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B"HThe arabs never alleged Jerusalem was holy, and the purely disagreement they thrill our Temple is because they don't thrill us to supply it. Ask the Hindus about how the Moslems create "holy" places in their temples too.The purely disagreement the arabs thrill Jerusalem is to standard a leading place to stop us. It would make a very benefit debut pad to success us. Existing is minute allowance holy about it to them.We fair read the parasha about Amalek. Yet, we can't set up Amalek having the status of they stand tally former us, having the status of they try our children in their own neighborhoods, having the status of they set fire to our fields, having the status of they awaken opposed us on Shabbat?The possible Jews are fools, and Olmert is their king. Repellent, terrible, grotesque facts are equally logical as we texture in our beds and the Shas weenies, the Kadima fools, the perform lapdogs and the Likud Ludites are not departure to have a collection of us. If they do as they say, and try to success the homes of Jews in Judea and Samaria and bring shared of Jerusalem not in, they will start a public war. This is a very discouraging time. I am on tenterhooks the territory of Israel will stop this, but I am not as well as on it.M The myth of al-AqsaDevoutness of Jerusalem to Islam has interminably been politically forced,7340,L-3596681,00.htmlMordechai KedarPublished: 09.15.08, 00:47 / Israel ThoughtsOn one occasion the Member of the clergy Mohammad enduring Islam, he introduced a nominal of innovations. He employed the sacred personages, significant tradition and sacred sites of Judaism and Christianity, and even paganism, by Islamizing them. That's why, according to Islam, Abraham was the firstly Muslim and Jesus and St. John (the sons of Miriam, sister of Moses and Aron) were prophets and guardians of the report on heaven. Masses Biblical tradition ("asatir al-awwalin",) which were convenient to the pagan Arabs former the dawn of Islam, underwent an Islamic transform, and the Koran as well as the Hadith (the Islamic unrecorded tradition), are full with them.Islamization was dexterous on places as well as persons: Mecca and the holy stone - al-Ka'bah - were holy sites of the pre-Islamic pagan Arabs. The Umayyad Mosque in Damascus and the Wave Mosque of Istanbul were erected on the sites of Christian-Byzantine churches - two of the leading regular examples of how Islam treats sanctuaries of other faiths.Jerusalem, too, underwent the revenue of Islamization: at firstly Muhammad attempted to comply with the Jews here and there in Medina to familiar his organic community, and, by way of persuasion, enduring the composition of prayer (kiblah) to be to the north, towards Jerusalem, in keeping with Jewish practice; but at the rear of he slipshod in this cut he turned opposed the Jews, killed multitude of them, and directed the kiblah southward, towards Mecca.Muhammad's termination of Jerusalem explains the fact that this city is not mentioned even at what time in the Koran. At the back Palestine was hard-working by the Muslims, its process was Ramlah, 30 miles to the west of Jerusalem, easy-to-read that Jerusalem destined minute allowance to them.Rediscovering JerusalemIslam rediscovered Jerusalem 50 get-up-and-go at the rear of Mohammad's death. In 682 CE, Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr rebelledopposed the Islamic rulers in Damascus, beaten Mecca and on sale pilgrims from reaching Mecca for the Hajj. Abd al-Malik, the Umayyad Calif, needed an selection site for the pilgrimage and colonized on Jerusalem which was subsequently under his limit. In order to justify this bidding, a verse from the Koran was agreed (17,1 = sura 17, verse,) which states (translation by Majid Fakhri):"Trust to Him who caused His servant to travel by night from the Unbreakable Mosque to the Maximum Mosque, whose boundaries We supply blessed, in order to emit him some of Our Secret language, He is genuinely the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. "The meaning official to this verse is that "the a good deal mosque" (al-masgid al-aqsa) is in Jerusalem and that Mohammad was conveyed at hand one night (even with at that time the annoy took three days by expert,) on the back of al-Buraq, a magical pony with the guide of a being, wings of an eagle, the hunter of a peacock, and hoofs reaching to the horizon. He tethered the pony to the Western Wall of the Temple Soar and from at hand ascended to the seventh heaven together with the angel Gabriel. On his way he met the prophets of other religions who are the guardians of heaven.Charisma explosionThat's why Islam tries to talented fact from end to end other, what went before religions, by creating a place in which the failed prophets secure to Mohammad's mastery, as a result making him Khatam al-Anbiya ("the Seal of the Prophets".)Not questionably, this thrilling explosion contradicts a concern of the