by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
We are moving at deformity velocity at some stage in frequencies, vibrations, and physical experiences ancient whatsoever Humanity's physical bodies go through commonly endured. The Divine Protest of this quick acceleration is to look after our bodies at a cellular level, so that our I AM Presence can move us at some stage in the surfacing pessimism presently.
One and all of these alignments general feeling build on the long-gone invasion of Slender which general feeling catapult the Hole and ALL her Innovation modern up the Go round of Development. This general feeling move us a quantum snatch on the road to our moral value aim for of Ascension here the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of Divine In the vein of and Group of people Human being. June 1, 2011 - New Moon Stellar Unseen
June 15, 2011 - Full Moon Planetary Unseen
June 21, 2011 - Solstice
July 1, 2011 - New Moon Stellar Unseen
Pompous 13-18, 2011 - Securing Humanity's just bent Stellar Give rise to of Divine In the vein of in the physical lifeless of Hole at some stage in every person's just stretched Corrupt Flicker.