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Upon his arrange and unlucky glimpse to the Attached States, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew vigorously expounded on the divergence between Streamer Knowledge and culture in an berate which he existing at his convocation and transference of the Behave toward of God size on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Holy Cross Military institute of Theology in Brookline, Massachusetts on October 30, 1997. His words, refined "Tidy Orthodoxy: A Oversight for Our Time," addressed oodles unsmiling issues to the point to the posting of our Church in America. In is an line from this handwriting unadulterated to the students and strength of Hellenic College/Holy Cross Military institute of Theology.This beauty salon in determined title gives to our Modesty an breathing space to berate, in love, a few affectionate words about the penury to go on the inborn truth of Compliance in this thrift and in our just starting out age. In America, of late as in a vast melting-pot, cultures and religions amalgamation in the search for for a new synthesis and cartel, artificial by man, and incorrectly reliance that it forward motion coalesce all kith and kin a quantity of it, and forward motion set us free from holy divisions and ill feeling.Formerly of all, we could do with to lessen our fellow man, who dominance believe that our words is one of disunity, for such is not the court case. The Streamer Church feels and lives Her catholicity as a salvific fit tightly of spaciousness to all, not slightly for community who belong to Her or who are competently prompt to Her, but even to Her enemies and persecutors. Since is stuck-up, the Church healthy forbids Her members from every obsessed and divisive dependency. As the Church accepts all of swearing in as very good (the individual and life of man, the real and spiritual world), so does She trust every individual, "Jew and Greek, male and female, relationship and free." Curt to these and all the other distinctions, She accepts all kith and kin as children of God and brethren of Her accurate members. And even if She worships God in a special and picky way, rail the non-Orthodox from Her passion, according to the term of our Lady Jesus Christ, Who gave to us the large and sacred Mysteries in the "Telepathic" Banquet, in all the rest of the life of the accurate, She does not break open them from the rest of planet. As the poet from between the pinnacle Christians representatively wrote to Diogenetes, Christians "admire society not belonging to the world in their raiment and way of life and living... they bargain in indubitable laws... they care for the world." Compliance is a lived and forever living truth. It is not a truth which is comprehended intellectually and received unswerving some freezing belief. It is truth, which is revealed to us by the in person Son and Logos of God, and from that time is habitual experientially unswerving the heart's assurance by divine care. It invites change in the whole brains of the devotee, which change confers firm transformations in his inner must as regards the world, his fellow man and his God, as in the blessing of his appearance by care. These changes of his must and his life does not lead to alienation and quarrels with his fellow man, but to an lavishness of joy, dash, peace, love toward all and, to tie together the words of the Apostle Paul, lead to the indulgence of his Christian vocation unswerving the fruits of the Holy Ghost, which are "love, joy, peace, accommodating, kindness, high merit, faithfulness, tameness, control."As we benefit from held, Compliance is a lived truth. This significant that it is lived law. The Brother of God, Iakovos, writes about this in his Catholic Communiqu, being he says "specify me your cartel by your actions." That is, actions reveal belief, not as an instantaneous picture, but as genuine content. For of one mode are the actions of a believing Streamer, of newborn mode are the actions in the term of Hinduism. From this time, the actions of Streamer Christians reveal the planned stance which is the content of our cartel. We are not spoken communication about sins and failings, to which we lean out of weakness; we are spoken communication about works in treaty with our attempts to do what is well. For term, the way of chanting in the Holy Churches reveals vigorously if the accurate contribute a outstanding significance to shame or to intense delight. Equally, the type of iconography reveals if outstanding charge is unadulterated to the natural light, or to the uncreated light which illumines the saints from within; to the natural must and natural charm, or to the creepy beauty, for which we are reaching. The type in which we conventional sitting room in Church manifests our well passion, or our towering ambiance for assurance, and so on.For example of this, the Streamer Church, departure from the subject from Her basic teaching, which contains the Commemorate of Suppose [Code of belief] and the sacred Catechism, does not commandeer from the accurate a being fussy ambiance with Her inflexible teaching. Logically, the Church dissuades the group from action so the same as of the jeopardy of false impression and transgression. All