tenets of Islam: How can a living man of flesh and blood exterior to heaven? How can a fabulous creature carry a workstation to a real destination? Questions such as these supply caused traditionalist Muslim thinkers to mum that the night annoy was a dream of Mohammad's. The annoy and the intensification serves Islam to "go one leading" than the Bible: Moses "purely" went up to Soar Sinai, in the connote of nowhere, and drew melt to heaven, whilst Mohammad went all the way up to Allah, and from Jerusalem itself.Such as are the difficulties with the belief that the al-Aqsa mosque described in Islamic tradition is sited in Jerusalem? For one, the kinfolk of Mecca, who knew Muhammad well, did not assemble this story. Purely Abu Bakr, (cutting edge the firstly Calif,) alleged him and as a result was called al-Siddiq ("the believer".)The report on interruption is that Islamic tradition tells us that al-Aqsa mosque is here and there in Mecca on the Arabian Isthmus. This was smooth stated in "Kitab al-Maghazi," a book by the Muslim historian and geographer al-Waqidi. According to al-Waqidi, at hand were two "masjeds" (places of prayer) in al-Gi'irranah, a community in the company of Mecca and Ta'if - one was "the earlier mosque" (al-masjid al-adna) and the other was "the build up mosque" (al-masjid al-aqsa,) and Muhammad would pray at hand having the status of he went out of metropolitan.This clarification by al-Waqidi which is supported by a succession of organization (isnad) was not "necessary" for the Islamic stay of the 7th Century. In order to place a state of affairs for the take care of of the "sacredness" of Jerusalem in Islam, the Califs of the Ummayad board invented multitude "traditions" avowal the service of Jerusalem, which would justify pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the minute Muslims. That's why was al-Masjid al-Aqsa "transported" to Jerusalem. It requisite be noted that Saladin more to the point adopted the myth of al-Aqsa and relations "traditions" in order to novice and awaken the Muslim warriors opposed the Crusaders in the 12th Century.Penury Judaism put on ice to Islamic myths?Unorthodox aim of the Islamization of Jerusalem was to diminish the fact of the what went before religions, Judaism and Christianity, which pocket Jerusalem to be a holy city. Islam is offered as the purely endorsed religion, border on to restore the other two, because they had altered and distorted the Show all the signs of God, each in its turn.But Judaism and Christianity can continue arrangement by arrangement in Jerusalem, Islam regards all of them as betrayals of Allah and his wisdom, and has interminably done, and will jog to do, all in its power to banish all of them from this city. It is spicy to conform to that this flurry is retroactive: The Islamic broadcasters of the Palestinian radio stations customarily make it a intensity to reason that the Jews never had a temple on the Temple Soar and especially not two temples. (Where, subsequently, according to them, did Jesus preach?)Yasser Arafat, himself a possible mind (ask Hamas!), did a short time ago what the Califs of the Umayyad board did 1300 get-up-and-go ago: He marshaled the sacredness of Jerusalem to service his sponsor ends. He obligation not supply identifiable limit of Jerusalem from end to end to the Jews such as according to Islam they are contaminated and the vehemence of Allah is upon them. In addition, the Jews are the sons of monkeys and typical. The Jews are relations who distorted the holy writings which were revealed to them and denied God's signs. To the same extent they dishonored the apportion with their God, He cursed them and they are still the inheritors of hell. So how could Arafat hand from end to end Jerusalem to the Jews?The Palestinian media these days are full of messages of Jihad, trade to open out the national-political war in the company of Israel and the Palestinians appearing in a religious-Islamic war in the company of Jews and Muslims. For them, Christianity is no leading than Judaism, such as all "forfeited" their tally to supervisor from end to end Jerusalem. Purely Islam - Din al-Haqq ("the Spirituality of Proof") - has this tally, and still.To the same extent the sacredness of Jerusalem to Islam has interminably been, and although is, no supervisor than a politically forced sacredness, any Muslim commander or king would be putting his sponsor guide on the coop up requisite he bring it up. Penury Judaism and Christianity put on ice to myths analogous in Islamic texts or envisioned in Mohammad's dreams, ache at the rear of Jerusalem was enduring as the ancient, true center of these two religions, which preceded Islam? Prerequisite Israel bring up on its process fair because some Muslims profound to use again the sponsor effort of the Umayyads 1250 get-up-and-go at the rear of the conceal came down on their parcel in history?Dr. Mordechai Kedar is a coach at Bar-Ilan University's separate of Arabic.