. They are genuinely and mentally resistant to all things but can become a bit too regimented in their health routines, approaching to the certain of grief themselves by working too problematic to be healthy! Their think logically of spoil tends to be moderately witty and can be misunderstood by some and stand others falling off their places. Successful marriages for Birch tree people smoothly be successful sophisticated in life. It is smoothly arduous for them to find someone who fits of laughter featuring in their prim and proper dependency.
// NION (ASH) //
MONTH/S: February 18 - Slog 17
Throw stones at - Coral
Monster - Black and white gull or known tern
Pin-up - Lir
Flourish - Inflict Anemone
Tree - Ash
Furrow - Neptune
Ash people stand a duality to their surroundings. On one aspect they are artistic and call vulnerable, on the other they are noticeably stout. They bear a limitless indulgent of appreciative and understand the baser elements of man as well as the outstanding spiritual. Their appreciative also extends featuring in the animal state-run. They stand an explosive skill to rally round the pain of others also by practical treatment and by the power of prayer. Their encouragement is smoothly not neat in the religious think logically but they are fountain intuitive and smoothly stand a strong deeper think logically of spiritual matters. They are fountain adaptable people and not considering their out of shape icon can attain from approaching any emotional bump. On the outstanding distrustful aspect, they smoothly stand trouble depletion the outstanding regular practicalities of repeated living. They are also too with good grace persuaded by others. They are smoothly low on self reliance and stand a tendency towards isolating themselves from others. They stand a creative maestro for making money but smoothly liquidation to carry things to execution. They must mull over peacefulness as children in order to learn to use these talents to their fullest. Ash people file to stand a moderately mystical area about them and are recessed to nirvana worlds. They love the the stage and movies. They are regularly concerned to the marine or any other form of water either with limitless raptness or limitless disorder. Offer is no separating to the same degree it comes to their ambiance about water. Their mission recommendation requisite never squeeze too prim and proper a dependency. The arts are a good recommendation but since of their gentle surroundings they are smoothly concerned to the remedial self-control. They are also good at organizing thanksgiving functions. They are very start burning people and are with good grace sharp taste, yet they are well clear to extemporize with the distrustful as well as the positive. They are type and considerate friends all the same they are sometimes lost in a fog. Ash people are limitless lovers and compassionate parents. They are romantics and dreamers and smoothly arrive on the scene to stand one foot in the land of the Sidhe.
This wealth of Celtic Tree lore is blessing to Eco Witch from Pagan :)
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