the same, the Church preserves the inflexible teaching unalloyed with vast care, and calls that teaching to guard, being She sees an copied way of life days followed, which reveals a austere understanding about the truth, that is, a austere understanding about the realities such as our Lady Jesus Christ, Who is Himself the Unmodified, or the Church, which is the Unit of Christ. In these turmoil, the Church reveals by the Holy Ghost the correct law, the correct truth, so that She dominance teach the correct life and contribute peace to nauseous souls.Streamer Christians who breathing in a thrift where full holy authorize reigns and where adherents of diverse religions breathing border by border, the thrift of the Attached States of America which has been so genial to us, yet see diverse ways of living and are in jeopardy of days beguiled by indubitable of them, lacking examining if their way of life is consonant with the Streamer Suppose. Authentic tossing and turning and assured suspicion are required, in actuality by the shepherds, who are freeway responsible for the protection of the Streamer bequest of the cartel. Previously, oodles of the old and new Streamer, who with zeal are deepening their understanding and living of the Streamer truth, are stressing a permanently expanding dependency of secularization, that is, a dependency of judging ecclesiastical subjects and troubles by worldly criteria, with a debasement of ecclesiastical criteria. They are too stressing, from impenetrability, a junction of idiosyncratic and blanket Streamer inflexible positions and understandings, with Protestant and Roman Catholic ones, as in the court case of an overvaluation of respectable idea, lack of feeling to law, and recrimination at the amount owing of build or practical virtue. They too stress oodles extraneous liturgical society out of an impenetrability of the rich symbolism of each liturgical action and its deeper meaning, with the result that they become, in indubitable instances, unsystematic and untouched.The dependent of the quality and faithfulness of the translations of ecclesiastical and liturgical texts voguish English that are days used requires special publicity. Previously one can note that in oodles instances, not slightly are these penniless, but they are seen inadvertently introducing neglectful beliefs and even irreverent thinking voguish Streamer passion. The transport of perceptive and fast meanings of sacred texts and of the poetical hymnology of the Streamer Church voguish newborn native tongue is a greatest extent concerned bore. Fixed the best knowledge of both languages is not enough. It burden religion of life, for slightly then does the translator enroll voguish the low point of divine meanings and is nice to display them dutifully voguish newborn native tongue. It is penalty to observer that slightly Saint John Chrysostom reduced the Prefigure Liturgy of Saint Thyme the Flawless, that Saints Cyril and Methodios successfully translated sacred texts voguish the Slavic native tongue, and last them, holy nation successfully translated other texts voguish other languages. Go to regularly of the Saints translated voguish new languages until now untranslated ecclesiastical language and as a result enriched these languages with thousands of new eccentric words from the Greek native tongue.The ecclesiastical native tongue of the prototypes is expressive, large, rich, gorgeous and draws community who snag it to spiritual ascents, to a place where the sacred and wondrous mystery is perfected, where the Maximum Illustrious Triune God is worshipped. It is not competent that this passion be rendered prosaically voguish the customary unspecified native tongue, but unswerving a perceptive and imposing clarity, be rendered in such a way that the hearer is transported to newborn facts, to newborn upper world. At least, the whole tragedy of liturgy aims at this mystagogical begin to the Throne of God, by means of Whom the Trisagion Funeral hymn is vocal with the Cherubim. The catch napping at the sacred vestments, the apologetic psalmody, the detect of the incense, the network of the Church emblazoned with sacred word, the picky quality of the architecture - all these clothing run us to the other facts, [which is] the Church. Inward bound all this sanctity, we could do with not use unspecified native tongue, which brings us down following again to earth.We know that oodles forward motion say that the meanings of the prayers, the troparia, the readings and the rest of the liturgical texts must be assumed. In catalog, this is correct, but that which hinders understanding is not so significantly the form of the native tongue, as significantly as it is the lack of expertise on the part of the hearers with the meanings of our cartel. Not a exclusive mime is certain lacking expertise by the reader and the hearer of its content. Need not capable spare slightly indubitable bounds, forward motion little position the understanding of a pleasing or medical book. That which is essential for the mysterious is a simplified bearing. In the Streamer Church this could do with to be done unswerving preaching, unswerving study and unswerving minute significant, and not unswerving the enfeebling popularization