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skip to sidebar Demons/ Fright Words Distinguish AudioFurrow with Windows Actress End LowFurrow with Sand Actress(Pop-up blockers may fundraiser to be disabled)Download MP3sHour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 IMPORTANT: Particular indicating diplomacy do not download MP3s. Be suitable for use your desktop visual display unit if this is the cover.Date: 11-18-11 Host: George Noory Guests: K.W. Kesler, Fright Words In the upper deficient of the be evidence of, captivating and occult investigator K.W. Kesler provided a chore generality on demons and company some of his investigations modish their demonic fascinate. Kesler said he was initiated modish the world of the captivating as a teenager, so the disoriented spirit of a silent national visited his consign and interacted with him. His captivating look into at last led him modish demonology and to houses highly contagious with demons. Indoors one survey, he reported ruling source of 12-inch route with claws some time ago delivery talcum powder on a home's tough logs floors. Kesler recalled test a rotten strident from a bedroom and found all of the furniture acquaint with turned upside down. Nearby, an "weird hum, in the environs of similar something [was] breach the time-space protection, the things of known dedication," announced the appearance of what he described as a shadow single with spring up red eyes. A Catholic priest was contacted to perform a blessing on the consign and afterwards the demonic fascinate ceased, he extra. Kesler confessed that he was shaken by his greatest recent cover, as he may confine unexpectedly stumbled upon a expected hit it off among 2012 and the demonic world. According to Kesler, beat happened in this consign and to this client that he had never seen forward, noting an happening wherever everything in the kitchen cabinets was astoundingly switched with the heavy of the refrigerator. Kesler revealed that he asked aloud for the invisible culprit to put itself and heard a utter on any sides of him apart the name Lebara-a demon worshipped by the Mayan-related cult of Yoruban. Everybody very trained this as well, he asserted. Stranger equal, Kesler claimed to confine witnessed, as it was understanding, numerals subconscious scratched modish his client's crust. In the manner of the unknown aggressor over and done with, the numeral '406' may possibly be perceptibly seen, he observed. Kesler said he later realized that acquaint with were 406 days from the appreciate of his survey until December 21, 2012, and believes this may possibly be a sign of biblically earth-shattering beat to come.
Indoors Fright Words, Tim from Ocher, California, recounted a amazing campaign he had with a dusk bring out layered in blade-like spines. Tim said he awoke in complete blackness and stark difficulty to find the creature pinning him down opposed to the bed. Surprisingly, he was gifted to get a hire of a full toy rabbit that he had been destined to buy the day forward and was rapidly gifted to move another time and free himself. James in Eugene, Oregon, told George about an row with the semi-transparent bring out of a hardly visible girl that he saw standing in his kitchen one night. The complain was gifted to drive the consign inoperative a little collision in the back outlet, a space far too little for an actual single to fit inoperative, he explained. Athena, a self-professed demonologist from Burbank, California, talked about the time she was investigating a health resort with her captivating group and came imaginatively a red-eyed sprite in a dark corridor. Camera lights transitorily closed the complain from view, but as immediately as they were moved prohibited she found herself standing feel to feel with a "black mystify," Athena said. Hearsay hold guests: Jeff Nelken / Douglas Hagmann Website(s): odemon101.comBook(s): oDemonology 101PEACE...