of sacred texts, for its own sake. At least, as we held, these texts stay us and could do with to be alive invitations to slope.Order all of this, we do not magnet sides against translations. Logically, the Streamer Church has continually not compulsory that the kith and kin be skilled the cartel and passion God in their own native tongue. We appropriate your publicity, notwithstanding, to ambiance condescending quality, inflexible firmness and a loftier native tongue for translations.Another dependent, in which special publicity is essential, is the dependent of the cocktail, sometimes, of on a plane local traditions with Streamer Knowledge. As is well much-admired, the Streamer Church came to America unswerving immigrants, who brought to America at the incredibly time their Streamer Suppose and their local or family traditions. We respect these traditions and we praise community who make an passion to go on them. All the same, we must discover them from the Streamer Knowledge. This has a special significance for community coming to Compliance from other Confessions, who do not connect with the thrift of ascription of the community in which they are enrolled, for they benefit from no necessary to admire the local traditions of the homespun ascription of the community, but slightly community of Compliance. This unquestionably does not mean that the other members of the community are deterred in any way, absolutely we promote them to go on the traditions of their kith and kin. As regards, notwithstanding, to our kith and kin we promote them to maintenance the in good health traditions of our tear. This frankly significant that whatever traditions do not connect to Compliance, but to other parts of our life, could do with not to be imposed on the newcomers as a supposed part of Compliance. For term, family choirs of on a plane Christian peoples could do with not to be imposed as an necessary on our brethren enduring to Compliance of newborn care order.The pacifier [of this term] of our brothers and sisters brings us to newborn momentous spiritual annoy, which we could do with to shield. It is the annoy of the straight long-awaited and bid of community coming to Compliance from newborn law or religion. As is much-admired, Streamer ecclesiastical communities were famous by groups of immigrants of a indubitable descent, with the impression of serving them and their ancestors. The Streamer Church is open to all, notwithstanding, for it has relaxed the Lady in these following days that the seed of truth should deem significantly fruit in the hearts of oodles non-Orthodox, who are perpetual to the Mother Church. We must devise how we are to add up to them nicely. The competent type of their long-awaited has oodles wrinkles, from troubles of native tongue to their dialogue in love, from the knowledge of their peculiarities, the mass of their prior beliefs and brains, and adapting to their requirements for catechism and preaching, to their correct living out of the practical outcome of days Streamer. This difficulty is momentous and beefy and forward motion be faced after this stuck-up ordinarily. For this project and lacking position forth solutions at this time, we persevere that this necessitate you lethally and that it necessitate you forever.The abovementioned do not mean that these troubles opinion in all the parishes, or that they benefit from mark where. All the same, they do last a model note for all of us to be on the ball about. This tossing and turning is the command of the Lady. The Lady held "manage and pray that you enroll not voguish fascinate," meaning indeed temptations as regards the truth, which fascinate is much stuck-up invasive. For all in all, all of us uncover the fascinate to sin, and maybe we fall, we repent, are confessed and are restored. But if we fall voguish the fascinate of transgression as regards the cartel, with vast turn around can we turn up it, and sometimes we be alive in our transgression, rejecting the suspicion that we return to the correct path.Grant is, so, a vast penury in these sepulcher grow old, that we manage, so not to fall voguish the fascinate of transgression incidentally the cartel, or a further course somewhere else from our cartel. In this business, the contractual obligation of the professors and students of this Theological Military institute is even outstanding. For they benefit from the central significant and are nice to note the covert insinuations which find their way voguish Streamer tradition and life these days, even that which is in print from a non-Orthodox viewpoint. It is not well for our newly-enlightened brethren, full of zeal, to curve out such issues, by means of we benefit from done so ourselves.We reliance that it forward motion be a fix passion on all our parts to remove every inimical and worldly effect from our Streamer Suppose, and that the Streamer Suppose may be sealed inborn and unalloyed in America. We secure our gate with our religious caring and Patriarchal prayer that we see our cartel be true to itself and scour, and that community who wander in this work may benefit from the blessing of our Lady Jesus Christ.May His care, and the unlimited mercifulness of the Commence, and the buoyant of the Holy Ghost be with you all. Amen.